Le prince William "frustré" par le chaos en Afghanistan - "Il aurait pu faire plus"

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#Mariage royal
#Kate Middleton
#Prince William
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Prince william is reportait 2 to have told refugees from afghanistan at-il riche de britney john moore point the duke of cambridge il reportait de tout à fait différent frost rated ap british efforts to evacuate semaine ou men and children flynn exhorte ali ben is also understood to have expressed concern at the end of time it à noter que nous tous find permanent au me for people ces plis in the uk the comments are durst ou 2 to have been made in a private conversation in december wisa groupe pauvres et fiuggi that the prynce meazza hôtel where they were being used temporelli one refugee whom the duke is supposed to have spock une toux du ring aux visites told the times il s'est dit oise frustré itida twist groll efforts in august il s'est dit oui chouikh ou daf brottes more people to the uk point n'autorise reportait 2 to have said he has thèse ou à easy take into you to get into permanent home kensington palace art review de tous comment on the report point it is believed that as many as 12,000 refugees are still be used in tempore accommodation around the uk with 4,000 of the event of today to be children zones secrètes terry priti patel is face increasing prêcheur to address de lijn findings m permanent home however victoria atkins the minister for afghan reste tellement suggests that the week end that some council and failed to do it off she said mort local authority must comme froid ardennes 12 arbitres in the national est forte au lp dose looking to rebuild their lives ir points à thise why we have had généreuse flooding deal for council to offer support tout afghan family is over free council across the country ou alors no dig august that they do not have the or ce to address the problem despite donations et nakache injection from home office johnny mercer the former vétérans ministre ou surf dean afghanistan told the telegraph it's à pauline zizo people are et vignes à tous en dur cette chalon period of time in hôtel où ils need to get the children in to school snr families intégré de dinars hors commune ici across the uk [Musique]
