The Most Amazing Eagle Attacks Ever Caught on Camera!

  • last year


00:03 An eagle's favorite tactic is to rush at prey
00:08 with a stone from above and deliver a crushing
00:11 blow with their claws, which look like huge hooks.
00:16 This tactic is so effective that an eagle
00:18 can defeat an animal 10 times heavier than itself.
00:22 Now you will see the most epic attacks
00:24 of these birds of prey.
00:34 Eagles are real-life fighters.
00:38 They know a lot about air combat tactics.
00:41 Look how a bird of prey attacked a goose right in flight,
00:46 a powerful blow that knocks down a bird like a bullet.
00:50 She tries to stay in the air, leaving a trail of torn fluff
00:54 behind her.
00:56 But the eagle breaks her spine and finishes her off.
01:01 Predators often attack prey that exceeds their mass.
01:05 But eagles in this regard are the record holders
01:08 among vertebrates.
01:10 A feathered warrior attacks a deer, an animal almost 10 times
01:15 heavier than itself.
01:17 But despite this advantage, the ungulate is not able to escape.
01:21 The enemy's grip is so powerful, the first blow of the eagle
01:25 has already caused internal damage to the deer.
01:29 He tries to fight back, to escape,
01:31 but soon the bird gets to his neck with its curved beak.
01:36 This fox thought that the eagle wanted to steal his prey.
01:40 No, the eagle wanted to catch the fox himself.
01:44 The bird strikes with jeweler's precision
01:46 and with such tremendous force that it literally
01:49 demolishes the victim.
01:52 The fox flies up to the height of a man,
01:54 does a few somersaults, and it becomes a dinner for the eagle.
02:00 In addition, the golden eagle can deliver a crushing blow
02:04 to the fox so as to drag it along the ground and stun it.
02:08 Although the fangs and agility of the red robber
02:10 cannot be underestimated, and he could
02:13 bite the throat of the enemy, the feathered
02:15 easily suppresses him.
02:18 The struggle on Earth ends with the saddest outcome
02:21 for the fox.
02:23 The golden eagle quickly overcomes him
02:26 due to the fact that it balances with the help of wings.
02:30 This gives him the opportunity to fight with both clawed paws
02:33 at once and leaves the fox no chance.
02:37 It turns a predator that often preys on birds into a victim.
02:43 This powerful bird is a real magician, isn't it?
02:47 Definitely deserves your like on this video.
02:50 In general, eagles are a whole group
02:52 of birds that belong to daytime predators.
02:56 This family also includes hawks, buzzards, kites,
03:01 as well as old world vultures, snake eaters,
03:04 and some other birds.
03:08 Falcons and ospreys are their closest relatives.
03:12 They are called daytime predators as opposed
03:14 to owls, nocturnal predators.
03:18 And the definition perfectly describes the lifestyle
03:21 that eagles lead.
03:23 They eat only meat and hunt prey during daylight hours.
03:29 Moreover, eagles attack victims right in the air, during flight,
03:34 and also attack those animals that are on the ground.
03:38 This makes the birds quite versatile fighters
03:40 who are able to adapt well to different conditions.
03:46 Eagles have several superpowers.
03:49 Opportunities and advantages of a unique body structure
03:53 that take them to a completely different level relative
03:56 to most other birds.
03:59 First of all, it's super speed.
04:03 You may know that the fastest mammal
04:05 is the cheetah, which accelerates
04:07 to an incredible 74 miles per hour, 119 kilometers per hour,
04:12 which is almost twice the speed of a horse and three times
04:15 that of human athletes.
04:17 So the peregrine falcon easily demolishes the cheetah.
04:22 The cat would envy this speed.
04:26 Over 200 miles per hour, 322 kilometers per hour,
04:30 this bird is the fast animal in the world.
04:33 And its advantage is simply huge.
04:36 In general, they are one of the best masters of flight.
