What will happen if President does not sign the Bills and Assembly's term expires?

  • last year
#11thHour #PresidentArifAlvi #LatifKhosa #NationalAssembly

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00:00 We will move ahead. Sir, yesterday PM of Pakistan said that the next elections will be under the new Mardam Shumari.
00:07 And now this matter will go to the Joint Interests Council.
00:11 Which has led to the impression that, at least, how long will it take, we don't know.
00:16 A month, two months, three months, but in 90 days the elections cannot be held.
00:20 So, sir, tell me, the Joint Interests Council, one CM, whose name is Murad Ali Shah, has said that I will not vote in his favour.
00:29 So, if one CM does not vote in his favour, then what will be its status?
00:34 Will the next election be under Mardam Shumari or not?
00:39 Look, Wasim, in two provinces, that is, two-thirds of Pakistan, Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,
00:46 the Prime Minister is not even there.
00:49 Because the Prime Minister, who was made as a minister by the government,
00:53 his aim was only to get the elections done, he cannot take any policy decision.
00:59 Nor can he restrict anyone for the future.
01:02 Nor can he make any decision on such important legal issues.
01:07 So, Murad Ali Shah has also opposed and in Punjab and KPK, the Prime Minister is not there.
01:13 Who represents the people of Punjab or the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
01:20 So, there can be no meeting of the CCI.
01:23 Okay, you are saying that Murad Ali Shah's matter, leave it later, whether he votes in his favour or not,
01:29 or whether he accepts his orders or not.
01:31 Talk about the other two provinces where the Minister of Finance does not have the legal right
01:35 to vote in favour or against this in the Joint Interests Council.
01:39 They don't have the right to do this because they are not representative of people.
01:42 Is that what you are saying?
01:44 This is exactly what I am saying.
01:47 See, the elected Prime Minister is the representative.
01:50 So, morally, they don't have the right or legally they don't have the right?
01:53 No, no, legally and legally they don't have the right.
01:57 They don't have the right.
01:59 Not at all.
02:00 Oh, so that means that tomorrow morning,
02:04 I am giving an example from yesterday, the steps are still left,
02:07 tomorrow morning, the Joint Interests Council meeting will be held and four of them,
02:10 Murad Ali Shah will also agree and say, yes, this is fine.
02:12 So, this can be a challenge in the court that, sir, these two ministers do not have the legal right,
02:17 how did they approve Murad Ali Shah?
02:19 This will be a challenge.
02:21 Man, Basim, we had already challenged the Supreme Court on the 14th of May elections.
02:29 This government does not agree with the PDM.
02:31 Now, they were saying that the new request they had given in the Supreme Court
02:34 that it should not be heard and the full court should sit,
02:37 they said that first they did not agree to that decision, so they will not agree to this decision either.
02:42 Man, 102 people are in the state of Kashmir,
02:47 all of their families are in a state of distress, 25 crore people are in a state of distress,
02:52 that what is happening to this country?
02:54 And in two days, 54 laws are made like this, official secrecy,
02:58 they are made in an act, in which in someone's house, in your house, in my house,
03:03 you can enter at any time and take anything away,
03:07 and you can keep it anywhere, and they have been given the full authority,
03:11 the official secrecy act, after 100 years.
03:14 Look, after 100 years, do you understand?
03:17 The British made this official secrecy act so that in the houses of slaves,
03:24 in the houses of slaves, whenever they want,
03:26 the people of India, whenever they want, they can arrest them and do whatever they want.
03:30 Instead of ending it, to end that act,
03:35 they have given them more powers so that they can do it.
03:40 Although, the same, this is still happening,
03:43 but now they are being given a legal, self-styled, so-called democratic government.
03:50 And sir, including this bill, including this bill, Mr. Khosla,
03:54 if the rest, the half-century that has been made,
03:56 if the President of Pakistan does not sign on these,
04:00 then before it becomes law, will it be terminated?
04:04 How important is the signature of the President of Pakistan?
04:06 No, they won't even do it.
04:08 The regime won't even do it.
04:09 So if they don't do it and the assembly ends on 11th or 12th August,
04:12 then what will be the status of these bills legally?
04:15 They will be lapsed, they will be terminated,
04:19 they will not be able to become a part of the law,
04:21 they will not even remain pending, but they will be lapsed.
04:24 Because the new parliament that will come,
04:27 no kind of restriction can be put on its validity.
04:32 For example, if the parliament's period had not been expiring,
04:36 the parliament would have been in place for another three months,
04:38 let's suppose, six months,
04:39 and the President would not have signed on it,
04:41 then what would have happened, in that case, what would have happened next?
