Kashaf ul Mahjoob - Mufti Muhammad Ramzan Sialvi - 2nd August 2023 - ARY Qtv

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Kashaf ul Mahjoob - Mufti Muhammad Ramzan Sialvi

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Kashaf ul Mahjoob - Host: Mufti Muhammad Ramzan Sialvi

#MuftiRamzanSialvi #KashafulMahjoob #ARYQtv

A Talk Show In Which Discussion Revolves Around A Famous Book Of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh R.A. Kashaf-Ul-Mahjoob

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00:00 (Arabic)
00:07 (Arabic)
00:19 Respected viewers,
00:21 in this blessed month of Ramadan,
00:24 we have been gathering the blessings of God Almighty
00:33 in the program of Nemat-e-Iftar, Rehmat-e-Sehr, Taraweeh and other programs.
00:36 After that, as usual,
00:39 we would like to invite Huzoor's Sayyidi, Sanadi, Murshidi and Aqai,
00:43 Hazrat Ali bin Usman Al-Hujweri Al-Maroof,
00:47 Hazrat Data Ganbakhsh, may God have mercy on him,
00:50 and in the light of his teachings, his thoughts and his instructions,
00:55 in the light of the book Kashf-ul-Mahjoob,
00:58 the program of understanding, understanding and the truth,
01:01 which is an interesting and a source of comfort,
01:05 with the help of Kashf-ul-Mahjoob,
01:07 your host, Mufti Muhammad Ramadan Sialvi is here to serve you.
01:12 The land of Lahore,
01:14 if we go beyond this, it is the land of the desert,
01:17 the land of disbelief,
01:21 which is known as India.
01:24 With the blessings of my Huzoor, Data Ganbakhsh Ali Hujweri,
01:27 may God have mercy on him,
01:30 with the blessings of his presence,
01:32 with the blessings of his teachings,
01:35 and with the special blessings of his spiritual insight,
01:39 this land, the land of Punjab,
01:42 is a living example of the land of Punjab.
01:48 It is a living example of the land of Punjab.
01:50 And God willing, till the Day of Judgment,
01:54 on this land, the melodies of the unity of God,
01:58 the love of the Prophet,
02:00 and the beauty of the greatness of the Prophet,
02:02 the beautiful style of faith and love from the saints,
02:07 will remain till the Day of Judgment.
02:09 And till they remain,
02:10 the greatness of my Huzoor, Data Ganbakhsh Ali Hujweri,
02:14 will continue to wave.
02:16 And why should it not wave?
02:18 (Recites poetry)
02:20 With this poetic poem,
02:35 the love and faith that I have presented to you,
02:39 will also, God willing, remain till the Day of Judgment.
02:45 In the program, as usual,
02:48 we have with us the beautiful personality,
02:51 who you have seen on various programs on QTV,
02:56 Respected Respected Respected Allama Shahzad Ahmed Mujaddedi.
03:00 Peace be upon you.
03:03 (Recites poetry)
03:33 Before proceeding,
03:34 I would like to draw the attention of my dear viewers,
03:38 that with regards to Huzoor,
03:40 it is our responsibility to spread your teachings and spread them in the world.
03:46 And as your personality, teachings and thoughts are trusted,
03:52 if we talk about these blessed personalities,
03:55 and talk about something that is not their trademark,
04:00 we must defend it and make it clear to the people,
04:04 to the public and to the scholars.
04:08 This is our fundamental duty.
04:10 You must have understood, in the world of the internet,
04:13 and especially on YouTube,
04:15 there is a so-called scholar,
04:18 whose language is not protected by any mischief.
04:22 My first question to Respected Respected Allama,
04:27 and I will put it in the form of a response,
04:31 is on your name.
04:33 When the word "Bayazid" is mentioned,
04:36 we are clear in this,
04:38 Huzoor, in the Zikr of Imam Ali Maqam and Imam Hussain,
04:45 when this word was mentioned, you wrote there,
04:48 "He is worthy of what he is now,
04:51 "and he is worthy of what he is now,
04:55 "except his father, Syedna Ameer Muawiyah."
05:00 So, what will you say on this, Huzoor?
05:05 And we must say, if there are issues with just the name,
05:10 if Mirza comes with his name,
05:12 where does that go?
05:15 Where is his similarity?
05:17 And if he is a similar person to a community,
05:19 then he is a part of them.
05:20 He is a part of them.
05:22 So, what will you say, Huzoor?
05:23 In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful.
05:24 All praise is due to God, the Lord of the worlds.
05:26 And peace and blessings be upon the messengers and the prophets,
05:29 and upon his family and companions.
05:31 Whoever wishes to be a follower of God,
05:34 he is a follower of the Prophet of the Saints.
05:38 Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi says,
05:40 "Whoever wishes to sit in the assembly of God,
05:42 "they should sit in the assembly of the friends of God."