04:40 Birds of prey are able to both plan on ascending air
04:43 currents that save energy and engage in active flight,
04:48 vigorously moving their wings and thereby
04:51 gain tremendous speed.
04:55 But they move the fastest when they fall with folded wings.
05:00 Of course, someone might say that these birds are cheaters.
05:04 After all, they achieve such incredible speed
05:07 thanks to special tactics.
05:10 Falcons and hawks soar up and then fold their wings
05:14 and fall like a stone on their prey.
05:18 That is, gravity becomes their accelerator.
05:22 But in fact, this is another superpower
05:24 of daytime birds of prey, jewelry flight control.
05:31 Even with folded wings, a falcon or an eagle
05:34 can change the direction of falling,
05:36 turn around with lightning speed,
05:38 and most importantly, take off into the air again,
05:41 spreading its wings.
05:43 Thanks to acceleration, a bird weighing as much as a cat
05:46 can strike a blow that will surpass a bear's in power.
05:51 And flight control makes it possible to hit exactly
05:54 the vulnerable spots of prey, in the head, the neck,
05:58 along the spine, like for example here.
06:01 The falcon delivered a powerful blow to the rabbit's spine.
06:05 Big-eared is still alive, but his body
06:07 is shaken by terrible convulsions due to damage
06:10 to the nervous system.
06:12 He will not be able to escape.
06:14 In addition, excellent control allows the birds of prey
06:16 to perform extremely risky maneuvers.
06:21 For example, it hunts creatures that live
06:23 near the surface of reservoirs.
06:26 In general, eagles cannot dive.
06:29 Their feathers will get wet, and the bird
06:31 will quickly drown if the wings get completely wet.
06:35 But eagles calculate the height and force of their wings
06:38 so accurately that they have learned
06:40 to fly up to the water with lightning speed,
06:43 and then slow down and practically
06:45 hover over its surface.
06:48 Then the bird snatches the prey and immediately
06:52 changes the direction of flight to climb up again.
06:54 The most famous birds that pull off such a trick
07:01 are bald eagles.
07:04 But besides them, there are other species
07:06 of birds of prey capable of such a dangerous and impressive
07:09 trick.
07:12 This way of life means that the eagle's character
07:15 is literally fearless.
07:17 So the honey badger will envy their bravery.
07:21 Due to this, eagles often attack large animals and even
07:25 other predators that seem to have the advantage of greater
07:28 mass and strength.
07:32 If you think that diving is the only aerobatics
07:34 that eagles possess, then you're mistaken.
07:39 They do not necessarily need to use the acceleration
07:42 of free fall to accelerate to the speed of a sports car.
07:47 Just look at the hunting of this bald eagle.
07:51 Its prey is smaller and lighter, but powerful wings
07:54 allow the predator to easily catch up with prey.
07:58 An amazing control and reaction speed
08:00 give him no less maneuverability.
08:04 So eagles are capable of long chases almost as well
08:08 as lightning attacks.
08:09 The bird's body has excellent aerodynamic characteristics.
08:18 So if you want to design the perfect sports car
08:20 of the future, then you know what to be inspired by.
08:25 During a normal horizontal flight, birds of prey
08:29 are also able to move incredibly fast.
08:33 The falcon can catch up with the car.
08:36 There was a rare video of an eagle attacking an airplane.
08:41 It's hard to say if this really happened.
08:43 But if so, the bird struck several blows
08:47 on the wing of the device as if it was some uninvited guest who
08:51 needed to be slapped in the face to just get out.
08:56 Boars and war hogs are pretty serious opponents.
09:01 Even large predators can find it difficult to cope with them.
09:04 But the skill of eagles in attacks from the sky
09:07 is so great that the boar has little chance.
09:11 The eagle swoops down on the prey at an angle
09:15 and delivers a crushing blow.
09:17 Sharp claws act like a sickle.
09:20 But the eagle's task is not just to damage
09:23 the skin or blood vessels.
