• 2 years ago
00:00 (soft music)
00:02 Coffee break with me, woo!
00:09 Did you guys see that?
00:10 I kind of jumped the gun and I wasn't even done drinking
00:12 and I already started dancing for you guys.
00:14 (laughs)
00:15 Do you guys like my costume?
00:16 You guys can just call me Dani the Riveter.
00:19 So I was tagged by Julie's Beauty Dish,
00:22 I'll put her channel right here,
00:24 with the Halloween tag, I think that's what it's called,
00:28 yeah, Halloween tag, and I thought, hey, why not?
00:33 I've had so much positive feedback on my tags,
00:35 so I thought I would participate in this one.
00:38 It seemed fun enough and fitting with the season,
00:41 so I guess I'll just go ahead and jump right in.
00:44 Question number one, what are you dressing up?
00:47 What are you dressing up as this year?
00:50 I don't know, I usually go all out and participate,
00:54 but this year I was kind of lagging,
00:56 I haven't even thought of Tater Tot's costume,
00:59 but Mr. Man is, he kind of wants to do
01:03 like a familial costume, like we're all related somehow.
01:08 So I haven't, I don't know yet, I haven't decided.
01:11 Maybe I'll be Rosie the Riveter
01:12 and then Mr. Man can be a World War II soldier
01:15 and the Nugget can be a bomb, I don't know.
01:17 (laughs)
01:19 Number two, is your go-to Halloween look
01:21 funny, scary, or sexy?
01:25 Personally, I'd hate that all women costumes
01:28 are sexy cats, sexy Dracula, sexy chicken nuggets,
01:32 sexy clowns, it's like why does everything
01:34 have to be sexy, it's Halloween, it's supposed to be fun.
01:37 It's not supposed to be an excuse to like
01:39 go all lady of the night, you know what I mean?
01:44 I think it's fun and I think if you enjoy
01:47 the sexiness of it and you go to those adult parties,
01:50 I think that's great, but for me personally,
01:52 I don't like that, so it's always really difficult
01:55 for me to find a costume that doesn't have
01:57 half of my butt hanging out or the two girls hanging out.
02:00 So my go-to is probably creative or funny.
02:05 I was a clown one year, like full-on clown
02:08 with the wig and the nose and everything,
02:10 so I would say funny.
02:12 Number three, what is your favorite Halloween tutorial
02:15 on either YouTube or blog?
02:17 I don't know, I don't really pay attention to those.
02:20 I don't watch them because I'm not like hardcore
02:23 into Halloween, but there's nothing that sticks
02:27 out of my head.
02:28 I saw a couple of tutorials on how to be a Barbie.
02:30 I thought that was cute, but it doesn't really seem
02:33 like a costume.
02:34 Five, are you going trick or treating?
02:38 Of course, I pimp out my son to go trick or treating
02:42 even though he's one and a half
02:43 and then I eat all his candy.
02:45 Number six, do you throw and/or attend Halloween parties?
02:51 Before the Tater, we would usually have a party
02:54 or go to a party, but this year,
02:57 probably just trick or treating.
02:58 Number seven, do you decorate your home inside,
03:02 outside, or both?
03:03 The only time where I decorate the inside
03:07 of my house is Christmas.
03:09 Every other holiday, I do decorate, but only the outside.
03:12 If you drove through my neighborhood right now,
03:15 we are the only house that is decorated
03:18 and we have these giant 12-foot spiders
03:22 crawling all over the sides of my house,
03:23 almost like we're getting attacked by spiders.
03:25 It's pretty cool.
03:26 I hope, maybe I'll post a picture on Instagram
03:29 so you guys can see.
03:30 So if you don't follow me on Instagram,
03:31 follow me on Instagram and I'll post a picture.
03:34 Eight, what is your favorite Halloween candy or food?
03:39 I didn't know there was Halloween food.
03:44 That's kind of, that kind of sounds like it would be gross.
03:48 Halloween candy, I'm really not picky.
03:50 I mean, I love chocolate, typical 'cause I'm a woman,
03:54 and I love candy corn.
03:55 Basically, if it has high fructose corn syrup
03:58 or sugar or salt or chocolate, I love it.
