Howe stunned after ten-man Liverpool snatch late comeback win against Newcastle

  • last year
Howe stunned after ten-man Liverpool snatch late comeback win against Newcastle
00:00 Eddie, is the biggest disappointment that you have chances to kill that game off?
00:22 Yeah, absolutely. That's painful as the game at Anfield last year for me and for us.
00:29 I thought we played really well today. The opening stages of the game can't be forgotten by me,
00:38 in regards to the team's performance and reflection on how the game went.
00:42 I thought we were excellent, individual performances were very strong,
00:46 and the sending off almost harms us in the match.
00:50 Although the chances were there for us to kill the game, as you say,
00:53 and I think the second goal changes everything. We didn't get it.
00:57 You know then when Nunes comes on, they're looking for one moment,
01:00 and they didn't just get one, they got two and they took them.
01:04 Martin Hardy?
01:06 Do you think Clarence Trent and Jeff Hart should have been sent off before those moments?
01:12 At that moment, yeah, I did. I thought it was a clear second yellow card.
01:15 The referee didn't agree and we had to accept that.
01:18 Does that then alter the game, then, if he's gone off at that point?
01:21 Possibly, yeah. It's ironic that I'm saying we were better 11 v 11
01:26 than we were 11 v 10.
01:28 But, yeah, at that moment in time I thought that was the correct decision.
01:31 The way the game planned out, is this from possibly the lowest you've felt?
01:34 Does it make you feel some irony when that game is over?
01:37 Yeah, difficult to scale them, but yeah, I think whenever you lose in those circumstances,
01:41 very late, it's hugely painful. It's difficult to take and accept, but you have to.
01:46 The deflection off Sven's back and then his heel into Nunes' path,
01:51 that's not something you can describe or think is going to happen in the game.
01:56 It's a great finish, I have to say.
01:59 But, yeah, really at that moment we should maybe accept that we're not going to win the game,
02:05 but definitely don't lose it and we make a mistake and they score again.
02:08 Great.
02:09 You analysed the last half hour and you felt almost like 10 v 10 rather than 11 v 10.
02:14 What was your thought from that?
02:16 Yeah, I think possibly. It had a similar feeling for me,
02:21 that's why we tried to change the momentum of the match.
02:24 I think Liverpool had a flurry of set plays, they were putting us under pressure in that moment
02:29 and we wanted a bit more control.
02:32 But they're a very, very dangerous counter-attacking team.
02:35 Just think back to the game here last year when the roles were reversed.
02:39 We had 10 men, they had 11 and we played really, really well that day
02:42 and had the best chances of the game with the men, unless it can happen.
02:46 And when you've got players like Salah and Nunes on the pitch,
02:49 they're a huge transition threat and we knew that would be the case,
02:52 that's why we were desperate for the second goal to kill the match.
02:55 Is that anything you would do differently?
02:57 There's always things you do differently if you don't win the match, that's for sure.
03:01 What was your take on the red card?
03:04 Yeah, in that moment in time it looked like Alex was going through one-on-one,
03:08 but I've only seen it live, I haven't seen it again.
03:10 George.
03:12 Hi, Eddie.
03:14 Managers often say it's more difficult against 10 men and you said it can really harm you.
03:18 Was it about momentum? Is it about doing things differently?
03:24 Well, I think it's that, of course, they then restrict space, defend deep,
03:30 they're content to let you have the ball,
03:32 and it was our job then to try and create the momentum to win the match and open them up.
03:38 We didn't do it at will, we didn't do it regularly enough,
03:41 but we still had our chances, the moments were still there for us to kill the game.
03:45 And ultimately, we didn't take them and that's why we sit here with a defeat.
03:49 Can you give us an update on Spurs, how are they?
03:53 Yeah, it looks like an ankle problem, I don't know how bad it is,
03:56 but certainly we wish them a speedy recovery.
03:58 Ian.
04:00 Anthony Gordon was having one of his best games of Black & White shirt,
04:03 you had the best director of filming.
04:06 In hindsight, would you have taken him on?
04:09 In hindsight, as I said, you always do things differently,
04:12 and when you're in my shoes, that's the job you're in.
04:15 Was it a case of the Villa game, you made the substitution,
04:18 so they actually went down at 12-0?
04:21 Well, yeah, I mean, I believe this season we have to trust our bench,
04:25 we have to trust top-quality players, I'm putting on Callum Wilson and Harvey Barnes,
04:30 and Sean Longstaff, you know, Sean was outstanding, as was Callum last year,
04:34 I can't fear putting them on the pitch in that situation.
04:37 Top-quality players, as is Harvey.
