21 Cases Where Animals Saved Each Other's Lives.

  • last year
00:00 "Nature is striking in its diversity."
00:03 Survival of the strongest is the harsh truth of life that millions of living beings have
00:08 to put up with.
00:09 But sometimes things happen that amaze the imagination, because as much as nature is
00:13 cold-blooded, it can also be merciful.
00:16 Let's look at some very amazing cases where animals helped each other in mortal danger.
00:23 If you helped your neighbor in need, then subscribe to the channel and express your
00:26 opinion in the comments.
00:28 1.
00:29 The Eagle
00:30 The young eagle apparently had seen enough of the National Geographic channel and rushed
00:44 down like a bullet when it saw a chicken with her children.
00:48 But the chicken reacted with lightning speed, giving a hard rebuff to the eagle.
00:53 The eagle, looking at the chicken, probably thought "What the hell are you?"
00:58 2.
00:59 Monkey and Monkey
01:01 Here the monkey was severely electrocuted and fell unconscious on the train tracks.
01:08 Suddenly another monkey ran up to it and began to help.
01:12 Dipping into the water and helping the relative in every possible way, it managed to save
01:17 the friend.
01:18 3.
01:19 A Crow
01:20 A crow flew into the bear's enclosure.
01:22 It is not clear what happened to the bird, but somehow it ended up in the pool.
01:27 There was no way to get out and at the moment the clumsy owner of the enclosure came to
01:32 the rescue.
01:33 With a slight movement of the paw, the bear rescues the crow.
01:37 After a while it came to its senses, dried itself and flew about its business.
01:42 Who knows, maybe the bear just didn't want to have dead birds in his pool.
01:47 The cow ran up to the man who was trying to grab its newly born calf.
01:52 Even if the man did not want to harm the calf, the mother did not allow anyone to touch its
01:56 child.
01:58 The kitten fell into a hole and could not get out on a slippery slope.
02:03 Fortunately, an adult cat passed by, which decided to help the poor fellow.
02:07 In a couple of jumps, it was near the baby, took it in its teeth and successfully got
02:12 out of the trap.
02:14 So to no avail, the dog is trying to revive most likely the recent catch of its owners.
02:20 Well confession is available to everyone, from grey mice to clumsy bears.
02:26 A little monkey was running at the edge of the water and suddenly fell down.
02:31 The edge is too steep to climb onto land, there are stones everywhere and it will be
02:35 impossible for a little monkey to get out alone.
02:38 Fortunately, the mother heard the cry of her baby and ran to the rescue.
02:43 She pulled the baby ashore.
02:45 The poor sparrow hit the window of the house and unconsciously fell to the ground.
02:51 But the other sparrow did not leave his friend in trouble and tried to revive him.
02:56 After a while, the bird regained consciousness and they both flew off for a walk.
03:01 Here we can observe how a rat furiously beats off its own kind from a hungry snake.
03:07 The cheek brings success, the stubbornness of the rodent knew no bounds and in the end
03:13 the reptile had to hastily retreat.
03:17 Hungry lions went hunting and they immediately managed to beat off the mother with her cub
03:22 from the herd.
03:23 The lions were already arguing among themselves about how much meat each would get, but then
03:29 other horns came to the rescue and drove the lions away like restless kittens.
03:36 The cheetah caught the antelope and was already sitting down to eat.
03:39 But the monkeys apparently did not like the cheetah's cuisine and they decided to catch
03:43 it and beat it up.
03:45 But fortunately, the cheetah managed to carry its paws away and during this time the antelope
03:50 came to senses and went home.
03:54 The little elephant stumbled and fell into the pond.
03:58 The body of water is deep enough that he could easily drown in it.
04:02 But the adult elephants immediately became active and went into the pond to push the
04:06 baby elephant to the shallows and so help him get out.
04:17 The lion decided to attack the buffalo.
04:19 The buffalo tried to defend itself for some time, but in the end it lost its strength
04:24 and the lion clung to it.
04:26 It seemed that it could not be saved.
04:29 However, suddenly an elephant ran up to help it and gave the poor buffalo another chance
04:34 to live.
04:35 The elephant drove the lion away and approached the buffalo.
04:38 It began to pour mud on him so that it would come to its senses and stand up.
04:44 Incredible friendship between a kitten and a puppy.
04:47 The dog is locked in a cage, but the cat does not want to leave his friend.
04:51 It tries its best to help free him.
04:54 Incredibly, after a while the kitten succeeds.
04:59 Another incredible case.
