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0:53 What is GBOBER Application?
1:42 What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?
2:19 On-Page SEO Vs Off-Page SEO
3:03 Types of Backlinks in SEO
4:01 What are Do-follow and No-follow Backlinks?
6:24 What is Link Insertion or Niche Edits?
7:36 What are footer links in SEO?
8:16 What are Home Page Blog Posts?
8:57 What is Google News Approved Website?
9:36 What is TAT (Turn Around Time)?
10:00 What is Plagiarism Check?
11:38 What are Press Release Backlinks?
13:14 What is Web 2.0 Backlinks?
14;48 What are Author Accounts in Guest Posting Business?
15:15 How to Show Sample Guest Posts to Clients?
16;15 What are Google Sheets and Its Uses in GBOB?
16:45 What is Article Indexing on Google?
17:38 What are Community Websites in Guest Posting?
19:02 What are Guest Posting Networks?
