Giving Helps - Dr. Frederick K Price Jr - July 09th, 2023

  • l’année dernière


00:00 Alright, let's get into this.
00:11 Giving Helps, lesson number two.
00:13 Go to Matthew 6.
00:15 As you make your way to Matthew 6, I received a letter with no name on it.
00:25 You guys probably have an idea of what kind of content could be in a letter with no name
00:31 on it.
00:34 I thought about how I might address this and thought about reading the whole letter and
00:40 I said, "No, let me just address the main part of it because it's very fitting with
00:47 the lesson that we're on right now."
00:49 It had to do with, as you all recall, Apostle Hilliard moved in an area of his anointing
00:59 and received a substantial gift for Crenshaw Christian Center.
01:06 Now we all know that's not something we do all the time, so it was a rare thing.
01:13 And sadly, whoever this person was, they saw that and likened it to an auction.
01:24 In addition, the following week, my brother-in-law was in service and there was a move triggered
01:31 by a loving member.
01:34 It was triggered by the request of a loving member and I got into agreement with it.
01:43 And I can't tell you the last time we had two weeks in a row where we had a special
01:48 time of giving like that.
01:50 It's not frequent here.
01:54 I don't come before you and ask for money.
01:59 That's just not something that I do.
02:00 And I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with that.
02:02 I just haven't been led to do that.
02:05 My father really wasn't led to do that.
02:07 If there was a project, put it before you.
02:08 This is what we need to make it work.
02:11 Outside of that, just continue to give as you've been giving.
02:14 So it's unfortunate that that can be the mindset of some.
02:20 Sadly, it does have to do with—now listen to what I say carefully—it has to do with
02:27 the prosperity gospel.
02:30 You need to know the difference between the prosperity gospel and what the gospel has
02:35 to say about prosperity.
02:38 That's two different things.
02:40 See the gospel is the gospel.
02:42 As a matter of fact, what I've seen in Scripture—I'm still fleshing this out—but what I've seen
02:46 in Scripture is what appears to be the gospel of salvation, which is what we preach to the
02:52 lost.
02:54 And then what I believe I've also seen is the gospel of this kingdom, which is how saints
02:59 are equipped.
03:02 Both fall under the umbrella of the gospel, but one targets the lost, one targets the
03:08 found.
03:11 And within the framework of the gospel of this kingdom, there is something God has to
03:16 say about prosperity that's different than the prosperity gospel, which, by the way,
03:23 was labeled by naysayers.
03:25 But sadly, there have been some that have preached a gospel centered on that.
03:31 The gospel must be centered on the man Jesus.
03:36 Everything else is a byproduct of our faith.
03:39 "Be seen by men."
03:41 It's Jesus saying, "Take heed that you don't do that.
03:46 Take heed that you do not do things to be seen.
03:51 Take heed that you do not do your good deeds before men for glory and adulation."
03:56 Let's keep reading.
04:00 It says, "Otherwise you have no reward from your Father in heaven.
04:06 Therefore, when you do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites
04:15 do in the synagogues and in the streets that they may have," what?
04:21 "Glory from men."
04:23 So it sounds to me like Jesus is saying, "Don't do your deeds before men to receive glory
04:28 from men."
04:31 It doesn't sound like He's opposed to us doing deeds before men if our motive, if our desire
04:40 is the right desire, the proper desire.
04:45 Latter part of verse 2, "Assuredly, I say to you that they have their reward."
04:48 He says, "But when you do a charitable deed," now this is the Scripture that causes some
04:53 to say, "You're not supposed to do this stuff in front of people."
04:55 Because it says what?
04:56 It says, "Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing."
05:03 The danger in proof texting, when you take one Scripture out of context and you make
05:07 doctrine, whole doctrine, as a result of one Scripture removed from its context.
05:15 Then it says what?
05:16 Verse 4, "That your charitable deed may be in secret and your Father who sees in secret
05:20 will Himself reward you openly."
05:24 Is Jesus saying only do good deeds in secret?
05:26 That's not what He's saying.
05:29 He already established that it should not be about seeking glory, that it should not
05:34 be about receiving glory from anyone.
05:38 Whether a deed is done publicly or whether a deed is done privately, let it not be…because
05:44 think about it.
05:45 Just because somebody does a good deed behind closed doors, that automatically means they're
05:49 not seeking glory?
05:50 No, they might want private glory.
05:56 So doing something before men doesn't automatically translate into one wanting glory or attention
06:00 for it.
06:02 No.
06:03 No, see that you do your charitable deeds because it's your reasonable service.
06:09 See that you do your charitable deeds because we are God's righteousness, because we have
06:15 received a new nature, because doing good deeds is second nature to those of us who
06:22 have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.
06:26 Now what's also interesting about this word charitable and this word deed is that it has
06:33 to do with giving to the poor specifically.
06:37 So this context really was a context regarding giving to the poor.
06:43 There are a number of other reasons, a number of other drivers as to why we give.
06:50 All of our giving is not to the poor.
06:53 Much giving is to the poor, but not all of it.
06:56 How many of you are givers?
06:58 Raise your hand if you're a giver.
07:00 All of the giving that you ever do is only to the poor?
