IMF rejects relief plan provided by caretaker government

  • last year
IMF rejects relief plan provided by caretaker government
00:00 On one hand, people are worried about the increased electricity bill.
00:04 On the other hand, the NIGRA government has failed to find a solution to this issue.
00:09 In this situation, the Minister of NIGRA, Mr. Murtaza Solangi, raised objections to the public's protest.
00:15 He wrote in his tweet that electricity will not be cheap if the bill is not paid.
00:19 The citizens question that the government is not even providing a solution to the problem.
00:23 If we don't protest, where should we go?
00:25 The IMF has also rejected the government's plan for electricity relief.
00:29 We have with us Hafiz Naeem-ur-Rehman, the Amir-e-Jamat-e-Islami of Karachi.
00:35 Thank you very much, Mr. Hafiz, for speaking to us on ARY News.
00:38 On one hand, the plan that is being given to the IMF is not feasible for them.
00:43 On the other hand, the NIGRA government is saying that protesting and not paying the bill will not solve the problem.
00:50 Mr. Hafiz, how will this problem be solved?
00:54 Should people not protest or raise objections?
00:56 No, protesting, protesting and silencing them will solve the problem.
01:02 Because the ruling class, and I respect Mr. Murtaza Solangi a lot, he is a very good man.
01:08 What happens is that he goes into the ears of this coal and starts talking like this.
01:13 I am surprised, the language changes, the style changes.
01:15 If nothing can be done by protesting, then nothing can be done in the world.
01:20 So, protesting is our constitutional democratic right.
01:24 We will scream, we will scream and we will scream so loudly that your ears will start splitting.
01:29 And you will have to be forced.
01:31 Either you leave this ruling class, like they have kept their stakes in America, London, Dubai.
01:37 Or they will have to listen to our problem.
01:40 Because it is too much now.
01:42 And if this protest is not done peacefully on the platform of a party, like the Jamat-e-Islami.
01:49 Because it is a single party that has this right and can do it too.
01:53 Because they are not involved in this business, in which all are arrested.
01:58 So if we don't do this work, then this protest will go in such a way that it will not come in their control.
02:02 It will go towards anarchy.
02:04 The country and the nation will be harmed.
02:06 That is why I think that they should read the Navishta-e-Diwar.
02:09 This peaceful protest cannot be done by any party in the whole of Pakistan, until the will of the people is included.
02:15 Whether it is the traders or the people, if everyone has protested on the appeal of Sadhu Naqsh,
02:20 then I think that they should read the writing on the wall and they will have to reduce it.
02:25 What they say cannot be done. How can it not be done?
02:28 Stop the drugs, reduce the number of cars, end the free petrol,
02:32 bring back the money that you have looted so much.
02:36 Everything can be done. It can be done by taking quick steps.
02:39 Revise the IPPs.
02:41 The 9000 MW electricity that we are not even producing, and if we produce it, we are not even spending it.
02:48 Why should we pay for it?
02:50 Why should the rulers not pay for it?
02:52 Who? Their property.
02:54 Do it.
02:55 Hafiz sahib, this is the situation and the next question is that you do not protest,
03:01 you make a plan which is not feasible.
03:04 In such a situation, when the Minister of Finance says that this is not the problem that is being shown,
03:10 then Murtaaz Ul Hangi sahib also says the same, then where should the people go?
03:14 Look, Mr. Qatar should understand that the kind of statements he is making,
03:20 it is becoming very clear that he has also joined the same group.
03:25 If there was a little bit of positive opinion about him, then it will end if you will say the same things
03:31 that Nawaz Sharif or Zardari and other people do.
03:36 Because, you say that there is not so much inflation, what do you know?
03:41 If this group ever buys petrol, then it will come to know.
03:44 When it will buy sugar worth more than 200 rupees, then it will come to know.
03:49 But these people are the ones who do sugar worth 200 rupees, they are sugar mafias.
03:52 You should realize this.
03:53 Hafiz Naeem ul Rehman sahib, thank you very much.
