Walking Your Dog In The Summer Heat

  • last year
Heat, Summer, AZ, Temps, Arizona Animal Welfare, No Kill Shelter, non profit
00:00 And here it tells about keeping our pets safe.
00:02 It's Kimberly with the Arizona Animal Welfare League.
00:05 And I'll tell you, Kimberly, it's a very dire need
00:08 to make sure our pets are looked after
00:10 with the temperatures hitting 119, but the ground.
00:13 And I think what's funny is that we have on shoes.
00:15 - Yeah.
00:16 - So we're like, oh no, the ground's fine.
00:18 But not for our pets.
00:19 And that's something that we wanna talk about, don't we?
00:21 - Exactly.
00:22 With this heat, we have to be mindful of our dog's paws
00:25 when we're going out, even early in the morning.
00:27 A great test is for us to use the back of our palm
00:30 and put it down for about 10 seconds.
00:31 If we can, you know, handle that,
00:33 then most likely it's fine for their paws.
00:35 But it's really, you just wanna be mindful of the heat,
00:38 especially now, even early morning,
00:39 we're hitting 100 degrees by 8 a.m.
00:42 - Yeah.
00:43 Who do we have here?
00:44 - This is Hale.
00:45 - Hi, Hale, how are you?
00:46 So, and the one thing we're watching Hale right now,
00:48 Hale has mouth open, tongue out.
00:51 So what's that mean a little bit?
00:52 - Yeah, so right now it just means she's, you know,
00:54 she's excited to be here.
00:55 But something you wanna be mindful
00:56 of when your dog is outside
00:58 is those signs of heat exhaustion.
01:00 And that's when, you know,
01:00 those jowls are pulled back a little bit more.
01:02 You can see more of their teeth.
01:03 Maybe they seem a little disoriented and, you know,
01:06 they're just panting a lot.
01:07 You wanna make sure that you're providing them with water
01:09 and getting them into the inside right away
01:12 when you see those signs.
01:13 - Okay, I've been seeing this on TikTok, Instagram.
01:16 People think it's kind of funny and think,
01:17 oh, they're protecting their animals
01:18 when they put the little paw covers on
01:21 to take them for walks.
01:22 But we're saying those aren't really great
01:25 to take a long walk in, are they?
01:26 - No, those are great.
01:27 You know, booties are great for those quick trips outside,
01:29 especially if you live in an apartment
01:31 or somewhere where you don't have access to, you know,
01:33 shade, shaded grass or something like that.
01:35 Can protect your dog's paws
01:37 while they take a quick potty break.
01:38 But they can sometimes be used as a crutch of saying,
01:41 hey, it's safe to take my dog for a walk
01:43 when it's hot outside 'cause their paws are protected,
01:45 when that's not necessarily the case.
01:47 - Yeah, also we hear people go, well, your dog's outside.
01:51 Yeah, my dog loves to be outside.
01:53 It's great, that's why they're out there
01:54 and there's shade out there and stuff.
01:55 But it's 119.
01:57 I think if my boss came to me and said,
01:58 hey, Bragg, you know what?
01:59 We're gonna do the whole show
02:00 outside underneath some shade.
02:02 I'm gonna be like, I'd like to be outside,
02:04 but this is not where I wanna be, right?
02:06 - Yeah, especially the overnight low the other night was 97.
02:10 That's still way too hot for your dog
02:11 to be outside for a walk.
02:13 We think we have to walk our dogs to get their energy out.
02:16 That's, you know, there's other ways to exercise them
02:19 and that's what their mind inside with some brain puzzles
02:22 can be just as effective as taking them for a long walk.
02:24 - All right, let's talk about cooling them off inside
02:26 because even though, you know,
02:28 we have the air conditioning on, it still gets warm
02:30 and especially if you go to work and it adjusts.
02:32 So water, how important is that?
02:34 - Water is super important.
02:35 You wanna make sure that your dog
02:36 always has access to water throughout the day,
02:38 that you're refreshing it, keeping it cold
02:40 if that's how they like it.
02:42 You also wanna be mindful too is dogs don't show
02:46 that they're release heat the same way as us through sweat.
02:49 They release it through their paws and through panting.
02:53 So that's something to be mindful as well.
02:54 - Got it, and again, watch them eat their food.
02:56 That's also to keep an eye on too
02:58 'cause if they start eating a lot or not eating,
03:00 we really need to watch that, don't we?
03:02 - Yeah, so you wanna make sure
03:04 that you're still giving them those potty breaks.
03:06 It's okay for those quick trips outside
03:08 to make sure that they're going to the bathroom.
03:10 You just wanna avoid those longer times outside.
03:12 Just keep it short and sweet.
03:14 - I like it, okay.
03:15 Let's talk about what the Arizona Ammo Welfare League does.
03:18 - Yeah, so we're Arizona's oldest
03:20 and largest no-kill shelter
03:21 and we rescue around 4,000 cats and dogs every year.
03:25 And right now we actually are hosting
03:26 our Bissell Empty the Shelter event.
03:28 So Hale and all pets over the age of one right now
03:32 have waived adoption fees through Sunday.
03:34 - I like that, and of course Maddie has to come in.
03:35 There she is.
03:36 Make sure we get some water.
03:37 There, look at that.
03:38 Love it, and that's also neat too.
03:40 There's a lot of businesses
03:41 'cause people do have their dogs.
03:42 They bring them in.
03:44 They have water out there for them, which is really nice.
03:45 But again, we wanna keep them off that cement for so long.
03:48 - Yeah, right now it's just best.
03:50 Your dog is okay staying at home
03:52 and staying in the air conditioner.
03:53 Don't feel like you have to bring them with you,
03:55 especially when it's so hot outside right now.
03:57 - All right, Kimberly, tell them
03:58 where they can find out more information.
03:59 - Yeah, you can learn more about aawl.org.
04:01 Learn more about Hale and all our dogs
04:03 and cats up for adoption at aawl.org.
04:05 - Kimberly, thanks for coming in.
04:06 Thanks, it's a very important time right now,
04:08 especially with us pet lovers, so it's important.
04:10 Thank you very much.
04:11 (upbeat music)