07:03 No, that's one part or one aspect of your life of giving.
07:10 So it is context-based, it is subject or agenda-based, it all depends.
07:19 I'm going to show you an example in the Old Covenant of where there was public giving,
07:27 but there was a driving force and reason behind why it took place.
07:34 Do this, go to 1 Chronicles 28.
07:43 First Chronicles chapter 28, find verse 9.
07:58 Now if you recall, we ended last week talking about Isaac being in a specific land and remaining
08:07 in that land unlike his father Abram, who would eventually go to Egypt.
08:14 Abram went to Egypt.
08:16 God told Isaac, "Unlike your father, remain where you are."
08:22 And then the Scripture goes on to let us know that Isaac sowed in which land?
08:27 He sowed in that land.
08:30 He didn't just sow in the land, he sowed in that land.
08:34 And when he sowed in that land, which was the result of him being obedient, remaining
08:39 in that land, because that's what God told him to do, the blessing was on him because
08:44 the blessing was on his father.
08:46 And his father was obedient to God as well.
08:50 Because he sowed in that land, the Scripture says he reaped a hundredfold in the same year.
09:00 He didn't sow in the land and reap in a year, he sowed in that land and he reaped in the
09:07 same year.
09:10 A hundredfold return.
09:12 Now under the new covenant, a better word would be manifold and manna simply means many,
09:21 multi.
09:23 We want the manifold return.
09:24 We want God's maximum return on that whatever seed I sow and wherever I sow that seed, I
09:32 want God's maximum return on what I sow based on where I sow.
09:41 But whatever and wherever that is, I want the manifold.
09:46 Okay.
09:48 First Chronicles 28 verse 9.
09:51 I brought Isaac up, which was Genesis 26, I brought Isaac up because I believe that
09:58 while it's the only example that we have in Scripture, it sets a precedence for something
10:06 God can do again.
10:10 And the reason why I say that is because Jesus talks about the different kinds or folds in
10:18 regards to a return in his earthly ministry.
10:23 Now the context is the word being sown, but the principle is there.
10:26 Whatever it is you sow, if you sow into good ground, Jesus said what?
10:30 Some will reap 30, some will reap 60, and some will reap a hundred, which is the same
10:35 as manna.
10:36 Thirtyfold, that's return.
10:37 Sixtyfold, that's return.
10:38 But I want his maximum.
10:45 I want the best return, the maximum return on whatever it is I sow, wherever it is I
10:50 sow.
10:53 So we have an example here.
10:56 We're going to see it in chapter 29, but we're going to look at chapter 28 first of giving
11:03 towards a cause before the people.
11:09 Let's begin in chapter 28 though.
11:10 First Chronicles 28 9.
11:11 It says, "As for you, my son Solomon," I think we know who's talking here.
11:19 Who was Solomon's father?
11:21 David.
11:22 "As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father and serve him."
11:30 Serve him with what?
11:32 A loyal heart and with a what?
11:36 Willing mind.
11:37 It is that David tells Solomon to serve God with heart and mind.
11:45 Heart and mind.
11:46 A loyal heart and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches all hearts and understands
11:54 all the intent of the thoughts.
12:02 Intent is important.
12:04 What was your intent?
12:06 It says, "If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will cast
12:16 you off forever."
12:19 Why would God cast someone off forever if they were to forsake him?
12:25 As a matter of fact, what we have here is the old covenant in operation and David telling
12:32 his son these very words, that if you what?
12:37 That if you seek God, God will be found by you if you seek him.
12:43 But if you forsake God, God will cast you off forever.
12:48 Why would God cast him off forever?
12:51 Because that's something God wants to do?
12:54 Absolutely not.
12:57 Do we need a reminder of what forsaking means?
13:00 This means abandoning, departing him.
13:05 Departing him.
13:06 He's saying if you depart him, if you abandon him, there's nothing left for him to do except
13:13 to cast you off.
13:15 You departed.
13:17 You left.
13:18 Now watch this.
13:20 "Consider now, for the Lord has chosen you to build a house for the sanctuary.
13:26 Be strong and do it."
13:29 Be strong and do it.
13:33 I want to pause there for a moment because somebody needs to be strong and do it.
13:44 We all have specific assignments.
13:49 Some of us have been a little hesitant because it requires us to depart our comfort zone.
13:56 What we're used to and what we're accustomed to.
14:01 But that thing continues to burn in your heart and it won't go away.
14:07 That passion is tied to your purpose.
14:10 Be strong and do it.
14:13 Fred.
14:14 I thought I was talking to you the whole time.
14:22 I was talking to me.
14:24 Now if it applies to you, then you can say amen.
14:27 If that fits you as well.
14:33 Verse 11 says, "Then David gave his son Solomon the plans for the vestibule," which is a porch,
14:40 "its houses."
14:44 Now look at this.
14:45 Go back to the latter part of verse 10.
14:48 David tells Solomon, "The Lord has chosen you to build," to build a what?
14:55 A singular, right?
14:56 A house for the sanctuary.
15:02 Look here in verse 11.
15:03 "Then David gave his son Solomon the plans."
15:09 David tells his son Solomon, "You're going to build it."
15:14 But he gives his son who is to build it the plans.
