Emmerdale 21st August 2023 - n

  • last year


00:29 Now, you do understand that me and Mary are both out late,
00:32 so you'll need to help serve.
00:34 Not cook.
00:35 Definitely not.
00:37 Charity will oversee everything.
00:38 You just need to bring out the odd plates up
00:39 until I order a drink.
00:40 Yeah, it'll be great.
00:41 Stop stressing, Miles.
00:42 I like Miles.
00:46 He's cool.
00:47 So I call you Gales?
00:48 No, not really, because that just means wind.
00:50 Twice.
00:51 And nobody wants to blow wind near them.
00:54 How are you doing?
00:55 Oh, challenged.
00:58 Gale, can you pop outside and see
00:59 if the drayman's approaching?
01:01 He banged a hanging basket last time.
01:03 Go and keep him in line, eh?
01:04 Consider it done.
01:05 I need to practice being more assertive.
01:07 Wow.
01:09 Is the drayman really--
01:10 No.
01:12 But she'll be chatting to someone.
01:13 That'll keep her out of your hair
01:14 for a few minutes or a few hours.
01:16 She talks more than you.
01:19 I could take offence.
01:20 How do you feel about driving again?
01:24 Great, fab.
01:25 Can't wait.
01:27 Nervous?
01:29 Might be fun with Paddy.
01:30 As much fun as you'll be having on your date.
01:33 Oh, not the T word, please.
01:35 It's coffee and a chat.
01:36 But it's great to be out there again.
01:38 What's this one called?
01:39 I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you.
01:41 Maybe me and Paddy could drive you.
01:43 How could I refuse?
01:45 But I shall.
01:47 Careful driving.
01:47 We're one way up.
01:49 It is coffee and a chat.
01:51 Is that what they call a rampant romance these days?
01:59 (SINGING) Sometimes everybody cries.
02:03 Everybody hurts sometimes.
02:07 You're not-- he's not--
02:09 I swear, this little kid has not taken me seriously.
02:11 Well, yeah, because he could be humming a funeral march,
02:13 and he'd still be looking at a clown.
02:15 Are you-- are you going to let her talk to me like that?
02:17 Oh, I bet you can't wait until he's older,
02:19 and you can gang up on the old battle axe.
02:22 I can't think of what she might be referring to.
02:24 Can you?
02:26 So I have had yeses from Nate, Tracy, Moira, obviously,
02:33 Cain's a maybe, because he's going to be coming down
02:35 from Scotland, and Amy and Sarah.
02:39 Are they quitting?
02:40 Yeah, what else?
02:42 Did you get a chance to talk to the Hyde?
02:45 No, I got kind of nervous about the whole thing.
02:50 Oh, I thought you might have.
02:52 That's why I did it.
02:54 Why are you nervous?
02:56 Well, just people saying no.
02:58 But now that we've got a list.
03:01 Plus, hangers on now that people know there's
03:03 going to be a free buffet.
03:04 Oh, wow, you have been busy.
03:05 Mm.
03:06 But you're going to do it.
03:07 You've got to commit, right?
03:09 He says for the first time in his life.
03:12 She's at it again.
03:13 [LAUGHS]
03:17 Well, what about godparents?
03:18 Well, I'm a hidey there as well, because I asked Elton John.
03:21 But if he says no or can't make it, then Moira, obviously.
03:25 Because, god, she'll kill me otherwise.
03:29 Would she really be that bothered?
03:31 Sweetheart, people are happy for us.
03:34 You've got to join in.
03:34 You're a sweet child, and I'm a mug-breaking, interfering,
03:47 but essentially well-meaning woman.
03:50 Well, I'm glad you got that off your chest.
03:53 See this as a small consolation,
03:55 rather than a replacement.
03:56 I know I can't do that.
03:58 Are you waiting for me to wash you in?
04:03 It's up to you.
04:04 Only make up your mind, because I really
04:06 need the little girl's room.
04:07 Yeah.
04:09 Comes to us all in the end.
04:10 I thought we were meeting at the car.
04:17 Yeah, I've had a last-minute call-out.
04:18 But I know exactly what it is.
04:19 It's one cow, one injection, 10 minutes.
