• last year


00:00 Watch who will be the winner today
00:02 Because Billy will play games and give money
00:07 We will peel it until it's clean
00:11 Only 2 minutes
00:13 No, no, no
00:16 Come on
00:17 Again, again
00:21 One by one
00:23 One by one
00:24 I'm sorry
00:26 Today, the game will be exciting
00:29 Curious?
00:31 Let's see who will be the winner
00:35 I'm the winner
00:37 [Music]
00:56 What do you want?
01:06 What coffee?
01:08 Warung kopi
01:10 Where?
01:12 [Indistinct chatter]
01:16 What's your name?
01:17 Ibu Yuli
01:18 What do you sell?
01:19 Coffee
01:20 How long have you been selling coffee here?
01:22 9 years
01:23 9 years?
01:24 Do you want a present?
01:26 Come here, Ibu Yuli
01:29 Throw the dice
01:31 Bismillah
01:32 Bismillahirrahmanirrahim
01:35 Number 3
01:37 Please
01:38 Open it, dear
01:40 Okay
01:43 With the nominal prize of 350.000 rupiah
01:46 There's a challenge
01:47 Bring 3 items
01:50 Starting from the letter B
01:53 Any item
01:54 Any item starting from the letter B
01:56 But 3 items
01:57 Hurry
01:58 In 2 minutes
02:00 Ready?
02:01 Ready
02:02 We'll start the third challenge
02:05 You have to find 3 items starting from the letter B
02:09 From the house?
02:10 Any item
02:11 Ready?
02:12 1, 2, 3, go
02:13 Do you have rice?
02:17 Rice?
02:18 Rice?
02:19 [Indistinct chatter]
02:22 She's looking for a house
02:24 What?
02:26 Clothes
02:27 Clothes?
02:28 Huh?
02:29 [Indistinct chatter]
02:36 [Indistinct chatter]
02:39 Huh?
02:40 [Indistinct chatter]
02:48 [Indistinct chatter]
02:51 [Indistinct chatter]
02:53 Okay, Ibu Yuli
02:57 Amazing
02:58 In 2 minutes
02:59 You have 1.5 minutes
03:01 You still have 1.5 minutes
03:04 I told you to find 3 items starting from the letter B
03:09 What do you bring?
03:11 A chair
03:12 Right
03:13 Clothes
03:14 Right
03:15 Onion
03:16 Onion
03:17 Any item?
03:18 Yes
03:19 Any item?
03:20 Item
03:21 Congratulations to Ibu Yuli for winning Rp. 350.000
03:27 Thank God
03:29 I hope she's useful
03:31 Let's find more lucky people to play with
03:34 Who will be the winner?
03:36 I'm looking forward to it
03:37 Sir
03:38 Can I ask you something?
03:41 I'm sorry, I'm sorry
03:43 Assalamualaikum
03:46 What are you selling?
03:48 I'm selling cakes
03:49 How long have you been selling?
03:50 3 years
03:52 Okay, Ibu
03:53 Do you want a prize?
03:54 Yes
03:55 Please throw the dice
03:57 Okay
03:58 Okay, number 2
04:01 This is the last one
04:03 Let's open it together
04:04 The second envelope
04:07 This is it
04:08 Ibu, amazing
04:09 With the prize of Rp. 700.000
04:12 Wow
04:14 Ibu, if you do a good job
04:18 You can get Rp. 700.000
04:20 Bismillah
04:21 Okay, the challenge is
04:22 You can borrow or ask someone
04:25 To borrow Rp. 29.700
04:29 Okay, we'll give you 2 minutes
04:31 2 minutes
04:32 If you succeed, you can get Rp. 700.000
04:35 Are you ready?
04:36 Okay, the third one
04:37 We'll start
04:38 1, 2, 3, go ahead
04:39 You can't use your own money
04:40 Find it, borrow it
04:41 Borrow from the fried food seller
04:43 The neighbor
04:44 You can't use your own money
04:47 You can't use your own money
04:49 Okay
04:50 Let's see
04:52 If Ibu can get Rp. 29.700
04:57 By borrowing or asking her neighbor
05:01 Let's see
05:02 If Ibu succeeds in doing a good job
05:05 Ibu will get cash money
05:07 From whoever wins the prize
05:09 Rp. 700.000
05:10 Let's see
05:11 Let's follow the challenge
05:15 I'm curious
05:16 You choose
05:17 I'm ready
05:18 Ma'am
05:23 Do you have Rp. 29.700?
05:25 Yes
05:26 Thank you
05:27 Do you have more?
05:28 Do you have more?
05:29 There's no more
05:30 Yes
05:31 1.5 minutes left
05:33 20
05:34 1.5 minutes left
05:36 Rp. 4.000
05:37 Rp. 4.000
05:38 If you succeed, you can get more cash money
05:41 Thank you
05:42 Ibu, 1 minute left
05:44 Hurry up
05:45 Rp. 4.000
05:46 Here
05:47 How much?
05:48 Rp. 4.000
05:49 Hurry up
05:50 1 minute left
05:51 Hurry up
05:52 How much?
05:53 Rp. 4.000
05:54 Ibu, just take the cash money
05:57 You can borrow it
05:58 I'll borrow it
05:59 Okay
06:00 30 seconds left
06:03 Have you succeeded?
06:04 Let's see
06:05 Let's see
06:06 Count it
06:07 Rp. 29.700
06:10 Are you sure?
06:11 Yes
06:12 Let's see
06:14 Did you succeed in collecting Rp. 29.700?
06:19 20
06:20 Okay, honey
06:22 25
06:24 27
06:27 29
06:30 500 and 200
06:33 So, the total is Rp. 29.700
06:36 If you succeed, you can get Rp. 700.000
06:43 Alhamdulillah
06:45 Alhamdulillah, thank you
06:47 Thank you, Ibu
06:59 Here's Rp. 700.000 for you
07:01 Alhamdulillah
07:02 What's the money for?
07:03 For shopping
07:05 For shopping
07:07 You can sell it to your grandchild
07:09 Yes
07:10 How much do you earn a day?
07:13 It depends
07:15 I hope this is useful
07:18 Thank you, Ibu
07:19 Don't go anywhere, Pemirsa
07:20 There are many prizes and challenges
07:22 Keep watching
07:23 Who wants to be the champion?
07:24 I'm the champion
07:25 Pemirsa, who do you want to be the champion?
07:39 I'm the champion
07:41 Now, we're going to play with the people of Kalibata
07:44 Drawing pictures with prizes
07:46 That's right
07:47 We're going to test some of you
07:49 Who will guess the picture
07:51 Can you guess it right or wrong?
07:54 If it's right, we'll give you Rp. 200.000
07:57 If it's wrong, you can go back to the back
07:59 Okay, for the kids
08:01 You have to pay attention, research and concentrate
08:05 For the others, don't guess
08:07 First, please hold the mic
08:10 What do you think this is?
08:12 What picture is this?
08:13 Book
08:14 Smart
08:15 Cherry
08:16 Smart
08:17 This is?
