Makeup 101 Beauty Blender

  • last year
00:00 Coffee break with me!
00:07 Woo!
00:08 Good morning St. Louis.
00:09 So today I have a special video for you guys.
00:15 It is all about the famous beauty blender.
00:20 Several of you asked me in my videos, "What sponge are you using?
00:26 What's the craze about that?
00:27 Why do you use it so much?
00:28 Why is it so amazing?"
00:30 You guys, this sponge is completely worth the $25 it costs.
00:36 But it's amazing.
00:39 It lasts forever and it's incredible.
00:41 So let me tell you a little bit about it.
00:43 The Beauty Blender is a cosmetic sponge and there are many sponges out there that claim to be a dupe for it.
00:49 That do the same exact thing.
00:50 I don't know what it is about this sponge, but this sponge is magic.
00:54 It starts off like a little sponge like this.
00:59 And when you use it to apply your makeup, you soak it in water and then wring out all the water and it turns into a sponge like this.
01:07 Do you see the difference?
01:08 The sponge is incredible.
01:09 It gives you a really soft, flawless look and it also pushes the makeup into your face so it doesn't look like a mask.
01:15 And I definitely prefer using this over a foundation brush.
01:21 Now, using our beauty brains, our common sense here, a sponge is designed to soak up liquid.
01:29 This is a cosmetic sponge so it is formulated in a way where it won't soak up as much of your foundation, but it will still soak it up.
01:37 So what you do is you wet your Beauty Blender, you completely saturate it, completely wet until it's this big, and then squeeze out all the water.
01:47 And what I do is after I squeeze out all the water, I wrap it in a paper towel and then give it one more squish.
01:54 And then I'm ready to apply my makeup.
01:56 The sponge will still absorb liquid.
01:59 So what do you do?
02:01 You have to know how to use it properly.
02:04 Can you use any type of foundation with this?
02:07 No.
02:08 So there are several things that you want to take into consideration when you're going to use a Beauty Blender to apply your makeup.
02:14 The first thing is, if the foundation is like this, do you hear it?
02:20 Really liquidy.
02:21 It's all going to go into your sponge and none of it's going to go into your face.
02:25 If it's like this, like a stick, it's not going to do anything except push in the streaks, and you don't want that.
02:34 So you want to use a foundation that is a liquid foundation, but it still has some sort of viscosity to it.
02:43 Tater Tot wanted to come out in the video and he didn't take no for an answer.
02:46 So what I was saying is you want to pay attention to the viscosity of your foundation.
02:53 And viscosity means the thickness or thinness of the liquid.
02:58 Is it really thick, like a gel or like a pudding?
03:01 Is it really thin or liquid like water?
03:04 What type of foundation are you using?
03:06 And is it proper or okay or adequate to use with your Beauty Blender sponge?
03:12 So my favorite foundations to use when I use my Beauty Blender are my Urban Decay Naked Skin,
03:21 my Makeup Forever HD foundation, and my Outlast Stay Fabulous 3-in-1 Covergirl foundation.
03:33 These three foundations are liquid foundations, but they're the kind of liquid foundation where if you pump it onto your hand, it's not going to drip down your arm.
03:43 I wouldn't recommend using a foundation like a whipped foundation because unless you blend it out with your fingers first and then use the sponge,
03:54 you're kind of adding an extra step and it'll just be kind of clumpy and it'll be too thick in some areas.
04:00 So again, the type of foundation you want to use is a foundation that you can pump onto your hand and it won't drip down.
04:06 It'll still move because it's still liquid, but it's not just going to run down your arm.
04:10 So just so you can get a general idea of what I'm talking about,
04:14 So it's still dripping, but it's a liquid foundation. It's not running down my arm like water.
04:25 The Covergirl one is a little bit thicker, if you can tell.
04:32 So that's the type of foundation that is perfect to use when you're using your Beauty Blender sponge.
