Bury the Truth | movie | 2021 | Official Clip

  • last year
Two friends bury a body deep in the woods. But can they bury the truth? | dG1fN0lHZVJWLTZvUTg
00:00 (wind howling)
00:02 (panting)
00:06 - Deep enough.
00:16 - You better be sure.
00:19 Wouldn't want animals to dig anything up.
00:23 Know what I mean?
00:24 - All right, Jack, look.
00:27 You can talk to me.
00:28 - What do you want me to say?
00:29 That I'm sorry?
00:30 - It's not, I just--
00:33 - Look, I'm not sorry.
00:35 I told you this was gonna happen
00:37 and you didn't listen to me.
00:39 This is your fault.
00:45 - You're saying it's my fault?
00:53 Hell, I've always been there for you.
00:55 When Barrymore took your bike,
00:57 who was it that beat his ass and got it back?
00:59 Me.
01:02 When your parents kicked you out of the house,
01:04 who was it that gave you a place to stay?
01:07 Me.
01:08 When you got fired from your job after you relapsed,
01:13 who was it that helped you then?
01:14 It's my fault.
01:17 - Are you serious?
01:19 - Well, if you don't trust me,
01:22 then you're alone.
01:24 - Trust you?
01:26 Trust you?
01:28 That's hilarious.
01:29 - Jesus Christ, Jack, grow up.
01:32 - Yeah, yeah, you've known me in the past.
01:34 What a great guy you are, Vic, a goddamn saint.
01:36 - Yeah, yeah, whatever, dude.
01:38 - Remember the time I told you about my nightmares?
01:42 Remember what you said, huh?
01:44 - Yeah.
01:45 Yeah, I said you should've gotten help.
01:47 You should've--
01:48 - And I came to you for help.
01:50 You're the only person I ever trusted.
01:55 Once I started telling you about my thoughts,
01:57 about the dark stuff,
02:00 treated you the same way that everyone else does
02:02 in this damn town.
02:03 Like some sort of freak.
02:06 - Damn it, Jack, you know that's not true.
02:08 - Doesn't matter now.
02:09 I guess I just gotta embrace what I am.
02:24 Burn in hell, Victor.
02:27 (eerie music)
02:29 (eerie music)
02:32 (eerie music)
02:34 (eerie music)
02:37 (eerie music)
02:39 (eerie music)
02:42 (eerie music)
02:44 (eerie music)
02:47 (eerie music)
02:49 (eerie music)
02:52 [MUSIC]