08:18 No
08:19 So
08:20 Book
08:21 No
08:22 Book
08:24 Book
08:25 Cherry
08:26 No
08:27 So, continue
08:28 No
08:30 What picture is this?
08:33 Book
08:34 Cherry
08:35 And no
08:36 And no
08:37 So, continue
08:38 Cherry
08:39 Smart
08:40 Cherry
08:41 Rp. 200.000
08:42 Rp. 200.000
08:43 Give it to the back
08:45 Here
08:46 Next
08:48 Hold it
08:49 Hold it
08:51 I'm the smart one
08:53 Next
08:54 Next
08:55 Look carefully
08:56 What's this letter?
09:00 What's this letter?
09:03 R, A
09:04 And?
09:06 What's this picture?
09:08 Jin
09:10 What's this picture?
09:11 Jin
09:12 And this?
09:13 What are you doing?
09:14 Studying
09:15 You're studying, so you're smart
09:17 Studying
09:19 Studying
09:20 Studying
09:21 Correct
09:23 Smart
09:24 Next
09:25 Go ahead
09:26 Go ahead
09:28 Hold the mic
09:29 Hold it
09:30 One by one
09:31 Next
09:32 There's a car
09:34 Next
09:35 Go ahead
09:36 I told you you can do it
09:41 Can you do it?
09:42 What?
09:43 Daram Muda
09:44 Daram Muda
09:46 Correct
09:48 Rp. 200.000
09:50 Next
09:52 Hold the mic
09:54 Jambu Batu
09:57 Jambu Batu
09:58 Correct
10:00 Congratulations
10:02 You're welcome
10:03 Next
10:04 What?
10:10 What's this?
10:12 Pass
10:13 Don't pass it first
10:14 Think first
10:15 What's this?
10:17 Pin
10:18 What's this picture?
10:19 Pinjam
10:20 So?
10:21 Pinjam
10:22 Kemeja
10:23 Correct
10:24 Pinjam Kemeja
10:25 Correct
10:26 Next
10:28 Go ahead
10:29 Hold it
10:30 I'll give you a hand
10:33 It's easy
10:35 Rumah Tanda
10:36 Correct
10:37 It's easy, right?
10:38 Rumah Tanda is correct
10:39 You have to concentrate
10:41 Are you ready?
10:42 Yes, ma'am
10:43 You're like a fool
10:44 Yes, I am
10:45 There you go
10:50 Duit Habis
10:51 What?
10:52 Duit Habis
10:53 Correct
10:55 Thank you
10:56 Thank you for the back
10:57 Duit Habis
10:59 Next
11:02 Polisi Tidur
11:04 What?
11:05 Polisi Tidur
11:06 Correct
11:07 Take the money, ma'am
11:08 Take the money
11:09 Pulang Sekolah
11:16 Correct
11:19 Congratulations
11:20 Rp. 200,000
11:22 Next
11:24 Tikus Minyak
11:28 Where's Tikus Minyak from?
11:30 What's this?
11:31 Ratun Tikus
11:33 Correct
11:34 Rp. 200,000
11:35 Next
11:36 Buah Tangan
11:42 What?
11:43 What?
11:44 Are you sure?
11:45 Buah Tangan
11:46 Try again
11:47 Buah Tangan
11:48 Are you sure?
11:49 Yes
11:50 Are you sure?
11:51 Yes
11:52 Correct
11:53 Rp. 200,000
11:54 Congratulations
11:55 Give the money to the back
11:56 Rp. 200,000
11:57 Correct
11:58 Congratulations
11:59 Give the money to the back
12:00 Congratulations to the winner who won Rp. 200,000
12:03 I hope this is a useful prize for you
12:05 Amen
12:06 Today is so fun
12:07 We played with the people
12:09 Keep watching
12:10 Who will be the winner?
12:11 I'm the winner
12:13 Next episode...
12:20 Next episode...
12:25 Be careful
12:26 Buy Better
12:27 Free Better
12:29 Yay, I got Better again
12:33 I want to trade
12:34 As a breakfast
12:37 Buy it now
12:38 Free Better again
12:39 Why is it a cereal breakfast?
12:41 Cereal is made from wheat
12:43 So it's nutritious and full of energy
12:45 The number one cereal in Indonesia
12:47 Made from Australian wheat
12:49 Nutritious and full of energy
12:51 Delicious
12:52 Delicious
12:53 Delicious
12:54 Thank you
12:55 The number one biscuit for the number one mother
12:58 The original coconut cream
13:01 Delicious
13:04 Coconut cream
13:05 The number one biscuit for the number one mother
13:09 If you are accompanied by the thick taste of miso soup
13:14 Authentic miso home
13:16 The warmth of the home will continue to be lost
13:19 Indomie Rameen Series
13:21 The authentic pleasure of my nation
13:24 I'm weak from the fried food
13:28 Sariwangi 100% original tea with flavonoid
13:32 Helps to maintain cholesterol levels
13:34 I'm weak from the fried food
13:36 But I drink Sariwangi
13:38 Let's go home
13:40 No, I don't want to go home
13:43 Calm down, if you have Wipo
13:44 With the Carbocemara formula
13:46 100 times more effective
13:48 Kill the mosquito
13:49 Protect the house from mosquitos
13:51 Which brought from outside
13:52 Wipo 100 times more effective
13:54 Kill mosquitos
13:55 To face various conditions every day
13:59 Make sure the purity that accompanies you
14:05 Bare Brand
14:08 Feel the purity
14:09 I love what I do
14:12 With Royal Parfum Series by Soclin
14:15 Inspired by the world celebrity perfume
14:19 The perfume's fragrance is undefeatable
14:21 Because it has a high concentration of perfume
14:25 Royal Active Touch
14:27 Spreads its fragrance on every touch
14:30 The perfume's fragrance lasts all day
14:34 With Royal Parfum Series by Soclin
14:37 I win my world
14:39 It's blue
14:42 Your video is not on
14:44 I'm blue
14:46 Glory Lovely Facial Foam
14:48 With multivitamin
14:49 Cleanses your face and face
14:50 Glows instantly
14:52 I'm blue
14:53 What do you want to cook?
14:55 I want to cook delicious food
14:56 Like Kedulai Hitam Special
14:58 Only Rp. 1,000 can cook delicious food
15:00 Wow, there's a bonus recipe from Chef Wil
15:02 The Kedulai Hitam is more thick
15:04 Rp. 1,000 becomes a delicious meal
15:05 Parfait
15:06 Kedulai Hitam Special
15:07 Buy it now, free shipping
15:08 From Wings Food
15:09 Are you sure your smell can refresh your day?
