Iacono (AD Engie)" Firenze può diventare un esempio"

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - Engie leader nella decarbonizzazione vuole fare un esempio virtuoso


00:00 It is an intervention on more than 400 buildings of the French Public Administration
00:06 with a double purpose.
00:08 On the one hand, to make them more efficient,
00:10 to find the most innovative ways, also from a technological point of view,
00:14 to make these buildings consume less,
00:17 and on the other hand, to produce energy from renewable sources.
00:21 So this is a long-term intervention
00:24 that marries a partnership that will last over 9 years
00:31 within a contractual scheme, that of CONSIP.
00:34 So, basically, we will have the possibility
00:38 to save consumption to the French Public Administration
00:43 for about 30% for thermal consumption
00:46 and for about 20% for electrical consumption.
