• last year


00:00 I fear you've been within the palace walls too long, my prince.
00:07 I've travelled the world, but I know what's out there.
00:13 Well, you're wrong.
00:16 Surely you have something to return to.
00:20 Of course.
00:23 A wife and a son.
00:25 What's your mind on then? Nothing else.
00:41 So tell me, who is this Hercules?
00:49 Don't yet know.
01:06 Get up!
01:17 Are you sick, mother?
01:22 Do I seem so?
01:24 Often. At the sight of me.
01:26 This is foolish talk.
01:30 You are my son.
01:31 The one who is living.
01:34 Yet I feel more absent than the one who is not.
01:36 Iphicles, we are both grieving.
01:40 But in this sea of grief, there must be a drop of felicitation. I am to be wed three moons hence.
01:47 Yes.
01:50 You are right.
01:53 You have won yourself a fine bride.
01:56 A bride, yes. But have I won a wife?
02:00 She will serve you well.
02:04 Is this my hope?
02:06 Mother, how do I win her? Has my father won you?
02:10 Please, I am not Alcides.
02:12 I know that, to her or to you.
02:14 Your father won me, but for a moment which passed so fast I cannot remember it.
02:19 This is what you will have with Hebe.
02:21 This is what has come of it.
02:23 A marriage that she does not want.
02:29 And the death of your brother.
02:41 I paid good money for both of you.
02:44 I expect a return.
02:52 Iphicles, what is it?
02:54 It is her first full moon.
02:56 And she does not even know I live.
03:15 Come on!
03:17 You miserable minors!
03:19 I told you Sicilians had money!
03:27 Who wants to bet?
03:32 Tell me, friend.
03:33 Can you win your way out of here?
03:35 Oh, yes.
03:56 You are next, Greek.
03:58 You better win just as much as your friend there, or perhaps you prefer to breed men.
04:06 You said...
04:08 Stay by my side.
04:11 I say we're doomed.
04:13 I promise you.
04:15 I will return to your family.
04:44 Kill him!
05:13 You called for me.
05:23 I am here.
05:26 Thank you for joining me, so that Harambe may bless this marriage.
05:39 Why do you look at me this way?
05:43 Have you found peace, Archmene?
05:46 If you would tell me how my son found his death, I would.
05:55 Will you tell me how he found life?
05:58 Yes.
06:00 Yes, Amphitryon, at long last I will tell.
06:02 He was not my son.
06:04 I know it.
06:07 Do not dare deny it.
06:09 Oh, I will not.
06:11 You sired him.
06:13 Tell me, do you even know?
06:16 How many lathers did you take?
06:17 One.
06:18 You lie!
06:19 I took one for a single night and for a single purpose.
06:22 To put an end to your rule.
06:28 Tell me!
06:29 Zeus!
06:30 Zeus came to my bed and planted his seed in me to spawn a son to end your tyranny.
06:35 And now you have murdered the son of the God of Gods and you are doomed.
06:40 You are doomed.
06:49 You are doomed.
06:53 No! No!
07:04 The Queen, in her grief, has taken her own life.
07:17 You made me a fortune today, Hercules.
07:21 Your trifles are of no interest to me.
07:23 Well now, a man of great enterprise.
07:26 Great enterprise.
07:28 You want real enterprise, you take us to Greece.
07:31 Greece?
07:32 The kingdoms of Greece.
07:34 Draw games, we'll draw thousands.
07:36 What of it? I draw thousands here.
07:40 Thousands of laughs, he means.
07:41 Laughs, what do you mean?
07:43 Let me put it this way.
07:46 In King Amphitryon's lands, sport is war and war is sport.
07:51 And between the two, the king is Hades' most reliable supplier.
07:56 Now, they hold an event once a year.
08:00 It's the most elaborate, beautiful and rich affair.
08:04 You know, actually it's not for you.
08:06 No, it's the purest stuff there, none of this slipping in mud, dancing on beams, oh no.
08:11 Just men on solid ground, wielding bronze, forging the shapes even the tyrant king himself could not have conceived of.