15:18 Where did the plans come from?
15:21 And obviously the plans preexisted David telling his son, "You're going to do it."
15:30 So David gave his son Solomon the plans for the vestibule, the portico or the porch, its
15:35 houses, its treasuries, its upper chambers, its inner chambers, and the place of the mercy
15:41 seat.
15:42 Watch this.
15:43 "And the plans for all that he had by," who?
15:49 So David didn't just concoct these plans on his own.
15:54 These plans came to David by way of who?
15:59 The Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God.
16:02 He says, "And the plans for all that he had by the Spirit of the courts of the house of
16:07 the Lord, of all the chambers all around, of the treasuries of the house of God, and
16:12 of the treasuries for the dedicated things, all these plans," or the plan for all these
16:18 things, "came by way of the Spirit of God."
16:26 And you need to know the difference between the Holy Spirit's plans and your plans.
16:33 And the only way you're going to know the difference between your plans and the Holy
16:36 Spirit's plans, you're going to have to spend some time with the Holy Spirit.
16:43 You need intimate one-on-one time with the Holy Spirit.
16:48 Because remember what Romans 8:14 tells us, "Those who are led by the Spirit of God, these
16:54 are the sons of God."
16:56 If I'm to be a son of God, I'm to be led by the Spirit of God.
17:00 Well, if I'm going to be led by the Spirit of God, that means I'm spending some time
17:06 with the Holy Spirit of God.
17:10 Look at what David's doing here.
17:11 He's saying, "Son, you're going to build it.
17:15 I got the plans.
17:16 They came by way of the Holy Spirit.
17:18 I'm giving the plans to you.
17:19 Be strong.
17:20 Do it."
17:21 Then, we see in verse 20 and 21, same chapter, look at verse 20 and 21.
17:34 It says, "And David said to his son Solomon, 'Be strong and of good courage and do it.
17:43 Do not fear nor be dismayed.
17:47 For the Lord God, my God, will be with you.
17:50 He will not leave you nor forsake you until you have finished all the work for the service
17:55 of the house of the Lord.'"
17:59 We see some encouraging words here as well.
18:02 Be strong.
18:05 See, you don't pray for strength.
18:13 You strengthen yourself in the Lord.
18:16 David strengthened himself in God.
18:20 What does Paul tell us in Ephesians 6:10?
18:22 Be strong in the Lord.
18:24 Be strong.
18:25 Just like David told his son Solomon, "Do it.
18:27 Be strong in the Lord and in the power of not your might, His might."
18:35 That's a choice you and I are going to have to make.
18:38 I, this day, choose to be strong in the Lord.
18:43 And I'm so grateful to God that I don't have to be strong in the power of my own might.
18:49 I get to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.
18:54 And you know how much might he has?
18:58 All might.
19:02 So he tells his son, "Be strong.
19:04 Be of good courage."
19:05 He says, "Do it.
19:06 Don't be afraid nor be dismayed.
19:09 Know this, that God is with you.
19:12 He will not abandon you.
19:13 He will not forsake you."
19:16 And then look at this.
19:17 Look at verse 21.
19:19 David then says, "Here are the divisions of the priests and the Levites for all the service
19:26 of the house of God and every willing craftsman will be with you, all manner of workmanship,
19:33 for every kind of service.
19:35 Also the leaders and all the people will be completely at your command."
19:41 That's what David tells his son.
19:46 Now in the kingdom of God, we don't have specific individuals called to be kings while the rest
19:53 are called to be subjects.
19:56 This is not how it works in the kingdom of God.
19:59 Once you become identified with Christ, you become a king.
20:03 So everyone who calls on the name of the Lord to be saved is a king.
20:10 Everyone.
20:11 Males and females.
20:13 When you put Christ on, there's neither male nor female.
20:17 That's why there aren't any queens.
20:24 There aren't any.
20:27 Every woman in the body of Christ is a king.
20:35 Sit with that for just a second.
20:38 Matter of fact, ladies, just do me a favor right now.
20:43 You do know your own name, right?
20:46 Outstanding.
20:47 Right now, call yourself king, whatever your name is, right now.
20:57 Because you need to hear yourself say it.
21:03 So faith can come for what the Word has established.
21:07 Ladies, you are kings.
21:11 You are just as much king as us men.
21:16 Watch this, when it comes to being identified with Christ.
21:24 So what pastors often do, because of the position they hold in the Lord's church, they'll go
21:31 to the Old Testament and use Old Testament examples.
21:34 And sometimes they are fitting.
21:37 They work.
21:38 But it's not always apples to apples.
21:42 Because the position that I'm holding right now doesn't liken me to David or Solomon.
21:47 But because the Lord has called me to function as an elder, pastor, and leadership figure
21:54 in His church, if He truly has called me and He's given me an assignment, He's going to
21:59 have to give me people to help me with that assignment.
22:05 And if you look at this latter part of the Scripture, He says, "The leaders and all the
22:10 people will be completely at your command."
22:12 Now, a pastor has to be very careful that we don't run with this to the point to where
22:17 we abuse power.
22:18 Because you're supposed to respond to my every call and every demand and be under my command.
22:26 No, it doesn't work like that.
