МК БРОВИ Теория Золоташко Татьяна

  • last year
00:00 I'm glad to welcome you again.
00:02 Let's start.
00:04 First, I want to say a few introductory words about the modern meaning of eyebrows in today's life.
00:11 The last year, probably, the world has gone crazy.
00:15 Eyebrows have become an attribute of a fashionable, stylish, luxurious woman.
00:22 Today it is difficult to imagine a successful woman with ugly, funny eyebrows.
00:29 For example, imagine a pamphouse lady who comes out of Porsche and has curly, curved eyebrows.
00:37 You immediately think, "God, where did she come from?"
00:41 Today everyone pays attention to eyebrows.
00:44 In this regard, the profession of an eyebrowist is becoming more and more popular.
00:49 More and more people are turning to eyebrowist services.
00:52 It is becoming more expensive, more materials are appearing, the cosmetics market is being replenished.
00:57 And, of course, we must take on the challenge of reality and grow ourselves.
01:03 You are doing well, you are developing, growing.
01:06 I hope that today's course will be useful for you.
01:10 So, let's start.
01:12 First, we will consider the concept of eyebrows, general positions, general names, so that we can talk in one language.
01:22 Now I will draw your eyebrows. If someone does not see something, it is not clear, do not hesitate to ask questions.
01:31 I will be happy to answer them.
01:34 So, eyebrows. Eyebrows can be divided into three parts.
01:39 This is the head, the body and the tail.
01:49 In fact, I will show you later how to draw eyebrows on the points.
01:53 This is a very important exercise for those who are not a makeup artist.
01:57 And if you, for example, teach people, so that you can absolutely teach anyone to draw beautiful eyebrows.
02:03 Head, body and tail.
02:08 Body is before the break, right?
02:10 Yes, the body is before the break. The head is the very beginning.
02:13 As a rule, the head grows more rarely, more transparent.
02:17 Then comes the body of the eyebrow.
02:21 And at the very end comes the tail.
02:25 Also, conditionally, you can divide the eyebrow into two parts.
02:31 Please lower the line from the head and the tail.
02:36 Conditionally, you can divide the eyebrow into two parts.
02:39 This is the whole body, together with the head.
02:48 And the tail, that is, two parts.
02:51 This is a very important ratio, because ideally, the length of the body, together with the head, should be two thirds.
03:00 The rule is three thirds. Very often, where in the face, in the body, there is exactly a third.
03:06 And the tail is one third.
03:09 That is, it is not necessarily that only this way and no other way.
03:16 But very often, poor cases of disharmony.
03:19 For example, when it is drawn, you can erase, draw.
03:24 For example, when, let's say, the length of the body is the length of the tail.
03:37 Such an eyebrow, for example.
03:39 It immediately looks like an eyebrow with a triangle.
03:42 It does not look harmonious, right?
03:45 Or, on the contrary, the body is very long, and the tail is such a small squiggle at the end.
03:52 That is, such an eyebrow does not look very harmonious.
03:56 Although, due to the fashion of today, straight eyebrows look more harmonious than such an eyebrow with such disharmony.
04:03 That is, we strive to make the body two thirds.
04:07 Now let's go through the points.
04:12 What are the points in the eyebrows?
04:14 There are five main points.
04:18 And now I will tell you about them.
04:21 So, in the head, this is point 1.
04:25 Below is point 2.
04:29 Point 1, point 2.
04:36 In the ischium, on top, point 3.
04:41 Below.
04:43 - In the ischium, only up, right?
04:47 - This is only up, yes.
04:49 Point 3.
04:51 Below is point 4.
04:55 And the tail is point 5.
05:00 That is, ideally, the eyebrow should consist of five points.
05:05 Now let's talk about this place.
05:08 This place is very important.
05:10 Point 3.
05:11 It is also called "apex" in a different way.
05:15 It is written like this, in Latin, "apex".
05:21 In Latin, it is "top".
05:26 Top.
05:30 Now there is also such a concept as "axial eyebrow".
05:34 Axial is a line from the head.
05:38 Just a line, this is the horizon level.
05:41 That is, this is not a line between point 2 and point 5, do not confuse.
05:46 This is just a line from point 2 parallel to the floor, the horizon line.
05:51 How do you call it conveniently?
05:53 Axial.
05:55 It is from the axial that the height of the eyebrow is measured.
06:01 Do you have time, girls?
06:03 It is from the axial that the height of the eyebrow is measured.
06:06 The height of the eyebrow is the length from the axial to point 4.
06:13 That is, this line is the height of the eyebrow.
06:19 Tanya, can you say again, "from the axial is measured"?
06:22 From the axial is measured the height of the eyebrow.
06:29 That is, this is the line, yes, the axial.
06:32 That is, this height to the fracture, from the bottom to the lower part of the fracture, is the height of the rise.
06:39 This lower part is also called the arch.