04:21 Half an hour at the most.
04:22 I was all worked up and ready.
04:23 What, you're planning?
04:24 I thought we were having a driving practice.
04:26 You can't be like this in the car.
04:27 I'm going to be worse.
04:28 See you in a bit.
04:29 Paddy, are you sure you're busy?
04:31 You know, Mary can always step back in later.
04:32 Nonsense.
04:33 Me and you in the open road.
04:35 Half an hour.
04:37 Better let you down.
04:39 Yes, thank you, Pollyanna.
04:41 Oh, and the dream you didn't show.
04:42 That's because Mary laid.
04:43 - What? - What?
04:44 I'm just saying, Mary's got a date, and I don't know about you,
04:46 but I am thrilled for her.
04:49 Lovely color in the bathroom.
04:50 Thanks.
04:54 Dad chose it.
04:56 We only rent, but Gabby lets us add our own personal touches.
05:01 He's always trying to make it more us.
05:04 I'm talking like he still lives here.
05:07 I got carried away yesterday.
05:09 It was too much.
05:11 No.
05:12 I need to get used to him not being around.
05:14 And I will.
05:15 I've got loads of support.
05:17 And have you checked in with them today yet?
05:19 Amanda and your boyfriend?
05:20 Mandy.
05:22 Don't change the subject.
05:24 Yeah, I will, in a bit.
05:26 This is how it starts.
05:29 Pride, embarrassment.
05:31 It's easy to end up pushing everyone away.
05:35 Is that what you did when your husband went to prison?
05:39 We were talking about you.
05:41 Anyway, I must get back to my own family troubles.
05:46 Is there anything I can help you with?
05:48 You could pray for me, and I'll pray for you.
05:51 Four more than yesterday.
05:59 Hey, told you.
06:01 I'm going to get a manicure every week, me.
06:03 The men's love it.
06:05 Hey, what do you reckon would happen
06:07 if we had a pedicure in an hour?
06:08 We'd be bankrupt.
06:09 But you'd have the most fragrant feet in the workhouse.
06:12 Might be tax deductible.
06:14 For Stacey Solomon, maybe.
06:16 [LAUGHTER]
06:19 Oh, it's good to have a laugh.
06:22 I'm sorry I didn't mention Craig earlier.
06:26 He just came out of the blue, and I needed time to think.
06:31 He's probably had a few sleepless nights and all.
06:34 Yeah, I think it's probably harder for him.
06:38 It was so long ago for me, but it's still fresh news to him.
06:43 But I'll tell you what's bothering me
06:46 in a very practical way.
06:49 He's helping Amelia out with money.
06:51 I've been thinking about that job, you know, at Craig's.
06:55 I mean, it's 50 pence above minimum wage.
07:00 And there's nothing for me at the pub or the cafe.
07:02 Everyone's trying to save money.
07:04 And cleaning's the first one to go.
07:07 It don't be for a bit till Amelia's OK.
07:10 You're picking a base, are you?
07:16 I'll ask him.
07:18 Best run face to face.
07:20 Right.
07:21 Do you fancy an omelet?
07:22 They do say go to work on an egg.
07:23 What are you?
07:24 You got me a coffee?
07:36 Does my husband know you're skiving?
07:38 This is serious.
07:40 Oh, no, you're not breaking up with her already, are you?
07:43 Oh, my God.
07:44 I'm a joking.
07:45 I'm joking.
07:46 Sorry, I couldn't resist.
07:47 Right.
07:48 I'm all ears.
07:49 OK.
07:51 But you know Rueben's christening?
07:53 Mm-hmm.
07:55 And I've got the family christening gown,
07:57 all clean and pressed.
07:58 Only if you and Chloe want it, of course.
08:00 But, you know, Holly used it, and Adam, and Matty.
08:05 God, that was so long ago.
08:07 But it was happy days.
08:08 But yes, of course you and Chloe can use it.
08:11 Right.
08:12 That's a lovely gesture, very kind.
08:15 But I actually wanted to ask you something else.
08:18 I wanted to ask you if you wanted to be a godparent.
08:23 Me?
08:25 Yeah.
08:26 [LAUGHS]
08:28 Oh, that's so kind of you.