05:45 Then he says, "When God intends to cover someone,
05:55 "then He turns his cover towards the slander of the pure."
06:00 Allah Hu Akbar.
06:01 This means that the Hadith of the Holy Quran,
06:02 which is in Sahih Bukhari,
06:03 "He who wants to humiliate someone,
06:06 "he puts him in the midst of the enmity and hatred of his friends."
06:11 Allah Hu Akbar.
06:12 In Sahih Bukhari, we should see that
06:17 if someone's intention is to clash with a friend of God,
06:21 a saint, a Sultan of the knowers,
06:25 a Sultan of the united,
06:28 and is coming with a disdain,
06:30 and is coming with a disdain and a disgrace,
06:33 then he is directly in the midst of the Hadith of the Holy Quran
06:36 that he is fighting with God.
06:38 Because he has opened the door of hatred with a friend of God.
06:42 He has not only opened the door,
06:44 he has become a propagandist and a missionary.
06:46 He is also inciting others towards him.
06:49 So, people like this have always been there.
06:51 Yes.
06:52 People like this have always been there in the history of 1400 years.
06:55 The Allama said, "There has always been a sharp sword,
06:59 "the light of the chosen one, the mischief of the mischievous."
07:03 The light of the chosen one, the mischief of the mischievous,
07:05 has always been there.
07:06 It will be there in every era.
07:07 People of small and medium height try to prove themselves
07:10 to be big or to make themselves big,
07:13 to tease any big person.
07:16 So, never mind.
07:17 Allah the Almighty has also made arrangements
07:20 that when someone shows his disdain to his friends,
07:23 then those who believe in him, those who love him,
07:27 those who love him, have been there in every era.
07:29 And then he says, "I will keep on guarding you even in India."
07:33 Huzoor, wherever we are, it is your duty and job.
07:36 And it is the duty of your loved ones.
07:38 So, Inshallah, we are doing this, we are presently serving.
07:42 If anyone has any objection or grudge against any friend or saint of Allah,
07:47 or if he shows any kind of disgust or disdain,
07:51 then, by the grace of Allah,
07:53 as long as we are alive, we are standing on this platform.
07:57 And for the protection of the honour of the saints of the Ummah,
08:00 our life, every drop of our blood and every breath is a dedication.
08:05 Our knowledge, our ability.
08:07 Our ability. Whatever we have, it is a gift from Allah.
08:09 Yes, I mean, when a professor from the university contacted me about this,
08:15 I said to him,
08:17 that if we gather the respect, the comfort and everything
08:20 from the relations of these holy people,
08:22 then we think that serving them, doing their job,
08:26 and putting our ability in their defence,
08:29 is also a duty of our duty.
08:32 And then, we are the descendants of the foundation of Data Sahib.
08:35 We are the descendants of Data Sahib.
08:37 Because we are from Lahore,
08:39 we have been the hosts of Data Sahib for 1000 years.
08:42 By the grace of Allah.
08:43 And we are the servants of Data Sahib.
08:46 We are the descendants of Data Sahib.
08:47 So, I am personally saying that
08:49 my ancestors have been the hosts of Data Sahib for 2000 years.
08:55 So, this is why we have a little bit of an additional connection.
08:59 The second thing, when I came to the threshold of Data Sahib,
09:04 I said, "Huzoor, whenever you had a problem,
09:06 "you used to go to the shrine of Hazrat Sayyidina Baa-e-Yazid Bistami".
09:11 "So, I am at your service".
09:14 So, this is doubled now.
09:16 This duty has doubled.
09:17 We have to do the duty of Sayyid-e-Hujwair,
09:20 Ganj-e-Baksh, Faiz-e-Alam.
09:24 And among their followers, their teachers, their sheikhs,
09:27 and their great ones, Sayyidina Baa-e-Yazid Bistami,
09:32 who is Taifur bin-e-Isa bin-Sarwushan,
09:36 the first thing is his name.
09:39 Whenever a person criticises the saints of Allah,
09:43 he immediately gets detracted.
09:47 And his actions tell us
09:49 how much knowledge this person has, how much he has access to.
09:52 He does not know that the person I am talking about,
09:55 his name is not Baa-e-Yazid.
09:58 His name is Taifur.
10:00 And in that context, Taifur, our Naqshbandiya,
10:04 was called Siddiquia.
10:06 Then it was called Taifuria.
10:09 Then it was called Khajgania.
10:12 Then it was called Naqshbandiya.
10:14 And then it became this chain.
10:16 So, I have the right of Baa-e-Yazid Bistami,
10:20 because he is one of my followers.
10:24 So, I would like to say that Sayyidina Baa-e-Yazid Bistami,
10:29 his name is Taifur.
