TwitchCon 2023, intervista con Cydonia e StudyTime

  • last year
(Adnkronos) -


00:00 We have seen in the last period a great growth of many types of heterogeneous content that go beyond the gameplay or the comment of tournaments on the video game.
00:16 We have talk shows with guests of honor who come from the world of cinema, music, art and who has more, puts more.
00:25 We see a lot of sports comments, sometimes made by former players, football, basketball.
00:31 So really, in the years Twitch has increasingly widened its horizons and from a platform in which gameplay was done, we have moved to something totally different
00:45 an indirect content that makes everyone happy and anyone who has certain interests can find them satisfied on Twitch.
00:55 Depending on the content, certain types of people who have specific interests are collected.
01:01 In the case of dialogic content, the middle age tends to rise, while a content not worse but maybe lighter, more frivolous, attracts people who simply want to have fun.
01:14 And by definition, people who have a lot of free time, are the youngest people, because then when you go to insert in the equation of life,
01:22 university studies, masters and work, it becomes more difficult to follow something on Twitch and if you follow it, maybe you follow it in the evening for a few hours,
01:32 because that's the time you can dedicate.
01:34 But I believe that the Italian audience on Twitch has a relationship that embraces all age groups,
01:40 it simply depends on the interests that exist and the channels that answer that question, those interests.
01:46 I am a co-working streamer, it means that I am a virtual colleague for people, so I am silent for 45 minutes with a timer
01:54 and then for 7 minutes I talk to people, I entertain, I ask how they are doing, I ask them to drink water, to hug each other.
02:00 And above all, during the weekend, instead, I bring more content, I help with the revision of the curriculum,
02:08 or we talk about psychology, or everything that is, let's say, around and satellite to a remote worker or a student who works from home.
02:16 It has become more and more clear that Twitch is not only entertainment, but it is also a kind of company that people are looking for.
02:24 The company can be obtained with a streamer who is doing video games, who is shooting, doing absurd things, but it leads a lot to get distracted.
02:34 And so, instead, in co-working, a person knows not to be alone, but to have the time to find a little focus,
02:42 to find someone to work with and have the same goal together.
02:46 One of the things I am most proud of, to be Twitch Ambassador, was the fact that Twitch gave me the opportunity to participate in calls
02:55 with the Twitch CEO or even those who deal with Twitch monetization, and talk about the next features,
03:02 and talk about communication, because we know that maybe one of the painful keys of Twitch can be communication.
03:08 And we had the opportunity to talk directly with them and say, "Ah, maybe this tweet, let's do it a little different,
03:14 this instead, let's send it by email."
03:16 It was very, very nice to see how much they integrated me, they made me an integral part of the whole creation of what Twitch is.