08:30 I wasn't expecting that.
08:31 Yeah, I can tell from you jumping in and wittering
08:33 on about it.
08:34 Now I don't know what to say.
08:36 [LAUGHS]
08:38 No, Moira, you're my rock.
08:42 And I would love it if you were his, too.
08:46 Mackenzie, well, he's a lovely little boy.
08:51 And I'd absolutely love to.
08:53 Come here.
08:54 Sit me on.
08:55 [LAUGHS]
08:58 Aw.
09:03 (SINGING) I need you.
09:06 I need you.
09:08 And you're the only one I'm ever gonna love.
09:13 And I don't mean to say it.
09:16 But I love you so much.
09:19 And I'm so proud of you, baby.
09:25 And I don't mean to say it.
09:32 Mary, doing an alfresco.
09:40 Have I caught you?
09:41 [LAUGHS]
09:42 I've all done it.
09:43 Mary, that's either you or a massive snowy owl.
09:49 Oh, my god, you're not with a woman, are you?
09:57 What's going on?
10:03 No, I'm fine.
10:05 You go on.
10:06 I just, um-- just need a moment.
10:11 I'm not going anywhere.
10:29 There you go.
10:31 Always here in case of an emergency.
10:32 Is it whiskey?
10:33 Yeah, I'm driving a flipping car.
10:35 So are you.
10:36 Just milky coffee.
10:38 Oh, well.
10:40 I'm fine now.
10:41 I should be going.
10:42 Yeah, or-- or you could say what's on your mind.
10:46 Or we could just sit here in silence.
10:48 Just don't be on your own with it, that's all.
10:51 Right, first things first.
10:59 We've been in an accident.
11:01 And you're not-- no one's hurt you.
11:05 Well, not today, anyway.
11:06 Look, I know Faith's trial was a couple of days ago.
11:12 I mean, who hasn't been conned at some point?
11:17 Me.
11:19 At least not by anybody else.
11:21 Conned myself for years about who I was.
11:23 But at least that Mary was safe.
11:25 Rona's dad was never going to send nude photos
11:27 of me to everyone I know.
11:29 I've told them--
11:33 Marlon and Rona-- don't you breathe a word of this.
11:39 I've told them that I'm going out on dates.
11:43 But I'm not.
11:44 What are you doing?
11:45 Sitting in my car, mainly.
11:47 Crying.
11:50 Smiling at anyone that goes past.
11:54 Keep telling everyone I'm all right.
11:57 Keep telling myself I'm all right.
11:59 But I'm not.
12:06 She, um-- Faith, she's, um--
12:14 she's broken something in me.
12:16 And I can't seem to--
12:22 Reminders, how long did it take you to get us
12:31 this engagement ring?
12:33 Oh, I didn't even notice.
12:35 She's just trying to steal my birthday limelight.
12:36 I mean, it's not that small.
12:38 It's absolutely gorgeous.
12:39 I know.
12:40 Yeah, it's not bad seeing as it's
12:41 the first time I've ever done it.
12:43 And the last.
12:44 Shall I have us?
12:46 Oh, no, that is cute.
12:47 Yeah, it's like me, isn't it?
12:51 I'll chuff it for you both.
12:52 Thanks.
12:53 And we can show them off at the christening.
12:55 Oh, not that we'll upstage you.
12:57 Will you be godparents?
12:59 Moira's just said yes, but we want two godmums like dad, so--
13:04 We'd love to.
13:05 Yeah.
13:05 Really?
13:07 I thought you said no, you know, because Mackenzie--
13:09 Well, he's maybe slowly chipping away at me defenses.
13:13 He's been in touch every five minutes about this christening.
13:16 What, do you think that's weird?
13:17 I don't know.
13:18 No.
13:19 Look, I'll probably just never trust him.
13:21 Well, you don't have to.
13:23 But the man who couldn't take anything seriously
13:27 finally seems to be stepping up.
13:29 Hooray, she's on board.
13:31 Let's get a bottle of fizz.
13:32 We can't afford it.
13:33 Yeah.
13:34 Gail, three halves of your finest tap water, then, please.
13:37 [CHATTER]
13:40 Every time the door opens.
13:46 Gail said you still had nothing.