15:12 Compare it with Rexona
15:14 From morning to night
15:16 The usual smell won't last long
15:19 But Rexona keeps you clean and fresh all day
15:22 Okay, I believe you
15:23 I'll use Rexona from now on
15:24 Don't be hasty
15:26 You're the one who's not hasty
15:27 Hey, you're not hasty
15:28 Gula Aren Instant
15:29 The number one in Indonesia
15:31 There's a version of Tubruk
15:32 Top Coffee, Milk, Gula Aren, Tubruk
15:34 The mixture of Tubruk Coffee, Milk, and Gula Aren
15:37 Crazy
15:38 The coffee is smoother, brother
15:40 Hmm, it's not as smooth as milk coffee
15:42 Ah, it's so delicious
15:44 It's so smooth
15:45 I want more
15:47 Top Coffee, Milk, Gula Aren, Tubruk
15:50 The Tubruk coffee is full of Gula Aren
15:52 From Wings Food
15:53 It's so delicious
15:54 Every day, we're at the location of shooting
15:57 We're being slapped, we're being hit
15:58 We're usually slapped on the hand
16:00 So we don't really trust ourselves
16:02 When Hijab was opened
16:03 I really felt the name of being slapped
16:06 I felt my strength was lost
16:08 There were so many slaps
16:09 I felt like there was a part of me that was lost
16:11 Try Dove Hair Care
16:13 With Nutriserum and Dynasing
16:15 Nutrition and wash your hair at the roots
16:19 So that strong hair and hair loss
16:20 Reduce to 99%
16:22 Because Dove is strong from the roots
16:24 I want noodles
16:25 I want noodles
16:27 Please
16:28 Be careful, the child keeps asking for noodles
16:30 Calm down, there's an oven noodles
16:32 The choice is healthier
16:34 The product is in the oven, not fried
16:36 The boiling water is clear
16:37 The noodles are chewy
16:38 The wet seasoning makes it more delicious
16:41 I want it too
16:43 Delicious
16:48 I want more
16:49 Sure
16:50 As long as it's an oven noodles
16:51 The noodles are straight, healthier
16:53 And more delicious
16:54 This is my noodles
16:59 Stop working first
17:01 Hi everyone, let's have fun
17:03 Wow oh oh oh Oreo
17:08 Every 10 years
17:13 He hunts the prey
17:15 To fill his strength
17:18 You think this is the solution to all problems?
17:23 What if something happens?
17:24 Peh
17:25 A promise with a hot-blooded genie
17:29 Who will make him live forever
17:33 As a
17:34 Gunggul
17:36 Aldi, why didn't you go to school?
17:43 Aldi is sick
17:44 Yes, now the child is easily sick
17:46 Children are not easily sick
17:48 But Guman is now stronger and more dangerous
17:51 Ordinary soap is not enough to fight it
17:55 Huh?
17:56 Take a bath with Lifebuoy new multivitamin
17:59 100% stronger, effective against dangerous germs
18:02 Bathing multivitamin?
18:03 Just use Lifebuoy
18:04 Get free doctor's consultation with Lifebuoy
18:07 HelloDoc, Lifebuoy with multivitamin
18:09 Mom, why do we have to secrete teeth using a swab?
18:12 Because the swab fights bacteria
18:14 New Pepsoden
18:15 With natural swab extract and Habatus Souda
18:17 Against 99% bacteria
18:19 Gives 8 complete benefits for teeth health
18:22 Get complete teeth health with Pepsoden
18:24 New Lifebuoy Refresh & Cool shampoo
18:27 With milt, nautri strong and minty lemon
18:30 The best combination, effectively removes dandruff and dandruff
18:34 Fresh hair all day
18:37 Lifebuoy Refresh & Cool shampoo
18:39 Dam, that means I'm with you, right?
18:44 Who do we want to meet?
18:45 They, Sher
18:47 Yes, you
18:49 Buy Oreo Waffle, scan and check the method on Instagram
18:52 Let's go
18:54 Good morning, viewers
19:01 I'm sure you're wondering who's going to be the winner
19:03 I'm the winner
19:04 Of course, with the handsome guy, Melissa Putra
19:06 Yes, the beautiful girl
19:08 We're at Pancoran Barat
19:10 The Pancoran Barat family is amazing
19:12 Everyone is excited
19:14 Because we're all here
19:15 Because we're going to give away gifts
19:17 For the Pancoran Barat family
19:19 Make some noise
19:22 We're going to play a game
19:23 The game is called
19:24 Pull the basket, move the cucumber
19:27 We're going to play with 4 handsome men
19:31 From Pancoran Barat
19:33 Epso
19:34 Tomyam, how are you?
19:35 Tomyam, not Tomingso
19:37 The rules are very easy
19:39 Before we introduce ourselves
19:41 The rules are, pull the basket
19:43 Between you
19:45 Pull it, and in front of you, there's a tomato
19:50 It's changed
19:52 It's like a shrimp
19:54 It's a shrimp
19:56 It's changed
19:58 Move the cucumber one by one
20:00 Not two, one by one
20:02 To the empty space
20:04 Yes, the empty space
20:06 We're going to have a time limit of 5 minutes
20:08 The one who gathers the most, is the winner
20:11 Okay, Mr. Solehin, Mr. Welas, Mr. Tuti, and Mr. Dewa
20:16 Do you know their names?
20:17 I know
20:18 Your neighbor?
20:19 My neighbor, my house is behind
20:21 I'm going to ask, who's your neighbor?
20:23 His name is Billy
20:24 Wow, the name is the same, Billy
20:26 Yes, it's the same
20:27 But the fate is different
20:28 Yes, my name is Abu
20:30 Oh, your name is Solehin
20:32 Yes, Solehin
20:33 Do you live here?
20:34 Yes, my house is over there
20:35 Have you been here for a long time?
20:36 Yes, I have
20:37 My family, my family
20:39 Oh, yes, have you been here for a long time?
20:40 I'm playing gumball
20:41 Now, I'm a resident of Pancoran Barat
20:45 You're confused with the residents, it means you're not a resident of here
20:48 I'm a resident of Pancoran Barat
20:50 Oh, Mr. Solehin, be confident, do you have a word for your wife?
20:53 Don't be angry, say it
20:56 I don't have a husband yet
20:59 It's not appropriate
21:04 Do you agree, ma'am?
21:05 Father and son
21:07 I was married to your husband
21:11 I'm married, when will I get married again?
21:14 Let's ask him, what's your name?
21:16 I'm Boien
21:17 Your name is Boien?
21:18 Yes
21:19 Oh, you're stupid
21:20 What's your name?
21:24 Me?
21:25 Yes
21:26 My real name?
21:27 Your name is stupid
21:28 You're from Bang Biri, your name is Wallace
21:30 Your name is Wallace
21:31 I know all of your names
21:33 Say something for your wife
21:35 Don't forget to keep cooking
21:36 Yes, keep cooking
21:38 Don't forget to pray for winning the lottery
21:43 I'm going to win the lottery
21:45 I'm going to win the lottery
21:47 You're going to win the lottery
21:49 You're going to win the lottery with Mr. Jokowi
21:51 Mr. Jokowi is a bicycle, we're going to win the lottery
21:53 What's your name?
21:55 My name is Tuti
21:57 Tuti, how long have you been here?
21:59 How old are you?