10:32 Now, as regards Abu Yazid,
10:35 I would like to say that
10:37 if a person is feeling any kind of confusion with this name,
10:42 he should look at the difference between Yazid and Abu Yazid.
10:47 Allah Hu Akbar.
10:49 This is the height of ignorance and ignorance.
10:52 Do you have enmity with Yazid or Abu Yazid?
10:57 Abu Yazid is Sayyidina Ameer-e-Muawiyah.
11:00 This means that you are opening the door of the companions of the Prophet for Yazid.
11:05 This is a very beautiful thing.
11:07 And there are so many sayings of the Prophet.
11:10 "Whoever has enmity with them, he has also caused enmity to them."
11:13 "Whoever has enmity with them, he has also caused enmity to them."
11:17 Indirectly, that person attacked Sayyidina Ameer-e-Muawiyah.
11:23 And this is also mentioned in the Hadith of Qudsi.
11:26 "Whoever has enmity with me, he has also caused enmity to my friend."
11:30 And all the scholars and jurists of the Ummah agree on this.
11:34 The first sign of enmity with Allah is that a person's faith is snatched.
11:41 When there is no faith, then he says, "He does whatever he does."
11:47 He himself does not know that Iblis becomes the master.
11:51 So this person is actually expressing enmity with Sayyidina Ameer-e-Muawiyah.
11:56 Because he is Abu Yazid.
11:58 If you have enmity with Yazid, then you should express enmity with Yazid.
12:01 What is your relation with Ba Yazid and Abu Yazid?
12:04 Respected audience, this is a very beautiful thing.
12:06 Yazid and Abu Yazid and Ba Yazid,
12:11 the difference in personality between the two.
12:14 And when the name has changed, when you say Abu Yazid,
12:18 it means Sayyidina Ameer-e-Muawiyah.
12:21 When you say Ba Yazid, it means this.
12:23 There is still some knowledge left.
12:26 Inshallah, we will explain it to you after a short break.
12:31 I think it is important for every person of love to know this.
12:35 Stay with us. Welcome back.
12:37 Welcome back, dear viewers. This is Kashf-ul-Majoob.
12:39 We are discussing the name of Hazrat Ba Yazid Bistami.
12:46 A so-called scholar, a so-called scholar,
12:52 was talking about him.
12:54 The Companions of the Prophet, Hazrat Ameer-e-Muawiyah,
12:58 and the Auliya-e-Izam,
13:00 he was answering the question in a very unbiased manner.
13:04 Yes, Hazrat, this is clear.
13:06 This is clear.
13:07 I would like to add something to this, Mufti Sahib.
13:09 The name of several Companions of the Prophet is Yazid.
13:15 Hazrat Yazid bin Abi Sufyan, may Allah be pleased with him,
13:19 is a great Companion.
13:21 He was appointed as the governor of Syria by Sayyidina Farooq-e-Azam.
13:26 And there are many other Companions whose names are Yazid.
13:30 So, this is not an enemy of a name, but of a designation.
13:36 This is also something that is to be decided.
13:38 The person whose name was Yazid,
13:41 the one who did injustice to Imam Hussain and the Hijaz-e-Muqaddas,
13:48 and he became a source of disgrace in the history of Islam,
13:52 you have an enmity with him, right?
13:54 You have no problem with the word Yazid.
13:57 This is also an uneducated approach, I think.
14:00 This should also be clear.
14:02 When the Companions' names are Yazid,
14:04 then the action of that Yazid was such that people,
14:07 who had a natural tendency towards him, were enraged.
14:11 Now, let's come to Ba Yazid and Abu Yazid.
14:15 This is not because one of your sons' name is Yazid.
14:17 Yes, this is also a...
14:19 The main mistake that the person has made,
14:22 is that he did not even investigate whether his son's name is Yazid.
14:27 So, he said, "Look, he is naming his son Yazid."
14:30 Although, in terms of knowledge,
14:34 the words used, Abu Ba, for the name of a relative,
14:37 I would like to say Asma-e-Sitta, Muqambara.
14:38 Abu Huraira, Abu Zar, Abu Turab.
14:42 There is such a long list.
14:45 Where will you go? Abu-l-Mu'arif, Abu-l-Haqqaiq, Abu-l-Fazl.
14:48 These are the names that were used with the people of knowledge.
14:51 Now, this uneducated person has made an open declaration of his ignorance.
14:56 And the same thing that Maulana Rumi said,
14:57 "The veil will be lifted."
14:59 "Neither do you tease, nor do you tease."
15:02 This is why I think this is a place of worship for our viewers,
15:07 that we should not tease the friends of Allah.
15:10 Some of their words,
15:12 some of their words,
15:14 are also very dear to the worship of great scholars.
15:19 He has expressed his ignorance towards the Prophet.
15:23 In which he has violated the rules of Tajweed and all other things.
15:27 Listening to his sermon, it seems that
15:30 we should correct our words and things ourselves.