09:25 He breaks his neck and his spine.
09:29 And after that, the eagle can safely walk around
09:32 with its prey in one paw.
09:34 It seems as if he got into something
09:36 and is dissatisfied with going to clean shoes.
09:40 But in fact, the bird is glad that now she has lunch.
09:43 The wolf is one of the most successful predators
09:48 on the planet.
09:50 But the golden eagle does not care
09:53 about the reputation of this enemy.
09:56 The bird is so strong that it can attack a wolf
09:59 and take away its prey immediately after hunting.
10:02 The golden eagle attacks the predator from above.
10:06 Of course, a wolf is not a timid beast at all.
10:09 He will fight back fiercely.
10:10 Besides, he also surpasses the bird
10:12 in mass and physical strength.
10:14 But this golden eagle is a real champion in hand-to-hand combat.
10:19 He spreads his huge wings over the wolf,
10:22 hovers in the air, and strikes a series of powerful blows.
10:27 The claws of the bird do not allow the wolf
10:30 to reach him with his teeth.
10:32 The reaction of the golden eagle is lightning fast.
10:35 He hits accurately, and the wolf barely
10:38 saves his eyes from the sharp blades of the bird's legs.
10:40 As a result, the eagle successfully
10:45 pushes back the enemy and takes away his rightful trophy
10:49 like some kind of air robber.
10:52 But this wolf was unlucky.
10:55 The eagle chose him as his prey.
10:58 Of course, attacking a large predatory animal
11:00 is very dangerous.
11:02 But the eagle has an advantage.
11:05 The laws of physics are on his side.
11:09 When the bird crashes down on the wolf from the sky,
11:12 the blow comes out so strong that the predator,
11:16 weighing as much as an adult, did a somersault.
11:19 The main weapon of these birds are their sharp, curved claws.
11:23 Since birds don't need to walk much on their paws,
11:26 the claws can grow much longer than those of mammals.
11:29 Such huge crescent-shaped blades give the relatively thin
11:35 and not very large fingers of a bird's paw
11:38 a particularly sinister look.
11:41 Don't you agree?
11:43 The length of a large golden eagle's claw
11:45 can be longer than the length of an adult male's fingers.
11:49 The task of the claws is not only
11:51 to inflict maximum damage, but also to keep the prey.
11:56 This explains their specific shape,
11:58 but can be viewed up close thanks to these rare frames.
12:01 Although the fingers seem thin, they have tremendous strength.
12:09 Therefore, the eagle can hold and even
12:11 lift into the sky prey that exceeds its own strength.
12:15 The coordination of the eagle's movements is amazing.
12:22 The eagle can literally change the angle
12:24 of the movement of the wings by several degrees
12:27 in order to slow down, hover, or turn around in flight.
12:32 And at the same time, to put forward their terrible claws
12:36 to accurately hit their prey and grab it tighter
12:39 than a pit bull with their jaws.
12:43 And all this in a split second.
12:46 The sharp, curved beak of most representatives
12:48 of this family of birds is quite short and wide.
12:52 Therefore, they use this weapon not during the first attack,
12:56 but after during the struggle.
13:00 Eagles do not always deal with the prey after a fall.
13:03 Sometimes they have to fight for a long time.
13:07 And then the beak plays the role of a war hammer.
13:10 The bird holds the victim with its claws,
13:12 and with its beak, strikes precise blows
13:15 at vulnerable places.
13:17 But this arsenal still needs to be used correctly.
13:21 First of all, daytime predators have supervision for this.
13:26 It's worth mentioning right away,
13:28 their eyes have two special abilities.
13:31 This is the ability to see far for tens of miles,
13:35 tens of kilometers, as well as the ability
13:38 to accurately notice small objects and objects.
13:43 An eagle can see a rabbit, despite the disguise
13:46 of an eared rodent, even from the height of an airplane
13:49 flight.
13:51 But these birds do not have night vision,
13:54 so they never hunt at night.
