Damnation Begins! Summer Deserve Whats Coming To Her Young and the Restless Spoi

  • last year
Damnation Begins! Summer Deserve Whats Coming To Her Young and the Restless Spoi
00:00 many young and the restless fans can agree that Kyle cheating on Summer is totally wrong.
00:04 However, somehow, someway, she also deserved it.
00:08 Above all, Summer played a huge role in pushing Kyle toward Audra Charles.
00:13 Hence, it seems like many fans are enjoying the collapse of Summer 's marriage instead of
00:18 empathizing with her. Because let's not 's' not forget the time when she let Kyle 's' mother,
00:24 Diane Jenkins, rot behind bars for a crime she never committed. Moreover, Diane was accused of
00:31 murdering Summer 's' mother. And despite knowing her mother was alive, Summer decided to keep it
00:35 a secret. And now, it's ironic to see the same person view betrayal as a conscious decision.
00:42 Summer openly let her husband suffer while also ripping the soul out of his mother.
00:46 So, it is obvious fans would rather see Kyle do the same to her. Not to mention,
00:52 even Summer 's own brother had warned her. To clarify, Daniel confronted Summer by mentioning
00:57 her marriage wouldn't last if she kept such a huge secret from her own husband. Further,
01:02 she made the conscious choice of betraying Kyle by making him and his mother go through excruciating
01:07 pain. In addition, Summer was confident Diane would never be able to prove her innocence.
01:12 Yet, she decided to keep Kyle in the dark with his mother in a rotting prison cell.
01:17 Whereas she was happier than ever to reunite with Phyllis and protect her.
01:21 As fans have seen so far, Summer always blames her mother for the misfortunes in her life.
01:26 Yes, including the recent breakdown of her marriage. But, we can all agree it was all her
01:32 own fault for betraying Kyle. On the other hand, Kyle would have done the exact opposite if Summer
01:38 's' mother had been falsely accused. Instead of staying faithful to Kyle, Summer made the wrong
01:44 choice of gambling on Kyle 's forgiving heart. And finally, Kyle is punishing Summer for taking
01:49 him for granted. So, it's all very satisfying for the audience. However, cheating is never a good
01:56 decision. And certainly, Kyle shouldn't receive praise for doing so. But at the same time,
02:02 let's not forget he is Jack Abbott 's' son. Because Jack himself was one of the biggest
02:07 playboys during his time. And despite Summer or Kyle 's impulsive actions, the show has been
02:12 pretty fun to watch. And that's all for today. Please subscribe and hit the bell icon for further
02:17 updates.
