À Bord de l'Irisbus Agora L 0546 TCRM

  • l’année dernière
17 sept. 2010


00:00 (laughter)
00:04 The next stop is Atlantic Avenue, Pacific Street.
00:27 (train sounds)
00:32 This is Atlantic Avenue, Pacific Street.
00:36 Transfer is available to the 2, 3, 4, D, N, and R trains.
00:43 Connection is available to the Long Island Railroad.
00:47 (train sounds)
01:09 The next stop is...
01:11 (train sounds)
01:14 O'Yankee-Masquee.
01:19 (train sounds)
01:24 (train whistle)
01:30 (train sounds)
01:54 The next stop is 7th Avenue.
01:57 (train sounds)
02:09 This is a Coney Island-Stilwell Avenue bound A local train.
02:14 The next stop is Prospect Park.
02:17 (train sounds)
02:37 The next stop is Sunset.
02:47 (train sounds)
02:59 (train sounds)
03:08 The next stop is Prospect Park.
03:11 (train sounds)
03:17 This is Prospect Park. Transfer is available to the Franklin Avenue shuttle.
03:24 (train sounds)
03:27 This is a Coney Island-Stilwell Avenue bound A local train.
03:31 The next stop is Parkside Avenue.
03:34 (train sounds)
03:51 The next stop is Parkside Avenue.
03:54 (train sounds)
04:18 The next stop is Church Avenue.
04:21 (train sounds)
04:24 This is Church Avenue.
04:27 (train sounds)
04:56 (female speaker speaking in French)
04:59 (female speaker speaking in French)
05:02 (female speaker speaking in French)
05:05 (female speaker speaking in French)
05:08 (female speaker speaking in French)
05:11 (female speaker speaking in French)
05:14 (female speaker speaking in French)
05:17 (female speaker speaking in French)
05:20 (female speaker speaking in French)
05:23 (female speaker speaking in French)
05:26 (female speaker speaking in French)
05:29 (female speaker speaking in French)
05:32 (train sounds)
05:51 (female speaker speaking in French)
06:00 (train sounds)
06:05 (female speaker speaking in French)
06:08 (female speaker speaking in French)
06:11 (female speaker speaking in French)
06:14 (train sounds)
06:24 The next stop is Beverly Road.
06:27 (train sounds)
06:56 (train sounds)
07:17 The next stop is Cotelieu Road.
07:20 (train sounds)
07:34 The next stop is Newkirk Avenue.