its a awesome and amazing videos compilation

  • l’année dernière


00:00 All right, ready?
00:02 All right, it's good.
00:04 Oh, you filming?
00:09 Nigga, what's that?
00:10 Trying to take my phone!
00:11 Damn, sexy!
00:26 Dream about malicious!
00:29 [inaudible]
00:31 Damn, sexy!
00:40 Where you get that hair from?
00:42 Shit smell tropical as a motherfucker!
00:46 How you playing hard to get, huh?
00:53 Better watch your step.
00:57 I don't want you falling for none of these other niggas.
00:59 My girl!
01:01 I had a black and a berry to sweeten your juice.
01:05 Damn!
01:08 Damn, baby.
01:18 You've been walking all freaking day.
01:24 Where you going?
01:27 How about we go to Popeye's?
01:29 Get a three piece.
01:32 I take the legs.
01:35 Hey, beautiful.
01:44 If we keep following you, will you follow us on Instagram?
01:49 Fuck you then!
01:52 Fuck you!
01:54 [laughter]
01:56 [music]