Infectious disease expert warns public against Nipah virus

  • last year
Infectious disease expert warns public against Nipah virus
00:00 As if the COVID-19 pandemic were not enough,
00:02 one more animal transmitted or zoonotic virus
00:05 is on the spread, so beware.
00:07 The Nipah virus, as it's known, is born and carried
00:10 by flying foxes, or those huge fruit bats
00:13 that look like birds in the air.
00:15 Exposure to this rather infectious ailment
00:18 can lead to the swelling in the brain or encephalitis
00:20 and lead to death if ignored or left untreated.
00:24 Symptoms usually surface four days to a fortnight
00:26 after direct exposure to the virus.
00:29 Neither is there a cure nor a vaccine yet
00:31 for the disease that was discovered some 20 years back
00:34 among hog farmers in the Lion City.
00:37 Hence, a high mortality rate from a low of 50%
00:40 to a high of 70%.
00:42 Symptoms include and are almost identical
00:45 to those of the flu or influenza virus.
00:47 The public is reminded to regularly hand wash
00:50 as a stopper for spreading the disease
00:52 that could easily be transmitted manually
00:55 when inadvertently holding something
00:57 or someone carrying the virus.
00:59 (upbeat music)
