10 Lazy Girl Hair Hacks That Will Change Your Life

  • last year
00:00 Hello there!
00:01 *crickets*
00:02 *sad music*
00:03 You're probably thinking, "Whoa, this isn't Mimi."
00:06 I know, it's Natalie.
00:07 I've taken over.
00:08 *evil laugh*
00:09 Just kidding, I'm Natalie from the YouTube channel Natalie's Outlet and the Lexi team
00:13 was nice enough to let me come on here to share with you guys some of my ultimate favorite
00:17 lazy girl hair hacks.
00:18 So let's be honest, I'm lazy, you're lazy sometimes, and we're all kinda lazy, especially
00:23 when it comes to doing your hair.
00:24 Give this video a thumbs up if you agree because it can be time consuming to do your hair.
00:28 So these will not only cut the time that you style your hair, but they'll also give you
00:31 ways to kind of just create shortcuts in your life to make it easier.
00:34 And on my channel you can see weird hair hacks to tame frizzy hair because we all kinda deal
00:39 with that as well.
00:40 Make sure you check it out down below in the description box and let's get on to this video.
00:44 The very first lazy girl hair hack, I'm actually using my Lexi hair extensions to make my hair
00:49 all long and pretty.
00:50 So if you're tired of curling your hair and burning it, basically, I'm gonna teach you
00:54 a way that is really easy.
00:56 So you just dampen up your hair, then take one of these little headband things, put it
01:00 around, act like a hippie, Pocahontas, you know.
01:02 Then you're just gonna twist your hair, and then you're just gonna pass it right through
01:06 the headband.
01:07 And it's as simple as that.
01:08 All I'm gonna do is twist little sections around and then put it into the headband,
01:12 and then grab another section, twist it, until basically it looks a little something like
01:16 this.
01:17 And this hack is basically for my lazy people.
01:18 Go to sleep, wake up in the morning, and wake up with beautifully beachy waves.
01:23 And I personally love this hack because it's kind of like a two-in-one.
01:26 You're styling your hair, and you're not burning your hair.
01:28 So you're not doing anything bad for it.
01:29 It's helping it grow, and it looks beautiful.
01:32 All right, I'll be the first to admit, I don't always wash my hair.
01:36 And my hair isn't always, you know, the freshest.
01:38 So a really easy hack to creating really fresh hair is basically taking your brush, your
01:43 favorite perfume, spritzing a little bit into it, and then just brushing your hair like
01:47 you normally would.
01:48 This just creates a really beautiful aroma on your hair that lasts all day long.
01:52 Now I am always so lazy when it comes to curling my hair, but a really easy hack is to just
01:57 take a ponytail, put your hair up into a ponytail, and then curl the ponytail.
02:03 This basically reduces the amount of time that it takes you to curl your hair, specifically
02:06 if you have a lot of hair.
02:08 It makes it look really pretty and just kind of effortless.
02:12 I'm one of those people that never grow out baby hairs, and I'm kind of lazy when it comes
02:16 to redoing my hairdo.
02:17 So something that you can do, which is kind of weird, is basically just take a toothbrush,
02:22 spray some of the hairspray onto the toothbrush, and just comb back your baby hairs.
02:26 It gives me the right amount of precision to really just get all those baby hairs, comb
02:30 them back without having to start all over and ruin my hairstyle.
02:34 Finding that spraying hairspray directly onto my hair makes it kind of hard.
02:37 So what I do is I just take the palm of my hand and I spritz a little bit onto it, and
02:41 then I apply the hairspray.
02:42 And I've found that my curls actually last longer, which is perfect for my lazy self.
02:46 So I don't know about you, but my bobby pins seem to always disappear.
02:50 I don't get it.
02:51 It takes me forever to find them, and you know, I don't want to because I'm lazy.
02:55 So I'm using this metal strip that basically attaches all the bobby pins to them, so that
02:59 you can just attach this under your desk or in your bathroom, and you'll always know where
03:03 your bobby pins are at.
03:04 Dry shampoo is always a solution for greasy hair.
03:06 However, there's always that really annoying white cast.
03:09 So something that you can do is basically put the dry shampoo the night before, sleep
03:13 on it.
03:14 It basically prevents the amount of time that you're going to be scruffing your hair and
03:16 getting that white cast out of your hair.
03:19 And since we're lazy, you can sleep in more.
03:21 My bobby pins seem to always slip on me in my hairstyle, so something that I've been
03:24 doing is actually adding a little bit of hairspray prior to applying the bobby pin, and this
03:28 just helps it stay intact and keep your hairstyle in all day.
03:33 If your hair happens to be wet, a two-in-one hair hack is basically to twirl your hair
03:37 like so.
03:38 Just use your blow dryer, and then when you take it down, you'll have these really beautiful
03:42 beachy waves, so your hair is dry and it's styled.
03:45 Another lazy styling hack is basically to split your hair into two and create a knot,
03:50 basically.
03:51 I know that sounds very strange, but just create knots in your hair.
03:53 Now this won't really damage your hair, it actually is very easy to come off, but it
03:57 creates this really cool effect.
03:58 So if you don't know how to do a fishtail braid or any kind of braid, one option with
04:02 this is to just leave it down like a faux braid, or if you're more of an updo kind of
04:06 girl, you can just twist it upward, and that's it.
04:09 You got yourself a really cute updo.
04:10 So that's it for this video, I really hope that you guys enjoyed.
04:13 Don't forget to check out my video on weird hair hacks to tame frizzy hair.
04:17 It will be linked down below in the description box.
04:19 And if you try any of these hacks out, I would love for you to share them with me and the
04:22 Luxie Hair team, so don't forget to tag us on Instagram with #luxiehair or Natalie's
04:27 Outlet to let us know some of the things that you tried.
04:30 Maybe you'll recreate some of the styles in this video, or maybe you're recreating some
04:33 of the hair hacks.
04:34 Thank you Luxie Hair for allowing me to come on here and say hello to all of these beautiful
04:39 people, my beautiful friends.
04:40 Hope you guys enjoyed, give this video a thumbs up if you did, and maybe I'll see you guys
04:44 another time.
04:45 Bye!
04:45 [Music]