22:00 I'm an old man
22:01 What's your name?
22:02 I know all of your names
22:04 She said her name, I know all of your names
22:06 She's my family, I was a police officer
22:08 What's your job now?
22:09 I'm a unemployed
22:11 Don't say that, where's the audience?
22:14 Excuse me, this is a fair competition
22:20 We're all sportive, it's decided by our team
22:24 For the people of West Pancoron, please cheer for your father
22:28 We're announcing the first winner
22:31 Will get a prize of 1 million dollars
22:35 1 million rupiah
22:37 How much?
22:40 I know this, it's a lot
22:44 You don't understand English
22:46 English is an international language, the whole world uses English
22:49 How much is the prize?
22:50 1 million
22:51 1 million?
22:52 1 million
22:53 If you win, how much do you get?
22:55 If you lose, the second winner will get 700 thousand rupiah
23:00 If you don't win, the third winner will get 400 thousand rupiah
23:05 Only 400 thousand?
23:06 Yes
23:07 Are you ready?
23:08 Let's start!
23:09 We'll count together for the people of West Pancoron
23:16 We'll start on the count of three
23:17 One
23:19 Two
23:22 Three
23:25 Come on, get up
23:28 Come on
23:30 Come on
23:34 Get up, move it
23:37 Come on, get up
23:38 Come on, get up
23:54 You're not moving, you're not moving
24:05 Come on
24:06 A little more
24:16 A little more
24:31 Yes, yes, a little more
24:35 Yes, yes
24:36 A little more
24:38 Again, again
24:39 One more
24:40 One more
24:41 I can't do it
24:42 Keep going
24:43 Keep going
24:44 I can't do it
24:45 Keep going
24:46 Move it
24:47 Move it
24:48 Keep going
24:49 Move it
24:50 Come on
24:51 Keep going
24:52 Okay, stop
24:56 You took advantage of the moment
25:01 That's right
25:02 How about the other three participants?
25:04 Are you tired or tired?
25:07 But Mr. Tolin took advantage of the moment
25:10 That's right
25:11 Okay, the judges, to prove who will be the first winner
25:13 To get the prize of one million rupiah
25:15 And who wants to be the winner
25:17 We'll count together
25:18 One
25:19 Why are you counting the cucumber?
25:22 It's okay
25:23 You're counting the cucumber so randomly
25:24 Three
25:25 Four
25:26 Five
25:27 Six
25:28 Seven
25:29 Seven cucumbers
25:30 Seven cucumbers
25:31 Okay
25:32 So, Mr. Solin will collect seven cucumbers
25:35 Seven cucumbers, not seven cucumbers
25:37 We already know who will be the winner of this game
25:41 The winner is
25:42 Mr. Solin
25:45 Congratulations
25:51 Congratulations for you
25:55 For you, the words of Muthiara
25:57 Thank you for my mother who is there
25:59 Without you, I'm nobody
26:02 That's his mother
26:03 Mom, I got one million rupiah
26:05 You got one million rupiah to marry Boyan
26:07 Mr. Solin, one million rupiah
26:12 Congratulations
26:14 The second winner gets 700 thousand rupiah
26:18 To Mr. Willas
26:20 Mr. Willas
26:21 Thank you
26:22 Jani, buy the fridge
26:23 Ma'am, this is for the fridge
26:25 Wow, not bad
26:27 We bought the 10-door, we'll contract the 9-door
26:30 10-door, 700 thousand rupiah, I hope you get it
26:33 The third and fourth winner
26:35 We've arrived
26:37 We were quite tired
26:40 But we still appreciate
26:42 For the third winner, 400 thousand rupiah
26:44 Thank you
26:45 Thank you
26:46 So, the winner is
26:48 What's your name?
26:49 Rian
26:50 Rian, you're quite tired
26:51 So, to make it better, we'll give you a drink
26:56 The team is amazing
26:58 No scars, no bruises
27:00 No swelling
27:01 You're just tired
27:03 There's another winner
27:05 She's tired too
27:07 The fourth winner
27:08 Don't worry
27:10 Hopefully, you'll get rid of your tiredness
27:13 If you're really tired, you can rest
27:16 I'll take you to the doctor
27:18 Even though you lose, we'll give you a gift
27:21 400 thousand rupiah
27:22 Thank you
27:24 Exercise regularly
27:26 So you won't get tired
27:27 Okay, the winner
27:29 Don't go anywhere, there's still a lot of fun
27:31 From the people of West Pancoran
27:33 Don't go anywhere, keep watching
27:34 Who's the winner?
27:35 I'm the winner
27:38 [Music]
27:46 [Music]
27:51 [Music]
27:53 [Music]
28:20 [Music]
28:25 [Music]
28:30 [Music]
28:38 [Music]
28:43 [Music]
28:49 [Music]
28:54 [Music]
28:59 [Music]
29:04 [Music]
29:09 [Music]
29:14 [Music]
29:18 This is the commitment of LEMINERAL
29:20 Something sweet to chill with friends
29:22 Fresh and natural dessert collection
29:24 Pre-colon and body wash
29:25 Pink cupcake smell so sweet and cheerful
29:28 The foam is so fluffy and fresh
29:30 Indulge yourself with fresh and natural dessert collection
29:33 Be sweet, be you
29:35 Assalamualaikum
29:36 Hello, auntie
29:37 Excuse me, I'm going to the bathroom
29:38 It's not working
29:39 It's dirty, it smells bad
29:41 It's a bit rusty
29:42 Change it, use the fixer
29:44 10 times more resistant, clean the car
29:46 Clean the key lock, it smells fresh
29:48 New new fixer, now more economical
29:50 [Music]
29:52 Clean it thoroughly
29:53 You know, even a plate that is heard thoroughly
29:55 May leave fat causing bacteria
29:57 Lifebuoy new plate cleaner
29:59 Effective lifting fat and killing bacteria only in one wash
30:02 Hygienic clean plate
30:03 Now buy three, free one
30:05 New Posh Girl Perfume Spray
30:07 Girls must have
30:08 Blasting smell, blooming everywhere
30:11 Smell everywhere
30:12 Sunburn, just chill again
30:14 AM to PM, keep on smelling in every mood
30:17 Posh Girl Perfume Spray, let's make your mood
30:20 Great, Bebe Luck
30:22 Rich in Posh Girls that are clean
30:24 Support good skin and triple A with higher DHA
30:28 Stimulation of creative mind, C Kecil
30:30 Both help grow a big heart
30:33 Bebe Luck, all the great things start
30:35 There's a new one, K Natural White Jeju Lemon
30:38 Skin is pure water
30:39 With Korean Rice Milk and Jeju Lemon
30:42 Fight against acne
30:44 Wow, so pretty
30:46 Buy now, K Natural White Jeju Lemon
30:49 New, Clean Skin
30:50 New, Pepsoden Nano Soft
30:52 Two, one, two, four
30:55 Four?