08:19 How is the wagering?
08:21 How's the wagering?
08:23 My friend, I doubt you have the imagination to even dream of it.
08:27 For example, in the final contest, and that is the richest contest, mind you,
08:34 two men fight against six, six that have never been beaten.
08:39 Now, if they win, the other two go free.
08:44 Well, the odds would be against it.
08:46 You'd find advantage in that, I'm sure.
08:48 But if they win...
08:49 I'll hide you some gold in it for you.
08:52 Why would I fight you two?
08:54 We've never lost.
08:56 Neither have they.
08:58 Cut his head off, he would not be any dumber.
09:01 One must fight with brawn and brain.
09:04 Mind your words, my friend.
09:05 I will arrange the grandest arena in Sicily.
09:10 You two battling half-face and Humbaba.
09:14 The victors shall go on a boat with me to Greece.
09:20 (Song)
09:27 Mom, it smells so good.
09:45 It's because of your favorite ketchup.
09:47 Wow, it's so ketchup.
09:48 Because it's been made with the same ingredients.
09:51 It never changes.
09:52 Yes, Malika, who is taken care of like her own child,
09:55 is one of the four natural ingredients.
09:58 That's why it always tastes good.
10:04 Mmm, mom's food is always good.
10:07 Because the taste never lies.
10:10 Yes, it's really good.
10:12 (Music)
10:18 (Music)
10:24 (Music)
10:29 (Music)
10:51 (Music)
10:56 (Radio)
11:10 (Radio)
11:35 (Radio)
12:04 Welcome, please.
12:05 Huh?
12:06 Is there a time for a headache?
12:09 Panadol Extra.
12:11 Reduce your headache and anxiety.
12:14 Panadol Extra.
12:15 Reduce your headache and anxiety.
12:17 Drink it before eating.
12:18 I always choose SGM Explore.
12:21 Because only with Iron Sea,
12:23 my child's support grows to the maximum.
12:25 Mmm, let me do it.
12:28 Come on, Ika, here.
12:30 Wow, cool.
12:31 SGM Explore.
12:34 (Music)
12:39 I'm tired of waiting for you to heal.
12:45 For money, you have a lot of money.
12:49 This is a young student, can't he do that?
13:01 How are you?
13:03 Why aren't you like your smart brother?
13:05 Aldi, why didn't you go to school earlier?
13:23 Aldi is sick.
13:24 Yes, now the child is easily sick.
13:26 The child is not easily sick,
13:28 but now cuman is stronger and more dangerous.
13:31 Ooh.
13:32 Regular soap is not enough to fight it.
13:35 Huh?
13:36 Bathe with Lifebuoy new multivitamin.
13:39 100% stronger, effective against dangerous cumans.
13:42 Bathe with multivitamin?
13:43 Just use Lifebuoy.
13:44 Get free doctor's consultation with Lifebuoy.
13:47 HelloDoc, Lifebuoy with multivitamin.
13:49 As a mother, I always give optimal protection.
13:54 Nutrilin Royal, higher phosgos, DHA and omega,
13:57 mother's support prepares him to be a winner.
14:00 Winner is me!
14:01 Nutrilin Royal, supplies for winning.
14:04 For money, you have a lot of money.
14:15 For money, you have a lot of money.
14:20 This is a young student, can't he do that?
14:26 He's a young student, can't he do that?
14:29 How can you be like that?
14:33 Why don't you act like your brother who is smart?
14:35 Why don't you act like your brother who is smart?
14:38 Lifebuoy, a new multivitamin.
14:41 100% stronger, effective against dangerous cumans.
14:44 Nutrilin Royal, supplies for winning.
15:04 To get the best water source,
15:07 Lemineral does hundreds of explorations.
15:09 Every drop contains balanced essential minerals
15:12 that are important for the body,
15:14 a new gallon and free of BPA.
15:16 This is Lemineral's commitment.
15:20 And now, the event you have been waiting for.
15:24 Four unbeaten champions of Sicily
15:27 battling for a journey to the greatest tourney in Greece.