06:43 This rise is also called the arch.
06:47 This is not exactly point 4, this is, let's say, this fracture, this transition, yes, the body, the tail, to the lower part.
06:56 Therefore, the height of the rise is very often called the height of the arch.
07:01 Where is the arch?
07:02 The arch is this lower part, this transition from the body of the eyebrow to the tail.
07:09 This is called the arch.
07:11 Well, just as if so many terms, so that later, when I told you in training, yes, some words, so that you understand what I mean.
07:19 That is, it is also called not only the height of the rise of this plant, but also the height of the arch, because this part is called the arch.
07:28 Point 2 and 5 must definitely lie on the axis of the line?
07:32 No, look, I'll tell you later, that is, you are still, as if the axis is not a line between 2 and 5, this is a line going from point 2 horizontally.
07:44 Yes, that is, the tail can be higher, it can be lower, I will tell you about this later when there is a classification on the axes of the eyebrows.
07:52 And this is a template, right?
07:53 This is just that we are now studying the terms, then we will classify, that is, how, what, this is just the beginning.
08:00 So, let's already know these terms, yes, as if you want to say right away, not far away, just the ratio of the width of the eyebrow from point 1.2 to point 3.4.
08:17 That is, the width of this part of the eyebrow to the width of this part, the ratio of the eyebrows, right?
08:23 Now a very common and common ratio is when 1.2 is equal to 3.4.
08:32 That is, when this width is equal to 3.4.
08:37 That is, the eyebrow goes with such a smooth sausage, that is, and only after the break it begins to narrow.
08:45 This is a fairly popular shape now, that is, when the eyebrow is completely smooth.
08:51 Also, it is still relevant and popular when the eyebrow is thinned in the zone 3.4, yes?
08:59 That is, 1.2 is greater than 3.4.
09:05 Well, let's clarify right away how much 1.2 can be more than 3.4.
09:14 Can it be more than, I don't know, 4 times?
09:19 That is, here it is wide, and here it is thin.
09:23 No, it will not be beautiful, yes, that is, here is such an eyebrow, I will draw it here for you, yes, like this.
09:30 The client will come right away, here he has three hairs, here is a thick head, you immediately say that you need to grow it here.
09:36 And how much can this value be less than this, so that it looks harmonious, how do you think?
09:44 Can it be less than 3?
09:46 Yes, that's right, that is, about 30 percent.
09:49 That is, this is the maximum value, how much is it recommended that this value could be less, 30 percent.
09:58 Here we mix, 30 percent.
10:04 Good, now, how do you think, can 3.4 be thicker than 1.2?
10:14 No.
10:15 No? And why?
10:17 Well, it's not harmonious then.
10:18 Look, it used to be considered a mistake, that is, if there was such a eyebrow, then everyone pinched it to make it either the same or smaller.
10:28 Now, when very fashionable wide eyebrows, straight, then this is no longer considered a mistake, it is considered a fashionable eyebrow, more straight.
10:39 That is, because the wider this value, the more straight the eyebrow.
10:43 That is, because what can it be wider due to, only down, up it can no longer be wider, up there does not grow already.
10:49 That is, let's say, I'll erase it now and draw the lower part, remember how it was?
10:56 That is, for example, 1.2 is so wide, and 3.4 is like this.
11:04 That is, agree, here the eyebrow is wider, well, not significant, but wider than 1.2.
11:12 Maybe even more straight this part, then the eyebrow becomes, you see, absolutely straight, wide.
11:23 Straight, wide, that is, in principle, our time is so popular, thick, thick eyebrows, it takes place.
11:40 But again, within what size can it be?
11:44 What do you think?
11:45 More than 10%.
11:47 I would allow here, probably, also up to 30% approximately.
11:52 Because now the fashion is very different, and that is, what was considered before, if before such clients came to me, I remember, I pinched it all, cleaned it all, picked it up, made a house, because it is considered, in general, God save, some kind of nightmare.
12:08 Now a lot of, well, let's just say, who will have such eyebrows for girls, what age, young, right?
12:15 Younger.
12:16 Younger, because for an older woman, it is necessary, well, not too black, everything in the world, well, it will immediately make the look older, more so heavy.
12:27 So, we write 1.2, less than 3.4, also about 30%.
12:33 So, this is. Now look, about the tail.
12:38 It must be said that the eyebrow should always be thinned to the tail.
12:43 That is, at point 5, the eyebrow should converge to one point.
12:46 Very often, clients come with overgrown tails, and we must always make sure that the point, well, the eyebrow at point 5, it always converged to one point.
12:56 Now let's talk about the color of the eyebrow.
13:01 Look, as in nature, the head is always lighter, rarer, also in the coloring of the eyebrows, you must always make sure that the head is always lighter than the body and the tail.
13:15 That is, it is already such a small ombre, right?