13:56 The coyote tried to steal the eagle's food,
14:01 but the eagle reacts instantly.
14:04 Such jokes won't work with him.
14:06 The eagle strikes powerful blows right
14:09 on the face of the impudent dog.
14:11 Sharp claws pierce near the eyes.
14:15 Although serious injuries were avoided,
14:17 the pain from these blows will be a lesson
14:20 that the animal will remember for a lifetime.
14:25 Unlike the feathers of waterfowl,
14:26 the feathers of eagles get wet easily and quickly,
14:30 after which the bird can no longer use them for flight.
14:34 Therefore, going down to the water is a huge risk for them.
14:38 Do you think that stopped the white-tailed eagle
14:40 from hunting a goose right on the water?
14:43 Of course not.
14:44 The eagle attacks the enemy and, from the force of the blow,
14:47 plunges into the water almost by half.
14:50 But the endurance of a bird of prey can only be envied.
14:53 Although she starts to go to the bottom,
14:55 the dry part of the wings is enough to keep her above water.
15:01 The eagle even continues to fight and drown the goose.
15:06 And then, with difficulty but quite successfully,
15:09 he pulls the prey to the shore, where
15:11 he proceeds to dinner in front of every other shocked goose.
15:17 And this waterfowl was able to give the eagle a worthy rebuff.
15:22 Every time the predator made a turn
15:24 and rushed at the victim again, the goose
15:26 dived under the water and dodged the blow.
15:30 The eagle lost strength faster because he
15:32 had to maneuver vigorously, whereas the goose only
15:36 needed to maintain concentration and make a short dive in time.
15:41 But the patience of a predator is also
15:43 a kind of weapon for victory.
15:46 He was able to catch the goose at the very last moment.
15:50 And instead of trying to drown the obnoxious opponent,
15:53 he snatched him out of the water.
15:56 It seems that the eagles have some kind of competition.
15:59 Who will take more risks on the hunt?
16:02 After all, this bird of prey did not just
16:04 decide to catch prey right out of the water.
16:07 She's targeting a sea snake.
16:09 Yes, eagles generally like to hunt these legless reptiles.
16:14 But in the water, the snake is much more maneuverable
16:17 than on land.
16:18 It is easier for it to turn around for a counterattack.
16:21 And most importantly, it is the sea snake
16:23 that is the most venomous in the world.
16:27 She hunts fish.
16:29 These creatures have a circulatory system
16:31 so different from land animals that most poisons do not even
16:36 work on them.
16:38 The solution of the sea snake is to generate a toxin so strong
16:42 that one drop of it could kill all the birds
16:45 within a radius of hundreds of miles.
16:49 But the eagle does not care about these risks.
16:51 He relies on speed and wins.
16:55 The bird was not only able to snatch the snake out
16:58 of the water so quickly that the blow stunned the reptile
17:01 and left it no chance to counterattack.
17:04 The eagle also managed to see the head of the reptile
17:07 at a great distance and attack it
17:09 in order to block the jaws of the enemy with its claws.
17:15 Everything is for the sake of posterity
17:17 because it is the chicks that the feathered fighter carries
17:20 his prey.
17:23 Sometimes the eagle's love of risk
17:25 leads to curious cases, like this episode
17:28 that occurred in the spring of 2022 on Vancouver Island.
17:34 This predator was not afraid even to invade
17:37 the territory of people.
17:39 True, he attacked an ordinary goose,
17:41 but this does not reduce the courage of the bird.
17:45 The life-threatening attack ended unexpectedly.
17:47 The owner of the goose ran out into the street
17:49 and drove away the predator.
17:51 To fight with a young mother who has a child in her arms
17:54 is beneath the dignity of this noble predator.
17:58 Well, or he just got cold feet.
18:00 In any case, the goose was saved,
18:02 but only thanks to the courage of the woman.
18:06 It may seem that the eagles rely primarily on the main blow,
18:10 and if they fight on the ground, then not for long.