15:31 I give you the ferocious,
15:34 the terrifying,
15:36 half-face-ass Humbaba!
15:46 Hey, hey, hey, hey!
15:49 And their challengers,
15:52 Hercules and Sotiris from Tyrans!
15:58 (crowd cheering)
16:01 Ha!
16:10 Watch the knees!
16:22 (crowd cheering)
16:25 Humbaba!
16:32 Humbaba!
16:48 (crowd cheering)
16:51 (crowd cheering)
17:16 (crowd cheering)
17:20 Fight, fight, fight, fight!
17:23 (crowd cheering)
17:40 (crowd cheering)
17:43 Focus!
17:55 (crowd cheering)
18:05 (crowd cheering)
18:08 (crowd cheering)
18:21 (crowd cheering)
18:24 (crowd cheering)
18:39 (crowd cheering)
18:48 (crowd cheering)
18:51 Are you mad? He was wounded.
18:58 You killed the only man who could have replaced him.
19:00 I could still fight, Lucius.
19:02 All right, against the six best fighters in Greece.
19:04 You're as good as dead. The agreement is off.
19:07 Get back in the pits tomorrow.
19:09 We won't fight. Unless in Greece.
19:11 Then you die.
19:13 Go ahead. Kill us.
19:15 Who then will fight for your silver?
19:17 You dare to threaten me?
19:18 Did you really lose your two best fighters, Lucius?
19:21 Did you see your money bag?
19:23 Even a single piece of silver light in your miserable gutless old mind.
19:26 Look at you! You can hardly walk!
19:29 You're useless!
19:31 What would I need to take you for?
19:33 Because you're setting them free.
19:34 No, Hercules.
19:35 I will fight them.
19:37 Alone.
19:39 Then you are going to a certain death.
19:43 (music)
19:45 We have another two days at sea.
19:59 He's been in the bow ever since we left the port.
20:04 (music)
20:06 I will fall!
20:14 I will never fall!
20:16 We have olives the size of villains!
20:19 Chickens the size of dogs!
20:21 My name is Soteres.
20:25 Captain of the Fourth Division.
20:27 I rode for Heliopolis with your prince.
20:30 And my only two survivors.
20:32 The other is a man of much renown.
20:36 His name is Hercules.
20:39 A man has come to our shores.
20:52 A slave with the name of Hercules!
20:56 Gift of Hell are we are to believe.
21:00 You return him not as a man,
21:02 but as a pile of bloody guts and bones
21:06 on which the canines of Olympus may feast!
21:09 I give you...
21:18 He is fighting for his freedom
21:28 against the six greatest undefeated champions of Greece!
21:35 Commander. Captain.
21:53 See for yourself.
21:55 And you tell us this is Prince Alcides?
21:58 And if it is, you're with us?
22:00 Yes. And not us alone, Soteres. I promise you.
22:03 Fight! Fight! Fight!
22:06 (roaring)
22:09 (roaring)
22:11 (roaring)
22:21 (grunting)
22:23 (grunting)
22:25 (roaring)
22:27 (roaring)
22:36 (grunting)
22:38 (roaring)
22:49 (grunting)
23:01 (screaming)
23:04 (grunting)
23:06 (screaming)
23:08 (grunting)
23:10 (cheering)
23:21 (roaring)
23:29 (cheering)
23:32 (cheering)
23:35 (cheering)
23:37 (cheering)
23:41 (cheering)
23:45 (cheering)
23:48 (dramatic music)
23:50 (dramatic music)
24:18 (speaking in foreign language)
24:22 (singing in foreign language)
24:42 (speaking in foreign language)
24:46 Big Macs yet? It's one-half challenge!