04:01 I love sweets, I love salty, I love everything.
04:04 So anything that Tater is going to get
04:06 in his Halloween bucket is going in my tummy.
04:08 What is your favorite scary movie?
04:12 I don't like scary movies.
04:14 Number 10, are you a prankster or the pranky?
04:18 I don't, I don't like to scare people
04:22 because when I was growing up, my mom said that
04:25 if you scare someone too much, they could like suffer,
04:29 like almost like a, like get a stutter.
04:34 I don't know if it's an old wives' tale,
04:36 but my mom always tells me to be careful
04:38 when you scare people because you could scare them
04:39 to the point where they can pick up stuttering.
04:43 I don't know if it's true, but I don't personally
04:46 like to get scared, so I don't, I don't, I don't,
04:50 I'm not either.
04:51 Well, I better not be a pranky
04:52 because all hell's gonna break loose.
04:54 Number 11, do you believe in ghosts?
04:58 Yes, I do, and it sounds kind of silly, but I do.
05:03 I don't wanna get into it, but I do.
05:07 And number 12, what is your favorite Halloween memory?
05:13 Um, I have one of those weird elephant memories
05:18 where I basically remember everything.
05:21 Um, and I remember one year, I think I was like
05:24 maybe three or four years old,
05:26 and my mom dressed me like a doll.
05:28 For me, it's a really fond memory
05:31 because she put makeup on my face,
05:34 and I was on top of the world.
05:38 I literally thought I was amazing.
05:42 So my costume was just like a little white dress,
05:46 and then she put blue eyeshadow,
05:48 and she drew lashes, like with a black eyeliner
05:51 on the bottom, and she did pigtails with really big ribbons.
05:55 Um, and then I think my brother was
05:57 either a skeleton or Dracula.
05:59 I don't remember.
06:00 I think it was a combination of both.
06:03 Um, and we were just so happy.
06:05 It was just a time in our lives where
06:07 we're just genuine children having fun.
06:10 My brother and I were like besties.
06:12 We went trick or treating.
06:13 We had this old rickety station wagon
06:16 like that would break down on every corner,
06:18 but we were, I remember we didn't even have buckets.
06:22 We used our lunch boxes to put our candy in.
06:25 Um, and it was just, it's just such a beautiful memory.
06:28 My mom was like super into it,
06:29 and even my grandma was in some of the pictures.
06:33 So it was just a really good memory.
06:35 I dressed up so often that it's just,
06:40 for me, it's normal to.
06:43 Even when I was teaching, you guys,
06:46 some of you know that I was a high school teacher.
06:48 I taught culinary arts, and every year I would dress up,
06:51 and so many of the high school kids would make fun of me
06:53 because I was their teacher, and I would dress up
06:55 and get totally excited, but that's okay.
06:58 I would even do, like on Valentine's Day,
07:01 I would ask them to hand out Valentine's Day cards.
07:04 Um, I just, you live one life, you know?
07:07 It's not a dress rehearsal, it's not practice,
07:09 so if you can have fun and you can be positive, why not?
07:12 So I remember one year I dressed up
07:14 as the Morton Salt Girl.
07:16 If you guys know Morton Salt, there's a little girl
07:19 with a yellow dress and an umbrella.
07:22 So all day long, I was holding my container of salt.
07:25 I had a bob haircut at the time, which was perfect,
07:29 and an umbrella, so I was walking around in a yellow dress,
07:32 holding my salt and my umbrella all day long
07:34 through all six periods, it was hilarious.
07:37 But, um, thank you so much, Julie's Beauty Dish,
07:39 for tagging me.
07:41 This is such a, um, such a fun tag.
07:44 Um, it's so fitting for the season.
07:46 Um, I'm not sure if this is a new tag.
07:48 I think they created it, so I will be tagging
07:50 some lovely ladies here on YouTube down below,
07:53 so make sure you check for your name,
07:55 and I really hope you'll participate.
07:57 But what I truly hope is that you will have
07:59 a really safe and fun Halloween if you decide
08:02 to do anything.
08:04 Um, and I think that's it, guys.
08:05 This coffee break is over, and I guess I'll see you tomorrow.
08:09 Bye!
08:10 (upbeat music)