22:28 But there is order in the Lord's church.
22:33 And as ministry gift figures, Ephesians 4, 11, those called to be what?
22:39 Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers, which includes the elders and
22:43 the bishops.
22:45 It includes the overseers.
22:47 It includes the shepherds.
22:50 All are submitted to the shepherd, the chief shepherd, and are to receive instructions
22:56 from him.
22:57 And because of those, watch this, administrative and governmental positions they hold in His
23:02 church, then there is, to a degree, an order of authority.
23:10 Now, while you and I are the house of God, in order for the house of God to assemble
23:23 together because there is a time in which the house of God should assemble.
23:28 There's a time when the house of God should go out and preach the gospel and the ministry
23:32 of reconciliation.
23:33 There's a time when the house of God should go out and lay hands on the sick and minister
23:40 to the needs of the poor and the brokenhearted.
23:43 But there's also a time when the house of God needs to assemble together to be equipped.
23:49 Now, by way of the Holy Spirit and the leading of God and the instructions of God, my father
24:01 was led to build this ministry, which, of course, he could not do by himself.
24:12 So what happened?
24:15 He stood before somebody and told that somebody or those few somebodies what the Lord had
24:21 told him and they bought in.
24:25 And the rest is history.
24:28 Now the reality is, is that as long as we are in this space, in between the sin of Adam
24:36 and the appearing of the Lord, there is no immortality in the flesh.
24:43 Meaning the moment we're born, we are headed to the grave.
24:49 Which means that my father is not going to live forever, even though in Christ he forever
24:56 lives.
24:58 But his flesh, his flesh would not live forever.
25:00 Now his flesh, just like all of us who are housed in flesh, we will at the resurrection
25:09 receive bodies made new, same body, made new, and we will then live forever.
25:17 But as I said, the time between the sin of Adam and the appearing of the Lord, because
25:22 the resurrection of the saints won't happen until the appearing of the Lord.
25:25 So until that happens, as the Bible says, it is sadly, because of Adam's disobedience,
25:35 it is ordained and assigned that man see death.
25:42 It's appointed for man to what?
25:45 And then after that, the judgment.
25:48 So Frederick Cayce Price was not going to live forever.
25:52 Now if, what my mama always says, that this ministry will go on until the Lord Jesus appears,
26:01 if that is to be seen, if that is to manifest, then it would be of necessity that someone
26:10 come behind my father and assume that position of leadership.
26:14 And if that were to happen, then there would also have to be individuals similar to these
26:20 leaders and people assigned to that next person that would follow his leading.
26:26 That happens to be me.
26:34 So watch this, watch this.
26:37 In verses 9 through 12, David reminds his son, he reminds him, which means what?
26:44 That he taught him earlier in his life, at some point, whenever that was, he taught him
26:53 what he's about to remind him of.
26:57 Because you can't be reminded of something you've never heard.
27:00 You can't be reminded of something you've never been taught.
27:04 What does Peter say?
27:05 As long as I'm in this tent, I'll stir you up by what?
27:08 By telling you for the first time?
27:10 No, I will stir you up by what?
27:13 Reminding you.
27:14 You've heard it before.
27:16 But the life of the believer requires reminding.
27:21 And when we're reminded, we're stirred up.
27:26 So David reminds his son, which means he taught him this earlier in his life, that the way
27:31 to serve God is with a willing heart and mind.
27:35 Notice that the heart and mind are also of necessity to love God.
27:42 Jesus, what's the greatest commandment?
27:45 You shall what?
27:46 Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, strength.
27:54 And the second is like the first, love your neighbor as yourself.
27:58 He says on these two, hang all the law and the prophets.
28:02 This fulfills the law and the prophets.
28:04 So what David tells Solomon about serving and what's required to truly serve God, those
28:11 same ingredients are also required to truly love God.
28:15 Heart and mind.
28:17 And not just any kind of heart and mind, but a loyal heart and a willing mind.
28:23 He then tells him that God also searches these same areas.
28:28 He searches the heart.
28:29 He searches the mind, but stresses the intent.
28:35 What was your intent?
28:37 What's your intention ultimately?
28:41 It says he lets Solomon know that if he seeks out the Lord, he'll find him.
28:45 But if he forsakes, deserts, or abandons him, him being God, God's going to cast him off.
28:51 Lastly, he puts his son's focus on the fact that God chose him to build his house and
28:57 that in his full strength, he is to flat out do it.
29:01 David, giving his son the building plans that came by way of the Spirit, shows the foundation
29:09 Solomon will build on that his father laid.
29:16 Solomon would be building on the foundation that his father laid.
29:22 Then in verse 20 and 21, David tells Solomon to build with courage and without fear or
29:26 dismay knowing that God is with him and that God would not leave him.
29:32 He then charges the people to submit to their new king Solomon, telling him that the people
29:37 are at the ready to serve and assist him in his God-given assignment.
29:44 Now this lesson on giving is not just a lesson on giving, it's a lesson on helps, and it's
29:49 a lesson on the vision and mission of Crenshaw Christian Center as it stands right now.
29:55 And I have a question, because you know, this ministry stuff is fatiguing.
30:04 It's tiring and you know what?