25:10 (speaking in foreign language)
25:38 (speaking in foreign language)
25:42 (speaking in foreign language)
25:46 (speaking in foreign language)
25:52 (speaking in foreign language)
25:56 (speaking in foreign language)
26:10 (speaking in foreign language)
26:14 (speaking in foreign language)
26:38 (speaking in foreign language)
26:42 (speaking in foreign language)
26:52 (speaking in foreign language)
26:57 (speaking in foreign language)
27:01 (speaking in foreign language)
27:23 (speaking in foreign language)
27:27 (dramatic music)
27:41 (speaking in foreign language)
27:51 (speaking in foreign language)
27:55 (speaking in foreign language)
28:00 (dramatic music)
28:15 (dramatic music)
28:18 (speaking in foreign language)
28:27 (speaking in foreign language)
28:43 (speaking in foreign language)
28:47 (speaking in foreign language)
28:57 (speaking in foreign language)
29:12 (speaking in foreign language)
29:16 - My prince.
29:26 - Kyren, give me news of Hebe.
29:29 Please, Kyren, will you bring her to me?
29:32 - I will find some way.
29:36 - Thank you, Satyrus.
29:38 I know you have someone to see as well.
29:40 - Soon enough.
29:41 - Tell the commissioner of the army.
29:45 - There is a great mistrust ever since your company perished.
29:48 The king is squeezing anything he can from the people
29:50 to hire foreign mercenaries.
29:52 - I will sound out our mistrusted officers.
29:54 They will rally to us.
29:56 - And my brother, will he come to our side?
30:02 - It is his men pillaging the villages
30:05 and then his boys are paying wages.
30:08 - I fear you will have to defeat both this king and the next.
30:13 - Kyren, you must not let on a thing to Hebe.
30:18 She can never hide happiness.
30:21 - No, gift of Hera, call upon all your strength
30:26 because I must tell you something.
30:29 I have terrible news about your mother.
30:38 She is no longer with us.
30:40 She met her death through her own dagger.
30:44 I drew it myself from her chest
30:51 as the king fled the temple.
30:55 Your name was on her dying breath.
30:59 - The king will pay for this.
31:06 - I will not let him.
31:08 - Will your men stand behind us?
31:13 - They are your men now.
31:16 They will stand behind you.
31:19 As will I.
31:22 - Out of my way, woman!
31:25 - Out of my way! - Move, woman, move!
31:27 We're taking your property in the name of the king.
31:30 - Please, no! - We're living!
31:32 - Get down on your knees!
31:34 Does it really take four men to steal one man's life?
31:37 Draw sword!
31:40 - Stand down.
31:42 Stand down.
31:43 Is it true?
32:05 You are Hercules, the god.
32:11 - It's you.
32:12 - No.
32:13 I'm just a man.
32:15 It's time to send the king a message.
32:21 Now I understand why your men prefer desertion, Iphicles.
32:33 - I just received the news. - Of what?
32:35 - These three bungling halfwits.
32:37 - What, the rising rebellion at our doorstep?
32:40 - Majesty, they say Soteris, captain of 4th Division, is back.
32:44 He is leading the desertion.
32:46 - Father, I'll take responsibility for this.
32:48 Let me find Soteris. I'll make him lead us to Hercules.
32:52 When our allies from Egypt, Germania and the whole of Africa arrive tomorrow,
32:58 Soteris, Hercules, even Zeus himself will be but a memory.
33:02 - What is this place?
33:06 - Soteris arranged it for your safety.
33:09 This house will serve as safe haven while we prepare.
33:20 The woman inside, she says she knows you.
33:23 She says she fled Argos with the king's invasion.
33:35 - You swear to me this is the second son of Alcmene, slain queen of Tyrens?
33:40 - Yes.
33:41 Outside it.
33:43 Though he is known now to the people as...
33:46 - Hercules.
33:47 Yes, I know.
33:48 I was present for the naming.
34:04 My friend says you were of Argos until my father brought his wrath upon it.
34:07 - Your father brought wrath upon many.
34:10 But Argos, that was a mortal's doing.
34:13 - Where have you brought me?
34:16 - To the truth, Hercules.
34:18 To the truth of you.
34:20 You may claim your bride and ride a thousand days.
34:25 It will not matter.
34:26 Your destiny lies in something beyond.
34:29 And your journey in life will take you further from love.