15:35 "Nahvee sarfeeat baar seeti"
15:37 We keep looking at it.
15:38 So, we should make these things the basis of our personality.
15:44 And then such a big claim.
15:46 Like, "Maazallah, there is a person named Maamoor Min Allah in this world."
15:50 That too in the 14th century.
15:51 And then giving orders and giving orders.
15:53 The ignorance of an ignorant person
15:55 is such a big courage on the shoulders of the whole Ummah.
15:59 So, as a result, this will come out.
16:01 One, the faith will be lost.
16:02 And because of that person,
16:04 if someone follows him by mistake,
16:07 and third, his own personality will be exposed,
16:10 then God knows what will come out.
16:12 "Alhamdulillah, Maazallah"
16:13 "Qatan" means that we are not going to any personality.
16:16 This is a big misunderstanding.
16:18 There have been relations of the elders.
16:20 Now, the statement that Dada Sahib brought,
16:23 of Sayyiduna Junaid-e-Baghdadi,
16:25 "We have such a person as Jibreel in the angels."
16:29 Now, what is this?
16:30 This is a similitude.
16:31 He was told his status.
16:33 Misconception about that person.
16:37 Misconception from the whole Ummah is forbidden.
16:41 So, you are misconceiving from Sultan-ul-Arifin,
16:45 then you are propagating it and accusing them.
16:48 How many texts are being opposed.
16:51 The Master of Islam said,
16:52 "Uzqur-u-Mahasina Mautakum Wa Quff-u-an-Masawihim"
16:56 And secondly, you see, in the scholars,
16:59 in the Shia, in the Sufis,
17:01 their name is so well known,
17:03 and it is taken with so much love and devotion,
17:05 that no one ever took their name,
17:11 and never went to that Yazid.
17:12 Never.
17:13 Never moved.
17:14 That is because there is nothing like that in his background.
17:17 If there was, then one would think,
17:19 if there was a son named Yazid,
17:22 then it is possible that one would have thought about it,
17:24 or thought, why did they keep him, or what was the reason.
17:27 Whereas, he does not even exist.
17:28 And in some names, he himself is named Mirza.
17:30 That is the limit of blasphemy.
17:32 Now, if you take Mirza from your own Mirza,
17:35 this is the relation that is formed.
17:36 Then where will the matter go?
17:38 So, you will have to turn back from your entire lineage.
17:41 There is no doubt about that.
17:42 So, I say that this is a very big misconception,
17:47 if that person is interested in faith,
17:50 then he should immediately make a declaration.
17:52 He should make a declaration.
17:53 From other things too.
17:54 Before we discuss them as well.
17:56 Yes, God willing, as the opportunity arises,
18:00 we will discuss the places and things that are there.
18:04 It has become our duty.
18:05 It has become our duty.
18:06 We will do it.
18:07 We will defend it.
18:08 Huzoor, Sayyidi Data Ganbaksh Ali Hudwari, may God have mercy on him,
18:11 in his blessed style,
18:13 in the introduction of Hazrat Ba Yazid Bistami, may God have mercy on him,
18:16 he used two beautiful words,
18:18 in which he has given the title for you,
18:20 "The Sky of Knowledge and the Sky of Love".
18:23 Huzoor, look at this,
18:24 it is not a shining moon in the sky,
18:27 or a shining star in the sky,
18:29 it is not that, rather,
18:31 it is the sky itself,
18:33 the sky of knowledge and love.
18:34 Look, this is the 'Tashbih-e-Istiaar-e-Ki-Miraaj'.
18:37 From which perspective did Sayyid-e-Hujwair see it?
18:41 And in Kashf-ul-Majum, when you read that
18:43 when I have a spiritual difficulty,
18:46 I used to go to the shrine of Sayyidina Ba Yazid Bistami, may God have mercy on him,
18:50 then one can understand the level of devotion.
18:54 In a way, Huzoor, Data Sahib is like Sayyidina Ba Yazid Bistami, may God have mercy on him.
19:01 He is blessed by him,
19:02 which you have declared.
19:04 What was the connection?
19:05 That is why, he wrote, "The Sky of Knowledge and the Sky of Love".
19:09 The sky of knowledge.
19:10 The sky of knowledge.
19:11 What does it mean?
19:13 It describes the community and the centrality.
19:15 Ba Yazid Bistami, may God have mercy on him,
19:17 is not an ordinary saint or saint or Sufi,
19:20 like the rest of the people.
19:22 He was just like the saints, like Jibreel Malaika,
19:26 like the angels.
19:27 And the Sun, Moon, Stars,
19:30 their connection with the sky,
19:33 that is the connection of the saints of the Ummah
19:35 with Ba Yazid Bistami, may God have mercy on him.
19:38 And the way they express themselves,
19:42 these expressions are through the sky, through the sky.