04:40 Now, of course, sometimes when you make those changes it doesn't go as you foresee,
04:44 but also the same could have happened, leaving the same players on the pitch,
04:47 so that's the game.
04:49 Lee at the back.
04:51 Do you think the gap's closing a little bit, you are getting closer to getting results against the top four teams?
04:57 As I sit here now, I can't say yes for sure,
05:02 I thought our performance today was very, very good,
05:05 but ultimately we've lost the game and I can't then make statements like that, I feel.
05:10 So, today's a very, very difficult one for me,
05:14 immediately after the game to come here and talk, but that's what I have to do.
05:18 I'm proud of the players in many ways for what they've delivered today,
05:23 but we are kicking ourselves for sure that we didn't get something out of the game.
05:27 Do you think you can learn more sometimes from a narrow defeat than you can from a narrow victory?
05:37 Well, I think it depends how you view it.
05:40 I think if we don't take collective responsibility and don't analyse the game properly then no,
05:45 but I think if you do those things and always take ownership of what's happened,
05:52 and that includes me and all the players, then I think you can come out of it stronger.
05:57 And that's what we'll endeavour to do.
05:59 Aaron?
06:00 Eddie, there was lots of support for Bruno,
06:02 but you were pretty much in the stands, what did you make of his performance?
06:05 How was he reacting to playing in the scenes last couple of days?
06:08 After what I imagine was quite a tricky week for him?
06:11 Yeah, Bruno's been fine, he's trained very well.
06:13 He was part of the team performance today that was outstanding for half an hour.
06:18 I thought he really played his part in our really good opening to the match.
06:23 There's things, as with every player, that you will look at and reflect and try and improve.
06:27 Jordan?
06:29 On the substitutions, did you feel Liverpool were one down the game and you were somewhere posterior to you?
06:37 Liverpool might see that from their perspective, I can only talk about my team,
06:42 and certainly I'm not going to blame the three subs that came on the pitch as to why we didn't win the match.
06:47 Absolutely not, I don't think they were directly involved in the goals.
06:50 So, that isn't a collective responsibility, that's trying to blame, and we never do that.
06:58 So, no, I thought the three lads that came on tried to impact the match in the way we wanted them to,
07:04 but that's sometimes football.
07:06 It goes against you, sometimes it goes for you, today's a tough one.
07:09 Dominic?
07:11 You mentioned Sven Bovind's potential injury there,
07:14 is he almost on your toes to get back into the transfer market if it transpired that was a bad injury?
07:20 We'll have to wait and see, speak with the medical team and see how bad Sven's injury is first.
07:24 Just on Lewis Hall, not involved today, how close is he to being involved in a match?
07:29 Yeah, he's trained with us but he's not played a game during pre-season,
07:35 so he's only trained, so he's some way or short of being match fit.
07:38 Andy Sixman?
07:40 Just following up with Anthony Gordon, he looked, as you'd expect, physically shell-shocked, hurting,
07:47 what was the atmosphere like in the dressing room there, how much are the players hurting,
07:51 and what do you do now in the coming days to raise them for a big game again?
07:55 Yeah, I'd want them to be hurting after that because we pride ourselves on trying to win first and foremost,
08:01 and if we can't then we do everything we can to draw the game in,
08:05 and that's certainly a game we shouldn't have lost.
08:09 I think my role in this now is to calm everything down and try and see perspective.
08:15 Results will always sway opinions, but as I say, from the first three games we've had,
08:19 we've been very close to more points, we've been very competitive,
08:23 and there's been some really good signs, but we probably haven't had the points that we deserve.
08:26 Kieran to finish?
08:28 How did you expect your team to manage the game after?
08:33 My initial thought while the game was in motion was that I wanted us to be a bit more positive and direct
08:39 and look for the second goal, but again, that's easy to say from the sideline,
08:44 but Liverpool are playing off the ball quite deep and allowing us to have the ball in front,
08:49 but I wanted us to try and look for that second goal in a more positive way.
08:54 That was my thought as I was watching the game.
09:00 I think the management of the game is just in moments, I don't think it was a team thing,
09:05 as I say, the ball bounces off Sven twice and falls perfectly for Nunes,
09:08 I'm not sure we could manage that situation better,
09:11 we could have certainly managed the second goal better than the first.
09:16 There were a couple of big straights between Mervyn Cox and Jason Tidwell,
09:20 did you feel that competitive rivalry on the bench yesterday?
09:24 I think that's always there, regardless of the opposition,
09:27 there's always that fight for points between everybody.
09:31 Thanks, everybody.
09:33 Cheers.
09:34 (dog whining)