34:33 And you can imagine.
34:34 - My mother said the very thing the last day I set eyes on her.
34:41 - She was wise.
34:42 But even she did not understand the whole of it.
34:45 You must accept who you are.
34:48 Only then can you unlock the doors to your own potential.
34:52 Embrace your father and you will discover powers that you never imagined.
34:57 - Where was this father when eighty good men perished next to me?
35:02 Where was he when my mother was murdered?
35:04 - Your father has always been there, Hercules.
35:08 You were just not ready for him.
35:11 Zeus cannot change the minds of mortals.
35:14 But he has given you a gift.
35:16 And be warned, abuse it and it will lead to your destruction.
35:21 Respect it and it will save you.
35:24 And those you love.
35:27 - You're so annoying!
35:29 All of it is on TransTV.
35:33 Transvision Nusantara, hurry up and buy!
35:36 We don't use fake products.
35:39 The basic price is less than Rp. 10.000.
35:44 You can watch it without looking at the screen.
35:47 Or choose a package that fits your wallet.
35:51 How much more?
35:53 Hurry up and buy Transvision Nusantara.
35:57 Go to the nearest dealer in your city or visit the link on your screen.
36:03 [Music]
36:17 Warda Crystal Secret
36:20 With 2X Extracted Edulis and Alpha Arbutin, the best.
36:24 For 3X brighter skin.
36:27 Warda Crystal Secret
36:28 The secret of bright skin with crystal clear light.
36:32 To get the best water source, LEMineral does hundreds of explorations.
36:37 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are important for the body.
36:42 A new gallon and free of BPA.
36:44 This is the commitment of LEMineral.
36:47 Want a free vacation?
36:49 It's time for Freshti Fresh Break.
36:51 Get the chance to win vacation and thousands of other gifts.
36:54 Buy Freshti with the golden cover of any variant.
36:57 Scan QR and enter the code behind the bottle cap.
37:00 Hurry up and join before it runs out.
37:02 One, two.
37:03 Hungry?
37:05 Roma Marcus Crackers
37:06 A lot of sugar with 7 layers of crispiness.
37:11 Extra energy.
37:13 Roma Marcus Crackers
37:14 A lot of flavors, ready to have fun again.
37:16 Now, 3 more.
37:17 This is the announcement from Bono Rogo.
37:22 Winner of Rivi's bowling, Kapalapi, and Billiara's spirit.
37:26 Let's find the unique code and send it via WhatsApp.
37:29 It's time, Ren.
37:30 Hurry up and join. There's still a lot of time.
37:32 Choose the perfect IndoFood chili for you.
37:50 Spicy IndoFood chili.
37:53 Extra spicy IndoFood chili.
37:58 Spicy IndoFood chili.
38:00 Enjoy the spicy IndoFood chili.
38:02 To get the best water source,
38:05 LEMINERAL has done hundreds of explorations.
38:07 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals
38:10 that are important for the body,
38:12 always new gallons, and free of BPA.
38:15 This is the commitment of LEMINERAL.
38:17 Deodorant with face serum for dark circles in the armpits.
38:20 Interesting. I'm curious.
38:22 Dove Ultimate Repair.
38:24 With face serum containing 10 times niacinamide,
38:27 it reduces dark circles in the armpits.
38:29 Much safer, right? Thank you, Dove.
38:31 Try Dove Ultimate Repair.
38:33 Aqua believes in the miracle of nature.
38:35 Therefore, we do not use a single gallon.
38:38 Our gallons are sanitized together before being refilled.
38:43 Aqua 100% pure.
38:47 Big Bang Share Eat One Hub Challenge.
38:50 Put it in your mouth in one bite.
38:52 Say Big Bang Share Eat.
38:54 Wow, wow, wow.
38:57 The chocolate and caramel melt in your mouth.
39:00 Big Bang Share Eat.
39:01 It's as good as that.
39:03 Little brother.
39:21 Good, right? For whom?
39:24 There's for my teacher.
39:25 Drink milk first.
39:26 Great, Bebelak.
