Grunge | show | 0| S4 | Official Trailer

  • last year
Grunge | show | 0| S4 | Official Trailer | dHNzX1NPTTBzQlByUE80


00:00 The people who live here never think about the future.
00:03 There won't be any more customers.
00:05 We're under martial law.
00:06 After dealing with destruction for too many times to count,
00:09 the adults have lost all hope.
00:11 If you ask me, we would be better off just flattening the whole planet.
00:15 And that has been passed down to us.
00:18 My brother has lost cause.
00:20 His brain is messed up from all the drinking.
00:22 The steam from that stupid plant fries the brains of humans too.
00:26 And as far as hope goes, that light is all we have.
00:29 The people left don't have the kind of money needed to get on that rocket.
00:32 I'm sorry for keeping you waiting.
00:34 You're still gonna stand there and act like everything is normal?
00:36 What is happening?
00:38 You know what? I'm gonna do things my style.
00:41 See you later, old man.
00:43 I finally found ya.
00:47 A siren?
00:49 What's going on?
00:50 Welcome back.
00:53 What is that?
00:56 Hang on tight.
00:58 Get out of here!
01:00 Stand back!
01:03 You did something!
01:04 Did I now?
01:06 For you.
01:07 No, I can't accept this.
01:08 Just use it, okay?
01:09 So you can protect the ones you love.
01:11 The ones that I love?
01:12 In that moment, as my heart was pounding in my chest,
01:16 I thought, "Is this what hope feels like?"
01:21 You're mine.
01:23 You're all I need.
01:26 Arigato.
01:30 [Music]
