Rihanna dévoile le visage de son 2e enfant et révèle sa silhouette de rêve, 1 mois après l'accouchem

  • last year
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Rihanna dévoile le visage de son 2e enfant et révèle sa silhouette de rêve, 1 mois après l'accouchement

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00:00 Rihanna and Isa Proki welcomed their second child on August 1, 2023.
00:14 The lovers have, finally, unveiled the face of their adorable boy named Riot Rose.
00:23 Fans are eagerly awaiting her ninth album but Rihanna has other priorities.
00:32 In addition to becoming a very prominent businesswoman in the world of fashion and cosmetics, the
00:37 singer is a mother of two.
00:39 Her youngest, named Riot Rose, joined the family last August.
00:50 She is very willing to take a break when she is pregnant, the 35-year-old artist is a
00:54 little more frivolous about the idea of ​​revealing the face of her sons.
00:57 She has just participated in a family photoshoot in order to reveal her last child on the big
01:07 day.
01:08 For our great pleasure, aged just one month, little Riot Rose is indeed the star of some
01:17 professional cliché captured at home.
01:20 Dressed in a set of salmon colors, he took the pose, so young, in a twist in a
01:27 plaid, wrapped in the arms of his famous parents.
01:30 He is not the only one to rival cuteness on his images.
01:36 His big brother Arsia Yatel Stone Myers, born in May 2022, is also present in his
01:45 photos and he already has a hell of a sense of look since he put on a very fashionable
01:50 jean and a long-sleeved T-shirt.
01:52 A habit, you have to believe, the child has already done, very recently, the cover of
02:01 the Vogue magazine.
02:02 Here is also the opportunity to see Rihanna, herself, for the first time since birth.
02:08 Rihanna had announced this second pregnancy without needing a word.
02:15 She was content to reveal her belly already round during an incredible performance
02:22 given at the time of the Super Bowl halftime show.
02:26 For their second child, Rihanna and Isa Proki have chosen a very original name but also
02:34 full of meaning.
02:35 Riot means, in English, "Emote" and it is the title of a song by his dad, featuring
02:43 with Pharrell Williams.
02:46 According to the birth certificate obtained by The Blast, the little boy was born at the
02:53 Cedar Cinei Hospital in Los Angeles on August 1, 2023, and not on August 3 as we could
02:59 read in some American press titles.
03:05 The obstetrician who is occupied by Rihanna is none other than the one who followed Khloé
03:09 Kardashian and Kylie Jenner, but also the former companion of Al Pacino.
03:14 the world.
03:17 the world.
03:20 the world.
03:23 the world.
03:26 the world.
03:29 the world.
03:31 (music)
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