30:07 I have come to realize, I realize I need more Holy Spirit than my parents.
30:20 Because I've realized I got less resolve and I got less patience and I got less tolerance.
30:27 I am in awe of you, woman, because this kind of work, there are more thankless moments
30:39 than there are thankful moments.
30:43 But listen, if we're to continue moving forward, then I got to know who's buying in.
30:54 And I got to know who's ready, watch this, not to respond to my kingly commands, but
31:01 who's ready to serve and assist and see the vision, which by the way, which by the way,
31:09 later on in the lesson I'm going to show it to you.
31:14 The vision that my father received from the Lord, based on what the Lord told him to do,
31:20 it wouldn't make sense to cease doing that.
31:26 The mission would be different.
31:28 The methods would be different.
31:31 But the vision is ultimately the same.
31:34 But let me not get ahead of myself.
31:37 Okay.
31:38 Now go to 1 Chronicles 29 and you're going to see what I'm talking about.
31:43 This was done before the people and it was inspired.
31:49 See inspired giving before the people is just that, inspired.
31:54 It's God-given, but when it's forced, you can tell.
31:57 It doesn't feel organic.
31:59 It doesn't feel natural.
32:02 It feels like you're trying to extract something from the people.
32:11 This is why we never did any telethons.
32:16 And while the word alone doesn't necessarily mean that the intent is wrong, there have
32:22 been quite a few material things acquired by way of telethons and other forms of coerced
32:34 giving.
32:38 If you're giving under pressure, don't give.
32:42 Don't give.
32:45 And if any leader is guilting you into giving, then you need to abandon and forsake that
32:50 leader.
32:53 If they don't get right, if they don't change.
32:56 Look here 1 Chronicles 29 verse 1.
32:58 It says, "Furthermore, King David said to all the assembly."
33:01 How much of the assembly?
33:06 How many?
33:08 Who's left out of all?
33:11 King David said to all the assembly, "My son Solomon, whom alone God has chosen."
33:22 I love…watch this.
33:23 Watch what David does here.
33:25 This is brilliant.
33:26 This is masterful, and he does it before the people.
33:31 He opens up with whom God has chosen.
33:37 He could have put a period right there.
33:39 My son Solomon, not whom I have chosen, whom God has chosen.
33:45 Now look at what he says.
33:46 He says he's young and he's inexperienced.
33:51 That's not a low blow.
33:52 This is a fact.
33:56 He's young and he's inexperienced.
33:59 "Then my young and inexperienced son, whom I have not chosen, but whom God has chosen
34:09 before him is a great work, because the temple is not for man, but for the Lord God.
34:22 Now for the house of my God I have prepared with all my might."
34:29 Look at this.
34:30 Remember, David's not the one that's going to build this.
34:33 David's the one who received the plans for this by way of the Spirit.
34:36 It's Solomon who's going to build it.
34:37 Look at what David…watch this.
34:39 This is done publicly before the assembly, and David is starting it off.
34:43 Look at what he says.
34:45 "Now for the house of my God I have prepared with all my might gold for things to be made
34:50 of gold, silver for things of silver, bronze for things of bronze, iron for things of iron,
34:59 wood for things of wood, onyx stones, stones to be set, glistening stones of various colors,
35:06 all kinds of precious stones, and marble slabs in abundance."
35:11 Balling.
35:18 Notice what that is.
35:21 Notice David said, "Here's what I've provided."
35:27 Verse 3, "Moreover, because I have set my affection…"
35:30 Everyone say affection.
35:31 You all know what affection is.
35:36 So this is, just like David told his son, this is something that's coming from the
35:44 heart.
35:45 How we serve God and love God is by way of heart and mind.
35:49 So he says what?
35:50 He says, "Yeah, you know, I'm bringing all of these material things that I possess to
35:58 the table for the building of this house, but because I've set my affection, I've set
36:05 my affection on the house of my God, I have given to the house of my God."
36:10 Did you see that?
36:11 I don't want you to miss that.
36:14 He said, "Because I've set my affection on God's house, I've given to God's house."
36:19 And then look at what he says next.
36:21 "Over and above all that I have prepared for the holy house, my own special treasure
36:30 of gold and silver."
36:32 Wait a minute.
36:35 Wait a minute.
36:36 Hold up, David.
36:38 Back in verse 2, you said, "I have prepared."
36:42 You said, "I have prepared with all my might."
36:44 Oh, maybe what we read in verse 2 is David asking, saying, "I have prepared these kingdom
36:53 resources for the house of my God."
36:57 But now I'm going into my own bank account.
37:04 Look at it.
37:05 Look at verse 2, and then we're going to...
37:07 Let's read 2 through 4 again, just the first part of 2.
37:10 "Now for the house of my God, here's what I've prepared."
37:16 So maybe what we're reading here is, "Here's what I've commissioned."
37:23 Here is what I have told the treasurers and the keepers of the storehouse.
37:32 Here's what I have commissioned them to bring to the table for the Lord's house.
37:39 But because my affection is set on the Lord's house, he's saying, "Here's what I'm going
37:47 to now give over and above all that I've prepared."
37:54 He says, "My own special treasure of gold and silver, 3,000 talents of gold, of the
38:02 gold of a fur."