04:43 So, it would have come back, and after coming back,
04:48 either in a joint session, or it would have been passed again,
04:52 with or without amendments, which the President would have suggested,
04:55 and if he had still done it and sent it,
04:59 then obviously, the President would have been...
05:01 - Would have been banned.
05:02 - After keeping it for 10 days, the law would have been automatically...
05:05 - But now, this is not such a different situation,
05:07 that the parliament is going, the President has signed on it,
05:09 and how many days does the President have to sign on it,
05:11 to decide whether to do it or not?
05:12 - Oh, it's enough, 10 days are enough.
05:15 - Yes, 10 days are enough.
05:16 - If they don't do it, then it will be lapsed.
05:17 - It's enough that they don't do it, and the assembly ends on 12th,
05:19 that's how much time they have.
05:20 - Absolutely, I have no doubt that the President will not sign
05:25 such draconian laws, and I am confident that it will be lapsed.
05:29 - So, this is the first time in his tenure, that the President has got such a situation,
05:33 that without misusing his authority, he can actually impose all these bills,
05:39 without doing anything wrong, because the parliament is going behind him.
05:42 - Now, it depends on how independent the President is.
05:46 - If he wants to, he can.
05:47 - Is he still a PTI?
05:48 - Yes, he is still a PTI, or with someone else.
05:53 - Or he is in a press conference mode, I don't know.
05:55 He hasn't done a press conference, but his mental state is that he is in a press conference mode.
05:58 - No, no, he is not in a press conference mode.
06:00 No, if the President signs, then it is a press conference.
06:07 If he doesn't sign, then it means that he is really a President.
06:12 - And if he doesn't sign, then the status of these bills is finished, legally.
06:16 - These bills are finished, they will be lapsed and they will have no status.
06:20 - Very interesting.
06:21 - And you are also saying, if I rephrase, I am saying it right,
06:25 that according to the new constitution, the next election is not possible,
06:30 because in order for the new constitution to be implemented,
06:33 it is necessary to be approved by the Joint Interests Council,
06:36 and in order for the Joint Interests Council to be implemented,
06:39 it is necessary to have four ministers, which doesn't have two,
06:42 so it cannot be implemented.
06:43 Am I summarizing correctly?
06:45 - You are summarizing correctly, and look ahead.
06:48 Because the ten seats that have been approved,
06:51 ten seats are being increased in Balochistan,
06:54 and the khichdi that is being cooked, those ten seats will be very important.
06:59 So if you want to increase those ten seats,
07:04 then you will have to amend Article 51(3) and amend the constitution.
07:10 And for the amendment of the constitution, you need a third member,
07:14 who is not there at the moment, they don't have it.
07:18 So that's why the amendment of the constitution is also not possible.
07:21 The third thing is that if they say that they will postpone it,
07:25 then in March, half of the Senate will retire in March.
07:33 So if half of the Senate retires and assemblies are not formed,
07:37 then the elections of the Senate will also be stalled.
07:42 Now we don't know, there are so many big legislators sitting,
07:46 and Mashallah, it is a government of loyalty,
07:48 they are making laws in great haste,
07:52 and there is a market, loot and plunder,
07:55 everyone wants to loot this country, the mother earth,
07:58 as much as I can loot and run away.
08:01 So universities are being made, and universities are being shot,
08:05 prices are rising, may Allah forgive whatever is going on in this country,
08:10 the government is doing, O Wasim Badami,
08:12 may Allah have mercy and mercy on this country,
08:15 we have not left any fault in looting and destroying this country.
08:20 And Kosa Sahib, towards the end,
08:22 sir, when the responsibility of respect will be assigned,
08:25 if everything is happening, if you agree that everything is happening,
08:28 and it is wrong, then when the list of responsibilities will be made,
08:31 then a name of Pakistan People's Party will also come in it, right?
08:35 Canara, you can't do anything, right?
08:36 No, man, today you saw that today Raza Rabbani said that
08:40 I don't know if I am in the Senate or where I am,
08:42 and he said that I can't be a party,
08:44 and he tore the resolution, hit it on the face of the speaker,
08:50 and you must have seen that the People's Party…
08:52 If this is the scale, then Kamran Mujtada did the same,
08:54 as much as Noon Afnanullah did the same.
08:58 You are right, you are right,
09:00 and this proves where the legislation is coming from,
09:04 and how independent our parliament is, how independent it is.
09:08 So, this means that if the parliament is doing such things,
09:13 then why are they still attached to this government,
09:16 why don't they leave it?
09:18 But the People's Party is not at all…
09:21 The People's Party's role is not understood, it is positive,
09:23 it is not that negative, it is understood.