30:56 Yes, there are four layers of plaque on the teeth
30:58 Use Pepsoden Nano Soft
30:59 First, the nano tip, penetrate the deepest layer
31:02 Remove four layers of plaque
31:04 New, Pepsoden Nano Soft
31:05 We want to win for the nation
31:07 The sun that makes the skin shine will not stop us
31:10 New, Vaseline UV Extra Brightening
31:12 With Glutaglow, 30 times antioxidant
31:15 For brighter skin and moist in three days
31:18 Replace your brightness with Vaseline
31:21 For dry skin, I give new softness, Sweet Sal
31:25 First, with four times Prebiotic Moisturizer
31:28 That moisturizes and smells soft
31:31 Make a bath moment, bonding moment
31:33 Sweet Sal Hair & Body
31:35 Active movement in hot weather
31:38 Make sweat, itch, and itchy scalp
31:41 We need freshness
31:43 Clear, Ice Dementor
31:45 With the best anti-itch technology
31:49 Feel the layers in the scalp
31:52 Three times clean total
31:54 Finish the wet, oily, and itchy scalp
31:57 For freshness that shakes the world
32:01 Three times clean total
32:04 Clear, finish
32:05 Finish
32:06 Wow, Irfan, let me help you
32:12 Help, help, help
32:14 Here, put the key in the pocket
32:17 Proud of his active and caring brother
32:19 But, his hair turns yellow
32:22 Calm down, there is Rinso Formula Baru
32:24 With Smart Clean System
32:26 Effective, remove dirt and lift the yellow hair
32:32 Rinso Anti-Dandruff, Free Clothes, Yellow Dandruff
32:35 Usually, the toothpaste is not good and make you want to throw up
32:38 Now, we use the new toothpaste Barakat
32:41 The toothpaste contains post-green tea, make the teeth more comfortable, clean, and fresh
32:45 Strong teeth, also change since one brush
32:48 Baru Barakat, Healthy teeth, sure Barakat
32:50 Entering the age of 30, the condition of bones, spines, and muscles begin to decline
32:55 Drink Anlin now, high in calcium, high in protein, and collagen
33:00 Anlin, the number one adult milk in Indonesia
33:03 Also available in sachet packaging
33:05 Taste the softness of chocolate combined with the goodness of milk
33:16 Catbury Dairy Milk, taste the softness of goodness
33:20 Something sweet to chill with friends
33:22 Fresh and natural dessert collection, Pre-Cologne and Body Wash
33:25 Pink cupcake fragrance, so sweet and cheerful
33:28 The foam is so fluffy and fresh
33:30 Indulge yourself with fresh and natural dessert collection
33:33 Be Sweet, Be You
33:35 Wingscare, fresh and long-lasting with natural strength
33:37 Baru Reksoname Natural Fresh, fresher
33:40 Lime Cool, with 3 times the strength of freshness
33:42 Charcoal Fresh, 3 times against bacteria
33:45 Fresh, long-lasting, and believe in yourself, whatever your activity
33:48 Baru Reksoname Natural Fresh
33:51 Bangga nyayang ngawis uda, senyum gigi ya
33:54 Tapi gigi kuning ko bikin ga bangga
33:56 Tapsodian Whitening aja
33:58 Baru Tapsodian Whitening, formula for light whitening boost
34:01 100% hilangkan oda kuning untuk memutihkan gigi
34:03 Gigi putihnya bikin bangga
34:05 Aku selalu mengikat rambut untuk kuasai permainanku
34:08 Tapi aku ngehawati rambutku jadi kusut
34:11 Baru Sunself Active Infusion, dengan argan oil, protein, dan vitamin E
34:15 Agar aku percaya diri, melepas ikat rambutku
34:17 Rambut 5 kali lebih lembut dan harum
34:19 Sunself baru
34:21 Duh kulitku belang dan gosong
34:23 Tenang, ada Glowing Lovely Body Wash baru
34:26 Dengan multivitamin dan niacinamide
34:28 Busa yang lembut, mencerahkan
34:30 Bikin kulit glowing menyeluruh
34:32 No more insecure
34:34 By Blush Hello Glowing
34:36 Okeh pemirsa, jadi sekarang kita bakal main games
34:45 Nama game ini adalah adu kupas buah jeruk berhadiah
34:49 Okeh disini sudah ada 3 ibu-ibu yang akan bermain game
34:54 Cara permainan mudah sekali, dengarkan baik-baik
34:56 Jadi di depan ibu-ibu ada buah apel
34:59 Ibu panggilnya jeruk, maka ibu kagum kacamatanya
35:03 Buah jeruk, namanya juga manusia, pasti punya salah ibu-ibu ya
35:06 Maaf ya
35:07 Jadi kupas buah jeruknya, jangan sampai kebelah buah jeruknya
35:11 Jadi yang masih ada serat-seratnya tuh
35:13 Kemudian kalau sudah kekupas semuanya
35:15 Silahkan taruh ke ember
35:17 Baskong
35:19 Taruh ke baskong, siapa yang paling banyak mengupas jeruknya
35:23 Tanpa adanya, apa namanya, belahan jeruknya
35:26 Dia menjadi pemenangnya ya
35:28 Okeh
35:29 Waktu kita kasih selama 2 hari 2 malam
35:34 2 menit
35:37 Juara pertama akan mendapatkan hadiah 500 ribu rupiah
35:42 Juara kedua 300 ribu rupiah
35:45 Juara ketiga 50 juta rupiah
35:49 Sayangkan, nanti mau kalah semua
35:51 Ini yang kalah ibu-ibu ya
35:53 Okeh, juara ketiga 200 ribu rupiah
35:56 Okeh, kalau begitu kita kenalin dulu sebelum kita bermain games
35:59 Kita kenalin dari orang pertama
36:01 Siapa ibu?
36:02 Ibu Sri Suparno
36:03 Ibu Sri, kirain punya rizis ya
36:05 Okeh, selanjutnya
36:11 Ibu Arsha
36:13 Ibu yang ketiga?
36:14 Ibu Mina
36:15 Ibu Mina, kirain ibu Aurel Hermansyah
36:19 Okeh, kalau begitu kita hitung bersama-sama
36:28 Hitungan ketiga kita akan mulai
36:29 1, 2, 3, go
36:31 2 menit dan sekarang
36:32 Jangan sampai kepotong
36:35 Ini dikupas sampai serat-seratnya ya
36:40 Pokoknya sampai benar-benar bersih
36:42 Waktu cuma 2 menit saja
36:44 Kupas jeruknya, jangan sampai kepotong jeruknya
36:48 Ini dia, waktu berjalan 20 detik
36:53 Ayo ibu-ibu, bisa ibu
36:57 Jangan sampai kebelah jeruknya
37:01 Sampai bersih bulu-bulunya
37:03 Udah ibu, masukin basket, cepet-cepet masukin basket
37:06 Ayo, kupas lagi
37:09 Bisa waktu 1,5 menit lagi
37:12 Cepet ibu, cepet-cepet
37:17 Udah, udah, udah
37:19 Bisa waktu 1 menit lagi, 1 menit lagi
37:25 Ayo ibu, cepet ibu, kupas lagi ibu
37:30 Bisa waktu 50 detik lagi
37:35 Bisa waktu 30 detik lagi
37:38 Sisa waktu 30 detik lagi
37:53 Sisa waktu 20 detik lagi
38:04 20 detik lagi
38:06 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
38:26 Waktunya habis
38:30 Oke stop
38:32 Oke, tahan
38:34 Tahan
38:36 Baik
38:38 Kita hitung dari orang pertama dulu ya
38:40 Ibu Ria Ricis
38:42 Yeay
38:44 1, 2, 3, 4, seberapa?
