Audition Video Leaks Hint an OD! Someone Dying in DOOL Wendy and Jack Involved

  • last year
Audition Video Leaks Hint an OD! Someone Dying in DOOL Wendy and Jack Involved


00:00 Days of our Lives spoilers report a new audition video leading to shocking lines.
00:04 GH reveals that it is about the D.O.O.L. character.
00:08 Many characters have come and gone through the years.
00:10 The new audition video that was posted on Vimeo leaks a shocking storyline.
00:14 Let's talk about it.
00:16 Based on the audition, the police at the back loading dock of the bistro investigating an overdose victim.
00:22 There's a lady who is in her early 20s.
00:25 The lady is continuously vomiting and is unresponsive.
00:30 The paramedics and an ambulance are called for.
00:33 The scene shows the victim is Wendy Shin.
00:37 This doesn't mean that she will be the one who ODs.
00:40 It's reported that placeholders' names are often used to disguise things.
00:44 In addition, JJ Devereaux has lines in the day's audition script.
00:48 It's clear that he is not JJ based on dialogue and behaviour.
00:52 They seem to pick up the random name JJ for the script.
00:55 Also, there's a scene when JJ's father steps in to clean the mess that JJ has created.
01:00 JJ is a grown up man and this doesn't suit him.
01:04 Who is that person?
01:05 It is possible that JJ could turn out to be Tate Black.
01:09 Spoilers hint that Tate will come back to Salem.
01:11 If Tate returns to Salem, things could get interesting.
01:15 Brady's son might be problematic teenager.
01:18 His hands might be full with his bad boy.
01:20 If this is the case, the victim could be a random girl.
01:23 Tate might realise it's a mistake after being connected to the OD.
01:27 It is interesting to look closer at the day's audition scripts.
01:30 Day's spoilers say there are more exciting stories on the way.
