iBilib: Pencil Case made out of match boxes?!

  • last year
Aired (August 13, 2023): Nothing is impossible with great minds! Watch how to turn your match boxes into a pencil case that can be useful for your kids at school.


00:00 [music]
00:04 Ate Shaira, we're back to school. Do you have a life hack for us students?
00:10 Of course! Me?
00:14 We're going to make a pencil case made from a box of chocolate biscuits and a POSPORO.
00:21 These are the only things we need.
00:23 Like I said, we have a box of chocolate biscuits, a box of POSPORO, a box of cardboard, glue, glue sticks, velcro, leather straps, scissors, buttons, scissors, and we have some cardstock and different kinds of gift wrappers.
00:49 So, the first thing we're going to do is to remove the back part of the chocolate.
00:58 Okay, we're going to cut it like this.
01:00 Then, make sure that you leave this part. Make sure that it's still on the sides.
01:10 Let's put it aside for now.
01:18 We have a box here on the side, so we're going to turn it.
01:21 What we're going to do is to roll it up. We're going to stick it.
01:24 Then, what we're going to do is to wrap it up.
01:29 There! Okay, this is the top part.
01:42 Now, we need to cut this.
01:45 We have a box here, so to make it stronger, just glue it here.
01:50 I believe it.
01:51 Then, you're going to wrap it with gift wrap to make it like this.
01:57 This is where we're going to cover our pencil case.
02:00 But, if you can see, I have cut a small size of cardboard here because we also want to make our pencil case stronger.
02:12 So, we're going to stick it here.
02:15 And of course, it's ugly if it's colorless, right?
02:17 So, what we're going to do is to put colored paper.
02:24 We're also going to stick it.
02:26 There, you can see that our sides are done.
02:36 Then, you can see that we're going to wrap the box of our postcards with wrapper to make it colorful.
02:44 Then, we're going to stick it on this side.
02:47 But of course, before you stick it, you need to cut this first.
02:52 We're going to remove this side.
02:54 Let's just show it to the iBelievers.
02:57 It's like this.
03:03 So, it will be open.
03:05 This part is important for the additional drawer of our pencil case.
03:10 So, we're going to do it like this.
03:11 After that, here it is.
03:12 This is what we made the cover, right?
03:14 These are our straps.
03:17 Let's put the buttons here.
03:20 And there.
03:22 Then, we're going to stick it here and here.
03:27 After everything is done, it's like this.
03:29 This is our final artwork, our pencil case.
03:38 There, right?
03:39 Then, these are our drawers.
03:42 We also put different designs.
03:44 So, if you want to have a pantas, you can put it here.
03:47 You just need to shoot it here.
03:49 I also stuck the pantas here.
03:50 Then, this is just an additional drawer.
03:53 There, right?
03:55 These are the stickers so that your school supplies won't be scattered.
03:59 Right?
04:00 iBelieve!
04:03 Wow!
04:05 That's cute!
04:06 There!
04:07 It's beautiful!
04:08 It's so cute!
04:09 It's cute, right?
04:10 Yes.
04:11 What is this? A bag?
04:13 No, it's a pencil case.
04:14 It's a pencil case.
04:15 No, it's a pencil case.
04:16 It's a pencil case.
04:17 There are drawers here.
04:18 You can put it here.
04:19 Yes.
04:20 It's beautiful, right?
04:21 It's beautiful, right?
04:22 Yes.
04:23 It's beautiful, right?
04:24 It's beautiful, right?
04:25 Yes.
04:26 It's beautiful, right?
04:27 Yes.
04:28 It's beautiful, right?
04:29 Yes.
04:30 It's beautiful, right?
04:31 Yes.
04:32 It's beautiful, right?
04:33 Yes.
04:34 It's beautiful, right?
04:35 Yes.
04:36 It's beautiful, right?
04:37 Yes.
04:38 It's beautiful, right?
04:39 Yes.