39:27 Contains false gauze that is clinical and triple A with higher DHA.
39:31 Support good ennui, creative mind and big heart.
39:35 Happy birthday.
39:37 Hey, I don't have a birthday.
39:39 Why should I wait for a birthday?
39:41 You can give a gift anytime.
39:45 Bebelak, the beginning of all wonders.
39:47 Want a free vacation?
39:49 It's time for Fresh Tee Fresh Break.
39:51 Get a chance to win vacation and thousands of other gifts.
39:54 Buy Fresh Tee with the various garland cover.
39:57 Scan QR code and enter code behind the bottle cap.
40:00 Hurry to join before it runs out.
40:02 Fresh, long-lasting with natural strength.
40:04 New, Rexoname Natural Fresh.
40:06 Fresher, lime cool with three times the strength of freshness.
40:09 Charcoal Fresh, three times against bacteria.
40:12 Fresh, long-lasting and believe in yourself, whatever your activity.
40:15 New, Rexoname Natural Fresh.
40:18 Adek.
40:19 Good, huh?
40:22 For whom?
40:23 There is for the teacher.
40:25 Drink milk first.
40:26 Great Bebelak, contains false gauze that is clinical and triple A with higher DHA.
40:31 Support good ennui, creative mind and big heart.
40:35 Happy birthday.
40:37 Hey, I don't have a birthday.
40:39 Why should I wait for a birthday?
40:41 You can give a gift anytime.
40:44 Great Bebelak, the beginning of all wonders.
40:47 See you.
40:48 Sir, I'll help you.
40:54 Help, help, help.
40:56 Here, put the key in the pocket.
40:59 Proud of his active and caring brother.
41:01 But, the skull turned yellow.
41:04 Calm down, there is a new Rinso formula.
41:06 With smart clean system, effectively remove dirt and remove yellow spots.
41:14 Rinso Anti-Dandruff, free clothes, yellow spots.
41:17 Hey, Van, there are still some people who don't know how to keep distance.
41:21 Better to be worked.
41:23 Not like that, remove the dirt.
41:29 Try Sprite Zero Sugar, fresh and sugar-free.
41:33 The end
41:35 You will accept me, love me.
41:48 We will have children and you will love everyone equally.
41:53 Won't you? Equally!
41:55 Viklis.
41:58 Viklis.
41:59 Restore me to my home.
42:04 Return me to my father.
42:07 The gods do not want this marriage.
42:09 I do not want this marriage.
42:15 Well, it will be.
42:17 Mark me, two moons heads.
42:22 Or you may take your own life as well.
42:28 No.
42:30 No.
42:31 No.
42:32 This is...
43:00 This is...
43:01 I... I cannot bear it.
43:04 I...
43:06 I'm sick of living.
43:09 The gods saved me.
43:11 What would have happened had I not just now returned?
43:14 You were gone for days with not a word to me.
43:18 I'm sorry, princess.
43:20 There was reason.
43:23 You say this to me...
43:25 as if I'm blind to the moon's face.
43:30 I know what's in store.
43:32 No, you do not.
43:35 Your Majesty, I understand there's a small problem.
43:54 Now, Mitharak, did I not pay you a sizable amount of gold
43:59 to kill every last one of those 80 men?
44:01 Yes, of course.
44:03 Then how is it there is a survivor?
44:05 And not only Captain Satyris, but another man.
44:09 A savior people call Hercules.
44:14 He's rallying the villagers and even my own soldiers against my rule.
44:20 What are you going to do about it?
44:23 Answer me!
44:24 If...
44:31 And I say if this is true,
44:34 I will rectify this error.
44:37 My darling flower, I missed you.
44:51 I'm afraid it's time to fetch yours.
44:53 I need to leave now.
44:55 What is it?
44:58 It's the bloom of the rose so soon after my arrival.
45:02 Is this him?
45:14 Yes.
45:17 How is it you survived?
45:20 No one survives those places.
45:22 Hope.
45:26 I was given hope.
45:35 And what is your hope now, Captain Satyris?