19:48 Through the base.
19:50 In the same way, Sayyidina Ba Yazid Bistami is the base,
19:55 which is behind,
19:56 through which the excellence of the saints of the Ummah is being expressed.
20:00 Subhanallah.
20:01 Sir, you can say that he is a reflection for others,
20:06 and a means for others to express themselves.
20:09 He is the base, the source of expression.
20:13 And for others, he is a great support.
20:18 He is a great support.
20:21 And Huzoor, Data Ganbakhshani Jibreel, may God have mercy on him,
20:24 is a shining star of that sky of knowledge.
20:27 He is a star, and a sun, and a moon.
20:30 And it can be understood from this,
20:31 that if the one who shines on that sky of knowledge and love,
20:38 is a star, then Data Ganbakhshani Jibreel, may God have mercy on him,
20:41 what will be the glory of the sky and its vastness and complexity?
20:45 Yes.
20:46 Because a star cannot understand the vastness of the sky,
20:48 the sky can understand the vastness of the star.
20:51 This is a different aspect.
20:52 This is a different aspect.
20:53 Glory and its vastness.
20:54 I want us to understand its depth and depth.
20:58 The sky of knowledge, which is said,
21:01 means that there was nothing beyond this which Data Sahib says.
21:06 Subhanallah.
21:07 It is the last thing that has been said.
21:08 Nothing beyond this can be said.
21:10 Consider these two personalities,
21:12 Syedna Junaid-e-Baghdadi Irbaa Yazid-e-Bistami, may God have mercy on him,
21:15 parallel.
21:16 These are the base of the Ummah's Auliya.
21:20 And two big chains and two big schools of thought are emerging,
21:24 of the method,
21:25 are from these two personalities.
21:27 That is why you have placed Hazrat Junaid-e-Baghdadi, may God have mercy on him,
21:31 in Takabul.
21:32 And you have brought his sayings as a tradition.
21:34 And there can be no greater thing than this,
21:36 that Junaid-e-Baghdadi is Syed-ul-Taifa,
21:39 the leader of the Auliya-e-Ummah.
21:40 And in his eyes, Baa Yazid is like Jibreel in the angels.
21:46 (Prophet Mohammad says)
21:49 I think this is a categorical statement.
21:54 This statement,
21:55 (Prophet Mohammad says)
22:01 that Jibreel is in the angels,
22:03 and in such Auliya,
22:05 (Prophet Mohammad says)
22:06 In this, especially,
22:09 in the mention of the angels, Jibreel and the Auliya.
22:14 Both, one is the technical status of the statements.
22:17 Because Jibreel is Syed-ul-Malaika,
22:19 the leader of the angels, the Imam of the angels.
22:22 And the angels have that perfection,
22:24 which no one else has.
22:27 That has been stated.
22:28 The second is the perfection of Junaid-e-Baghdadi.
22:34 Because Junaid-e-Baghdadi was in the Arab area,
22:38 and Syedna Baa Yazid Bistami was in the non-Arab area.
22:42 So Junaid-e-Baghdadi was a spy
22:45 who used to make arrangements for the knowledge and knowledge of Baa Yazid Bistami.
22:51 And his nephew, Abu Musa,
22:54 Syedna Baa Yazid Bistami,
22:56 and his special servant,
22:58 he was very close to him.
23:00 And he used to say, "The heart should be like Abu Musa's."
23:05 So he used to translate the Persian words into Arabic,
23:10 and he used to know what Baa Yazid was saying,
23:13 and what he was doing, and what was in his mind.
23:17 So after all this observation,
23:19 when a personality like Zunnun Misri was present among the Muasireen,
23:23 Hazrat Shakik-e-Balkhi, Abu Bakr Shibli, Yahya bin Muaz-ur-Razi,
23:27 and Junaid-e-Baghdadi,
23:29 when they all saw Syedna Baa Yazid Bistami,
23:36 they said, "He is not only saying Junaid,
23:38 "all the people of perfection are saying that he is like Gabriel among the angels."
23:44 In the present time, there is a dispute between the Salasils and the Mashayikh,
23:51 especially in the matters of Tariqat and Ma'rifat.
23:56 In fact, instead of the mutual discussion of the benefits,
24:00 there is a mutual discussion.
24:02 They are far from the reality.
24:04 This creates a fear, a fear.
24:09 This is the sign of the reality.
24:11 When there is a double-edged sword,
24:13 a conspiracy,
24:14 then the personality, ego, self, and egoism will come.
24:19 This is the only way, Mufti Sahib,
24:21 I think no other school of thought can give this example, not even in the sciences.
24:26 This is the only way of Sufism in which the Sheikh has taken the benefit of the disciple.
24:30 Allahu Akbar. Subhanallah.
24:32 We have not heard that the teacher said that the disciple is now superior to me.
