Nails 101 My Nail Polish Storage

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:03 Coffee break with me.
00:04 Woo!
00:05 Hi guys!
00:06 Welcome back to my channel.
00:07 So today I'm here with a very different video
00:10 from the types of videos that I normally do with you guys.
00:12 This video is going to be on storage and organization.
00:16 And I don't know if you guys remember,
00:18 but when I initially started doing videos,
00:20 my nail polish was usually stored in these little cubbies
00:24 in my Ikea, I think this is called Expedit.
00:27 It's a four by four storage unit.
00:29 And although I was really happy with it,
00:31 the polishes were flat leveled,
00:34 so I had to stagger them
00:36 so that I could see where the colors were.
00:39 And even though I'm a compulsive organizer
00:41 and I tend to have good ideas, or I like to think so,
00:44 I always feel like I can improve
00:46 the way that I store things.
00:48 And for me, storage or organization
00:53 has become kind of a fundamental of my way of life.
00:56 I don't know, it just makes me feel like
00:58 my head is less crowded.
01:00 I don't know if your thought process works like mine,
01:04 but if I have an area of my house,
01:07 or a storage area, a drawer, a dresser,
01:10 something that isn't organized,
01:13 it makes me feel, I think it's how I was raised,
01:16 because my mom would always tell me,
01:18 if your room is messy, that's how your head is.
01:21 So you keep your room in order,
01:23 and then your head is in order.
01:26 I don't know, I think she engraved that to me.
01:28 I don't know, do your parents have any funny sayings
01:30 that they taught you and they just kind of stuck with you?
01:33 And so I feel like if my room is in order,
01:35 if my closet is in order, if that is in order,
01:37 it makes me feel like that's one less thing
01:39 that I need to worry about,
01:41 and it doesn't stress me out, as lame as that sounds.
01:44 So my personality type is very organized, very neat.
01:49 I'm the type of person that prefers to write in pencil
01:55 so that I could erase, because if I write in pen
01:58 and I have to cross something out, I just can't handle it.
02:01 I really cannot.
02:02 The worst for me is when I'm writing in a greeting card
02:05 and I misspell a word, I would rather leave it misspelled
02:09 than cross something out.
02:10 Does that happen to any of you guys?
02:11 Is that just me?
02:12 This is gonna turn into a video
02:13 about how weird I am, isn't it?
02:15 (laughs)
02:16 So I don't wanna waste too much time.
02:17 I wanna take you to the opposite corner of my room,
02:20 which you never see, and this is basically
02:23 my dream nail storage.
02:25 This is basically what the unit looks like,
02:27 and it's gonna look a little weird
02:28 because I can't get it all in frame,
02:31 but it's just a six shelf unit from Ikea,
02:34 and I think the name is Hemnes,
02:37 and this is basically how I store my polishes.
02:39 I wanted something that was big enough
02:41 where I could display them comfortably,
02:43 but I could also have room to grow.
02:46 So if I rearrange the shelves or the acrylic units,
02:49 I still have plenty of room to grow,
02:52 although I probably shouldn't.
02:53 (laughs)
02:54 I'll go ahead and link the unit down below.
02:55 That's just a love sign that I got
02:57 at a Family Christian store.
02:59 It was so cheap, it was like six bucks.
03:00 But this is how I have my nail polishes organized,
03:02 and just a general overview,
03:04 the first shelf is where I have
03:06 kind of polishes that I don't have too many
03:09 of the same brand or they're very high end.
03:12 Then the second shelf has all my OPI,
03:15 all my Essie, all my China Glaze.
03:17 Then I have all my Julie G.
03:19 So this shelf that you see right here,
03:21 that's like Julie G. Heaven.
03:23 I'm pretty sure I have every single Julie G. color,
03:25 but if I don't, don't tell me,
03:27 because I will be heartbroken.
03:29 Then the shelf below,
03:31 these are all the new Milani nail polishes,
03:33 and then a couple of old ones that I really, really like.
03:36 And then over here are my Sally Hansen.
03:38 Does anyone else go crazy because Sally Hansen
03:40 has so many different types of bottle shapes and styles?
