Coup d'État Secret : Zelensky sous la Loupe de la CIA

  • last year
Dans un contexte marqué par les échecs militaires en Ukraine et la montée des tensions géopolitiques, le président Zelensky se retrouve confronté à une possible issue de coup d'État militaire. Les opérations offensives dans la région de Zaporojie, soutenues par l'Occident et l'OTAN, n'ont pas réussi à briser les lignes russes, suscitant l'insatisfaction des troupes ukrainiennes. Des analystes, comme Larry Johnson et Scott Ritter, ont évoqué la probabilité d'une prise de pouvoir militaire si les pertes ukrainiennes se poursuivent, évoquant même une comparaison avec des événements historiques tels que la révolution de 1917 en Russie.
La situation complexe pousse Zelensky à chercher à préserver sa légitimité politique en proposant des élections présidentielles en 2024, tout en sollicitant un soutien financier de l'Occident. Cependant, les doutes persistent quant à la viabilité de l'Ukraine en tant qu'État indépendant, étant de plus en plus dépendante des alliances internationales et faisant face à des défis géopolitiques croissants. Les débats autour du leadership de Zelensky et de la stabilité du pays reflètent les enjeux cruciaux de la région, où les échecs militaires ont ouvert la voie à des possibles bouleversements politiques majeurs.
#ÉchecsMilitaires, #Ukraine, #Zelensky, #CoupDEtat, #Troupes, #Front, #Offensive, #Soutien, #OTAN, #Russie, #Instabilité, #Analystes, #Dépendance, #Élections, #Alliances, #Tensions, #Mikhaïl, #Survie.
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00:00 At the heart of a crisis that could question the leadership of the Ukrainian President
00:12 Volodymyr Zelensky, analysts warned evoke the possibility of a military coup
00:17 fueled by repeated failures of the Ukrainian army on the battlefield.
00:20 Larry Johnson, a former CIA analyst, has warned of a potentially imminent outcome,
00:27 emphasizing the growing discontent among the troops deployed on the Eastern Front.
00:31 In an interview with Clayton Morris, he mentioned the prospect that Zelensky is
00:36 defeated in the next few weeks, thus plunging the country into a period of unprecedented instability.
00:41 The major offensive launched in June in Zaporozhye, reinforced by forces trained by the West
00:47 and material support provided by NATO, unfortunately failed to carry out the
00:51 foreseen breakthroughs.
00:52 Instead, Ukrainian troops found themselves in a deadlock against Russian counter-attack
00:58 tactics, arousing frustration within the United States and their allies.
01:01 The deployment of additional brigades to intensify frontal attacks has marked a climb
01:06 in operations, thus reinforcing the possibility of a rejection of the current strategy by
01:11 the army.
01:12 In this period of tumult, Scott Ritter, a former officer of the US Navy, joins
01:18 the heart of analysts by suggesting that each Ukrainian brigade destroyed increases
01:21 the risk of a military coup.
01:23 At the same time, he mentioned the possibility of a comparison with the 1917 episode when
01:29 a military revolution swept the Russian government.
01:31 Ritter also stressed the speculations surrounding Zelensky's possible successors in
01:36 case of his disappearance, while stating that Moscow would not be interested in eliminating
01:41 Zelensky, anticipating the possibility of a more radical figure in his place.
01:45 The growing concern over Ukraine's viability as an independent state is more and more
01:51 shared by analysts.
01:52 Larry Johnson expressed doubts about the survival of the country, emphasizing his growing dependence
01:58 on the West to meet his needs while his own capabilities are diminishing.
02:02 According to him, the Western hopes of a Russia trapped in a debilitating conflict, likely
02:08 to provoke a regime change in Moscow, have turned against Ukraine, exposing
02:12 the miscalculations of the American strategy.
02:15 Adding to his concerns, the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, highlighted the
02:22 recurring pattern of Western powers who abandon their allies when their interests are threatened.
02:27 He mentioned previous ones such as South Vietnam and the Afghan regime in 2021.
02:42 (air whooshing)