45:49 Hope.
45:50 Let my son's life be spared.
45:57 Then take us to Hercules.
46:03 To be continued...
46:07 To be continued...
46:12 To be continued...
46:21 To be continued...
46:26 Are you sure deodorant can keep you fresh all day?
46:28 Let's compare it with Rexona.
46:30 From morning to night.
46:32 The regular deodorant doesn't last long.
46:35 But Rexona keeps you clean and fresh all day.
46:38 Okay, I believe you. I'll use Rexona after this.
46:40 I'll use Rexona after this.
46:42 To be continued...
46:47 To be continued...
46:53 To be continued...
46:58 To be continued...
47:04 To be continued...
47:11 To be continued...
47:13 To be continued...
47:17 To be continued...
47:23 To be continued...
47:29 To be continued...
47:32 I want to eat outside, Mom.
47:34 Why do you keep eating?
47:35 Try using Palmia Margarine.
47:38 The margarine is authentic, complete and healthier.
47:41 The aroma and taste of the food will be more wow.
47:44 Palmia Margarine, create a wow taste in every dish.
47:47 I'm weak from the fried food.
47:52 Sariwangi 100% Original Tea with Plafonoid helps to maintain cholesterol.
47:57 I'm weak from the fried food.
47:59 But I drink Sariwangi.
48:02 I believe in the miracle of nature.
48:05 We don't use any garlands.
48:08 We sanitize the garlands before we fill the fish tank.
48:13 Aqua 100% Pure
48:17 I always choose SGM Explore.
48:19 Because only with Iron Sea, my child's support grows maximally.
48:24 Let me do it.
48:26 Come on, Ika.
48:28 Wow, cool.
48:30 SGM Explore
48:32 To get the best water source,
48:35 Lemineral does hundreds of explorations.
48:38 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals that are important for the body.
48:42 A new gallon and free of BPA.
48:45 This is Lemineral's commitment.
48:47 Hey, Miss Yu.
48:51 Do you know?
48:53 Mirna, the famous actress,
48:55 is actually your child.
48:58 Oh, right.
48:59 She's not married yet.
49:01 Who is her father?
49:04 Do you know all the secrets?
49:06 Or maybe,
49:07 her best friend?
49:09 Ladies,
49:13 what are you doing?
49:15 Stop it.
49:16 Mr. Lurah,
49:17 no, sir.
49:18 Stop it.
49:19 You're supposed to keep everything a secret.
49:22 Ladies,
49:23 don't stop without a secret.
49:29 Yes, ladies.
49:30 Let's enjoy the show,
49:33 Rumpi No Secret
49:35 with Ben Miros.
49:37 Only on Rumpi TV.
49:39 No secret, sir.
49:41 That's it.
49:43 No secret.
49:45 Great, Bebelak.
49:49 Rich in phosgos that is free of charge.
49:51 Support good education.
49:52 And triple A with higher DHA.
49:55 Stimulation of the creative mind of the child.
49:57 Both help grow a big heart.
50:00 Bebelak, all the best.
50:02 Hey, Van.
50:03 There's still someone who doesn't know how to keep distance.
50:06 Better to be worked on.
50:08 Not like that.
50:13 Get rid of the stress.
50:14 Try Sprite Zero Sugar.
50:15 It's as fresh as sugar.
50:17 To get the best mineral resources,
50:20 Lemineral does hundreds of explorations.
50:22 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals
50:25 that are important for the body.
50:27 A new gallon that is free of BPA.
50:30 This is Lemineral's commitment.
50:32 Why cereal for breakfast?
50:50 Cereal is made from wheat.
50:52 So it's nutritious and has energy.
50:54 The number one cereal in Indonesia.
50:56 Made from Australian wheat.
50:58 Nutritious and has energy.
51:00 Yummy.
51:01 Yummy.
51:02 Aqua believes in wisdom and natural miracles.
51:07 Aqua comes from the chosen mountains.
51:09 Not a place that is easily contaminated.
51:12 Aqua is sucked by layers of protective rock
51:15 without any recycling process.
