Shan-e-Hussain | Namaz Ki Ahmiyat | Maulana Syed Nusrat Abbas Bukhari | 9th Muharram 2023 | ARY Digital

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Shan-e-Hussain | Namaz Ki Ahmiyat | Maulana Syed Nusrat Abbas Bukhari | 9th Muharram 2023 | ARY Digital

Watch Muharram-ul-Haram Special transmission “Shan-e-Hussain (A.S.)” - only on #arydigital

#MuharramTransmission #ShaneHussain #Muharram2023 #WaseemBadami #ARYDigital


00:00 [Music]
00:04 We are continuing with the program.
00:05 We have invited the famous Shahnaz Hussain,
00:07 Allama Nusrat Abbas Bukhari,
00:10 and today we have another program.
00:12 The theme of this segment is,
00:14 which was also in yesterday's segment,
00:17 that I, a common man, 20, 25, 30 years old,
00:22 a young man, a man, a mother, a daughter, a sister,
00:25 who is actually listening to Karbala,
00:27 listening to the conditions of the martyrs.
00:29 So, obviously there are many more lessons in it,
00:33 which we have discussed throughout the transmission,
00:35 how to recognize the sacrifices of Imam Ali Maqam,
00:38 all those aspects, of course,
00:40 which we have discussed with Tawatur.
00:42 But in my daily life,
00:44 can I apply anything from this incident?
00:46 How is the tragedy of Karbala relevant for me today,
00:49 in 2023, how and what should I do?
00:52 So, this is the theme.
00:53 And let's talk about one aspect of this,
00:55 in simple words.
00:57 Thank you very much for giving us your time.
01:01 Yesterday, we also gave a rub on this,
01:03 that this worship of God,
01:05 we hear that we should worship Allah,
01:07 everyone knows that we should.
01:09 But I think that,
01:11 Imam Ali Maqam and his family,
01:14 who lost their lives in the martyrdom,
01:17 obviously, this was not a small thing,
01:21 it was a very precious thing.
01:23 So, if at that moment,
01:25 Imam Ali Maqam chose,
01:27 that we know where all this will go tomorrow,
01:30 and there are only a few hours left,
01:32 even then, that night,
01:34 worship of God is being done.
01:36 If the dagger is here,
01:37 then we know that there are only a few moments left,
01:39 even then, the remembrance of God.
01:40 So, he considered this so important,
01:42 that even in those moments, this work was done.
01:44 So, what is this connection?
01:46 I understand that we should offer Salah here,
01:49 but this is so important,
01:51 please explain this a little.
01:53 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful.
01:55 Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammad wa 'ala Muhammad wa ajjil farajahum.
01:58 Waseem bhai, if you look at Dua-e-Arafah,
02:03 the text, which is very long,
02:08 in which the Imam is walking in a different way,
02:14 in Tauheed,
02:16 there is praise and glorification,
02:18 God's oneness,
02:22 God's knowledge,
02:24 that is, God says,
02:26 you have so much power that you know it yourself,
02:30 you have so much knowledge that you know it yourself,
02:34 and then,
02:36 to come and express your weakness,
02:38 the bones of man,
02:40 the existence of man,
02:42 the disgrace in front of it,
02:45 and the issue is different,
02:47 and that famous,
02:49 some of the Faraz that we hear all the time,
02:51 that the Lord who has found you,
02:55 what did he lose?
02:57 And the one who lost you,
02:59 what did he get?
03:01 So this word was to get it.
03:04 The time that was asked for,
03:07 what was it for?
03:09 Muhammad (pbuh) was afraid of war.
03:11 He didn't want to leave.
03:13 The son of Ali (pbuh)
03:15 where will he be afraid of war?
03:17 He was afraid of the sword,
03:21 that he was raised in it.
03:23 He was not afraid of anything.
03:25 Hussain Ibn Ali,
03:27 Hussain is from me and I am from Hussain.
03:30 The Prophet of God says that Hussain is from me and I am from Hussain.
03:34 Hussain is the same.
03:36 He asked for the night of Ashura,
03:38 so that I can establish prayer.
