Clashes erupt in Sweden's third largest city after another Quran burning. At least 3 are detained

  • last year
Clashes erupted in Sweden’s third largest city after an anti-Muslim protester set fire to the Quran, police said Monday.


00:00 A night of rioting in Vanhamstorget, a largely immigrant neighborhood in the Swedish city
00:07 of Malmö.
00:08 Hundreds of people have burned dozens of vehicles and clashed with law enforcement in an outburst
00:13 of anger after an act of Koran burning took place in the city.
00:18 Damage to property has been substantial.
00:20 At the moment the number of victims is unknown but there were scenes of considerable violence.
00:28 Clashes erupted during the day on Sunday after an Iraqi refugee set fire to the Muslim holy
00:33 book.
00:34 Dozens of people came to the area to rebuke the activist.
00:38 Law enforcement intervened to stop him from being attacked and several people were arrested.
00:43 Muslim leaders in Sweden have called on the government to find ways to stop such acts.
00:49 Sweden dropped its last blasphemy laws in the 1970s and the government has said it has
00:53 no intention to reintroduce them.
00:58 (upbeat music)
