Развитие салона красоты и акции.Иван Новинский.

  • last year
00:00 *I'm not sure what I'm saying here*
00:08 What is an "Aktsiya"?
00:11 "Aktsiya" is a way to attract clients to your service.
00:16 Yes, I won't be the captain of obviousness now.
00:18 We look at "Aktsiya" a little differently than you probably see.
00:24 "Aktsiya" is a benefit...
00:26 *I'm not sure what I'm saying here*
00:31 ...that works for a certain amount of time,
00:36 limited in any case in time.
00:38 If you don't limit "Aktsiya" in time,
00:40 most likely no one will use it.
00:42 If, for example, today you had the opportunity to fly to any country in the world for free,
00:49 that is, you know that if you come to the airport,
00:51 you can get on a plane and fly to any country in the world for free,
00:56 then you most likely wouldn't fly right today.
00:58 You would think, "Well, okay, I can do it every day,
01:01 why wouldn't I do it tomorrow or in a week or in a month when I run out of some important things?"
01:07 If you had the opportunity to fly for a week or a month,
01:12 then you would definitely pack your things and fly.
01:15 "Aktsiya" is an opportunity to buy your services,
01:20 in a limited amount of time,
01:23 for a unique price.
01:26 Even the price here, by the way, is not always decisive.
01:32 When you form "Aktsiya", you can focus on different criteria,
01:40 namely, sometimes it's the price.
01:43 Is the price important for people?
01:46 Yes, it is.
01:47 Everyone wants to be free, everyone wants to buy cheaper,
01:51 everyone likes discounts, everyone likes...
01:54 If there is an opportunity to pay less, then people will pay less.
01:59 But the price is not the decisive factor.
02:02 The second type of "Aktsiya" that can be focused on
02:05 is when you say that you will give a person some bonus to the main service.
02:10 For example, you make a service for gel polish,
02:16 you do nails.
02:18 And the bonus can be when you do a hand massage,
02:21 when you pay more attention to the person.
02:25 The bonus can be some kind of care service.
02:29 If you designate a person, work with eyebrows,
02:33 then you can make a video promotion "Painting for free",
02:36 come to us for correction, paint for free.
02:39 Or vice versa, come to us for correction for free,
02:44 come to us for correction for free,
02:47 for painting for free,
02:49 and we will make you a curl of eyelashes or eyelash coloring.
02:53 Some additional service can be "Go for free" - a bonus service.
02:58 Sometimes the formation of "Aktsiya" is not only an additional service.
03:08 Sometimes it can be a so-called combination of several professions.
03:16 When you say, "We will have a photographer, we will shoot together."
03:20 Sometimes it can be attracting people to "Aktsiya"
03:25 (and here I got a little confused, really)
03:28 price.
03:31 For example, it can be a visit to the client at home.
03:36 That is, you make a special service for clients.
03:39 Or, for example, that you can be registered at any time.
03:43 There are people who are so-called "Day-to-day" actions.
03:46 When the master works, but this is not related to one master,
03:50 it works in the form of a salon.
03:52 When people agree, they also work in the night shift.
03:55 Sometimes it's called "Night Saturday" or "Night Friday".
03:58 Sometimes it can be said, "Bring a friend, get it."
04:02 "Bring a friend."
04:06 Sometimes the terms of the "Aktsiya" can be associated with some
04:11 not related goods or services from your profession.
04:14 For example, you can agree with a cosmetics store that
04:18 "Come to me for a service and get a discount card in some store."
04:22 You do not suffer from this price, but you give more benefit.
04:26 "Aktsiya" is a great benefit for less money.
04:30 It looks like this.
04:32 When a person has the opportunity to get more than the amount of money he pays,
04:39 when he understands that he gets this amount of benefit for this amount of money,
04:44 then he will be happy to use these services,
04:47 and the service will be paid in a crazy way.
04:51 Sometimes there are "sly" "Aktsiya".
04:54 "Sly" "Aktsiya" is when you advertise one service, but sell another.
05:00 "Supporting service."
05:05 I'll tell you two stories how we did it.
05:15 Once we wanted to promote eyelash extensions.
05:19 We asked, "How to attract as many people as possible to your eyelash?"
05:24 We did a promotion, we focused on the price,
05:29 but we also focused on the service of eyelash extensions.
05:34 The price was really ridiculous.
05:37 Our phone was just bursting.
05:40 A lot of people wrote messages on VK, called and asked,
05:43 "How is it? Why is it so cheap? Where did you get such a ball?"
05:46 We said that it was a ball, because eyelash extensions are bundles.
05:51 But you want normal eyelash extensions, so sign up for a normal price and normal service.
05:56 When the task of the promotion was to attract attention.
06:01 Yes, there were people who said, "No, no, no, I want to try what a bundle is, make me a bundle."
06:07 But a lot of people who bought other services.
06:10 We advertised bundles, but sold classic eyelash extensions, sold 3D eyelash extensions.