03:41 So the night of Ashura was made a night of worship.
03:43 Yes, actually,
03:45 the voices in the people,
03:47 like the bees of honey,
03:49 they are reciting the Quran in that way.
03:53 It is a state of meditation.
03:55 You imagine yourself.
03:57 Musleh Ibn Ausaja, who is a companion,
03:59 the companions say that he smiled at night.
04:03 Someone said to him that this is not a word to smile.
04:07 There are armies, swords,
04:09 you can see death.
04:11 He says that I am smiling because
04:13 I have only a few hours left to meet Allah.
04:17 This meeting with Allah,
04:19 this meeting with God,
04:21 this is very important.
04:25 Imam Hussain is giving the same message
04:27 that I have come to Karbala
04:29 for the real meeting with Allah.
04:31 Now for that there is worship,
04:33 there is worship,
04:35 and this is a lesson for all of us.
04:37 That you get stuck in your problems,
04:39 in the difficulties of life,
04:41 and when you smile,
04:43 you forget me first.
04:45 If there is any difficulty in our life,
04:47 for example,
04:49 there is a person,
04:51 there is death,
04:53 there is illness,
04:55 there is an accident,
04:57 the first thing we forget is the obligatory prayers.
04:59 We had to offer prayers too.
05:01 Whereas the saints of Allah,
05:03 in difficulties,
05:05 prostrate and say,
05:07 "Shukr is yours, O Lord."
05:09 I have heard people say this,
05:11 for example,
05:13 when my father passed away,
05:15 I was shocked,
05:17 "Why me?"
05:19 And then I have a question in my mind,
05:21 I am very careful,
05:23 that when I think of this,
05:25 I have heard,
05:27 that we should be thankful,
05:29 but now,
05:31 he is gone,
05:33 he has no money,
05:35 he is a lowly person,
05:37 he has everything,
05:39 I am not saying this,
05:41 but I am thinking,
05:43 what should I be thankful for?
05:45 Even a 6 month old child is being martyred,
05:47 and you are being thankful.
05:49 What is this?
05:51 What is this thankfulness?
05:53 "Faqad arafa nafsa, arafa rabba"
05:55 "Whoever recognizes his ego,
05:57 he recognizes his Lord."
05:59 Actually,
06:01 "La ilaha illa Allah"
06:03 "Qarbala baqa'a ila ila illa Allah"
06:05 Imam Hussain,
06:07 wants to sacrifice everything,
06:09 and he is being thankful,
06:11 in front of "La ilaha illa Allah"
06:13 because Allah has chosen him,
06:15 Hazrat Zainab (PBUH)
06:17 What did she do,
06:19 when she went to her brother's body?
06:21 She fell,
06:23 that is necessary,
06:25 but what did she say?
06:27 She didn't say, "What happened to us?"
06:29 She couldn't write any history,
06:31 she couldn't write any death,
06:33 she couldn't write any history,
06:35 she couldn't write any death,
06:37 "Taqabul minna"
06:39 "O Lord, accept it"
06:41 What does it mean?
06:43 It means,
06:45 that thing which is being attained,
06:47 is much greater than this.
06:49 Actually,
06:51 what you said,
06:53 people get lost in life,
06:55 they say,
06:57 this happened,
06:59 that happened,
07:01 what is the life of this world?
07:03 How big is life?
07:05 100 years?
07:07 700 years?
07:09 700 years?
07:11 There is no one,
07:13 let's say 700 years.
07:15 700 minus, what does Quran say?
07:17 "Hum fia khalidun"
07:19 Infinity
07:21 700 minus infinity, what is it?
07:23 Infinity,
07:25 so what is this,
07:27 compared to such a big thing?
07:29 What will you do with this?
07:31 Will you sell it,
07:33 compared to this?
07:35 There, the world is something else.
07:37 I am finding it difficult,
07:39 compared to that,
07:41 there is literally zero.
07:43 70 years versus 70 crore years,
07:45 actually infinity.
07:47 That is why,
07:49 Imam Zainul Abideen,
07:51 in his prayer,
07:53 says,
07:55 "O rich man,
07:57 I am the richest among the rich."
