Mehr als 100 Menschen sterben durch Brand bei Hochzeitsfeier im Irak

  • last year
Bei einem Brand bei einer Hochzeitsfeier im Irak sind mehr als 100 Menschen ums Leben gekommen und über 150 weitere verletzt worden.


00:00 More than 100 people died in a fire at a wedding in Iraq and more than 150 others were injured.
00:08 Images of the disaster showed a collapsed and burned-out hall.
00:15 It is a tragedy, while in a hall used for weddings in Al-Hamdaniya near Mosul in northern
00:21 Iraq up to 1,000 people celebrated, there was a deadly fire.
00:26 On videos on social media, which show moments before the fire, apparently burning parts of
00:33 the ceiling of the room are falling off.
00:36 Wedding guests jump from tables and try to get themselves safe.
00:40 The wedding couple on the dance floor seems to be in shock.
00:44 Survivors said on television that the couple survived, other sources report that they
00:51 also died in the fire.
00:55 The fire was caused by a high-explosive material.
00:57 The hall was equipped with highly flammable clothing, the civil protection declared.
01:03 It violated safety regulations and did not have a pre-described alarm system.
01:10 The fire partly caused the hall to collapse, because highly flammable, cheap building materials
01:17 were used, which collapse within minutes in a fire, the civil protection authority
01:23 reported.
01:24 The cause of the fire is still unclear, first reports said that the fire broke out shortly
01:29 after the firework bodies were lit, which has not yet been confirmed by the official
01:33 side.
01:34 Rescue workers are still looking for survivors under the rubble of the burned-out hall.
01:40 Many people gathered in the night in front of the accident site.
01:45 Families would look for their relatives and treat many injured people with burns in hospitals,
01:52 said a representative.
01:54 Local television stations showed images of bodies covered with cloths on the street and
01:59 ambulances.
02:00 The spokesperson for the Ministry of Health, Saif Al-Badr, said in the early morning that
02:06 the situation was under control.