18:13 But this predator does not take endurance.
18:17 It's not a problem for him to withstand a really long fight.
18:21 He leaned on a powerful iguana,
18:23 but the reptile's skin was too strong
18:26 to be able to finish the hunt with one blow.
18:30 However, the eagle gave up and grabbed the victim.
18:34 As a result, the lizard tried to go somewhere into the thicket,
18:38 right with an eagle on side of its back.
18:42 Do you know how long the struggle lasted?
18:44 Five hours.
18:46 Of course, it wasn't too resource insensitive for an eagle,
18:48 but still spending so much time clinging to a lizard.
18:52 However, maybe for a bird, it was an interesting attraction
18:55 that improves the appetite.
18:57 What do you think is the reason
18:58 for such a love of birds of prey for risk?
19:02 Don't forget to reply in the comments.
19:05 Although daytime predators prefer to attack from the air,
19:08 if necessary, they can continue a long battle
19:11 already on the surface of the earth.
19:15 Moreover, even the superiority of the enemy in brute force
19:18 will not stop them.
19:20 The predator rushes at the larger bird and strikes,
19:23 but this is not enough.
19:26 Then a fight ensues, which is sometimes similar to fencing.
19:31 The birds try to maneuver, dodge, and the fight drags on.
19:36 But the escape routes are blocked.
19:38 The predator simply will not allow you to take off or escape.
19:42 Therefore, the outcome of the battle is clear.
19:45 Sometimes an eagle has to fly to find its prey.
19:48 He can fly for hours over steps or valleys
19:51 looking for a victim to attack.
19:55 But if a bird of prey finds a large gathering of animals,
19:58 it will resemble some kind of feast.
20:01 See how an eagle flies over a huge flock of flamingos.
20:05 The predator clearly chooses the most delicious prey
20:09 and then hits the flamingo from above,
20:11 just as the victim is trying to climb onto the wing.
20:14 A well-aimed blow and the pink bird crashed into the water.
20:19 Then the eagle descends even lower and finishes her off.
20:23 The white-headed feathered fights brutally
20:26 and leaves the enemy no chance.
20:29 Comparing birds of prey with real fighter planes
20:32 is not just praise for birds.
20:35 After all, these creatures are capable of many aerobatics.
20:41 Pay attention to this hunt, which caught the lens in 2022.
20:47 Here, the birds demonstrate amazing agility.
20:50 But the predator wins thanks to virtuoso maneuverability.
20:54 He performs something like a half barrel, a 180-degree turn,
20:59 so that the wings are directly strictly up and down.
21:03 At the same time, if the aircraft
21:05 uses a maneuver for protection in order
21:07 to get away from the missile, then the bird, on the contrary,
21:11 in order to attack the target more successfully.
21:13 At the same time, the predator grabbed the victim
21:16 only tangentially, so she fights back,
21:19 even being in the claws of a formidable enemy.
21:22 We must pay tribute to this brave bird.
21:25 It will fight for survival until the very end.
21:29 And although her injuries would hardly
21:31 have allowed her to fly if she had managed
21:34 to escape from the grift, she still struggled.
21:37 And who are you rooting for in this situation?
21:40 Let us know in the comments.
21:43 In any case, the bird of prey admires its bravery no less.
21:47 After all, she did not slow down and used her beak
21:51 at full speed right in flight.
21:54 That is, for some time, she flew blindly at great speed,
21:58 risking crashing into rocks.
22:00 At the same time, when a bird strikes with its claws,
22:03 the feathers of the victim fly around
22:05 like some kind of strange fan.
22:08 And all because of the huge force
22:10 that the predator puts into each throw.
22:14 Even if the prey has time to react at the last moment,
22:17 turns around, and meets the enemy with its own claws,
22:21 this will not slow down our hero, not for one second.
22:25 It suppresses the prey's resistance in an instant.
