The Bow Braid Luxy Hair

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - Hello my beautiful friends, it's Mimi here today
00:16 and I'm here today with Zannie.
00:19 - Hi.
00:20 - It's more fun to have somebody in the video.
00:23 I love it, I love when you join me, so thank you for--
00:25 - I love joining you.
00:26 - Thanks.
00:27 And today I'm gonna be showing you guys
00:28 how to create this really beautiful bow braid.
00:32 It's not really bows, but it kinda looks like bows.
00:34 - It does look like bows.
00:35 - So I thought it would be a cool name
00:36 to name this hairstyle.
00:37 It's a perfect hairstyle for some kind of a glamor,
00:40 occasion, date, prom, school dance, I don't know what else.
00:44 - I think when you add the flowers,
00:46 it's something to me very fancy.
00:48 - Actually-- - Even for a wedding.
00:49 - Yeah, a wedding, if you're attending a wedding,
00:51 as a bridesmaid, literally any fancy occasion.
00:55 So are you guys ready to see the hairstyle?
00:58 - I'm ready.
00:58 - Okay, let's do it.
00:59 All right, so let's do it.
01:02 Zannie, can I ask you to hold the hair elastic?
01:04 Just here.
01:05 So I'm just gonna start out with brushing
01:08 the top part of Zannie's hair.
01:10 So just at the crown, brushing the hair at the crown.
01:14 And then Zannie, I'm gonna ask you for one hair elastic.
01:18 - Okay. - Perfect.
01:19 I'm just gonna put this in my mouth
01:21 while I gather her hair.
01:23 It's just very helpful.
01:25 It just makes it harder to talk.
01:28 Okay, I'm gonna bring all the hair to one side,
01:30 which is gonna be the left side first.
01:31 And then I'm gonna grab my hair elastic, like that.
01:36 I'm gonna put this over this ponytail.
01:41 Split the hair right above the ponytail
01:48 and pull the ponytail through that opening.
01:51 Just like that.
01:54 Then we're gonna just push this hair up.
01:57 And then I'm gonna go into this beautiful
02:01 twist around hairstyle and grab on the left section,
02:04 fan it out on the right section.
02:07 Just make it all effortless and fluffy.
02:11 And I'm probably gonna go back in there and fix it later,
02:15 but for now I'm happy with it.
02:17 So now I'm gonna grab all of the hair.
02:20 So some hair from the left, bring it to the right,
02:23 combine it with the hair from the right.
02:25 And I'm gonna be really careful
02:26 'cause Zannie's wearing L'Occitane hair extensions.
02:28 So I wanna make sure that I'm not showing any of the wefts.
02:31 So as I grab the hair, I'm just considering
02:34 that I don't wanna expose any of the wefts.
02:37 All right, so I'm gonna combine
02:39 these two sections together, like so.
02:42 Maybe just add a bit more hair from the left.
02:45 It can be quite thick.
02:47 Okay, so I'm happy with that.
02:48 Zannie, elastic.
02:50 Thank you.
02:51 It's a good teamwork.
02:54 Then I'm gonna bring these two together,
02:57 put it in a hair elastic.
02:59 And then I'm gonna do the same thing here.
03:03 So I don't wanna do it where the opening already is.
03:06 I'm just gonna actually create a new opening,
03:09 probably right here.
03:12 So create a new opening
03:14 and then pull that through the opening.
03:18 So just taking the ponytail, pulling it through the opening,
03:22 then tightening this ponytail
03:24 just by pushing the hair from the bottom.
03:27 And then I'm gonna go back in to this beautiful hairstyle
03:31 and pull on the section to make it more effortless and loose.
03:34 Just like that.
03:37 All right, looks beautiful.
03:40 Again, I'll probably fix everything in the end,
03:42 but for now I won't overdo any of this.
03:44 All right, so as you can see,
03:45 I started one on the left, one on the right,
03:47 then I'm gonna do the left again.
03:49 And I will start with bringing hair from the right
03:52 to the left, just like that,
03:55 combining with the left section,
03:57 all into a nice ponytail, just like I did before.
04:02 Thank you, Zanita.
04:05 - You're welcome.
04:06 - And a lot of you actually ask if Zane is Latvian.
04:08 For the Latvians of you watching, yes, Zane is Latvian.
04:12 Zane, can you say something in Latvian?
04:14 (Zane speaks in Latvian)
04:15 (both laugh)
04:16 What was that?
04:18 (both laugh)
04:20 Can you translate for the English speakers like myself?
04:23 - Hi, nice to meet you.
04:24 All the Latvian people out there.
04:26 - Cool.
04:28 That's awesome.
04:28 It sounded very complicated.
04:30 I'm not gonna attempt to repeat that.
04:33 - Can you try?
04:33 (Zane speaks in Latvian)
04:36 (both laugh)
04:39 - Okay, I gotta practice first.
04:41 You gotta get me prepared for this.
04:43 All right, so I'm gonna do the same thing here.
04:46 Bring the hair through the opening,
04:49 then push it up just like that.
04:52 Lovely.
04:53 And then I'm gonna go into this and pull on the strands.
04:58 The best part is that it can be messy, it can be different.
05:03 You just create kind of what you wanna see.
05:05 You can do less or more, totally up to you.
05:08 All right, so we're gonna create just a few more
05:12 following the same pattern.