04:39 So remember, wet it and then use a foundation that's the proper viscosity if you want to achieve the best results with your Beauty Blender.
04:48 I'm going to bring you guys in closer now and I'm going to show you exactly how to use the Beauty Blender sponge.
04:55 Okay, so you're a little bit closer now and you can tell.
04:58 I'm just going to go ahead and use the foundation that I already pumped out into my hand just so I don't waste it.
05:04 And what I'm going to do, since I used two, I'm just going to mix them together.
05:10 We don't waste nothing here, girl.
05:13 So you see what I'm talking about? It's still liquid, but it doesn't run down my arm.
05:19 If I used this one, Lord Jesus, it would just all go into the sponge and it would be just ruined.
05:26 So what you do is you start off by, and this isn't a foundation video, so I'm not going to teach you how to put on your foundation,
05:32 but I am going to teach you how to use the Beauty Blender.
05:36 You kind of pat on the foundation all over your face like so.
05:49 I always like to put on a little bit first and then use it, and then if I need more, then put more after.
05:56 Because then once it's on your face, it's kind of like adding salt to food. Once it's in there, you can't take it out.
06:03 So you kind of pat it all over your face, and you've seen this, I think, in several of my videos.
06:07 And then you take the fat part of the sponge, the bottom part, you see how it's like a teardrop?
06:12 You take the round part and then just push into your face, almost like you're trying to absorb the product,
06:20 and then push and pull out, push and pull out. And what you're doing is you're evenly blending out the product.
06:26 I know I'm being really hard on my face, but I just really want to show you the movement that I'm doing.
06:30 So you're pushing in, pulling out, pushing in, putting out.
06:33 And you just do the same movement, but really fast, over and over and over and over again, until you've covered your face.
06:39 The cool thing about the sponge, too, is that it has a tapered end, so you can get under your eyes.
06:44 I always put foundation on my ears. Some people forget about that.
06:48 Because if your foundation is not the exact same color as your face, then, I mean,
06:54 it'll literally look like you're wearing a mask because your neck and your ears don't match.
06:59 So, again, movement. Up and down, up and down, up and down. Push, push, push, push, push, push.
07:05 Your eyes, under your eyes, in between your nose, down your neck.
07:14 [music]
07:22 If you notice that your foundation is drying a lot faster than you're able to spread it out,
07:28 what you want to do is, with the same beauty blender, is you push it to your face and then do a quick swipe motion.
07:36 So, if your foundation is starting to set, that means it's drying, you put the beauty blender on your face and then swipe.
07:43 So, like right now, my foundation is drying really fast, so what I do is I do this.
07:48 Do you hear that? I'm swiping it across my face.
07:52 So what I'm doing is I'm softening the lines of where the foundation is drying,
07:57 just so that it's a smooth application and it doesn't look streaky.
08:00 And you do it really fast because, obviously, your foundation is drying and you don't want it to be streaky on your face.
08:06 And that's it for foundation. So, if you're using the beauty blender for foundation, that is the way you do it.
08:11 Another useful thing you can do with the beauty blender is to apply your concealer.
08:18 Because I have really dark under-eye circles, I don't like to use such heavy, creamy concealers
08:28 because they crease really bad.
08:31 My favorite concealer besides the Lancome Holy Grail one that's in my top 5 concealer video,
08:37 for the summer, I'm really liking the MAC Pro Longwear concealer. This was also in my top 5.
08:43 And what you do is you take your concealer on your ring finger, and this is also liquid,
08:49 so if you see the viscosity, the viscosity of the concealer is liquid but thick enough so that it doesn't drip.
08:56 You pat it with your ring finger on your under-eye like this.
09:00 And then you use your beauty blender to set it.
09:07 Or to blend it out, I guess.
09:11 Here's a tip. When you're using a concealer, you always drag it out to your temple.
09:19 Always drag it out to your temple.
09:22 And you bring a lot of extra light into your eyes, into your face.