51:17 Aqua contains natural minerals
51:19 without any dangerous additives.
51:23 So Aqua feels cold without being cooled.
51:27 It's clear that if not all water is Aqua,
51:30 Aqua is 100% pure.
51:32 Copico Extra Besar.
51:34 The coffee is better.
51:40 It's delicious.
51:43 Endless, endless, endless.
51:46 Copico.
51:47 To get the best mineral resources,
51:50 Lemineral does hundreds of explorations.
51:52 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals
51:55 that are important for the body.
51:57 A new gallon and free of BPA.
51:59 This is Lemineral's commitment.
52:02 Hercules.
52:13 I didn't believe it.
52:21 And all of a sudden I do now.
52:23 You.
52:24 You.
52:25 Are Hercules.
52:28 Take him away.
52:30 Take Soterios and execute the others.
52:32 Stand aside for the king.
52:48 The king is coming.
52:50 People of Terrans,
53:01 I give you your mighty Hercules.
53:03 He bleeds.
53:07 And why?
53:08 Because he's nothing more than an imposter.
53:12 A liar.
53:13 A man of flesh and blood.
53:17 And what is his so-called savior wrought?
53:20 Your farms lie untilled.
53:22 Your villages lay burned.
53:24 And your brothers rot dead in the fields.
53:27 Is this the message of hope?
53:30 So, self-proclaimed son of Zeus.
53:38 How will you offer these people their salvation
53:41 when you cannot even save yourself?
53:44 (Laughs)
53:46 Bring out the other traitors!
53:49 Edward!
53:50 Take me, but spare these good men.
53:56 He begs for mercy for his traitors.
53:59 Hercules.
54:00 Your future king.
54:02 (Cheers)
54:05 (Cheers)
54:07 Strike this affliction from our lands forever.
54:19 So that tonight we may celebrate
54:22 as you wipe the princess of Crete.
54:25 Brother.
54:30 Brother.
54:33 Chiron was there when you were born.
54:35 When you were sick.
54:37 Kill him.
54:38 My prince.
54:40 This life has not been wasted.
54:44 I have had the honor to stand by the greatest hero
54:48 the gods have ever given the people.
54:52 Brother, please.
54:59 (Gasps)
55:01 Father.
55:11 I believe in you.
55:15 Grant me strength!
55:23 (Screams)
55:25 Ritui!
55:36 Do something!
55:40 Stop him!
55:42 Kill him!
55:51 (Screams)
55:54 (Screams)
55:56 (Screams)
56:06 (Screams)
56:12 (Screams)
56:14 Okay.
56:39 Now, now, now, come on.
56:41 I'll earn this.
56:42 Come on.
56:43 Get up.
56:44 Get up.
56:45 Come on.
56:46 I stand with you, my prince.
57:01 And to the four divisions under our command.
57:03 The people are ready to lay down their lives for you, Hercules.
57:06 Lead us to victory!
57:08 (Cheers)
57:10 Brave men of Tiryns.
57:36 I can only lead you through those gates.
57:39 When all fate is beyond them, I cannot say.
57:43 I only know what fate there is in retreat.
57:46 Tonight we fight, not for what we have,
57:49 but for that which has been so savagely ripped from our breasts.
57:54 Outside is the prince, betrays his king.
58:01 But a son of Zeus takes his first breath of life tonight
58:06 and fulfills his promise to his father.
58:09 Let this night be forever remembered
58:13 as the hour upon which we took back our kingdom!
58:19 (Cheers)
58:22 (Cheers)
58:24 (Cheers)
58:52 There is my bride.
58:54 I declare to you that I love another.
58:57 He's the reason I want to wake up in the morning and embrace the day.
59:01 If you so wound him that his face were unrecognizable to me,
59:06 I would love him.
59:08 If his tongue were cut from his throat and I hadn't his voice to delight me,
59:13 I would love him.
59:15 And if you make only a memory of him,
59:21 I would love him even more eternally.
59:25 That is what you have to look forward to.
59:32 In Insert Today!
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