24:36 Some commentator or a Muhaddith said that.
24:38 But in this line...
24:38 A Sufi says,
24:40 Syedna Junaid-e-Baghdadi's Spiritual Guide said,
24:42 when he asked, "Is the disciple superior to the Spiritual Guide?"
24:46 He said, "Yes, as soon as Junaid is superior to me."
24:48 The disciple of Hazrat Mujaddid Al-Faisani said,
24:50 "Khwaja Muhammad Baqi Billah, Rahmatullah."
24:52 The Sheikh of the Holy Prophet said,
24:54 "When my Lord asks, 'What have you brought?'
24:57 "I will present Ahmed Rizab Railway."
24:59 The Sheikh of Qazi Sanaullah Panipatti said,
25:01 Mirza Mazhar Jan-e-Jahan Shaheed,
25:03 "When Allah asks, 'What have you brought?' I will present him."
25:06 This whole field and its essence is the negation of one's own self.
25:09 Without a doubt.
25:09 And through this, fear and divinity teaches
25:12 that the real purpose is not the self and the person.
25:16 When the gaze is on the destination,
25:17 then anyone can be a mediator.
25:19 I would like to talk about the family background of Hazrat Bayazid Bistami.
25:25 And in the scholarly context,
25:27 the special mention of the tradition of Hadith
25:31 by Huzoor, Faiz-e-Alam Data Ganbaqsh-e-Mutla'Ala.
25:33 And this is a special mention of his scholarly glory.
25:38 Respected viewers, the personality of Hazrat Bayazid Bistami,
25:41 and especially his scholarly glory in the tradition of Hadith,
25:47 which is unique to Sufism,
25:50 we will talk about this, but after a short break.
25:55 Welcome back, dear viewers, to the program Kashf-ul-Majoob.
25:57 And the mention of Hazrat Bayazid Bistami, may God's mercy be upon him.
26:02 We have discussed two words in your titles,
26:06 'The Heavens of Knowledge' and 'The Love of Heavens'.
26:11 In Urdu, it is called 'The Heavens of Love',
26:18 but the original Persian text,
26:20 which our scholars have written,
26:24 - can you explain it? - 'Malik-e-Muhabbat'.
26:26 - Yes. - In Arabic and Persian texts.
26:29 - Both. - This word.
26:30 - 'Malik-e-Muhabbat'. - 'The King of Love'.
26:33 - God is great. - Okay.
26:35 Some people say 'Safina-e-Muhabbat' or 'Kishti-e-Muhabbat'.
26:38 But it doesn't make sense.
26:41 It seems like there is a mistake in the text.
26:45 In writing or reading.
26:46 - So, you are the King of Love. - Yes.
26:50 When you add this, you will understand
26:53 that there is the Heavens of Knowledge and the King of Love.
26:58 I see the King of Love from two sides.
27:02 One is the love for God,
27:06 which is a direct connection.
27:09 And you can add the word 'Jibreel' to it.
27:15 There is such a connection with God,
27:17 with Hazrat Bayezid Bistami,
27:20 and there is such a love that there is no other example.
27:25 It has been expressed by God himself.
27:28 It has been expressed by the Prophet.
27:32 And Bayezid Bistami,
27:35 I have seen such a confidence in love
27:39 in the Mufti Sahib, the Auliya-e-Ummat.
27:43 - SubhanAllah. - I have seen such a confident Bayezid Bistami.
27:48 - The love for God. - The love for God.
27:50 You are saying this,
27:51 and I am thinking about it again.
27:55 Where is this pride of his?
27:58 Where is his status in the court of God?
28:02 And where is this ignorant statement?
28:05 Astaghfirullah.
28:06 What can he say about the little sky and the little sun?
28:10 What can he say about the little sun?
28:15 He should know his place.
28:17 I will give you an example of confidence.
28:20 When it was the month of Isha,
28:22 a disciple saw him after the month of Isha.
28:25 He said, "Huzoor, what happened to the people who came to the grave?"
28:29 He said, "Yes, they came to me, they come to everyone."
28:32 "What happened?"
28:33 He said, "They said, 'Who is your Lord, Bayezid?'"
28:39 I said, "I have said Allah-u-Rabbi, Allah-u-Rabbi a thousand times,
28:43 so what will happen?"
28:45 "It is better that you ask my Lord,
28:47 if Bayezid is your servant or not."
28:49 SubhanAllah.
28:50 "He should say that he is my servant."
28:53 "If we keep saying 'Yaqtarfa', then what will happen?"
28:56 "Nothing will happen."
28:58 "The angels are also forbidden."
28:59 "What kind of a person is he?"
29:01 "I said, 'He is my Lord, Bayezid is my servant.'"
29:08 Allah-u-Rabbi.
29:09 "We say that he is our servant."
29:12 "He is right, if he has a connection, then he said it."