38:05 Now when you read talent, the word talent means round piece, but it was a heavy round
38:14 piece.
38:15 Don't think of one talent being equivalent to one dollar.
38:19 There's a whole lot more than one dollar.
38:23 The talent has to do with both money and weight, and the gold was heavy.
38:29 So you can imagine how heavy 3,000 talents of gold would be.
38:34 Then add to that 7,000 talents of refined silver.
38:38 Why is it refined silver?
38:42 Purified and purged silver.
38:44 That's what that means.
38:45 And then the gold came from a fur, and a fur was one of…
38:49 There are three places in Scripture where you can find the best gold, and a fur is one
38:54 of them.
38:55 So this was top-tier gold, 3,000 talents of it.
39:01 And 7,000 talents of refined silver to overlay the walls of the houses.
39:07 The gold for things of gold, and the silver for things of silver, and for all kinds of
39:11 work to be done by the hands of craftsmen.
39:15 Watch what he says next.
39:16 "Since I now have before you given of my own, and I have gone above and beyond because I've
39:23 set my affection on the house of the Lord, who then is willing to consecrate himself
39:28 this day to the Lord."
39:33 Verse 6, "Then the leaders stepped up, the leaders of the fathers' houses, leaders of
39:40 the tribes of Israel, the captains of thousands and of hundreds, with the officers over the
39:47 king's work…"
39:48 What did they do?
39:49 "…offered willingly."
39:53 They gave for the work of the house of God 5,000 talents and 10,000 derricks of gold.
40:03 Derrick was Persian money.
40:06 10,000 derricks of gold, 10,000 talents of silver, 18,000 talents of bronze.
40:14 Remember, this is weighty.
40:18 This is heavy.
40:21 And 100,000 talents of iron.
40:25 And whoever had precious stones gave them to the treasury of the house of the Lord into
40:32 the hand of Yehiel the Gershonite.
40:36 Then the people rejoiced, for they had offered willingly, because with a loyal heart they
40:41 had offered willingly to the Lord, and King David also rejoiced greatly.
40:50 So what do we see here?
40:53 We see David first affirming his son publicly before the people.
41:01 "This is your king.
41:06 This will be your new leader."
41:10 And he does this not just before all of Israel, but more specifically before the leadership
41:18 of Israel.
41:21 Then he leads by example and does what?
41:23 He sows towards this cause from his own personal resources, towards this specific project,
41:31 which was what?
41:32 The house of God, he said, because "I've set my affection on it.
41:36 Now I'm going over and above for my own special treasury, my own gold, my own silver."
41:44 That example then what?
41:45 David inspired those under his authority to follow suit, especially since it was about
41:52 affection and consecration towards God.
41:55 As a result, they all gave willingly.
42:00 Now what else do we see here?
42:04 We see here in Acts that precious stones were given to the treasury of the house of the
42:13 Lord into the hand of one person in particular, highlighted here, Yehiel.
42:18 Who is he and what's a Gershonite?
42:23 Well a Gershonite was a child of Gershon or Gashon, who was the firstborn of Levi.
42:27 So a Gershonite is a Levite.
42:29 Now we have learned from numerous lessons the role that the Levites played in Israel.
42:36 If you recall, the Levites were the one tribe that didn't receive their inheritance the
42:42 same way the other eleven tribes did.
42:44 I'm going to stand on this vent anyway.
42:52 That trip was intentional for me to stand here and cool off because it's getting hot.
42:56 Anyway, did it on purpose.
43:00 Remember that the other eleven, their inheritance was not the same as the Levites.
43:04 The Levites was not the same as the inheritance of the other eleven.
43:09 The inheritance of the Levites would happen to be the what?
43:12 The tithes of the other eleven.
43:15 When the other eleven tribes who received an inheritance, when they tithed, those tithes
43:20 became the inheritance of the Levites.
43:23 Then when the Levites received the tithes from the other eleven tribes, because that
43:28 was the tribe consecrated for priestly duties, they were to then tithe off of that tithe
43:34 and those tithes were placed into what was known as a storehouse or a treasury.
43:42 The Levites had responsibility over that, so this is why the Scripture is telling us
43:46 that this particular Gershonite, who is actually a Levite, this particular Gershonite, it would
43:52 go into his hand because the Levites had that responsibility.
43:59 Gershon was overseeing what was stored and what was laid up in the arena of treasures
44:06 and all of the other things that would be tithed or freely given.
44:12 Notice that it says in verse 9, "The people rejoiced, for they had offered willingly."
44:17 Because with a loyal heart, they had offered willingly.
44:21 And then David rejoiced.
44:23 He offered willingly.
44:24 He set the example before the people.
44:27 They offered willingly.
44:28 And what was this for?
44:32 This was not just general giving to Israel.
44:37 This was not just the regular tithes that would go to Israel.
44:40 The tithes that went towards Israel also functioned in a similar way that taxes function because
44:48 Israel was a theocracy, a government or a nation wholly submitted to God.
44:54 They're a theocratic nation.
44:56 So the tithes also doubled as taxes.
45:00 But this is what was stored up for the nation of Israel.
45:06 This right here, this is a project that goes beyond that.
