Mort de Gérard Leclerc  qui sont les trois enfants du journaliste

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Mort de Gérard Leclerc : qui sont les trois enfants du journaliste

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00:00 This Tuesday, August 15, Gérard Leclerc found death in the crash of a tourism plane that
00:13 he was piloting.
00:14 The journalist leaves the orphan his wife Julie Leclerc, famous host of Europe 1, and
00:22 their three children, Charlotte, Antoine and Mathieu.
00:27 If and if a figure of French journalism that ceases to be extinguished, this Tuesday, August 15.
00:36 Gérard Leclerc piloted a tourism plane, a single-engine European Doctor 400, which
00:42 disappeared from radar screens around 2 p.m.
00:45 It is the fire of the firehouse to go to the ball, the machine suddenly lost
00:52 altitude before collapsing at the mouth of the Loire and the Canal de la Taillée.
00:58 The three people on board, including the editorialist of CNOO, did not survive the crash, two bodies
01:06 only having been found in the water, according to several sources.
01:09 Aged 71, Gérard Leclerc was the most famous passenger, striking viewers and listeners
01:19 by his passion for information throughout his rich career.
01:22 From Europe 1 to LCP, through France 2, where he occupied in particular the post of editor-in-chief
01:32 of TV Matins, the half-brother of Julien Clerc has intensely commented on the political news.
01:37 Three children plunged into grief he leaves orphan his wife Julie Leclerc, born Chantal
01:45 C. Laurent, and is well known to the faithful of Europe 1.
01:50 It is in the arteries of this station that the two met before falling in love and
01:56 getting married in 1981.
01:58 Of this union, three children will be born, including two twins, Antoine and Mathieu,
02:07 born in 1982.
02:10 The first followed a career as a veterinarian, while the other chose to become a doctor.
02:17 The cadet is named L. Charlotte is five years younger than her brothers.
02:24 All plunged into immense sadness, they regularly visited their paternal, attached to
02:33 Vienna, where he owned a vineyard.
02:35 A koteau located on the commune of Trois-Moutiers, near Louden, where the plane flew this Tuesday.
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