29:15 Who can say this, Mufti Sahib?
29:17 The one who has ascended to the level of love,
29:22 and has made a connection.
29:23 So, you are the king of love,
29:26 you are in love with Allah, you are in love with the Prophet,
29:31 and you are in love with the creation.
29:34 You are in love with the creation, you are in love with God,
29:38 and you have been honoured to see God.
29:43 When you have a connection,
29:45 you see God, you talk to God, you have a conversation, you have a conversation,
29:50 and you have a conversation.
29:52 When you have a conversation for the first time,
29:54 you say, "Mullah, how can I reach you?"
29:58 You were in a state of intense longing for intimacy.
30:02 So, Bayezid said, "Move aside and come to me."
30:06 SubhanAllah.
30:09 "If you move yourself aside, then it is nothing."
30:13 "We were friends, you were my companion."
30:15 "When I did not see any veil, this was the last thing."
30:20 Regarding Bayezid Bistami,
30:23 probably Zunnun Misri or Ahmad bin Khazraway used to say,
30:30 "Where there is the limit of intimacy,
30:35 "that is where Bayezid begins."
30:37 Allah Hu Akbar.
30:39 And the world of Faiz, as we have said before,
30:44 the word he chose, "Bela Shuba" means limit.
30:47 It means that the sea is closed in a boat.
30:51 And the whole of the world is in one pearl.
30:56 Huzoor, may God have mercy on us.
30:58 So, the fun comes only when you read the words in a dictionary.
31:04 And when you read the details and the whole picture in your mind,
31:11 then you understand the meaning of "Ganj Bakshi".
31:14 And then you see the meaning of each word of "Kashf al Majub".
31:22 So, I have seen three aspects of Bayezid Bistami's love.
31:26 One is the divine love.
31:28 And the way he was so powerful was that,
31:30 he said, "One night, my soul was very thirsty."
31:36 "I was reciting the Nawafil, so give me cold water."
31:42 "I have a problem with that, so I will drink it."
31:46 "I drank the cold water and I was very happy."
31:49 "But after that, I became careless."
31:53 "I became lazy."
31:55 "So, in one month, I was deprived of its taste and pleasure."
32:00 "So, I did not drink cold water for a year."
32:06 This was the kind of relationship with Allah.
32:10 There were conversations, and he was a witness.
32:13 And because of this closeness, he was the first saint in this Ummah
32:18 who started to write a book on Tauheed.
32:24 - Right. - For the first time.
32:26 "The details of Tauheed, the knowledge of Tauheed, the names and attributes."
32:31 So, for the saints of Allah and the people of knowledge,
32:33 Bayezid Bistami is an institution.
32:37 That is why the saints of Allah do not see Bayezid Bistami as a saint.
32:41 They see him as an institution.
32:43 Each word of his is like a whole world.
32:47 Especially in the Tauheed.
32:48 That is why he is called Sultan-ul-Arifin and Sultan-ul-Muahideen.
32:54 Not by the followers.
32:55 Not by the followers.
32:56 But by people like Junaid-e-Baghdadi, Ahmed-bin-Khazarbai,
32:59 Yahya-bin-Muaz-ar-Razi and Zun-n-Misri.
33:02 Such personalities said it, because they understood it.
33:05 Even if we go to thousands of libraries,
33:07 we cannot reach where they were.
33:10 That is why they understood the depth of each word.
33:14 That Bayezid is not just speaking, he is expressing his observation.
33:18 He is expressing his state.
33:21 - Subhanallah. - So, this was one aspect of love.
33:23 The other aspect was, people used to ask you,
33:25 "How did you reach this level?"
33:30 You used to say, "You must have understood so many things."
33:34 "I reached here by serving my mother."
33:36 Allah, Subhanallah.
33:37 Your mother was a great perfectionist.
33:40 She gave you such training in childhood,
33:42 that when you used to read the Quran with your teacher,
33:46 Surah Luqman came and said, "Thank your mother."
33:50 "Thank me too."
33:51 You were still reading the Quran.
33:53 So, you asked your teacher, "What does this mean?"
33:57 He said, "It means that Allah is saying, 'Thank me and thank your parents.'"
34:01 So, you said, "Okay, I will read the Quran tomorrow."
34:05 You were not a father, but you went to your mother.
34:08 You said, "Mother, I cannot work for two officers at the same time."
34:13 Allah, Subhanallah.
34:14 "Either give me to Allah, or take me from Allah."
34:17 "Take me for yourself, or leave me for Allah."
34:20 Your mother was a great perfectionist.
34:22 She said, "I entrust you to Allah."
34:26 Allah, Subhanallah.
34:27 "Forgive me for my sins."
34:29 Then he left.
34:31 He left for worship, Zohr, and Riyadh.
34:34 But he said, "You have two brothers."
