(Adnkronos) - Il Gip di Roma ha disposto l'imputazione coatta per il sottosegretario alla giustizia Delmastro Delle Vedove indagato per rivelazione di segreto d'ufficio in relazione al caso Cospito. Non è stata accolta la richiesta di archiviazione della Procura che dovrà formulare una richiesta di rinvio a giudizio.
00:00 The GIP of Rome has issued the co-act imputation for the undersecretary to the justice Andrea del Mastro de Leve
00:07 where he is investigated for disclosure of office secret in relation to the case of Cospito.
00:11 So it has not been accepted to the request of the Prosecutor's Office
00:14 which will have to formulate a request for a retrial
00:17 because according to the GIP the undersecretary could not ignore the secrecy of the content of the acts.
00:22 According to the indiscretions for the Ministry of Justice
00:25 this case demonstrates the irrationality of our system.
00:28 the co-opted bid is to be reformed.
00:30 (electronic music)