45:08 This was specifically for what?
45:09 For the house of God.
45:13 So David's affection was set on it.
45:14 He led by example.
45:16 They all followed suit.
45:17 What does this word "willingly" mean?
45:21 What does it mean to give willingly?
45:24 Voluntarily.
45:27 If you're giving willingly, the question we must ask is are you giving by compulsion or
45:35 impulsion?
45:41 Some get the two words "compel" and "impel" mixed up.
45:45 "Oh, I was compelled to give.
45:48 And they assume that means they were led and they were moved to give."
45:52 That's not what compulsion means.
45:54 That's impulsion.
45:56 "Willingly" here in the Hebrew first means to incite.
46:03 And to incite means to encourage or stir up.
46:06 So David incited them to give.
46:08 He encouraged them to give and he stirred them up to give.
46:11 Then it says what?
46:13 In the Hebrew here, it says they were impelled.
46:16 Watch this.
46:17 They were not compelled.
46:18 They were impelled.
46:19 I'm going to give you a very specific distinction between the two in just a second.
46:23 But then the word also means what you all already said, to volunteer.
46:27 To volunteer.
46:28 And it means to offer a gift by way of free will.
46:38 Not pressure.
46:40 Not of necessity and not grudgingly.
46:43 In other words, this was something they were easily able to buy into.
46:49 This is a cause they could get behind.
46:53 Now compulsion and impulsion, what's the difference between the two?
46:59 To compel is to force or drive someone to take action by making that person fear the
47:04 consequences of not doing so.
47:09 So if you give by compulsion, you were coerced and you did it by way of fear.
47:17 Because if you don't give, this is what's going to happen to you.
47:25 Now I'm not going to make this about the tithing lesson again.
47:28 I already said my piece on that.
47:31 When a small remnant of the church could clearly see both intent and truth to that message,
47:41 others are still carrying on.
47:44 They're carrying on because ultimately they're afraid that the offerings are going to decrease.
47:53 Because just like with race, religion and racism, you can't refute it.
48:00 You can't refute the message.
48:01 You've become so accustomed to people, and I'm talking about leaders now, various leaders,
48:07 both in the church nationally and globally, they've become so accustomed to people giving
48:13 by way of compulsion.
48:17 Because out of the same mouth you're saying God's going to bless you and wants to bless
48:23 you and there'll be such blessing that there's not room enough to receive it.
48:28 And the way that sounds, oh yeah, I can get into that.
48:32 You mean blessing that there's not enough room?
48:35 But then if you don't do it, you're not cursed, you're cursed with a curse.
48:43 And you are a God robber.
48:49 Because we extracted what God was saying to the Levites only and applied it to the body
48:54 of Christ.
48:58 And therefore, the coerced giving.
49:02 But it was a mixed breed of coerced giving because there was just enough blessing.
49:12 You all recall some of the ways you were able to get your kids to eat vegetables.
49:20 And so, just enough flavor, salt or sugar, that coerced giving, they'll buy into this
49:32 because I'm going to talk about the windows of heaven being opened and who doesn't want
49:35 heavenly windows opened?
49:37 And I'll talk about there's not enough room to receive such blessing.
49:45 But he wasn't talking to us.
49:46 He wasn't even talking to the other eleven tribes.
49:49 He was talking to one tribe only, those who had oversight.
49:52 Why do you think he said you've robbed the whole nation?
49:55 Levites, you robbed the rest of your brethren.
49:57 You robbed the rest of the tribes.
50:02 You can't mix the two.
50:04 You can't have a Malachi chapter 3 mindset as well as a Luke 6, 38 mindset.
50:11 They actually can't coexist.
50:15 We should desire to give.
50:18 We should want to give.
50:19 We should want to give more every single time there's an opportunity to give more.
50:23 We should want to willingly, not by compulsion but by impulsion, to impel is to persuade
50:31 someone to take action on moral or ethical grounds.
50:36 When you are compelled, you are coerced regardless of your wishes.
50:42 When you are impaled, you are made to realize that even though the choice might be difficult,
50:47 it's the right thing to do.
50:50 It might be a stretch, but it's the right thing to do.
50:56 If I'm coercing you, then I've missed it.
50:59 We've all missed it.
51:00 Okay, now watch this.
51:01 Go to 1 Corinthians now, chapter 15.
51:06 That's what it means to give willingly, to be stirred up to give, to be encouraged to
51:10 give.
51:15 Go to 1 Corinthians 15, and we'll be able to end here.
51:28 Find verse 35.
51:36 As long as the earth remains what?
51:38 Seed?
51:40 Time?
51:41 Harvest?
51:43 All right, so harvest follows the seed, harvest follows sowing, harvest doesn't come before
51:49 sowing.
51:53 It's not given and it shall be give.
51:59 It's not whatever one reaps, so shall they sow.
52:02 Reaping follows sowing.
52:04 It shall be given follows giving.
52:09 Harvest follows seed.
52:11 And there's that time.
52:13 We can't determine that time.
52:15 There are a number of factors to consider when it comes to that time, but we know there's
52:19 going to be a time.
52:20 Listen, even if it's 30 seconds after, that's still time.
52:24 But look at this.
