How harmful can sweet things be to our teeth and mouth?

  • last year
#healthnews #bakhabarsavera #arynews
00:00 So, let's talk about a beautiful personality.
00:04 For that, you need a beautiful personality to be on YouTube or any other platform.
00:10 -Thank you so much, Ashfaq. -You need to be presentable.
00:12 -Beautiful personality doesn't mean... -Ashfaq, you're being praised.
00:15 It means how you carry yourself.
00:18 -Thank you. -You need a classy personality.
00:20 And your smile is a very important part of it.
00:23 How you look, how you wear your clothes, your smile.
00:28 If you see your teeth, what will happen?
00:32 And if someone is sitting very close to you and you haven't brushed your teeth for 3 days,
00:37 what will happen?
00:38 -Who are you talking about? -Nowadays, we talk about brushing teeth.
00:41 -From the front and like this. -Oh.
00:43 -How to properly brush your teeth. -Brother, these are your teeth.
00:46 Now, it's about dental hygiene to oral hygiene.
00:50 -You don't just have to take care of your teeth. -Ashfaq is thinking.
00:53 You have to floss too. And how to floss is also important.
00:57 -Now, you tell us everything. -How to look after your gums.
01:00 -How to look after your interior walls. -I'm telling you so that there's suspense.
01:03 -I tried to interrupt Ashfaq a lot. -I didn't let you succeed.
01:07 I couldn't succeed. But, I have a lot of knowledge about Ashfaq.
01:12 I appreciate that. But, today we'll talk about the issues of teeth.
01:16 We have with us, in the studio,
01:18 a dentist, Dr. Hussain, who is not in the mood for introductions.
01:21 -Greetings. -Thank you so much, Ali.
01:23 -Thank you. -Have you done any crash course? You look so slim.
01:25 -I've done something. -I've been trying for 3 months
01:29 -to do a different program on this. -But, you've done something.
01:31 -Have you done diet or exercise? -I've done diet.
01:33 -It's heavy. -Diet now converted into exercise.
01:36 Now, let's talk about teeth.
01:38 People don't brush properly. They forget to brush twice.
01:42 They forget to eat and brush.
01:45 -They don't floss. -Can these germs in the mouth
01:47 cause any disease? How can they cause harm?
01:51 I'll tell you an interesting fact.
01:54 These germs convert into yellow tartar.
01:58 We call it calculus in dentistry books.
02:01 As soon as the pieces of this
02:03 go into the stomach while breathing or eating,
02:07 it causes gastritis and pneumonia.
02:12 -Pneumonia? -Yes.
02:13 It's also related to endocarditis.
02:17 It's a heart disease.
02:19 It's a disease of the heart wall.
02:23 It's also related to diabetes.
02:25 -It's a proven fact. -But, when it goes into the stomach,
02:29 doesn't it get digested due to the acids and everything?
02:32 The germs come from an inflamed wall.
02:37 There's an inflamed wall of the muscles.
02:39 The germs break down from there and cause inflammation.
02:43 Inflammation is a negative thing. There are two types of inflammation.
02:46 One is positive and the other is negative.
02:48 Negative inflammation causes distortion.
02:52 I've noticed one more thing.
02:54 The tartar, plaque and calculus that you mentioned,
02:58 it's so fast to convert from biofilm.
03:04 I always thought that Pakistan's population increases fast.
03:07 -But, it's also a big thing. -No.
03:09 Millions of germs build up on the walls of our teeth.
03:15 As soon as we eat something sweet or eat something,
03:20 it starts to stick to the walls of the germs.
03:24 -How does it form such a strong bond? -What happens after that?
03:27 It becomes a hard calculus tartar.
03:29 The patient feels that his teeth are breaking.
03:32 Those are not the teeth.
03:34 It's the calculus that is deposited in the back.
03:38 The surfaces at the back are prone to calculus.
03:43 -I've noticed that. -That's why...
03:45 -It's at the back. -That's why when the patient comes to us
03:48 and we ask him to clean the digestion,
03:51 he says that his teeth will weaken.
03:53 The weakness is what we want to remove.
03:56 Do you understand?
03:57 When it comes out, the patient feels that it's empty.
04:01 -Because it's a fake wall. -Exactly.
04:03 How will it stop if we keep flossing?
04:07 Floss is one of the components.
04:09 First of all, you have to keep your diet in such a way
04:13 that you reduce the frequency of sugar intake.
04:16 That's number one.
04:17 Number two, whenever you take packed food like flour,
04:21 or the snacks we buy,
04:23 you have to clean it properly.
04:25 It shouldn't stick to your mouth.
04:26 As soon as it sticks to any wall,
04:30 it starts its process.
04:31 The cavity is a different thing.
04:34 Calculus is a different thing.
04:36 Calculus is more related to the muscles.
04:39 Cavity is related to our teeth.
04:40 But sometimes, the calculus deposited on the muscles
04:45 also causes cavities.
04:46 It causes cavities in the muscles and teeth.
04:50 -Okay. -It's connected to it.
04:52 Blood flow and other critical fluids pass through it.
