How to Get Celebrity Waves with the Perfecter

  • last year
00:00 Hi girls, I have a lot of you asking how am I getting those spiral curls into my hair.
00:05 So I thought I'd show you today.
00:06 I do it with both my long rollers and I do it with the perfectors.
00:10 So I'm going to show you the perfector today.
00:12 I already started on that side to make it go quicker.
00:15 But basically what I do is I take a big section of hair, when I say big, and it's, you know,
00:23 it all depends how much I'm putting in.
00:24 But I put my perfector right close, I brushed it through twice, I put it right close to
00:30 the salp, hold for a second, and then I literally just come down, but really slowly so I can
00:37 get that real spiral type of curl.
00:42 And I make sure, because I want everything, even the ends, to have a nice curl to them,
00:48 so I'm just taking my time.
00:49 See, like that.
00:51 It doesn't take an awful lot of time because it just does it so quickly and you're taking
00:57 kind of bigger sections.
00:59 If I wanted a lot more curl, I would obviously take smaller sections.
01:05 But the important thing is to go into that scalp, have your, you know, get the curl going
01:09 there, have that end out.
01:12 If it's not pulling through, just roll out and roll back in.
01:16 Because the important thing is just to have this nicely through.
01:20 As long as you're coming down like I'm coming down, it won't get, you know, it won't get
01:25 caught or anything like that.
01:27 And then just come through and make sure, see.
01:30 And it's kind of easy, I just reach behind my head to get these sections.
01:35 I always brush a couple times because that's what makes the shine and the smooth and it
01:39 makes it really, you know, easy to get through my hair.
01:42 I can, as you can see, I'm just doing it with one hand.
01:46 Just kind of twist, hold, pull down, twist, hold, pull down.
01:52 And I just like to make sure, you can put your other hand on there because it won't
01:54 burn.
01:55 You know, make sure I get that spiral.
01:58 And it's easy because I just kind of feel where I don't, where the hair's not been perfected
02:04 and I do it.
02:05 Now, granted, if I want more curl, I can go in tighter up here.
02:10 But I think I'm just going to go with this.
02:12 And a lot of times what I actually do is I take my blow dryer on low and I just mess
02:19 my curls up a little bit.
02:24 Like that.
02:26 I'm going to go fast for you guys so the video's not too long.
02:35 But then I just mess with it, put spray in it.
02:39 And you know, a lot of times you'll see where I have it tighter and I'll just do smaller
02:42 sections up there.
02:43 But today I just kind of wanted to go with this wavy.
02:46 But it's that simple and easy when I just want a quick look.
02:49 I can have this in literally, what was that, three minutes.
02:52 Alright, tell me if it works out for you.
02:54 Bye.