05:14 So I'm gonna bring hair from the left to the right,
05:16 combine this together,
05:18 and then secure it in a ponytail again.
05:21 Thank you.
05:22 How do you say thank you in Latvian?
05:24 (Zane speaks in Latvian)
05:27 - Oh, that was very good.
05:30 - That's easy.
05:30 See, guys, we're learning something new.
05:34 - Ciao.
05:35 You'll like that one.
05:36 That's quite international.
05:37 - Do you guys use ciao as a hi or as a bye?
05:40 - Yeah, and like--
05:41 - Hi or bye, so just like Italian or--
05:43 - Yeah.
05:44 - Sweet. - Ciao.
05:45 - Okay, so we've got one more.
05:47 Push this up, not too high,
05:50 and then pull it out.
05:53 And especially if you have highlights in your hair
05:56 like Zane does, or if you wear extensions with highlights,
06:00 then it's gonna give it a really beautiful effect
06:02 like you can see now.
06:03 I'm just gonna do probably two more,
06:06 and again, I'll probably go in after and fix everything up.
06:10 So I'll just do one more here.
06:12 So bringing it from right to left.
06:15 Zane.
06:18 - Uh-huh.
06:19 - Okay.
06:20 - Paldis.
06:22 (laughs)
06:23 - Paldis, oh, you remembered.
06:25 What does it sound like when you hear the sound?
06:29 - To me, it sounds like Russian.
06:30 - Really?
06:31 - It sounds like a Russian word,
06:32 but it doesn't mean anything, obviously,
06:34 'cause we don't have that word in Russian.
06:36 Paldis.
06:37 - Paldis.
06:39 - Okay, so gonna do the same thing now
06:41 that I've secured it, pull it out,
06:43 and then I'm just gonna do one more
06:45 at the very bottom here.
06:47 And the last one, just gonna bring it all together,
06:56 put it into a lovely hair elastic,
06:59 split the hair above the hair elastic,
07:02 create an opening, pull the ponytail through the opening,
07:07 push this up like so, and then just open all of this up.
07:12 Lovely.
07:16 All right, so I'm pretty much finished with this hairstyle.
07:18 I'm just gonna go back and restyle it just a little bit,
07:21 and then I'm gonna add some flowers.
07:24 All right, so I'll just go in,
07:25 and I usually just go in and kinda refix,
07:29 just make it a bit more bigger.
07:32 I don't wanna use the word effortless again,
07:33 but you want it to look like it was just meant
07:36 to be that way, that it's not overdone.
07:39 So you can't really see the elastics,
07:41 you can't really see what's going on here.
07:43 It's just these really beautiful poofs.
07:46 Like that.
07:48 Again, just don't need it for the bottom ones
07:52 'cause they're already quite poofy.
07:53 And voila.
08:05 Now, this is an optional step.
08:07 I have some pretty cornations here.
08:09 Zane, can I ask you to hold this?
08:12 Thank you, you're so good.
08:13 So I'll be just adding these.
08:15 So what I did is I just cut them,
08:16 and I left a bit of the stem,
08:18 which I need to kind of tuck it into the hair.
08:21 And because I have six different sections here,
08:23 I'm just gonna literally take the flower,
08:26 kind of insert it in the hair,
08:29 and then fluff the petals of the flower.
08:32 So as I insert it, I fluff it up.
08:35 And voila.
08:36 And that's it.
08:39 And then I'm gonna do one more.
08:41 Maybe fluff the petals before you put it in.
08:43 There we go.
08:45 Thank you.
08:47 One more here.
08:51 One over here.
08:55 And the very last one in the last section.
09:00 So beautiful.
09:03 Now, this is the kind of thing you can do
09:04 if you're going to a school dance,
09:06 if you're going to a prom,
09:07 if you're going to some kind of a fancy event,
09:10 where you wanna feel all glammed up.
09:11 Otherwise, of course, without the flowers,
09:13 I think it's beautiful enough as well.
09:15 So that's it.
09:16 (upbeat music)
09:19 And that is all for today.
09:30 Thank you guys so much for tuning in, Zane.
09:32 Did you have fun?
09:33 - I loved it.
09:35 I'm gonna do this more often.
09:36 - Yes, and now you need to go somewhere fancy.
09:38 - Yeah.
09:39 - You can't waste this hair, so.
09:40 - I'll take a day off.
09:41 (laughing)
09:43 - I don't know.
09:44 (laughing)
09:45 All right, guys, thank you so much for tuning in.
09:47 When you recreate this beautiful bow braid,
09:49 make sure to hashtag us on @luxyhair
09:51 because then we will feature you on Luxy Hair Instagram.
09:54 So you just need to #luxyhair
09:56 as well as #luxybowbraid, okay?
09:59 Thank you again for tuning in.
10:00 - Thank you.
10:01 - We love you, bye.
10:02 - Bye.
10:03 (upbeat music)
10:05 - The bow braid.
10:06 Okay, Zane, are you ready?
10:10 - I'm ready.
10:11 - Say, "I'm ready."
10:12 - I'm ready.
10:14 - Arriba.
10:15 - Cosico says, "Arriba."
10:16 - Arriba.
10:17 (imitating car engine)
10:18 - I can't do it.
10:18 (laughing)
10:19 (humming)
10:21 (upbeat music)
10:29 (upbeat music)
10:32 (upbeat music)
10:34 (upbeat music)
10:37 (upbeat music)