07:59 He is the richest among the rich.
08:01 This is what Sayyid Usa A.S. is saying.
08:03 Sayyid Usa A.S.
08:05 You see,
08:07 this worship and unity,
08:09 this patch,
08:11 that sometimes,
08:13 our viewers,
08:15 who are very loving,
08:17 they are not aware of this,
08:19 that when Rauza Ashura,
08:21 Imam Hussain A.S. is separating from his sister,
08:23 then what is he saying to his sister?
08:25 "O sister,
08:27 remember me
08:29 in the Tahajjud prayer."
08:31 You think,
08:33 that the whole dome will be cut off,
08:35 the corpses will scatter,
08:37 the tents will burn,
08:39 they will be captured,
08:41 and the Tahajjud prayer
08:43 will be offered?
08:45 The Imam,
08:47 who is a perfect human being,
08:49 the Abdesaleh,
08:51 he is saying this.
08:53 What does this mean?
08:55 He knows that this whole dome
08:57 has been cut off for the sake of Allah.
08:59 And you think,
09:01 that after Rauza Ashura,
09:03 this relation of worship and unity,
09:05 after Rauza Ashura,
09:07 in the evening of Gharibah,
09:09 the Maghrib prayer,
09:11 the first Sajdah,
09:13 which Sayyid Usa A.S. must have done,
09:15 "Subhana Rabbi,
09:17 Allah Allah,
09:19 wa bihamdih."
09:21 "Subhana Rabbi."
09:23 Meaning,
09:25 what praise and praise
09:27 will be given by Allah.
09:29 This is a lesson,
09:31 that in your life,
09:33 if Allah is choosing you,
09:35 is testing you,
09:37 then He wants to give you something.
09:39 And without testing,
09:41 and trials and tribulations,
09:43 you can never enter
09:45 the valley of unity.
09:47 This is another lesson of Karbala.
09:49 That this is not a matter
09:51 without trials and tribulations.
09:53 No, this is not possible.
09:55 Allah has put every prophet in trials.
09:57 You tell me,
09:59 what is a prophet without trials?
10:01 Hazrat Adam,
10:03 Hazrat Nuh,
10:05 how many trials were there?
10:07 950 years of Tabligh,
10:09 stones, blood, and then the ship.
10:11 The brothers of Yusuf,
10:13 threw them into the well.
10:15 Hazrat Musa had to leave the city.
10:17 And I want that
10:19 without all this,
10:21 it will be difficult.
10:23 This is a test in the speciality of the world.
10:25 You can take away the wetness from water.
10:27 You can take away
10:29 the sweetness from sugar.
10:31 You want to take away
10:33 the trials from the world.
10:35 You want that there should not be any problems in my life.
10:37 In Farsi, it is said,
10:39 "Istiba humadi"
10:41 That you have come wrong.
10:43 It is not possible.
10:45 But when you have crossed the limits,
10:47 then the neck will be cut off.
10:49 The arms will be cut off.
10:51 Then whatever
10:53 you have been shown,
10:55 you will not go.
10:57 So towards the end,
10:59 it means that if I have to
11:01 become Hussaini,
11:03 in the Sahih Maano,
11:05 I mean, what do they make?
11:07 Where can the rights come from?
11:09 So this is the aspect of
11:11 the martyrdom that we are discussing.
11:13 But then I will have to see
11:15 that you are talking a lot,
11:17 but are you reading the Namaz on time or not?
11:19 You are talking a lot,
11:21 but how much has the Quran been read with the translation?
11:23 The one who believes in Imam Hussain,
11:25 should not recite the Quran.
11:27 It cannot be done.
11:29 It is the call of God.
11:31 But you will not want that,
11:33 like a person wants in the world,
11:35 to talk to the best,
11:37 he wants you to talk.
11:39 People stand in lines,
11:41 they take an appointment.
11:43 People want to talk to you,
11:45 talk for a while,
11:47 for a second, for five seconds.
11:49 But is there a better
11:51 imaginer of the universe
11:53 than God?
