5 True Paranormal Stories

  • last year
00:00 On average, 1 in 10 people will experience some form of paranormal phenomena within their
00:08 lifetime.
00:09 Here are 5 such tales.
00:19 I lived for about 20 years in a house in suburban Melbourne.
00:24 It was built in the mid 1950s and had several families live there before us.
00:28 There was always a peculiar vibe about the place.
00:31 Initially we put it down to the previous occupants.
00:35 We had met them once when we had looked at the place while searching for a home to buy.
00:39 After that, we always privately called them the Addams family.
00:43 When they had moved out and before we moved in, we had to give the place a major clean.
00:47 The previous owners had left the house in a filthy state.
00:50 One bedroom in particular had streaks of blood across the walls.
00:54 As soon as we moved in, odd things would happen.
00:57 Small objects such as jewellery and keys would go missing, only to reappear sometime later
01:02 in strange places, for example between the sheets at the foot of a bed or between dinner
01:07 plates in a cupboard.
01:09 Occasionally, my wife and kids would glimpse a little blonde haired girl in different rooms
01:14 and my wife would regularly feel someone stroking her hair as she lay in bed at night.
01:20 These and other things that happened never made us uneasy.
01:23 We thought the presence was part of the house.
01:26 Although this story isn't really about the occurrences of the house, I think that somehow
01:31 the vibe of the place played a part in it.
01:34 Our youngest son had been given a voice changing megaphone as a Christmas present.
01:39 It had three or four voice settings and one of those was that of a child.
01:43 Initially, the toy worked as it said on the box, but one day as I played with the kids
01:48 an odd thing happened.
01:50 As I spoke into the megaphone, my words were altered.
01:54 Not just my voice, but the actual words themselves.
01:58 The sentence still made sense, but it plainly wasn't what I had said.
02:02 In addition, the "child" voice had taken on a weird impish quality, taunting and sneering
02:08 at the same time.
02:09 The first time it happened, I thought that maybe it was because I'd misheard the voice
02:13 from the megaphone, or maybe the batteries were going flat and altered the sound being
02:17 reproduced in some strange way.
02:20 I replaced the batteries and tried again.
02:22 The voice was stranger when I tried it again, but only when the "child" voice was selected.
02:28 Each time something was said, the words would be changed.
02:32 The child voice becoming creepier and more demonic.
02:36 I clearly recall my statement "I'm going to tickle you" being reproduced in the child
02:41 voice as "I'm going to suffocate you".
02:44 I took the batteries out of the thing and put it well out of reach of the kids.
02:49 Sometime later, my brother-in-law and I were swapping spooky stories, and I thought of
02:53 the weird toy.
02:54 He didn't believe what I told him, so I got down the megaphone from its hiding place and
02:59 had him try it out for himself.
03:02 The first few things he said were reproduced in the child voice just as he'd spoken them.
03:08 Then that impish demon voice came back, and twisted his words as it had done to mine.
03:13 But not only did the words change, but a horrible devilish giggle that made our skin crawl came
03:19 from the megaphone.
03:20 My brother-in-law looked at me with horror and dropped the thing as if it had sprung
03:24 to life and tried to bite him.
03:26 After that, I took the batteries out of it again and put it out of reach on top of a
03:30 high wardrobe.
03:32 I didn't think about it for years, and when we moved out, the megaphone wasn't one of
03:36 those "lost things" that always turns up.
03:39 I don't know what happened to it.
03:41 My wife and kids don't know where it went either.
03:43 I'd love to have it now, even in a new home.
03:47 I'd love to try it again and see if the creepy little voice was just another aspect of the
03:51 presence in the old house.
03:53 It still gives me the creeps when I think about it.
03:55 In particular, that horrible little giggle that came from the thing the last time anyone
04:00 touched it.
04:05 2.
04:09 In 1999, my stepdaughter, who I'll call Jane, was night supervisor in a large supermarket
04:16 in the Midlands, in her forties and very practical minded.
04:21 At night, the store did not have all its lights on, and Jane was standing in one of the aisles
04:25 at 3.20am when she saw clearly a figure wearing a football strip run across the opening about
04:32 15ft away from her.
04:34 She said it was bright and clear and made absolutely no sound, and reckons it took about
04:40 four seconds before the fixtures hid it from view.
04:44 Thinking it might be a hoax, she hurried to the coffee room, where all her crew were having
04:49 a break.
04:51 None was missing and none would have had time to change.
04:54 Twice before, she had seen a dark shadow which she described as the brief appearance of a
04:59 scarf-like shape, usually near the bakery section.
05:03 Someone else had also seen this.
05:06 Apparently, the store was built on the site of a football pitch, and in 1984, a spectator
05:12 ran out onto the pitch and was involved in a fatal accident.
