Save My Nuts Please !!

  • last year


00:00 In the animal world, there is no rescue service.
00:04 If a species falls into difficulties, it is doomed, and only humans can reverse that.
00:10 This deer is desperately attempting to get out of the water, but it is blinded by the can on its head.
00:17 People had to use a boat, but the deer continued swimming away in fright as water soon began filling the can.
00:27 After numerous efforts, they succeeded, and he can now see.
00:31 Foxes are dangerous creatures, and these three were attempting to escape from an abandoned pool.
00:39 This man wasn't scared to put his health at danger by taking each one out with his own hands.
00:45 When this man saw the fawn fighting against a river, he intervened to find a method to save it.
00:52 At the last second, he came up with one.
00:56 A leopard in India found himself in a pickle by getting his head stuck in a pot while trying to fetch a drink.
01:02 As onlookers snapped photos and videos of the event,
01:05 forest officials took hours to tranquilize and safely free the leopard's head from the pot.
01:10 This video shows a thirsty squirrel begging for a drink of water.
01:14 A man is then seen feeding the squirrel water from his bottle.
01:18 A goose without a beak can't eat, even if the food is right in front of it.
01:25 But this poor thing is lucky to be the first goose in history to have a 3D-printed beak.
01:31 This poor squirrel is in serious trouble.
01:36 His testicles are stuck in the crevice of that wooden wall, and he'll die if he remains like this.
01:43 I hope the person who captured this video saved him.
01:46 This tiny elephant falls into a pool unexpectedly.
01:49 The mother is frightened and worried.
01:51 Hence, she and another elephant walk down to the water from the lower side and rescue the little one.
01:57 the little one.