13:18 How to say, that is, always keep an eye on the head, lighter than the body and the tail.
13:22 Do not make too graphic heads.
13:25 If you want to achieve the eyebrow effect, then this is generally the lightest head, the body is medium in saturation and the tail is the darkest and clearest.
13:34 - Should I wipe it out before?
13:36 - We will do this in practice, I will show how to do it.
13:39 Now look, the eyebrow is always lighter and blurred from above.
13:44 The eyebrow is always lighter and blurred from above, because the light always falls from above on a person.
13:51 And the eyebrow from below is always clearer and more graphic.
13:56 That is, again, when coloring, you make the lower edge of the eyebrow clearer, the upper part of the eyebrow is a little blurred.
14:06 Clear, right?
14:13 Okay, now let's take the example of the perfect eyebrow.
14:20 Let's take a look at the most popular eyebrow shapes today.
14:26 And after that, we will talk about the most popular eyebrow shapes.
14:33 So, today, the formulas for shaping and arranging eyebrows on the face have changed a lot.
14:52 Now, if you look on the Internet, then basically all you can find is when it is shown that it is built along the nostrils.
15:04 The maximum is from the cartilage.
15:09 In general, it is considered the yesterday's century, because if you pinch along the nostrils, then for most people, the eyebrows will be too wide.
15:17 This visually expands the nose, this visually widens the eyes, that is, a lot of minuses.
15:22 If you pinch along the cartilage, they say that the nostrils are built, you need to pinch along this part.
15:28 The cartilage is also such a thing, someone has a thin nose here, and here is a wide pimple.
15:32 Very often the noses are curved in this part, that is, asymmetrical.
15:39 Plus, I'll tell you as a makeup artist, a competitor, that it is very difficult to look from here to the eyebrow.
15:47 Especially if the person is not a makeup artist, but some other master.
15:52 Therefore, I will now give you a modern formula for the beginning of the eyebrows. I think it is very relevant, very simple and you will be interested.
16:02 So, where should the beginning of the eyebrows be? Here, let's draw a nose.
16:08 This is the nose, this is the nose bridge, this is the transition from light, the shadow begins on the side, this is the nose bridge.
16:18 Everyone has light here and two dark lines on the sides.
16:24 Now I will show you after the scheme on the photo.
16:28 And now the eye goes.
16:35 Look, this distance from the line of the nose to the inner corner of the eye must be divided into three equal parts.
16:48 So, one part, put on the mesh, two parts, put on the mesh.
16:52 That is, I have three parts, you see?
16:55 One, two, three. That is, we divide into three equal parts.
16:59 We get two points from this. Point one and point two.
17:06 Everything is simple, point one, point two.
17:08 From the line of the nose to the inner corner of the eye, point one and point two.
17:18 Look, point one is the location of the eyebrows, the beginning of the eyebrows.
17:28 For a normal eye and a wide-eyed eye.
17:38 And again, point one is the location of the eyebrows for a normal eye and a wide-eyed eye.
17:59 It will not work for girls with close-sighted eyes, for girls who have very long, thin noses.
18:13 This is, for example, often happens with Armenians. Very long, thin, sharp noses.
18:22 This shape of the eyebrows will not work for girls who have very dark heads.
18:29 This is, again, for oriental girls, for Azerbaijanians, etc.
18:32 Here it is very dark at once.
18:34 If you pinch at point one, the look will be cloudy, much older.
18:38 And there are amateurs who immediately like to draw a dark head.
18:44 And you, as I explain, she will draw a dark, clear head.
18:49 For such girls, again, the alignment at point one does not fit.
18:53 Point two.
19:00 This is the location of the beginning of the eyebrows for a close-sighted eye and a normal-sighted eye.
19:18 It also fits for girls of the oriental nationality, when the head is too dark at once and long, thin noses.
19:35 This is what I will tell you in the first point.
19:38 The further from the center of the eyebrows, the more open the eyes.
19:45 But if you exaggerate, it can be that the eyebrows are so wide that the eye becomes like a clown.
19:59 - Like what? - Like a prostitute.
20:03 Often such a strange expression of the face, very alien.
20:16 And the more important point. The further from the center of the eyebrows, the wider the nose.
20:34 All girls want thin beautiful noses.
20:37 And when the eyebrows are far from each other, the noses are wide.
20:41 Even if they are not wide.
20:44 The further from the center of the eyebrows, the wider the nose.
20:49 Sometimes girls are confused, they want plastic nose.
20:53 Sometimes it is enough to have the right eyebrows.
20:56 The closer to the center of the eyebrows, the angrier the look.
21:06 But if the eyebrows are dark, the head should be lighter than the body and the tail.
21:16 If the head is the same color as the body and the tail, the look will be angry and gloomy.
21:22 I remember that I was taught not to make dark eyebrows, it will make the woman older and angrier.
21:31 But the look is narrowing.