38:50 Gak bisa
38:52 Bukan, gak boleh
38:54 Berarti 4 ya
38:56 Selanjutnya, Tika
38:58 Nih, bayang nih
39:00 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
39:06 Tarihnya sendiri ibu
39:13 Ada 1, 2, 3, 4
39:16 Yang ini gak dihitung ya, karena masih ada kurka
39:18 Jadi ada 4 buah
39:20 Kalau begitu pemirsa, langsung aja kita kasih hadiah untuk orang yang beruntung di games ini
39:26 Juara pertama jatuh kepada
39:30 Aura Kasi
39:32 500
39:35 Juara kedua Ria Ricis
39:38 Juara ketiga Aura Hermansyah
39:42 Dan untuk juara pertama ada tambahan bonus hadiah buat kamu
39:48 Mau gak? Ada hadiahnya 500 ribu rupiah
39:51 Tantangan, makan 3 jeruk dalam waktu 2 menit harus habis
39:57 Siap apa gak?
39:59 Kalau berhasil, 500 ribu rupiah
40:01 Ini deh, saya kasih keringanan
40:06 KT tim kan 3 jeruk, saya kasih 2 jeruk aja
40:09 Coba, coba
40:11 Siap ya
40:12 Kita hitung
40:14 Kita hitung 2 menit dari sekarang, silahkan
40:19 2 menit dari sekarang, makan
40:21 Semua
40:27 Lama, satu-satu
40:30 Kalau gak kuat, silahkan berhenti
40:47 Gak kuat?
40:49 Oke, stop
40:50 Pemirsa, peserta bilang gak kuat
40:52 Baik, kita kasih tantangan untuk Aura Hermansyah
40:55 Berani gak?
40:58 2 jeruk harus habis dalam waktu 2 menit
41:00 Kalau berhasil, 500 ribu rupiah
41:02 Berani gak, mbak?
41:03 Gak berani
41:04 Ibu, berani gak?
41:06 Berani, oke, baik
41:08 Kalau begitu, 2 menit dihitung dari sekarang, silahkan
41:11 Silahkan
41:12 Harus di telan, harus dimakan
41:24 Ini segar, segar, sehat
41:26 (Indistinct chatter)
41:46 Kuat gak?
41:47 Gak kuat?
41:48 Kuat gak, bu?
41:51 (Indistinct chatter)
41:55 Satu lagi, ayo
41:57 Satu lagi
41:58 Satu menit lagi, satu menit lagi
42:05 Di telan
42:08 Di telan
42:09 Ayo
42:11 Satu menit lagi, cepetan
42:13 Bisa
42:14 Bisa, dikit lagi, dikit lagi, bu
42:20 (Indistinct chatter)
42:23 Bisa, waktu 50 detik lagi, ayo, bu, bisa, bu
42:25 40 detik lagi, 40 detik lagi
42:35 30 detik lagi
42:45 30 detik lagi
42:46 Berhasil
42:53 Oke, buat ibu, selamat 500 ribu rupiah
42:58 Oke, taksikan terus, siapa mau jadi juara?
43:04 Aku lah, aku juara
43:06 (Indistinct chatter)
43:08 Jangan kemana-mana ya, tetap bersama kami, hanya di Inser
43:16 (Coughing)
43:19 Sorry, sorry
43:20 (Indistinct chatter)
43:24 Minum Boondrack Blue Dan Batu P
43:26 Dengan 3 okenya Boondrack, efektif redakan Blue Batu
43:28 Boondrack Blue Dan Batu P, fast and efektif, tanpa ngantuk
43:33 (Sigh)
43:34 Waktunya Pepsoden
43:35 Ke-ah, ngantuk
43:37 Wee, kita nyanyi yuk
43:38 Ayo
43:39 Aku gigi mulut rumahku
43:42 Pepsoden tiap hari, cegah gigi berlubang
43:45 Sepuluh kali
43:47 Kok sepuluh kali?
43:48 Yuk, tanya Pepsoden, gratis konsultasi dokter gigi
43:51 Scan packnya, Haizi
43:52 Hai
43:53 Ya, Pepsoden baru, berbaiki lubang kecil takasak mata
43:56 Sepuluh kali lebih kuat, cegah gigi berlubang
43:58 Sepuluh kali cegah gigi berlubang
44:01 Pepsoden
44:03 Jari Disco karena ketombe basah?
44:06 Masalahnya bukan di permukaan aja
44:08 Move on, ke Head & Shoulders
44:10 Baru, masuk hingga kelima lapisan
44:12 Kalahkan ketombe basah dan gatal
44:14 Head & Shoulders
44:16 Kita semua ingin anak makan yang bergizi
44:20 Tapi gimana supaya mereka suka ya?
44:22 Jangan khawatir
44:24 Royco resep baru
44:26 Masakan makin kaya rasa
44:28 Dengan ayam yang direbus lama, kaldu lebih terasa
44:31 Dan kaya paduan rempah
44:33 Jadikan masakan makin kaya rasa dan bergizi
44:36 Lebih banyak sayurannya
44:38 Untuk sup ayam bergizi favorit keluarga
44:40 Ayo makan yang lebih bergizi
44:43 Dengan mengubah isi piringmu
44:45 Royco resep baru
44:46 Masakan makin kaya rasa
44:48 Akua percaya akan kebijaksanaan dan keajaiban alam
44:52 Akua berasal dari gunung-gunung terpilih
44:54 Bukan tempat yang mudah terceman
44:57 Akua disarik oleh lapisan bebatuan pelindung
45:00 Tanpa proses rekayasa
45:02 Akua mengandung mineral alami
45:04 Tanpa tambahan zat berbahaya
45:06 Sehingga Akua terasa dingin
45:10 Tanpa didinginkan
45:12 Jelaskan, kalau tak semua air itu Akua
45:15 Akua 100% murni
45:17 Deodoran dengan Face Serum untuk roda gelap diketian
45:20 Menarik juga ya
45:21 Aku penasaran sih
45:23 The Ultimate Repair
45:24 Dengan kandungan Face Serum 10x Niacinamide
45:27 Mengurangi nada gelap diketian
45:29 Jauh lebih tersamakan
45:30 Thank you, Dove
45:31 Coba Dove Ultimate Repair
45:33 Wah cocok nih
45:35 Bagus nih
45:37 Tapi mahal
45:38 Shopping
45:40 Wah
45:41 Potong setengahnya
45:46 Belanja di Shopilife
45:47 Semua di store 50%
45:49 Paling murah di shopping
45:50 Discon Shopilife 50%
45:53 Shopping Shopilife 50%
45:56 Belanja di Shopilife
45:57 Semua di shopping
45:59 Belanja di Shopilife
46:00 Semua di store 50%
46:02 Habis mandi kok kulitku tetap kusam ya
46:05 Mau glowing?