05:17 We don't know any details, but it was said by staff to have been just about where the
05:21 apparition was seen.
05:23 When Jane described the dress, it transpired that it was the correct colours for that era.
05:28 Next morning, she approached the security staff to see if anything had shown up on the
05:32 video, but nothing had, even though a camera was angled above where the vision had been
05:37 seen.
05:38 There was also the matter of a trapdoor to the loft that was found to have been opened
05:43 at the time.
05:44 Store staff searched the space above and found no sign of an intruder.
05:49 In any case, anyone up there would have set off the burglar alarm.
06:01 Back in 1978, when I was four or five years old, I lived in County Clare, Ireland, renting
06:08 a house from a local farmer.
06:10 One night, my older brother and sister ushered me out into the hall while playing a game.
06:15 I clearly remember being scared, and saw coming from my right a tall, white, stick man, walking
06:23 extremely quickly as if in fast forward, very similar to the ones in the titles of the TV
06:29 program 'The Saint'.
06:32 Apparently he had a black goatee and flowing moustache, much like Ming the Merciless from
06:37 Flash Gordon.
06:38 Another time, shortly after this, we were playing football in the early evening outside
06:43 my great uncle Johnny's house when the ball went around the back.
06:47 As I went to fetch it, I saw the stick man again, walking around the gable end of the
06:51 house, again very quickly.
06:55 I screamed and my mum recalls running from the local well to the house and finding me
07:00 absolutely terrified, being comforted by my great uncle and brother.
07:05 You could argue that the first instant was brought on by my act of imagination of being
07:09 scared and in the dark, but then what would explain the second instant, happening in daylight
07:14 while having fun playing football?
07:17 Also, why did I see exactly the same man?
07:28 Back in the late 1960s, my parents bought the De Forest Motel in Susanville, California.
07:35 We lived in the home part of the motel, which had the lobby/office in front and our house
07:39 behind.
07:40 It had old room units on the right hand side and a line of new units on the left.
07:46 It was two blocks off the town's main street, that's why we seemed to get the customers
07:50 last after the main street places had filled up.
07:53 But the motel was haunted.
07:55 Some of the college guys who rented rooms with us reported strange experiences, like
07:59 the guy in unit 29 who saw a sort of spectre with a white glow or mist in the doorway.
08:05 My dad saw it too, in the doorway of the kitchen, as he sat minding the lobby alone.
08:11 Sitting in the chair, he felt chills and turned to look behind him.
08:15 It was hovering in the doorway.
08:16 He asked It to come and watch TV, if It wanted to.
08:22 It just went poof and vanished.
08:26 Other parts of the motel had a bad feeling.
08:29 My brother and I tried a bedroom set up in the attic, which you got to by a spooky staircase,
08:34 but that didn't last long.
08:37 One night I felt an entity watching us from the doorway and woke up very scared.
08:42 On other occasions I thought I glimpsed shadowy figures.
08:45 We told our parents about how bad it was in the attic, even in the daylight.
08:50 They moved our bedroom out of there.
08:52 It was above the lobby, and my feeling was that there was something from the past still
08:57 there, something very bad.
09:00 Maybe the original owner had done something awful years ago.
09:03 The basement was just as bad.
09:05 I always thought it was possibly something buried down there, under a kind of door or
09:09 hatch in the floor, over on the dark left hand side.
09:13 My parents set up a ping pong room down there for my brother and I, and we had a frightening
09:18 encounter while playing.
09:20 Something was in that dark corner, and something threw a piece of bark that nearly hit my brother
09:25 in the head.
09:27 None of this was good, and one time we even had a visit from a local minister.
09:32 My dad played him a tape recording of strange sounds he'd made one night.
09:36 The clergyman was so scared by it, he never came back.
09:40 After all the odd experiences, my family went bankrupt on the motel, and we moved out of
09:45 state.
09:46 One misfortune after another has been my family's lot since then, and it makes me wonder why.
09:58 I teach geology at University in Birmingham.
10:01 On the 9th of March 2011, I was wandering around a local quarry on a field trip with
10:06 a class of students, when one student drew my attention to a strange looking individual
10:11 about 300ft away.
10:14 Something about his behaviour looked eerie.
10:16 By measuring against a tractor in the distance, I estimated he was about 4-4.5ft tall, and
10:23 covered in a darkish one-piece garment that clung to his form, a body that seemed totally
10:28 starved.
10:29 It appeared to have a helmet on, and pointed an object towards us.
10:34 This object glowed red, then blue, then off-white.
10:39 I might then have been distracted because he, she, it just vanished.
10:45 At least none of the group saw it go away.
10:48 Six of the students and I reported heavy headaches, and trouble sleeping or concentrating since
10:54 the event, which was two days ago as I write this.
10:57 [Music]