03:44 I don't know, maybe it's just me.
03:46 And then down here I have all my Benita
03:49 and all my Revlon.
03:51 Again, another brand that has so many different
03:53 styles of bottles.
03:54 And then down there are just a bunch of
03:58 super random miscellaneous and then an empty cubby hole.
04:01 So let me show you guys a closeup of everything.
04:04 This is just kind of a closeup with the open doors.
04:07 You guys can see I have these little stuck on lights.
04:09 I got these, I think on Amazon.
04:12 I don't remember where I got those.
04:14 I'm gonna try and find some for you
04:15 so I could link them down below,
04:16 but they're just little stick on LED lights.
04:18 And they last forever.
04:20 And then here are the other two shelves.
04:23 The Julie G's, the Milani, the Sally Hansen,
04:25 and then the last two shelves,
04:27 which they're kind of sad and lonely
04:29 because I don't have stick on lights for those.
04:32 So I still need to purchase those.
04:33 Then I have these acrylic organizers.
04:36 And you can't really tell so much because they're clear.
04:40 And I think that's the point.
04:41 But the Julie G polishes are actually sitting
04:43 on a three tiered acrylic shelf.
04:46 So you may say like,
04:48 "Oh, well, you don't really need shelves within shelves."
04:50 But the reason I got them is because it has them
04:53 on different levels.
04:56 So the colors are always staring at me in the face.
04:59 And it's easier for me to remember which colors I've used,
05:02 which ones I haven't, if I have something similar,
05:05 or if I'm looking for something,
05:06 I already know where to find it.
05:08 Next to those, I have this spice rack.
05:11 And again, this is a three tiered corner spice rack.
05:14 I got this at the container store.
05:16 And I really like it because it, again,
05:18 it fits into the corner, so it saves a lot of space,
05:21 but it also allows me to see all of the polishes
05:24 that I have.
05:25 And because I'm such a compulsive organizer,
05:26 I actually have the Julie G's separated in collections.
05:30 So right here, I think those are the gumdrops.
05:34 Then I have the Mardi Gras ones up here.
05:36 And then this was the summer collection that just came out.
05:39 The Perfect Pair collection are those three in the corner.
05:44 So I kind of have everything divided.
05:45 And you can see, I kind of repeat the same process.
05:48 Up here is the three tiered.
05:50 Then I have the corner rack.
05:52 Then I have this one right here.
05:53 This is, I think, the only one that I have of this kind.
05:56 I only have one of these.
05:58 So it's the same concept as the corner shelf,
06:01 except it's straight.
06:02 So you kind of put that up against the bookshelf,
06:05 against the wall of the bookshelf,
06:06 or on top of your vanity,
06:08 or you could even put it in your sink, in your bathroom,
06:12 wherever you keep your beauty items.
06:14 I like for it to look a little bit different.
06:16 So I have the two corners, the center,
06:19 and then there's the other corner.
06:20 And then again, like I told you guys,
06:22 the three tiered shelf and then the corner shelf.
06:25 I have the same setup over here
06:26 with the three tiered acrylic and then the corner.
06:29 The only difference is that I did it
06:30 so that it would be opposite.
06:31 So you can tell the corner shelves are here
06:33 and then the three tiers are here,
06:36 just so that it doesn't look heavy
06:38 on one side versus the other.
06:39 Again, I don't know why I think about these weird things.
06:42 So that is it for my nail polish storage tour.
06:45 I really hope you guys enjoyed it.
06:46 Check the description box below
06:48 for links to all of the products that I mentioned.
06:51 It's not really that many products.
06:54 It's the shelf and the acrylic containers.
06:58 So check the description box below
07:00 for links to those products.
07:01 I think that's it, guys.
07:02 If you guys have any additional tips or advice
07:08 or maybe ideas on how I can further improve
07:11 my storage unit, I would really appreciate that.
07:14 So let me know in the comment section below
07:16 if you have any more brilliant panda ideas.
07:18 As always, if you guys found this video useful,
07:20 entertaining, or learn something,
07:21 please give me a thumbs up or subscribe
07:23 if you haven't already.
07:24 And until next time, this coffee break is over.