52:29 First Corinthians 15, 35 says, "But someone will say, 'How are the dead raised up?
52:36 And with what body do they come?'
52:39 Foolish one, what you sow is not made alive unless it dies.
52:45 And what you sow, you do not sow that body that shall be but mere grain, perhaps wheat
52:50 or some other grain."
52:51 Now, the context is talking about the glorified body.
52:55 Paul is basically saying what?
52:57 When we die, you all have heard it, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
53:03 When we die, our bodies go back to the earth from which it came from.
53:09 Paul is saying that's what?
53:11 That's seed sown for your glorified body.
53:15 So what's Paul saying here?
53:17 He's saying, "Foolish one, you need to know that in between sowing and reaping and seed
53:26 and harvest is not only time but death."
53:33 Something has to die.
53:36 Now moving forward, this ministry moving forward, I'm going to tell you right now, a decision
53:53 is going to have to be made on your part.
54:00 What are you riding with?
54:04 Because I promise you, I've got a lot of stuff that I could be doing that I don't have time
54:13 to tend to because Crenshaw Christian Center takes most of my time.
54:20 And ultimately, it's for good or should be for a good cause.
54:24 What's better than equipping saints?
54:27 What's better than spreading the message of the kingdom and the gospel of salvation?
54:31 What's better than that?
54:33 But in order for the ministry to move forward, we're going to have to consider that some
54:39 of the things done in the past would be likened to seed sown for a harvest that would manifest
54:48 later but that harvest will never manifest unless some stuff dies.
54:57 And so, not only is this a giving message, not only is this a helps ministry message
55:04 because, you know, we need help, and not only is this a vision message and a mission message,
55:11 this is also a killing message.
55:13 We're going to kill some stuff.
55:19 Some stuff's going to have to die.
55:22 When the Bible tells us this in Ecclesiastes 3, some of us thought it only had to refer
55:27 to human life.
55:30 There's a time and a season for everything under heaven, and one of those times, it's
55:39 time to die.
55:42 That's not just talking about the body going back to the earth.
55:44 Yeah, there's a time for that.
55:46 There's also a time for moves to die and operations to die and practices to die and traditions
55:54 to die.
55:58 So moving forward, the message is going to get really bloody, so if you don't want blood
56:05 on your hands, then you should probably stop listening and you shouldn't tune in anymore.
56:10 Father, we thank you for your Word.
56:11 Its life is truth.
56:13 It will not, it cannot return to you void.
56:17 It will accomplish what it set out to do.
56:18 It will prosper where it's sent.
56:20 I thank you that indeed the seed of the Word has gone forth.
56:27 It's been sown into the hearts of the people.
56:31 I thank you, Father, that it will produce.
56:37 It will produce in their lives, Father, I thank you that because your Word is seed sown,
56:43 it results in the death of old ways, the death of the old man, the harvest of new ways and
56:54 harvest of the new man.
56:58 So because your Word be, Father, it accomplishes, it prospers, I thank you that it has done
57:04 and is doing that right now.
57:08 Thank you, Holy Spirit, for making the invitations I'll mention in just a moment available to
57:11 the people.
57:12 If you believe in Jesus, you can know him today.
57:14 You can become a part of the body of Christ, the family of God today.
57:21 Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
57:25 If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart, it's an act of
57:31 faith.
57:34 The gift God gave to the world so the world would not remain the world but become his
57:38 people, his children.
57:43 Number two is to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
57:48 The disciples, they could not go forth until they were filled.
57:52 They could not minister the gospel.
57:54 They could not be witnesses until they were filled, filled with the Spirit.
57:58 Being filled with the Spirit is not necessary for you to be saved, but it is necessary for
58:02 you to be a witness.
58:05 If you're not a part of this local body of believers, you didn't show up here by accident.
58:08 This is a church where you're learning and growing the things of God.
58:11 And lastly, you need to be sure and know you're saved as well as you know your name and age.
58:17 And you can be that sure today for those of you in person as well as our online family.
58:26 That's who you raise your hand up high wherever you are.
58:28 Salvation.
58:29 You want to be one with Jesus today.
58:33 You can't say that you're saved.
58:34 You want to leave here knowing that you are without a doubt.
58:37 I saw one hand.
58:40 You want to be filled with the Spirit.
58:41 You want more of this God kind of life.
58:45 You can only receive it by way of the gift of the Spirit.
58:50 Anyone need assurance of salvation, leaving here knowing you're saved or becoming a part
58:54 of this local body.
58:56 You want to make sure we cover everyone online.
58:59 We're going to say two prayers for salvation and to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
59:01 We want to make sure we cover everyone.
59:03 I'm going to ask everyone to repeat after me for salvation.
59:07 Saying dear God, I repent of my sins.
59:11 I confess with my mouth the Lord Jesus.
59:15 I believe in my heart that you've raised him from the dead.
59:19 I am now saved in the name of the Lord Jesus.
59:24 Amen.
59:25 To be filled with the Spirit.
59:29 Heavenly Father, by faith I receive the gift of the Spirit.
59:35 I'm now filled with the Spirit.
59:38 I've received my heavenly language.
59:41 But most importantly, I'm now a witness for the King and the kingdom.
