Surprise ! L'ancien champion Xavier de retour dans les 12 coups de midi

  • last year
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Surprise ! L'ancien champion Xavier de retour dans les 12 coups de midi

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00:00 Xavier, emblematic candidate of the 12 midfielders, made an appearance in the game of TF1 broadcast this Wednesday, August 23.
00:16 A nice surprise for the fans of Jean-Luc Reichman's show. The story between the 12 midfielders and their champions continues beyond their elimination.
00:28 Very appreciated by the viewers, Xavier accumulated 75 victories and more than € 300,000 in earnings in 2013 before having to give up his title in the middle of the course.
00:42 Since then, the 33-year-old engineer has regularly appeared in the show presented by Jean-Luc Reichman on the occasion of the Masters' matches.
00:54 He had also won the 2023 edition for the sixth consecutive time.
01:01 "The 12 midfielders for me C.I.S.T. more than a show, it's part of my life.
01:10 C.I.S.T. even a shot of my life. C.I.S.T. a human adventure, we have created links with the people of the production and some candidates had he entrusted to TV Le Loisir on the occasion of the 10 years of his participation.
01:25 This boy watched 10 years ago on TV. Jean-Luc Reichman tackles Xavier, the former champion of the 12 midfielders on Wednesday, August 23.
01:35 The former midfielder was back in the game of TF1 to make a nice surprise to Theo, one of the candidates of the day who masters one of his emblematic dance steps.
01:48 "Do you remember the dance of Xavier and Laura's tuner? ", throws Jean-Luc Reichman to the 23-year-old man who responds by the affirmative.
01:58 The presenter then takes the initiative to launch a video call with the father of the little Alma.
02:07 "He's here! ", exclaims the actor of Léo Matei with enthusiasm before taking his news.
02:17 The latter continues, "This boy watched 10 years ago on TV. "
02:23 The travel enthusiast then reacts with humor, "It's a little old man's move. "
02:31 Theo, a candidate of the 12 midfielders, reproduces the dance of Xavier's tuner. Watch 10 years later throws Jean-Luc Reichman to Xavier.
02:44 Theo then starts in this famous tuner dance under the applause of the audience.
02:51 "That's what you left as a trace on the set ", declares the animator, amused at the former champion.
03:00 "If he's not bad, I think I'll give him a chance. "
03:09 "He's better than me for the rope ", concludes the iconic candidate of the show.
03:15 A presence that will ultimately not help the alternate maintenance technician to qualify for the blow by blow.
03:23 If it's finally Bernadette alias Bernie who remains the midfielder with 23,800 euros of gain.
03:32 Watch 10 years later, the alternate maintenance technician is still in the middle of the blow.
03:39 "I'm not going to let him get away with it. ", says the candidate of the 12 midfielders.
03:48 "I'm going to let him get away with it. ", says the candidate of the 12 midfielders.
03:57 "I'm going to let him get away with it. ", says the candidate of the 12 midfielders.
04:04 "I'm going to let him get away with it. ", says the candidate of the 12 midfielders.
04:12 "I'm going to let him get away with it. ", says the candidate of the 12 midfielders.
04:21 .
