The Wise Kids Bande-annonce (EN)

  • l’année dernière
00:00 (Bruit de chants d'oiseaux)
00:02 (Bruit de chants d'oiseaux)
00:04 (Bruit de chants d'oiseaux)
00:06 (Bruit de chants d'oiseaux)
00:09 (Musique)
00:11 (Musique)
00:13 (Musique)
00:15 (Musique)
00:18 - Awesome. - Yeah.
00:20 - Dear Heavenly Father, it's such an amazing pleasure and an amazing honor
00:23 to be worshipping your name through song and dramatic art.
00:26 - What are the college plans, guys?
00:28 - Bree and I are going to Weatherford.
00:29 James is going to New York. He already got in.
00:31 - Wait, what?
00:32 - I'm Elizabeth. I'm Austin's wife.
00:34 I lead the women's ministry here, so...
00:36 - Play me a song.
00:38 - So, are you really, like, you know...
00:42 - Home?
00:45 - You think so?
00:47 - I hope you'll get help.
00:49 I think you should.
00:51 'Cause you can't be both. That's like...
00:55 That's like a paradox.
00:58 - Um, would the preacher's daughter like to open with a prayer?
01:01 - Sure.
01:02 - Did you ever go through, like, a...
01:06 doubting phase?
01:09 - Oh, sure. Don't most people?
01:11 - I don't think so.
01:13 - Happy birthday, movie maker.
01:15 - You look really good.
01:17 - Like... cute?
01:19 - I mean, like, what do you think happens when you die?
01:25 - I think you go wherever you were
01:28 before you were born.
01:30 You go to where you were in 1722.
01:34 - That was a good year.
01:38 - I want you in heaven with me.
01:40 So bad.
01:43 So bad.
01:45 [Musique]
02:11 [fin du générique]