09:26 And you also bring it down where your nose and your cheekbone meet.
09:32 So pat your concealer, drag it out to your temple, and then down in between your cheek and your nose.
09:39 And then you take your beauty blender, and you take the pointy side, the teardrop side,
09:45 and you pat it in.
09:47 This is your under-eye area, so you're not going to do that swipe motion. You're going to just pat it in.
09:52 And what happens is it makes it look smooth and flawless.
09:57 Like that.
10:04 [music]
10:06 And there you go.
10:21 So those are two ways how you can use your beauty blender.
10:24 There are other ways you can use it. There are other things you can use it for.
10:27 But the main purpose of this is to apply concealer or foundation.
10:31 This is to set the base on your face.
10:34 So, pointy side for under your eye or maybe in between your nose, under your chin,
10:40 and then the round side for all over your face.
10:43 I'm going to go ahead and finish my makeup, and then I'll show you guys how to properly wash your beauty blender.
10:48 Okay, guys. So after you're done using your beauty blender, it's very important that you maintain proper hygiene.
10:54 And what that means is every time you use it, you need to wash it.
10:58 And you need to wash it with the same soap you use to wash your face or with the same soap that you use to wash your brushes.
11:04 You can use an antibacterial soap, but that can be a little bit harsh.
11:08 The soap of choice or the cleanser of choice that I use is the Purity Made Simple by Philosophy.
11:15 This is the same cleanser I use for my face to wash off all my makeup, including my eye makeup.
11:20 It is incredibly gentle. It has very lightly scented.
11:24 It's all-natural, organic, preservative-free, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
11:28 It's amazing.
11:29 So basically, all you do is you take your beauty blender, and I like to wash it in hot water.
11:34 I like to wash it in hot water because hot water, as hot as you can take it, kills bacteria.
11:40 So what I do is I run a little bit of water in it.
11:44 I take my cleanser, and I put about a quarter size on top like that.
11:52 And then I wash it, and you can see the liquid that comes out is the color of your makeup.
12:01 And you definitely don't want that sinking in to the deepest part of your sponge and causing breakouts.
12:11 So you're going to keep scrubbing it and wringing it out until the water is clear.
12:17 [music]
12:29 Okay, and once you wring it out for the last time and the water is clear and there's no more soap, you know you've cleaned it really well.
12:37 Now, some makeups do stain.
12:39 So if you notice, the tapered side is where I use my concealer.
12:43 Some heavy-duty concealers stain the sponge.
12:45 As long as you squeeze out the sponge and the water is clear, you know it's clean.
12:49 The pink sponge tends to fade.
12:52 So this is from washing it so much it's starting to turn white.
12:55 And you want to squeeze it out, get all the water out, and then just let it dry.
13:00 You don't want to cover it or put it in a container or anything.
13:03 Just let it sit out and air dry, and then you're ready to use it.
13:06 And that's how you wash your Beauty Blender sponge.
13:08 So, again, in case you forgot, the name of the cleanser that I use is by Philosophy, and it's called Purity.
13:15 I swear to you--I swear to you guys--I had a moment.
13:20 I swear to you guys, this stuff is incredible.
13:23 It's so gentle.
13:24 It doesn't, like, get really bubbly like harsh soap, but it takes off everything.
13:30 I make up everything, and so I use the same on my Beauty Blender.
13:33 And so it cleans it really, really well.
13:35 If you don't use this, you could also use baby shampoo or an antibacterial soap.
13:41 You could. I don't recommend it, but you could.
13:43 So make sure that you maintain proper hygiene with your Beauty Blender.
13:46 And this guy could seriously be your best friend.
13:49 It's incredible.
13:50 And I think that's it.
13:53 So I really hope you found this video beneficial.
13:55 If you did, please give me a thumbs up and subscribe if you haven't already.
13:59 And until next time, guys, Miss Connie Brink is over, and I'll see you next time.
14:04 Bye.
14:05 [music]