06:15 The second case happened in the city of Perm two years ago.
06:20 I participated on the exhibition on November 1.
06:23 The exhibition was about cosmetics, there were a lot of people.
06:26 The organizers brought me to the first training.
06:31 They said, "Vanya, help us, we are performing for the first time at the exhibition.
06:34 We have little experience. How can we at least pay for the exhibition?"
06:39 The exhibition costs money, the stand costs money, you need to buy additional materials.
06:44 And they had to go at least to zero.
06:46 I asked the question, "Why zero? Let's make money on this."
06:49 The girls were selling cosmetics.
06:52 In this cosmetic brand, I asked, "What is the best-selling product?"
06:56 They answered me, "There is such a huge suitcase with cosmetics."
07:00 I said, "Great." I say, "How many of these suitcases are available today?"
07:04 They say, "Zero."
07:06 These suitcases are over, because they are sold out too quickly and they are expensive.
07:10 The cost of the suitcase was.
07:12 If my memory serves me, about 18,000 rubles at that time.
07:17 I said, "Great. Let's make a bid for this suitcase and sell it for 12,500 rubles."
07:25 They said, "But we can't sell it for 12,500 rubles, because it's too cheap.
07:30 It's not profitable for us, we will go down."
07:32 "And we can't sell this suitcase, because it's not available."
07:35 I say, "Excellent, this is a great opportunity."
07:38 They say, "What do you mean?"
07:39 I say, "We printed flyers on which it is written, 'Come to such a stand and buy a suitcase for 12,500 rubles.'"
07:49 They said, "Excellent, let's do it."
07:51 I say, "And when people come to the stand, you will say, 'Guys, it's over.'"
07:56 "And you honestly, you're not lying, there's no deception here."
07:59 "Yes, this suitcase could be bought for 12,500 rubles if it was available."
08:03 "But since it's not available, here's another cosmetic, please buy it."
08:07 With this approach, the girls not only paid for their participation in the exhibition, they also earned well.
08:13 They also sold a lot of courses as a bonus, because the goal was not only the sale of cosmetics, but also courses at the exhibition.
08:19 Sometimes the promotion can be visually attractive to a person, but internally you can sell a completely different service.
08:28 It even depends on your creativity.
08:30 The main thing is that the promotion is honest.
08:32 We are for lying, as if not quite beautiful and not correct.
08:36 There are many different promotions.
08:40 Someone does a promotion, for example, I remember in our salon there was a case when we counted the analytics of our clients.
08:47 And we noticed that if a person comes to grow his nails, then he does not return to the correction.
08:53 And if there is a smaller percentage of people who come to the salon, have done the growth and correction,
09:00 if a person has visited us twice, he becomes our regular client and goes regularly.
09:05 I said, "Great, let's do the growth and correction at the same price, but he pays right away."
09:11 Promotion for the client is very beneficial, he understands that he pays immediately for the growth and correction.
09:18 It is beneficial for us because we understand that if a client came to us twice, he will come again.
09:23 And we will pay for the third service.
09:26 So it happened.
09:29 Our masters in the salon were busy, the clients were happy and people began to come to us more often.
09:35 And if a person just came to the growth and correction, we did not lose anything.
09:40 Then there was a choice of a person, to come or not to come, because the visit to the correction was free.
09:46 The goal of any promotion is to make a primary sale.
09:53 Why do you need a primary sale? In order for you to get to know the person better, to communicate with him,
09:59 to show how you work, where you work, to tell about your other services,
10:04 to attract attention, to demonstrate your skill, to take a picture of the person's portfolio,
10:10 to take a joint photo on Instagram, to put it on VKontakte.
10:15 This is necessary in order to make yourself the so-called first base of clients.
10:20 Once marketers calculated that it is 60% easier to sell to an existing client.
10:30 For example, if you just publicly say that guys, buy my services, we have some kind of promotion.
10:38 Publicly, it will be 60% harder.
10:42 If you just call an existing client and say, guys, we are now having a promotion, come 6 times.
10:50 The promotion is needed in order to make the so-called critical mass of clients.
10:56 When you have a critical mass of clients, it lasts for a moment, but it will always decrease.
11:02 There are no masters who come to the client once and live with him all their lives.
11:06 There is a so-called lifetime value, the time of the client's life next to you.
11:12 When you look at your work from the point of view of how much time a person will live next to you,
11:18 how much he will pay during his life with you.
11:23 This is normal.
11:25 For example, what is a lifetime value?
11:28 There was a brilliant example from Nestle.
11:33 Once Nestle came out with a product like coffee to the Chinese market.
11:39 What did they come across?
11:41 They went out, invested a lot of money in advertising, said, guys, buy our coffee.
11:45 What the Chinese said, guys, coffee is of course fire, but we are used to drinking tea, we have a tradition, we have tea ceremonies, we don't need your coffee.
11:55 And what should they do? They have already entered the market, they have spent money.