46:06 Sabun aja ga cukup
46:07 Pakai Citra setiap habis mandi
46:08 Dengan 20x Glowing Serum
46:10 Dan 10x Kekuatan Melembabkan
46:12 Tampak glowing
46:13 Wow dan terasa lembut
46:14 Pakai Citra
46:15 Kulit glowing dan terasa lembut
46:17 You gave me goosebumps
46:22 Hi
46:23 Sayang ma
46:27 Bau mulut
46:28 Bakteri adalah penyebab bau mulutmu
46:31 Gunakan Close Up
46:35 Dengan Zinc Antibacterial
46:38 Mengatasi nafas bau bakteri
46:41 Nafas segar lebih dekat
46:46 Close Up
46:47 I love what I do
46:50 Dengan Royal Perfume Series by Soclin
46:53 Yang terinspirasi dari parfum selebriti dunia
46:56 Wangi parfumnya tak terkalahkan
46:59 Karena memiliki parfum konsentrat tinggi
47:03 Royal Active Touch-nya tebarkan wanginya di tiap sentuhan
47:08 Wangi parfumnya bertahan sepanjang hari
47:12 Dengan Royal Parfum Series by Soclin
47:15 Ku menangkan duniaku
47:17 Wingscare
47:18 Rahasia kecantikanku
47:19 Lux Botanicals Body Wash
47:21 Keharuman tahan lamaan 12 jam
47:23 Membuat tebuhku tetap wangi seharian
47:27 Kekuatan wangi 12 jam
47:29 Kekuatanku
47:30 Lux Botanicals Body Wash
47:32 Lancaran hausernya?
47:34 Aduh, beruntusan
47:36 Ponce Pure Bright
47:37 Dengan charcoal yang menyenap kotoran
47:39 Mengurangi beruntusan
47:40 Untuk wajah glowy dan mulus
47:42 Lagu ini buat nenek
47:44 Mulus
47:46 Ponce Pure Bright
47:48 Sebagai ibu, aku selalu memberi perlindungan optimal
47:52 Nutrilin Royal
47:53 Lebih tinggi fosgos DHA dan Omega
47:55 Dukung ibu siapkannya jadi pemenang
47:58 Winner is winner
47:59 Nutrilin Royal
48:00 Bekal untuk menang
48:02 Setiap 10 tahun
48:05 Dia mencai mangsa
48:08 Agar terisi kekuatannya
48:11 Kau pikir ini solusi semua masalah?
48:15 Keluasan tak terjadi apa-apa?
48:17 T
48:18 Dan sebuah perjanjian dengan cinta tersepati
48:22 Menyerahkan kekuatannya hidup selamanya
48:26 Sebagai
48:27 Bantuan Gunggul
48:29 Dan, itu maksudnya aku sama kamu kan?
48:37 Kita mau ketemu siapa?
48:38 Mereka, Cher
48:40 Iya, kamu
48:41 Beli Oreo Waffle, scan dan cek caranya di Instagram
48:45 Yuk, ikut ah
48:47 Ada yang baru
48:48 K Natural White Jeju Lemon
48:50 Kulitku curah waktu
48:51 Dengan gorengan rice milk dan jeju lemon
48:53 Lawan bakteri bodi akhni
48:55 Wah, gipetah, cantik
48:57 By Curawat
48:58 K Natural White Jeju Lemon
49:00 Baru
49:01 Wingscare
49:02 Baju wangi pake Molto Parfumboos
49:04 Wanginya bikin boleh
49:07 Dengan teknologi parfumboos
49:11 Bikin baju 10 kali lebih wangi
49:14 Segar seharian
49:16 Molto Parfumboos
49:17 Ini minggu, ayah
49:21 Stop dulu kerjanya
49:23 Hai, ayah semuanya, seru-seruan
49:26 Wo-o-o-o-oreo
49:28 Wo-o-o-o-oreo
49:31 Baru
49:33 Posh Girl Perfume Spray
49:34 Cewek wajib punya
49:35 Wangi blazing
49:36 Blooming everywhere
49:37 Kecium dimana-mana
49:39 Terik matahari
49:40 Chill aja lagi
49:41 AM to PM
49:42 Wangi terus in every mood
49:44 Posh Girl Perfume Spray
49:45 Let's make your mood
49:46 Live
49:47 Kita rasa Italia
49:49 Sebenarnya
49:51 Vaffello
49:53 Krimnya lumer
49:54 Bisa digeser
49:56 Pilih waffer ya waffer
49:57 Italia
49:59 Vaffello
50:00 Pilih 10 extra 3
50:01 Untung lebih banyak
50:09 Pemirsa masih bersama warga Rusun Tanah Ebat
50:15 Hasilnya masih disiapa?
50:16 Mau jadi juara?
50:17 Aku rasa juara
50:19 Kita akan main games
50:20 Nama gamesnya adalah
50:22 Tumpuk barang berhadiah
50:24 Jadi kita akan bermain game
50:25 Tumpuk barang berhadiah
50:27 Kita sudah mendapatkan
50:28 Dua tim
50:29 Satu tim terdiri dari
50:30 Tiga orang bapak-bapak
50:31 Dan juga tiga orang
50:32 Anak-anak muda ya
50:34 Baik, cara permain mudah sekali
50:35 Nanti
50:36 Dengarkan baik-baik teman-teman
50:38 Di sini sudah ada quick card
50:40 Quick card ini
50:41 Di balik kalian ini
50:43 Sudah ada warna ya
50:45 Jadi kalau misalkan
50:46 Di antara kalian memilih warna
50:48 Sesuai pilihan kalian
50:49 Jadi kalian harus mengambil barang
50:51 Sesuai warna yang kalian pilih dari awal
50:53 Dan harus ditumpuk setinggi mungkin
50:55 Sesuai warna yang kalian timnya pilih
50:57 Contoh misalkan
50:58 Kalian mengambil warna merah
51:00 Tugas kalian adalah
51:02 Mengumpulkan barang-barang
51:03 Yang berwarna merah
51:05 Tumpuk paling tinggi
51:06 Siapa yang tumpukan yang paling tinggi
51:08 Dalam waktu 5 menit
51:10 Dia menjadi juaranya
51:11 Juara pertama akan kita kasih uangnya sebesar
51:14 Rp 1.500.000
51:17 Yang paling tinggi ya tumpukannya ya
51:20 Tapi sesuai warnanya ya
51:22 Yang kalah tetap kita kasih hadiah
51:24 Berapa disini?