34:37 "One is Hazrat Adam bin Taifur, and the other is Hazrat Ali bin Taifur."
34:40 "Three brothers and two sisters."
34:42 "Baa Yazid bin Sami, may Allah have mercy on him."
34:44 "One brother was serving his mother, because he had taken permission."
34:48 "Zohr, worship, and Riyadh."
34:51 "One day, he was thinking, 'Waheed is a good thing.'"
34:54 "He is always in worship and I am here doing work."
34:58 "So he said, 'Mother, call Baa Yazid for a day.'"
35:02 "Whenever I get a chance, I should do some Zikr."
35:06 "He said, 'Okay, give me a message.'"
35:09 "He gave the message, and Hazrat Ali bin Taifur immediately reached."
35:13 He knew that this one night and the efforts I had made, what difference does it make?
35:17 And his love for his mother was so strong,
35:20 I saw that he was so devoted to his mother.
35:22 Subhanallah.
35:24 He used to say, "I have been disobeyed by my mother twice in my life."
35:28 "Musti Sahib, I am in a state of shock."
35:31 "Is this called disobeying Baa Yazid bin Sami?"
35:34 "Once, my mother said, 'Throw this garbage out.'"
35:39 "When I had picked it up and it was out of my hands, she said, 'Don't throw it out.'"
35:47 "This is called disobeying."
35:49 "It is against the mother's orders."
35:53 "She said, 'Throw it out.' When I picked it up, it was out of my hands."
35:56 "She said, 'I jumped behind the garbage.'
36:00 "My nose was injured."
36:02 Allah!
36:03 "I tried to hold it, but my mother said, 'Don't drop it.'"
36:06 "But it had fallen down. I was disobeyed."
36:10 "The other night, I was on duty, and I asked my mother for water."
36:14 "It was a cold night."
36:17 "I asked for water, and I went to get it."
36:19 "I poured cold water into a bowl of mud."
36:23 "When I came back, my mother was blind."
36:26 "I thought it would be better to wake her up."
36:29 "I took the bowl of mud in my hand."
36:31 "I was standing on the cold night, and I was ready to ask for water."
36:36 "After a long time, she asked for water."
36:40 "I offered it, and the bowl had frozen on my palm."
36:45 "My skin was a little bit frozen on my palm."
36:51 "My mother was there."
36:52 "I was standing there, and after a long time, I asked for water."
36:59 "The water that my mother drank, I prayed to Allah."
37:03 "O Allah, make my brother Aziz your Arif."
37:07 "Allah says, 'My life was like that night I spent with my mother.'"
37:12 "But he was also confused."
37:14 "Why didn't I give him water when my mother asked for it?"
37:19 "But despite this, his gift and his generosity..."
37:22 "It was decided, his mother was happy."
37:25 "That brother Aziz fulfilled the right of service and love."
37:29 "The third dimension is the creation and creation of God."
37:34 "He said, 'I have found in this, which I have not found in anyone.'"
37:38 "He bought seeds from Basra."
37:43 "Some ants came to Bistam."
37:47 "When he reached home, he saw some ants."
37:48 "He said, 'I have brought these ants from Basra to Bistam.'"
37:52 "He travelled back and left them where he had taken them."
37:57 "He left all the ants and came back home with his belongings."
38:00 "These are the three dimensions of your love."
38:03 "You are the king of love."
38:05 Subhanallah.
38:06 Respected viewers, how can we feel the passage of time?
38:12 Because the mention of that personality
38:14 which Huzoor said is the king of love.
38:21 He said the king of love.
38:22 You have heard the three dimensions of that.
38:26 And especially, you have heard the reason for this description
38:29 and for talking about your status in the beginning.
38:35 It was necessary that Huzoor, Sayyidi Bayazid Bistami, may Allah have mercy on him,
38:40 talk about your personality in detail
38:43 so that in the service of creation, in the love of the Prophet,
38:48 and you heard, in the service of your mother, in the prayers of your mother,
38:52 in the love of your mother,
38:53 and the status and rank that you were given as a result of that,
38:56 it was necessary to mention that.
38:57 Huzoor, Sayyidi Data Ganbakhsh Ali Hujweri, may Allah have mercy on him,
39:01 has mentioned many things in your introduction
39:08 which we will present in the next programme.
39:13 Until then, both the guests and the hosts,
39:16 please allow us to take our leave. Thank you very much, Huzoor.
39:17 And, God willing, in the next programme,
39:20 Huzoor, Sayyidi Bayazid Bistami, may Allah have mercy on him,
39:24 will be present in your service with more Zikr-e-Pak.
39:26 Take care of your loved ones.
39:28 Take care of everyone.
39:29 Because everyone's well-being lies in this.
39:32 May peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
39:35 (Prayer)
39:38 (Prayer)
39:48 (Prayer)
39:55 (Prayer)
40:02 (Prayer)
