Ross-on-Wye town council has voiced strong opposition against the McDonald's development application
00:00 My name is Shelley Foreman, I'm Ross on White Town Council.
00:03 On behalf of Ross on White Town Council,
00:05 I would like to outline the objection to this application.
00:09 This application would have an adverse effect
00:11 on the town centre.
00:13 Traffic in the local area would be greatly increased.
00:16 There are significant issues in relation
00:17 to pedestrian safety, particularly children
00:19 from the John Curl school.
00:21 The change of use of this site would also result
00:24 in the loss of housing,
00:25 which was already granted for approval.
00:28 The application contravenes policies
00:30 within the adopted Ross on White neighbourhood
00:32 development plan.
00:33 Key points from these are as follows.
00:35 Policy EN1, Ross design policy.
00:39 All new development should be of good design
00:41 and make positive contribution to the Ross character.
00:44 Development should have regard for the Ross on White
00:47 character assessment portfolio and respond
00:49 to its surroundings in terms of scale, materials,
00:52 form, detail, layout, public realm and historic character.
00:57 Policy EN2, shopfronts and signage.
01:00 Shopfronts, signs and advertisements requiring
01:03 planning commitment must respect local character
01:05 and should make a positive contribution
01:07 to their surroundings.
01:09 Policy EN4, infill and backland development.
01:13 This application does not meet the criteria
01:17 to allow it to be supported.
01:18 Planning application should demonstrate how infill
01:21 or backland development contributes positively
01:24 to Ross with reference to the criteria within
01:26 the portfolio and using the Ross on White
01:28 character assessment portfolio.
01:31 Policy EN7, key views.
01:34 Development proposals likely to affect key views
01:37 should assess and the effect of the proposals
01:40 on the view and demonstrate how any adverse impacts
01:43 have been addressed.
01:44 Policy EN1, new employment development.
01:48 All employment development should respect
01:50 local character, residential amenity and highway safety.
01:55 Policy EN2, resisting out of town retail.
01:59 Further edge of town and out of town retail development,
02:03 especially large scale will normally be resisted.
02:07 Policy EN1, active travel.
02:11 Major development proposals should demonstrate
02:13 how they will contribute to encouraging active travel,
02:16 more and safer walking, cycling, disabled access
02:20 and or use of public transport.
02:23 Therefore, Ross on White Health Council recommends
02:26 refusal of this application.