22:29 But even knowing the flying skills of falcons and eagles,
22:33 it is difficult to understand how confident they
22:37 feel in the air.
22:39 It seems as if they are not afraid of falling whatsoever.
22:42 Here, a peregrine falcon attacked
22:44 another to take away its prey.
22:47 At the same time, there was no brutal or brutal fight.
22:50 The duel was surprisingly elegant.
22:54 This duel could be filmed in 2022,
22:56 and she could win the final competition
22:58 for the most honest dogfight in the world.
23:02 It would be much easier to attack the opponent from above.
23:06 But instead, the falcon flew up to the competitor from below,
23:10 made a barrel right in flight, hovering with its paws up.
23:16 In this position, he carefully grabbed the prey right
23:19 in the paws of the opponent.
23:22 As a result, two birds lost their balance.
23:26 For most birds, this would have been a fatal ending.
23:28 But these falcons spent less than a second to restore flight.
23:33 And then they flew together, competing
23:35 in the tug of prey.
23:39 Pay attention that they do not try to hit each other
23:41 with either claws or beaks.
23:44 Why do you think these birds are so noble with each other?
23:48 Is this an instinctive behavior or a character
23:51 trait of these individuals?
23:53 Share your opinion in the comments.
23:56 Amazing solidarity and honor, which does not
23:59 negate their commitment at all.
24:01 Both peregrine falcons risked themselves,
24:04 but tried to keep their prey until the last.
24:08 Human pilots on their fighters can fly at a speed
24:11 several times faster than the speed of sound.
24:16 But they are far from the freedom that these birds know.
24:21 At the same time, both birds not only survived,
24:24 but maintained good neighborly relations.
24:27 One of them unhooked in time, leaving the winner lunch.
24:32 But with prey, birds of prey do not play chivalrous behavior.
24:37 Here you can see how parents feed their offspring.
24:41 Their nest is safely hidden in the thickets.
24:44 The kids scream and open their mouths
24:46 as wide as possible to be the first to receive
24:49 a treat from their parents.
24:51 But the family ideal is violated by a predator
24:54 who has found the prey's lair.
24:58 Parents are not around.
24:59 They cannot cope with such a threat and had to run.
25:03 For a carnivorous feathered, this is a real gift.
25:08 He just takes one of the chicks and takes it to his nest.
25:12 A light snack for the capture of which
25:15 almost no effort was spent.
25:17 If there was such an opportunity,
25:19 would you intervene in this situation?
25:21 Answer in the comments.
25:25 And this duel is one of the coolest aerial duels
25:28 between a bird of prey that has only been caught
25:30 in the camera lens lately.
25:32 The golden eagle is one of the largest and most powerful
25:37 birds.
25:38 And for him, even the black vulture is not a fellow,
25:41 but a potential prey.
25:44 However, although the golden eagle
25:46 wants to eat this feathered one, it does not
25:48 attack it like a defenseless goose.
25:51 The golden eagle is going on a frontal attack.
25:55 He flies straight at the opponent
25:56 and gives him a chance to put his clawed paws forward.
26:01 What is this, if not the nobility of a real warrior?
26:06 A powerful blow occurs and both birds
26:08 collide like two air rams.
26:12 And then the golden eagle hits the opponent
26:15 with a wing from a turn like a master of some bird martial
26:19 arts.
26:21 But the vulture did not lose his balance.
26:22 The opponents uncoupled.
26:24 Both survived this fight, which was too close to the ground
26:27 to continue.
26:29 True golden eagles are not always so noble.
26:32 This bird just brushed away the falcon
26:34 with one lightning strike.
26:37 So it's worth remembering, there are always sharper
26:41 claws and stronger wings.
26:44 When an eagle knocks down a victim
26:46 and forces her to ride on rocky ledges, it's spectacular.
26:50 But in the arsenal of the bird, there
26:52 are also more impressive techniques for using gravity
26:56 for their own purposes.