13:48 I was more than happy just to do the driving with Mary.
13:51 I'm going to tear him off a strip.
13:54 Maybe it's the responsibility of me.
13:56 What does that mean?
13:57 It's a big deal, me driving again.
13:58 Maybe it all got too much, and he didn't want to say anything.
14:00 You know, and he's gone off.
14:01 Oh, no.
14:02 He's been fine.
14:03 He is fine.
14:04 I'm sure he'd say something if he was uncomfortable with it.
14:08 Where the hell is he?
14:09 Before you suggest it, I am nowhere
14:16 near being able to talk to Marlon and Rona about this.
14:19 I meant to ask how you felt when you saw Faye in court.
14:23 Shouldn't you be out driving by now?
14:27 Must have been hard seeing her, though.
14:32 I pretty much loved her instantly.
14:35 And while I was feeling everything, she felt nothing.
14:40 All those years I spent with Rona's dad,
14:42 all those lies I told myself and him, none of this
14:46 was his fault. But it felt so good being with Faye,
14:54 like I was finally me.
14:59 And then she-- she did what she did.
15:07 I can't ever put myself in that position again.
15:11 I'm better off on my own, with a book.
15:14 I didn't want to do it over the phone.
15:23 Can't see why there'd be an issue with that.
15:24 I'll speak to the building manager.
15:26 No interview?
15:27 When I said I'd speak to her, I meant I'll tell her.
15:32 Do you still color code your books and all?
15:35 Guilty as charged.
15:37 You know, I've--
15:42 I've had a long time to come to terms
15:44 with everything that happened.
15:47 I wouldn't want you upset by what I've told you.
15:50 Now it's had a chance to sink in.
15:53 I'm not.
15:54 I'm glad I know it all.
15:56 I don't know, but now I know that, however briefly,
16:00 I was a dad.
16:03 Or a turnip, eh?
16:06 And I was a mum.
16:07 That is tough, though.
16:10 Not having had more of your own.
16:11 Life can be cruel.
16:13 I'm actually fine with what we've got.
16:15 Well, that's good.
16:17 Good for you.
16:18 Do you want that tea, then?
16:19 Um--
16:21 I mean, you don't have to.
16:22 It just seems a bit odd getting you all this way,
16:24 just to ask for a job and then flouncing off again.
16:26 But it's up to you.
16:28 Why not?
16:29 Go on, then.
16:30 Really, do I just kick back and drink tea?
16:32 Oh, Craig.
16:34 You always were dead funny.
16:37 And then Charles, he's really, really nice.
16:44 He is going to get some water from the font,
16:45 and he's going to trickle it on your head.
16:47 It's all going to be fine, won't it?
16:49 All fine.
16:50 [GASPING]
16:51 And who's this come in?
16:51 [GASPING]
16:52 Who is it?
16:53 Do you have any idea what he's going
16:55 to be wearing on Thursday?
16:57 Oh, yeah, anything without a sick on it.
16:58 Where'd you get that from?
17:05 So Moira made me have a shower and scrub my hands twice
17:08 before I was allowed to touch this.
17:11 It's absolutely gorgeous.
17:12 Right?
17:13 Yeah.
17:14 Oh, um, Amy and Mattie have said yes to being godparents,
17:17 and Amy doesn't even hate you anymore.
17:20 Yeah, well, give her time.
17:22 Why, what would she do if she turned on you again?
17:24 It's just-- because, you know, sometimes it's
17:26 felt before today, obviously.
17:29 And I know you've got rid of the wedding ring,
17:31 and you've sorted the house and everything,
17:33 but still it's just--
17:35 it's just sometimes felt like you were hovering by the door,
17:39 you know, just ready to disappear
17:41 when things got difficult.
17:42 Well, listen, that's-- that's not going to happen, OK?
17:47 You're being silly.
17:48 Yeah.
17:49 Yeah, she is, isn't she?
17:50 Yeah, she is.
17:51 She's been really silly.
17:52 I know.
17:54 I know, I know.
17:55 It's just-- yeah.
17:57 Anyway, that was before, and now I
17:59 know you feel the same way I do, so--
18:03 yeah, this is what a family feels like, isn't it?
