This is Why Leopard Honored as Most Skillful and Best Hunter ATP Earth

  • last year


00:00 Leopards, when running, can reach an average speed of up to 58 km/h and have spectacular
00:20 acceleration.
00:21 Besides, it also has the instincts of big cats with sharp eyes, dexterity and intelligence.
00:31 Does the animal always succeed in every hunt?
00:35 Let's learn how leopards hunt and admire the leopard's skills in this video.
00:43 Leopard - How does a talented hunter hunt?
00:49 Leopards are big cats with the most skillful hunting techniques, including excellent camouflage
00:56 abilities.
00:57 Once the object has been identified, the leopard will carefully calculate each step so that
01:03 the prey does not detect them.
01:09 It is almost invisible in the bush, and when it gets close enough, it will strike decisively
01:15 and accurately, knocking down its prey as quickly as possible.
01:20 The leopard quickly identified nearby prey.
01:24 It gently closes the distance from its prey and then delivers a decisive blow.
01:29 It can be seen that with just one bite, persistently held long enough to destroy the warthog's
01:35 airway, the leopard finally got a hearty meal.
01:38 Leopard - How do leopards camouflage?
01:49 It is no coincidence that leopards are known as masters of camouflage.
02:00 Despite having a very distinctive coat colour with many black spots on its back, leopards
02:07 still have excellent camouflage techniques.
02:10 It can often lean on clumps of grass, bushes, or moves hunched over the ground.
02:24 Thanks to that, it can get close to its prey without being detected, which is convenient
02:29 for a complete attack.
02:36 Since the leopard is a solitary species, all of its activities are solitary.
02:43 That makes it a lot of attention, especially hyenas.
02:49 When hunting prey, it needs to bring the prey to a safe place before eating, to avoid being
02:55 robbed by other natural enemies.
03:03 They often carry their prey to the tops of trees to store and eat.
03:08 With a large skull structure, strong jaws, leopards can pull prey many times heavier
03:13 than itself up a tree.
03:23 Like other big cats, leopards often eat ungulates.
03:26 However, in some cases of food scarcity, they also eat other species such as rabbits, hedgehogs,
03:33 foxes and the like.
03:38 Leopards are among the fastest on the savannah, but speed alone doesn't guarantee a kill of
03:43 the prey perfectly.
03:53 The leopard is unlucky in this hunt.
03:58 The rabbit was quickly spotted and escaped before the leopard could attack.
04:03 From the green grass, it seems that leopards have difficulty in hiding and camouflaging.
04:12 To become a professional killer, leopards around 3 months old have started to follow
04:16 their mother to hunt.
04:19 Under the guidance of the leopard mother, the cubs can begin to hunt small animals.
04:25 Meanwhile, leopard cubs still need to be provided with food by their mothers, because their
04:32 skills are not yet able to support themselves.
04:36 At the age of 1, they can earn a living for themselves, but remain with their mother for
04:41 18 to 24 months.
04:44 These cubs are about 3 months old, old enough to start their first hunting trips.
04:50 They found some mongoose dwarves.
04:53 They hunt the small dwarf mongoose before training with larger prey.
04:58 Leopard cubs know that he is under strict supervision by their mother and must complete
05:03 this exercise.
05:05 The next thing after catching the bait is to bring it to the tree to store it.
05:10 But it seems the club is still quite clumsy in this.
05:14 Apprentice leopard needs more training.
05:18 Having to go through hours of hard training, leopards became top hunters.
05:23 They gradually hunt for larger, even more dangerous prey, especially at night when the
05:29 prey is resting and their vision is limited.
05:32 It is also the time when leopards promote their ability to see in the dark.
05:36 It is also the time when it dominates the hunt the most.
05:44 In the stillness of the night, it needs to be very gentle to approach its prey, and only
05:49 accelerates when it has firmly grasped the victory.
05:54 On moonless nights, leopards come to the riverbanks to catch fish.
06:02 And their ability to hunt underwater is also extremely good.
06:07 The action is very quick and decisive.
06:12 Soon the leopard caught a big catfish with its sharp jaws and great finishing.
06:26 Undeniably leopards are talented hunters.
06:34 Strong jaws, the ability to see in the dark, flexibility, dexterity, agility and wisdom
06:39 have made leopards defeat all prey large and small.
06:45 On the vast steppe, leopards still daily strengthen their title with wild, immortal and illustrious
06:51 battles.
07:00 In nature, there are very special wild animals, thrilling battles for survival, vast and majestic
07:06 lawns.
07:07 They all say that nature is interesting, and learning about nature is extremely interesting
07:12 right?
07:16 Today's video comes to an end.
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07:33 And now goodbye and see you in the next video.