04:56 It sends the gerasene and causes cavities.
04:58 Ali, tell me one more thing.
05:00 One of my friends, whom I suggested,
05:02 that brushing teeth properly is important,
05:07 and dental floss is also important.
05:09 He started doing it.
05:11 But he said, "I couldn't smell it before."
05:14 "But when I brush my teeth, I smell it."
05:19 -I'll tell you the reason. -What's the reason?
05:21 It's possible that he's been through
05:24 some ill-fitted processes.
05:27 -He's been through bridges. -No.
05:28 If he hasn't been through anything,
05:31 he's in need of proper dental floss.
05:35 -Okay. -He needs deep cleaning.
05:37 So that he can get back in contact with his teeth and floss.
05:41 -Because he's in Phule. -One more thing.
05:43 In Phule, there's a bag and food is getting stuck inside.
05:46 -And you're flossing, so it's smelly. -People come to the dentist
05:49 when they get a fungus or when their teeth start to fall off.
05:52 What stage is this?
05:54 I'll tell you one thing.
05:56 I'm an implant specialist.
05:58 I'm going to Harvard for further training.
06:01 -Compared to you. -Thank you.
06:04 I'll tell you what happens in implants.
06:08 When our bones are completely melted,
06:12 when we lose our teeth,
06:14 the patient comes to us and says,
06:17 "I didn't go to the dentist because I was scared.
06:20 "I ignored it. I got rid of the root. Now I have to remove it."
06:24 Now the patient comes and says, "I have to get a fixed tooth."
06:26 Because the psyche of a human accepts this.
06:30 We're used to having this kind of hair.
06:33 If we put our hand on another organ,
06:36 we can't accept it mentally.
06:40 When the patient puts on the denture,
06:42 he can't accept it mentally.
06:45 It gets loose.
06:47 So the patient needs a fixed tooth.
06:49 When we go to get a fixed tooth,
06:51 if we don't have a tooth,
06:53 we have the option of an implant.
06:55 For an implant, the first thing is to be normal in sugar.
07:00 If the sugar is not at a normal level,
07:02 you can't put an implant in the bone.
07:04 Number two, a vitamin D component.
07:07 I'm connecting dental health to dental health.
07:09 If vitamin D is less in your bone,
07:12 your implant won't be successful.
07:14 Number three, if you're a smoking patient,
07:18 because of which the nicotine in the blood is rotating,
07:22 the bone is getting weaker,
07:24 you have to lower the smoking level
07:26 so that it goes to the implant.
07:28 Now, this implant is very expensive in Pakistan.
07:32 Yes.
07:32 Because we import it.
07:34 It's not made in Pakistan.
07:36 When we import it,
07:37 we convert dollars into Pakistani rupees.
07:40 Ultimately, when a patient pays a bill of 5-7 lakhs...
07:44 Ordinary people can't afford it.
07:46 You have to eat food.
07:50 You can eat food with a fixed tooth.
07:52 You can't eat food with dentures.
07:54 It's very rare that a person puts dentures out of necessity.
07:57 When you have to eat food,
08:00 your health is connected to your mouth.
08:02 If you chew, the food will be digested.
08:04 How will you eat if you can't chew?
08:07 That's why the patient goes to the implant.
08:09 Then, the expenses increase.
08:11 Then, taking care of it.
08:13 Let's say you put 5-6 titanium screws down
08:16 and then put the titanium screws up.
08:18 Their maintenance is much more than our natural teeth.
08:21 Really?
08:22 Yes.
08:23 If you don't floss it,
08:26 it will become a pocketing and then...
08:29 - ...the implant will fail. - The kids don't understand.
08:32 If you force them to brush their teeth,
08:37 they eat chocolate and other sweet things.
08:39 The kids have a lot of teeth.
08:41 They don't even want to go to the dentist.
08:43 The school has a big role in this.
08:46 The parents definitely have a role.
08:47 I recently came back from a camp in a school.
08:52 I was surprised to see that
08:54 dental health education is being given in the primary school.
08:58 The kids knew the importance of oral health.
09:01 So, the education sector
09:04 and the environment of our home play a big role
09:06 in the education of dental health.
09:08 Coming back to your question,
09:12 if we don't teach brushing to the kids
09:16 like we do in the office,
09:19 where we all eat together,
09:22 if we don't teach brushing to the kids
09:24 as much as eating is important,
09:27 respecting the elders,
09:29 will be ignored.
09:30 It will continue and it will become an attitude.
09:33 This attitude will continue for a lifetime.
09:35 If we don't fill the initials,
09:38 we won't be able to fill the root canal.
09:40 If we don't fill the root canal, we'll have to remove the teeth.
09:42 And then, there's a loss.
09:44 I hope you guys must have learned a lot.
09:47 We have to remind you again and again
09:49 so that you get some counselling.
09:52 If we don't cure it in the beginning,
09:56 it can prove to be a lethal afflict for you.
10:00 Thank you so much, Dr. Hussain, for being with us.
10:04 May God have mercy on us.
10:06 Teeth are very beneficial.
10:09 Let's share the news.