18:05 Got my head down, worked hard, and then all the tech stuff
18:14 was kicking off, and, well, you know,
18:15 how into electronics I was.
18:17 So I sold up and got into gaming, which got massive.
18:21 Get you.
18:23 And what's your turnover, Lord Sugar?
18:25 About three million quid.
18:26 How much?
18:28 Craig, that's millions.
18:30 Yeah, I know.
18:31 About three.
18:32 That's why I said it.
18:35 That is turnover, mine.
18:36 That's not clear profit.
18:37 Oh, of course, yeah.
18:38 Goes without saying.
18:41 You know, my Samson would chew your ear off
18:42 about all that gaming stuff.
18:44 That's my stepson.
18:46 He's a good lad with undertones of nightmare.
18:49 I'm sure you make it work very well.
18:51 Oh.
18:52 Ah, Sam.
18:57 I best get going.
18:58 I'll get this.
18:59 No.
19:00 Yeah, you can get next time.
19:01 Do you know, this is just so--
19:05 you know, I'm really pleased for you.
19:07 For us.
19:09 We've done all right.
19:10 With your family set up and my business acumen,
19:13 we would make one mega successful human being.
19:16 I'll text you the address for tomorrow.
19:18 I look forward to it.
19:19 Come on, come on.
19:27 Run, run.
19:28 I'm going to the pub.
19:29 And you're not to say anything about anything.
19:32 OK, maybe.
19:33 For a while.
19:34 At all.
19:35 You shouldn't be keeping it to yourself.
19:36 I'm not.
19:37 I'm keeping it with you.
19:38 I'm sorry, but recent personal experience
19:40 tells me that you should--
19:41 I am not depressed.
19:42 I am just very, very sad.
19:45 And I need time.
19:45 I can't go blurting things out when I can't
19:47 even make sense of it myself.
19:50 All right, I won't say a word.
19:51 Thank you.
19:54 Sorry I've made you late.
19:55 Fine.
19:57 Everything will be fine.
19:58 Paddy Dingle, this is the fourth voicemail I've left you.
20:07 And I've sent about 20 texts.
20:08 What are you actually playing at?
20:10 You've been hours.
20:11 Right.
20:12 I'm giving you five minutes, and then I'm calling the--
20:15 Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.
20:17 I'm just about to call the police.
20:18 Let's not get too dramatic.
20:20 What's wrong with you?
20:21 Did you forget?
20:22 No, I just got caught up.
20:23 What, not at Red Rose Farm?
20:24 You didn't, because I called him.
20:26 There was just loads of sheep on the road for ages.
20:28 Not ages enough for you to reply to the texts
20:29 we've been sending you.
20:31 Here he is.
20:31 Hey, perfect weather for driving.
20:33 He's going nowhere now.
20:34 He's knackered.
20:35 His adrenaline's been up and down like a yo-yo.
20:37 Excuse me?
20:37 Don't get it.
20:38 That's my job.
20:39 I've been worried sick.
20:40 Why?
20:43 Why do you think?
20:44 I don't know, because--
20:45 because of me.
20:51 Oh my god, no, I'm absolutely fine.
20:53 Well, you said that before, and you weren't.
20:55 No, no, I'm great, honestly.
20:57 It wasn't me.
20:57 Well, then who was it?
20:58 Nobody.
20:59 In fact, why don't you try waterboarding me,
21:00 just to make sure?
21:01 Oh, no, you're laughing at me.
21:02 I'm not laughing at you.
21:03 It's just that you're blowing things out of proportion.
21:05 As usual, as usual.
21:08 I was going to say, as is your wont.
21:11 Two hours of anxiety caused by you.
21:13 Not cool, not kind, not a good friend.
21:15 You know I'm scared of being in my driving paddy.
21:17 Why offer?
21:18 Why even offer?
21:20 It is terrifying to me.
21:21 Marlon--
21:22 You know what?
21:23 Don't bother ever, because I am done with you.
21:24 Relive all the magic, and take it back
21:35 to where it all begun, with the Harry Potter film collection.
21:38 Stream it now on ITVX.
21:40 Annabelle makes a confession in All New,
21:43 the reunion that continues Friday here at 9.
21:46 Coronation Street's next.