'I am pride to give my blood': Moroccan citizens donate their blood to help the earthquake injured

  • last year

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00:00 The staff at this Marrakesh blood donation centre usually see around 140 arrivals every
00:05 day.
00:06 But since Friday's earthquake, the city's residents have turned out in their thousands.
00:14 I'm proud to give my blood.
00:16 I'm proud to see all these people outside who've come in their hundreds, even thousands.
00:21 I'm just as proud to give my blood, even though my health isn't really up to it.
00:28 I have come to help the victims who are in a critical state in hospitals.
00:38 We came from far away.
00:40 We already came here yesterday.
00:42 We waited, but they couldn't take us and we left.
00:46 We even skipped two training sessions to come back today.
00:55 So many have come to try and donate, though, that staff are swamped and have been turning
01:00 people away, asking them to stagger their arrivals over several days.
01:08 Giving blood is the most noble thing you can currently do.
01:12 It gives us the strength to go on.
01:14 We've been doing shift after shift after shift, but this support from the people gives us
01:19 strength to fight and the victims the strength to heal from their wounds.
01:27 That's exactly the kind of strength that Morocco medical staff are going to need in the days
01:32 and weeks ahead.
01:33 As help continues to reach isolated areas, hospitals like the one behind me have cancelled
01:39 all non-critical procedures, in the expectation of yet further casualties to come.
