My Little Small Makeup Collection Girly Drawer!! ♡

  • last year
00:00 (Music)
00:12 Hey guys! It's me and today I'm going to be doing a makeup collection video.
00:16 Well, this is actually not a makeup collection video. This is kind of like an essential kind of drower video.
00:23 I don't know. But I thought it would be cool to share that with you guys because
00:27 I went through my video requests and I saw this. So, let's get started.
00:32 Okay, so this is my essential drower.
00:37 Okay, so I'm going to start off with this side. So over here I have this Gucci perfume.
00:46 And the label was kind of like really sticky so I just washi taped it. But it smells really, really good.
00:51 (Sniffs)
00:52 Oh my god.
00:54 Then I have these two black hair ties because sometimes I just want to tie my hair up
01:01 and I don't really have a lot of rubber bands so I need them.
01:04 Okay, so after that I have this gel eyeliner.
01:08 And it's a really dark purplish kind of black shade.
01:13 And then I have this Shea Body Butter by The Body Shop.
01:17 Half of it is literally finished. I'm not kidding.
01:20 But, um, yeah.
01:22 Then I have this Tis the Season pocket bag. I think I got this around a year ago.
01:27 Not even a year ago. It hasn't even been a year.
01:29 I think like five or six months ago and I'm almost finished with it.
01:34 Then I have this EOS lip balm.
01:37 And it's in Strawberry Sorbet.
01:41 And it smells amazing. I'm not lying. It smells really, really good.
01:46 Then I have this Adidas Fruity Rhythm.
01:50 Really cute packaged pink deodorant.
01:53 I wear this every day because I smell so, so, so good in it.
01:57 And if you've seen my routine video, I even use this in my routine video.
02:01 I have two of these Motrin Brown lip protecting lip savers.
02:06 I showed this in my favorites video and I have two of them because they're really, really good.
02:12 Then I have this Banana Republic really mini perfume.
02:17 And I've also shown this in my favorites.
02:19 It smells like daisies and it's just really, really good.
02:23 And I literally didn't even have to take, um, I didn't have to spend a lot of money on this.
02:29 So that was the best part.
02:30 Then I have this Vaseline.
02:34 Obviously, because who doesn't have Vaseline at their house?
02:37 Um, but that's kind of an obvious product.
02:39 Then I have three lip balms.
02:40 So this first one is this Burt's Bees Original Honey Lip Balm.
02:44 I honestly didn't like this a lot, but then when I got used to it, it literally moisturized my lips so much.
02:50 So I have been using this.
02:52 I have the Baby Lips in Pink Peony.
02:54 Oh my goodness.
02:56 The tint of this, can you even see that?
02:59 Like that is a hot pink and it appears the same on your lips.
03:03 So I really, really like this.
03:05 Then I have this Corally Pink Strawberry Lip Balm.
03:08 I don't, um, know where I got it from, but I showed this in my morning routine video and it is amazing
03:15 because it appears literally corally pink and I'm not lying at all.
03:19 This is just amazing.
03:21 Obviously have a bow because who doesn't like bows?
03:27 Vaseline moisturizer because my skin tends to get like really, really dry.
03:32 So this is really good for me.
03:34 I use it every single day so that my skin doesn't get dry.
03:37 Then I have two Avon nail polishes.
03:41 If you've seen my other videos, then you have definitely seen this,
03:45 but this first one is a mint, um, or sky blue kind of, um, color
03:51 and it's in Aqua Fantasy number 809.
03:55 This is super duper good for summer, um, and spring.
04:01 And then I have this pastelly pink one in number 243 Loving Lavender.
04:09 This is a pastel pink color, so I definitely recommend this for the spring.
04:13 You could use it in summer, but this is definitely made for spring.
04:17 God, it's getting dull and I don't have my studio lights up, so I'm going to finish this quickly.
04:22 Um, so I have my Sally Hansen Maximum Growth Nourishing Nail Color.
04:27 So this is a really, um, it just reminds me of a light pink mixed with a dark pink.
04:33 Um, but it's a number 14 Tender Mulberry.
04:36 I just have this brush. Don't know why, but, um, it's just a really nice brush.
04:41 And I actually disinfected this, so don't worry.
04:44 I have this wiry kind of hair tie and it's super duper cool
04:47 because it looks like it's like a telephone wire hair tie, which is really cool.
04:52 Um, but it has cloth out in the outside.
04:55 It's not going to break, so I really like this, um, hair tie
04:59 because it makes your hair kind of contrast, especially me because I have black hair.
05:03 So this one is really good for me.
05:06 So moving on to this section, I have two black hair bands.
05:10 They're just plastic because I wear black hair bands a lot
05:15 and they tend to break because I'm a klutz.
05:18 And let's just not talk about it.
05:20 Then I have this minion.
05:22 This is a minion figure and it's super duper cute. I got it.
05:25 Um, actually it was a keychain and the keychain was over here, but it broke.
05:30 Then I have these Apple EarPods because I use these a lot
05:34 and they always, always, um, get lost.
05:37 So I just keep them here so that they don't get lost.
05:40 The last item is this Adidas Floral Dream Perfume Dio.
05:44 So this smells literally, I'm not kidding, like flowers.
05:50 Obviously because it's named Floral Dream, but no, it actually smells like flowers.
05:56 And it's just really good for the spring.
05:58 I'm almost like, I think this much is left.
06:01 So you can like tell that I use it a lot in spring, but now I use a Fruity Rhythm, um, in summer.
06:09 That is all for my "What's in my makeup drawer" video.
06:13 I hope that you guys like this video.
06:15 If you did, make sure you give it a big thumbs up.
06:17 Um, and request videos to do because I am lately just taking a lot of requests
06:23 and I can do your requests.
06:25 So I will talk to you guys later. Bye!