05:01 The snake caught the frog and almost swallowed it.
05:03 However, the frog was quite large and strong.
05:06 The snake rushed into the water with the frog in the hope that the frog would have no chance
05:11 there.
05:12 But suddenly another frog jumped out of the water and hit the snake on the head.
05:16 The snake opened its jaws and the first frog was saved.
05:21 Wild dogs live and hunt in groups.
05:24 And during one hunt they drove one buffalo to such an extent that it lost all its strength
05:29 and fell.
05:30 But its relative, another buffalo, stood nearby and guarded the poor fellow from wild dogs
05:36 to the end.
05:37 Finally, the dogs themselves got tired and left.
05:41 A young zebra can't handle the current.
05:44 All attempts to approach the shore were unsuccessful.
05:47 But at some point, an adult hippo intervened in this situation.
05:52 It helped the striped horse swim to a small island, rest and then get ashore.
05:58 Usually cats are afraid of dogs, but not in this story.
06:01 The dog attacked the boy, pulling him off his bike like a toy.
06:05 At that moment a cat ran out.
06:07 It rushed at the dog like a lion, knocking it off its paws and thereby forcing it to
06:13 retreat from the child.
06:14 Then the cat ran up to the child to protect it further.
06:18 A fox attacked a domestic goose.
06:21 But the goose was very smart.
06:24 It realized that it had to run up to the dog and hide behind it.
06:28 Who knows, maybe then the goose let the dog off the chain.
06:32 A cunning fox noticed goslings while walking.
06:36 It immediately ran to them, realizing that they were easy prey.
06:40 But suddenly daddy goose appeared and rebuffed the red muzzle.
06:44 The fox tried to attack several times, but all its attacks were repelled by daddy goose.
06:49 So the fox had to leave hungry.
06:52 The hyenas prayed and saw a lonely old lion.
06:55 Deciding that it was God who sent them food, a flock of hyenas gathered and went to eat
07:00 it.
07:01 But then, out of nowhere, another lion runs up to help his friend.
07:05 The hyenas immediately understood everything and retreated.
07:19 Our younger brothers know first hand what mutual help and care are.
07:24 It seems that they simply cannot get past someone who is in trouble.
07:28 Although animals do not have the same level of consciousness as humans, they do have a
07:33 big heart.
07:35 This only proves that once again, love is more important than intelligence.
07:40 Love comes first, always and everywhere.
07:43 Well at the end of the video we want to show you another interesting case, how a wild zebra
07:48 made friends with a donkey on a farm.
08:00 A zonkey is a hybrid cross from a zebra mom and a donkey dad.
08:05 They are extremely rare in nature, as these species usually do not show interest in each
08:10 other.
08:11 But love knows no boundaries.
08:13 You will love a donkey when you have to.
08:15 In the east Savo, national park in Kenya, one of the zebras strayed from the herd and
08:20 got lost.
08:21 It came across a local farm and decided to live there for a while.
08:26 Zebra nestled with local cows and spent several weeks with them.
08:30 Then employees of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Foundation arrived at the farm and moved the
08:35 animal to a more suitable place.
08:38 The zebra seemed happy to be back in the wild, but soon the locals began to notice it again
08:44 on the farm.
08:45 And once it came back not alone, but with a cub, and with a very unusual one.
08:52 Zebras usually give birth to babies covered with white and brown stripes, which gradually
08:56 turn into the usual black and white pattern.
08:59 But this zebra had stripes only on the legs.
09:03 From above it didn't look like its mother at all and resembled another animal, a donkey.
09:09 According to the foundation, the frivolous zebra started a romantic relationship while
09:14 living on a farm, and by the time it was moved, it was already pregnant.
09:18 This also explained the fact that even after the move, it continued to come to the village.
09:24 Despite the fact that dad and mom belong to different types of animals, they are child
09:28 of love, looks quite healthy.
09:31 It is not yet known how the hybrid will be accepted by other zebras if the mother decides
09:35 to return to the herd, but everyone on the farm treats it very well.
09:40 The unusual baby has become a local landmark.
09:43 Residents from neighboring villages come to the farm, everyone wants to look at this miracle
09:48 and take a photo with it.
09:50 The zebra and its baby donkey still live nearby.
09:53 Something is stopping the mom from leaving the farm and going into the wild.
09:57 Perhaps love?
09:58 What do you think?
09:59 Leave a comment, subscribe to the channel and like the video!
10:00 See you in the next video!
10:00 Bye Bye!
10:02 [Music]