11:55 Is there anyone
11:57 who has more knowledge than him?
11:59 Is there a more wise person than him?
12:01 There is no one.
12:03 A person comes to the Messenger of God,
12:05 O Messenger of Allah,
12:07 who will do the calculations in the world?
12:09 There is a system,
12:11 like in the world,
12:13 Israel is of Allah,
12:15 but Allah has given everyone a duty,
12:17 for the rain, it is Allah's.
12:19 O Messenger of Allah,
12:21 who will do the calculations
12:23 on the Day of Judgment?
12:25 The Messenger of God said,
12:27 God will do the calculations himself.
12:29 The man started smiling.
12:31 Why are you smiling?
12:33 He said, He is Merciful.
12:35 So, will we not want?
12:37 When you read the Quran,
12:39 it means that God
12:41 is talking to you.
12:43 We have WhatsApp,
12:45 Instagram, Tik Tok,
12:47 Facebook,
12:49 we have time to see and hear everything.
12:51 We do not have time
12:53 to listen to the Divine Word.
12:55 The Quran was coming,
12:57 I changed it with apologies.
12:59 The Adhan is coming,
13:01 Oh, may it not be unlawful.
13:03 What does it mean?
13:05 It means that
13:07 existence is stuck in the world.
13:09 So, it is the right time
13:11 that I make this resolution,
13:13 that I have mentioned
13:15 so much about the Imam-e-Ali,
13:17 so now we have to try
13:19 to take out 5-10 minutes daily
13:21 to read the Quran.
13:23 We have to read the Quran in the first time.
13:25 We have to read 5 verses.
13:27 Karbala is giving these lessons.
13:29 This is the lesson.
13:31 When the day of Asura
13:33 comes, the situation of Salat
13:35 is different.
13:37 But the Imam has established
13:39 the Salat of Zuhr at the first time.
13:41 In this world,
13:43 Salat is like a shield,
13:45 you are eating arrows and Salat is happening.
13:47 Udayr ibn Kain fell down
13:49 after eating arrows.
13:51 When the Imam reached,
13:53 he said, Allah Akbar,
13:55 what a diamond-like Salat.
13:57 After falling down,
13:59 he did not say that
14:01 Mawla, are you ready?
14:03 Yes, I am ready.
14:05 I am the way of success.
14:07 God is ready,
14:09 Hussain is ready.
14:11 The same thing towards the end,
14:13 if a youngster today,
14:15 who has exposure,
14:17 social media,
14:19 he is in a special environment,
14:21 he is climbing the mountain,
14:23 so how is Karbala relevant for him?
14:25 What are the lessons towards the end?
14:27 Here, a youngster
14:29 has to understand his time.
14:31 The support given by Imam Hussain,
14:33 he understood that time,
14:35 he had wisdom,
14:37 he showed courage,
14:39 he showed sacrifice,
14:41 he gathered all his abilities
14:43 and then supported the Imam.
14:45 Now, in his time,
14:47 all the qualities,
14:49 knowledge, education,
14:51 the world's media industry,
14:53 the work you are doing,
14:55 it is obvious,
14:57 you talk in a room,
14:59 you talk to 100 people,
15:01 you talk to the whole world,
15:03 it is very important.
15:05 Then how to present,
15:07 what is presentation,
15:09 are you defining the frame,
15:11 the light, the requirement?
15:13 Two CVs, which I always say,
15:15 a person should have two CVs,
15:17 when a person applies for a job,
15:19 he has an education,
15:21 work experience,
15:23 extra curricular,
15:25 education, best,
15:27 whatever your skill is,
15:29 you are best in that,
15:31 get it, but the CV will also
15:33 eat the opposite.
15:35 The second CV, does this youngster
15:37 recite the Quran?
15:39 Does he offer Salah on time?
15:41 Is his morals good in his home?
15:43 Does he offer Tahajjud or not?
15:45 [Hassan] Thank you very much,
15:47 I am very thankful,
15:49 Ibn-e-Alama Nusrat Abbas Bukhari
15:51 was with us,
15:53 we will continue the discussion after a break.
15:55 Think about the water as a retention.