11:59 How to sell them coffee?
12:01 And then they started counting the lifetime value.
12:04 And they did the following.
12:05 From this product, Nesquik, cocoa, appeared.
12:08 Cocoa appeared only so that children from childhood were fed milk with coffee elements.
12:16 And when these people grow up, to buy coffee, they could afford to feed people, to raise a whole generation.
12:25 Huge companies did it, they constantly do it, such as McDonald's.
12:29 If you remember earlier, McDonald's was all red in style, there was a symbol of McDonald's, it was a clown.
12:38 It was for children, entertainment.
12:41 Now McDonald's has grown up with the public, and now McDonald's is often brown, and it is made more for students.
12:50 They understand that their market has grown, and they did rebranding, they changed for people.
12:55 You are certainly not a McDonald's, I am not a McDonald's, and I am very far away for Nestle.
13:00 But count the lifetime value, the time of the client's life.
13:03 How many times does one person visit your service?
13:07 If you understand that on average a person lives near you for 8 months.
13:13 Conditionally.
13:14 Imagine that a person lives near you for 8 months.
13:20 Then you need to calculate the period of the client's arrival.
13:24 The period of the client's arrival, depending on your services, is different.
13:28 If you are engaged in eyebrows, then the period of your client's arrival to you is 3 weeks and a month.
13:33 If you are engaged in nails, then this is also 3 weeks and a month.
13:37 If you are engaged in eyelashes, then 3 weeks and a month.
13:40 If you are engaged in coloring, then 1.5-2 months.
13:43 If you are engaged in haircuts, then, if men's haircuts can reach 1.5 weeks, the minimum threshold.
13:51 The maximum threshold is a month. If women's haircuts are 1.5-2 months.
13:55 Depending on what you do.
13:57 If you are a hairdresser, then the lifetime value, the time of the client's life, is very small.
14:02 You can serve a person 2 times a year.
14:05 Well, 3.
14:07 On March 8, on New Year's Eve and on Birthday.
14:10 But you have to lead a person to this.
14:12 You have to understand that if you have made a promotion in order to attract a client,
14:16 then your task is to accompany him and make sure that he comes more often and more regularly, takes care of him.
14:23 The purpose of the promotion is to make a client base and then live with it, serve it, monetize it.
14:30 And after a while, your base will still become smaller and smaller.
14:35 You will raise prices, you will increase the qualification.
14:38 Your clients will not always grow because of you.
14:41 Your clients will fall off.
14:43 Therefore, the promotion must always be carried out.
14:46 You must always have something in the form of some discounts.
14:49 Sometimes these discounts occur within a month.
14:52 And you say that, guys, the service is a month.
14:54 That within a month you can use this service for a specific price.
14:58 Sometimes it may not be a month, but there are people who do it.
15:04 They say, the service is a week.
15:06 And every week they change the service for a promotion.
15:09 If you are a salon, then you can afford a so-called one-day promotion.
15:14 For example, every Thursday you have a haircut with a discount.
15:17 Every Friday you have a manicure with a discount.
15:20 Every Saturday you have makeup at a special price.
15:23 Maybe a haircut on Sunday.
15:26 So when you insert different services every day,
15:28 in order for a person to come to you at any time, he remains satisfied.
15:33 Promotion is a way to attract new clients.
15:47 Because if you don't do a promotion,
15:50 and you say, guys, I don't do promotions,
15:52 my position is that there will be no freebie.
15:55 I only work with this minimum level with which I work.
15:58 Then always remember that there is a colleague nearby, who lives behind the wall in a neighboring house.
16:04 He also does the same services as you, he has this promotion.
16:07 And when a client has a choice to buy something with a discount or buy a thing without a discount,
16:13 then most likely he chooses a discount, because it is cheaper.
16:18 He understands this is his benefit.
16:20 Your promotions can also be formed on the service.
16:31 With your attitude to your clients, with your care, you can win in the form of other people.
16:36 How does a person make decisions?
16:38 He looks at what is there.
16:40 Every person has scales in his head.
16:42 They are constantly playing.
16:44 He looks at something and says, oh, cool.
16:47 And comparing with someone else, with another master, with another salon, with other services.
16:52 And where he saw more personal benefits for himself,
16:55 there he made the decision to come.
16:57 There he will go constantly.
16:59 And you will probably say that, well, you can attract only one freebie.
17:05 In every person lives a freebie.
17:10 Your task is to work with a person so that he wants to come back to you again and again.
17:17 And it does not affect, it does not depend on whether you are holding a promotion or not.
17:23 It depends on your sales department, on your service.
17:27 The promotion is not connected with whether a person will return to you again or not.
17:33 The purpose of the promotion is to attract a client so that he pays you the first money.
17:37 Further, there are other tools that allow you to bring a person to you again and again.
17:44 Serve him, improve him and lengthen the lifetime value of the client next to you.
17:51 See you in the next video lesson.
