Les souvenirs horribles qui remontent, Je suis en train de pleurer… les internautes bouleversé

  • last year
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"Les souvenirs horribles qui remontent", "Je suis en train de pleurer…" : les internautes bouleversés par Respire sur M6 et le harcèlement scolaire

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01:48 The 52-year-old singer lent his lines to a music teacher, who came to help Tessa, a student victims of school harassment.
01:59 From the beginning of his school, the tuba performer in weightlessness lived a traumatic experience that marked him forever.
02:10 I was in total school failure. I must say that my first day of high school was a bit traumatic.
02:19 I didn't put the dots on the "i" and I got a pair of slaps from my teacher.
02:27 I stopped my studies in fourth grade. I didn't give a damn.
02:34 In addition, I was in a difficult high school, in Echirol, Izher, N.
02:43 DLR. The conditions were terrible, there was a lot of violence, he told us.
02:52 The telefilm "Breath" broadcast on M6 upset the viewers. On Tuesday, September 12, the telefilm "Breath" caused many reactions.
03:05 On X, several netizens were upset by this fiction, which will, for the most part, remind painful memories.
03:16 I look back at Tessa's story. I was also a victim of school harassment from college to college, I was lucky to have a golden mother who supported me when she learned everything, wrote one of them.
03:31 Other netizens estimate that the telefilm should be broadcast in all schools to raise awareness of students to harassment.
03:42 This film must be shown in all colleges and high schools.
03:48 "Harassment wreaks havoc, let's fight it. Educate your children, teach them the damage that social networks can do and protect them," wrote a netizen.
04:01 One thing is for sure, the telefilm "Breath" left no one indifferent.
04:12 "Breath" is a film by the director and screenwriter of the film "Breath".
04:20 The film is based on the novel "Breath" by the author of the novel "Breath".
04:29 The film is based on the novel "Breath" by the author of the novel "Breath".
04:39 The film is based on the novel "Breath" by the author of the novel "Breath".
04:49 "Breath" is a film by the director and screenwriter of the film "Breath".
04:59 ♪ Again they come ♪
05:02 (upbeat music)