51:25 Hadiahnya adalah Rp 1.000.000
51:28 Oke
51:29 Untuk menentukan siapa dulu yang memilih
51:32 Quick card yang ada gambarnya
51:34 Untuk positifitas
51:35 Sweet nih
51:36 Sweet dan kita ikut main juga ya
51:39 Kak Billy mau ditim mana dulu nih?
51:41 Tim mana aja lah
51:42 Aku tim anak muda
51:44 Yang menang
51:46 Billy quick card
51:47 Billy
51:51 Tunggu dulu
51:52 Mari kesana
51:53 Oke
51:54 Siap ya
51:55 Masihapa namanya?
51:58 Masihapa namanya?
51:59 Ariel
52:00 Mas Ariel
52:01 Namanya cakep orangnya
52:03 Cakep banget
52:05 Cakep
52:06 Oke
52:09 Silahkan pilih Mas Ariel
52:10 Pilih aja pilih yang mana
52:12 Oke baik
52:13 Untuk timnya Mas Ariel
52:15 Harus mengumpulkan barang sesuai warna biru ya
52:18 Oke bantu ntar aku cari barang warna biru ya
52:21 Dan untuk timnya siapa namanya Mas?
52:23 Mas Agus
52:25 Mengambil barang dengan warna merah ya
52:29 Barang
52:30 Jadi tumpukin barang sesuai warna
52:32 Kalau misalkan tumpukan barangnya tidak sesuai dengan warna kalian
52:36 Kita ambil lagi ya warnanya
52:38 Kita ambil lagi barangnya
52:40 Dan waktunya ingat sekali lagi hanya 5 menit ya
52:42 Siap
52:43 Kita hitung bersama-sama
52:49 Hitungan ke 3, 5 menit akan dihitung
52:51 1, 2, 3 go
52:53 Saya cari warna merah
52:55 Barang warna merah
52:57 Pinju boleh ga?
52:59 Hei mana pinju ya?
53:01 Itu sembok
53:03 Hei mana biru?
53:06 Hei mana biru?
53:08 Ini
53:09 Tumpukan-tumpukan
53:11 Jangan dihitung
53:12 Tumpukan-tumpukan
53:14 Warnanya mana biru?
53:16 Warnanya mana biru?
53:18 Baru-baru ini
53:19 Baru-baru ini
53:21 Ini, saya pegang
53:23 Don't hit him
53:25 Warnanya mana biru?
53:27 Hei mana biru?
53:29 Mana?
53:31 Mana?
53:33 Saya tinggi-tingginya
53:39 Ayo-ayo
53:43 Hei misi-misi
53:51 Biru
53:54 Baru-baru ini
53:56 Tumpukan-tumpukan
53:58 Harus bisa berdiri
54:00 Harus bisa berdiri ya
54:02 Jadi pemirsa di games ini adalah
54:04 Menumpuk barang
54:06 Tersuai dengan 10 hitungan
54:08 Itu warna biru ya
54:10 Tapi bener-bener harus berdiri
54:12 Kita akan menilai siapa yang paling tinggi berdirinya
54:14 Ini menjadi juaranya
54:16 Juara pertama yang mendapatkan wang yang sebesar 1.7 Rupiah
54:18 Dan yang kalah
54:20 1.7 Rupiah
54:22 Ibu-ibu baju merah berdiri
54:24 Harus berdiri
54:28 Gak boleh dipegangin
54:30 Boleh katanya
54:32 Gak boleh dipegangin harus berdiri
54:34 Tadi gak boleh katanya
54:36 Tadi gak boleh dipegangin
54:40 Ayo, waktu terus berjalan
54:42 Disusun-dusun
54:44 Balingin-balingin
54:50 Tinggi bang
54:52 Tinggi bang
54:54 Ya ini tinggi
54:56 Balingin-balingin
54:58 Tinggi
55:00 Oke, baik pemirsa
55:04 Kita lihat kedua tim
55:06 Antara tim yang mengumpulan
55:08 Benda berwarna biru sudah
55:10 Melebihi
55:12 Benda yang berwarna merah kita lihat
55:14 Tapi jangan mau kalah
55:16 Ayo, bagus
55:18 Naikin terus
55:20 Terus, tusuk terus
55:22 Waktu terus berjalan
55:26 Sisa waktu 2 menit lagi
55:28 Ayo, sisa waktu 2 menit lagi
55:30 Sisa waktu 2 menit lagi
55:34 Ini dibawa dulu bang, dibawa
55:38 Ayo
55:42 Ini yang disusun
55:44 Ini, ini, ini
55:46 Ini
55:48 Ini
55:50 Bagus, bagus
55:52 Ini, ini
56:00 Stop, stop
56:02 Jangan, jangan
56:04 Ini, ini
56:06 Jangan, jangan
56:08 Ini, ini
56:10 Jangan, jangan
56:12 Ini, ini
56:14 Jangan, jangan
56:16 Ini, ini
56:18 Jangan, jangan
56:20 Ini, ini
56:22 Tergantung berdirinya, bisa gak?
56:24 Waktu sisa 1 menit lagi
56:28 1 menit lagi
56:30 Eh, beloknya
56:38 Beloknya masukin, beloknya masukin
56:40 Baloonnya
56:42 Beloknya
56:44 Beloknya
56:46 Beloknya
56:48 Tidak kuat, bu
56:50 Tidak kuat, bu
56:52 Tidak kuat, bu
56:54 Tidak kuat, bu
56:56 Tidak kuat, bu
56:58 Tidak kuat, bu
57:00 Tidak kuat, bu
57:02 Tidak kuat, bu
57:04 Sisa waktu 50 menit lagi
57:06 Sisa waktu 50 menit lagi
57:08 Sisa waktu 50 menit lagi
57:10 Belok, belok, belok
57:12 Belok, belok, belok
57:14 Belok, belok, belok
57:16 Belok, belok, belok
57:18 Tidak kuat, bu
57:20 Tidak kuat, bu
57:22 Sisa waktu 30 menit lagi
57:24 Sisa waktu 30 menit lagi
57:26 Tinggin, tinggin, tinggin
57:28 Taruh atas
57:30 Taruh atas, taruh atas
57:34 (crowd shouting)
57:36 (crowd shouting)
57:39 (crowd shouting)
57:42 (crowd shouting)
57:45 (crowd shouting)
57:47 (crowd shouting)
57:50 (crowd shouting)
57:53 (crowd shouting)
57:56 (crowd shouting)
57:58 (crowd shouting)
58:01 (crowd shouting)
58:04 (crowd shouting)
58:27 (crowd shouting)
58:30 (crowd shouting)
58:32 (crowd shouting)
58:37 (crowd shouting)
58:39 (crowd shouting)
58:42 (crowd shouting)
58:45 (crowd shouting)
58:48 (crowd shouting)
59:06 (crowd shouting)
59:08 (crowd shouting)
59:29 (crowd shouting)
59:32 (crowd shouting)
59:42 (speaking in foreign language)
59:46 Keep on watching "Siapa Mau Jadi Juara"
59:48 I am the champion!