26:58 Really huge eagles can lift even a fawn or a kid
27:01 into the air into a huge height.
27:05 Then the bird simply releases the prey.
27:08 And she flies from the height of the 10th floor
27:10 with a completely predictable ending.
27:14 The feathered one can only go down and start eating
27:17 or take the remains of the prey to his nest.
27:20 This way, it is possible to significantly save energy.
27:25 The wingspan of some birds of prey
27:27 can reach 6 or even 6 and 1/2 feet, 1.8 or even 2 meters.
27:36 So it can show that these are massive creatures.
27:39 They are powerful, but in fact, much lighter than it seems.
27:44 Eagles are three or four times lighter
27:46 than wolves, which are comparable to birds in size.
27:50 So a mountain goat is five times heavier than a feathered one.
27:55 It is difficult to cope with such an opponent.
27:57 An eagle can cling to him and literally ride him.
28:01 But in order to defeat the prey faster and more reliably,
28:04 you have to push it off the cliff.
28:07 Then you can strike a few powerful blows on the rocks
28:10 and then throw them into the abyss
28:12 if there are no other options.
28:15 This confrontation looks brutal and epic,
28:17 especially since the bird is also at risk.
28:21 She is too close to the ground and will have no time
28:24 to climb on the wing if the prey can drag him along.
28:27 But usually, this does not happen.
28:29 Eagles are too experienced and strong predators.
28:33 Nevertheless, even if a large eagle is crushed to a stone,
28:37 its bones can withstand such a powerful blow.
28:42 Look, an eagle saddled a mountain goat.
28:45 The ungulate in a panic tries to escape along the edge,
28:49 and the feathered one throws it off balance
28:51 so that the prey simply breaks when falling
28:54 from such a steep slope.
28:56 But instead, the goat hits the rock along with the eagle.
29:00 Do you think that the bird crashed or turned
29:02 into a flat pancake like a cartoon character
29:05 on whom a weight fell?
29:07 As if not so.
29:09 The eagle not only survived, but did not even
29:12 loosen its grip.
29:14 Of course, due to the relatively small mass,
29:16 eagles are almost vulnerable, especially on Earth
29:19 when they are attacked by large predators.
29:21 The mass of a brown bear can reach half a ton or even more.
29:25 In fact, the bear has a hundredfold advantage
29:28 over the eagle.
29:30 It's like as if a person tried to beat an elephant hand
29:33 to hand.
29:34 When the female discovered the nest of eagles,
29:37 she was not afraid to bring her cubs with her for lunch.
29:41 She was so sure of victory.
29:44 Even the sharp claws of a feathered bird
29:46 cannot save the chicks when they are attacked
29:48 by this mountain of mussels.
29:51 It is not surprising that eagles do not like bears
29:53 and can even attack them for no apparent reason.
29:57 Who knows, maybe a winged predator
29:58 slapped a bear in revenge for old grievances.
30:02 However, the eagle may be strong enough
30:04 to fight back the lioness.
30:07 Unusual tactics and cunning are used for this.
30:11 The bird spreads its wings wide.
30:13 It is too heavy to instantly take off to a great height.
30:17 If she tries this, the lioness will have time to catch her,
30:21 pouncing from behind.
30:23 It seems that the feathered creature understands this
30:26 and does not try to rise into the air.
30:28 Instead, the eagle spreads its wings on the lioness.
30:32 So the bird seems much bigger and does not allow itself
30:35 to be attacked from the flanks.
30:38 Of course, paw strikes could crush the wings in a second,
30:41 but the lioness does not know this.
30:44 In addition, the eagle rises above the ground
30:46 enough to get its claws into the enemy.
30:50 And the cat does not need extra damage.
30:54 As a result, the bird remains alive,
30:56 which is a great luck after meeting with the lions.
31:01 And what epic fight with the participation
31:04 of daytime feathered predators struck you the most?
31:07 Reply in the comments, and don't forget
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