10 000 Subscribers Special Q and A

  • last year
00:00 10.000 people.
00:02 This is quite an impressive number.
00:05 To put things into perspective, all 10.000 people subscribed to this channel wouldn't
00:10 even fit in the largest cruise ship.
00:13 If you had told me 2 years ago that I would reach this number of subscribers, I wouldn't
00:18 have believed you.
00:19 Yet here we are.
00:20 All I can say is thank you.
00:23 Of course I will continue until I reach 100.000 subscribers, but now I want to celebrate this
00:29 small victory with a special Q&A video.
00:32 So the first question is, if you were to have a fursona, what animal would it be?
00:38 This is a great start.
00:44 Before we continue with the Q&A, I wanted to announce that I have made a Discord community
00:49 server for all my subscribers and animal lovers, where you can talk with me and other people
00:54 about animals, pets, this YouTube channel and other topics.
00:59 I will talk more about that at the end of this video, but for now, just know that you
01:03 can join this community by clicking on the link in the description.
01:07 Now let's start with the questions.
01:08 Where are you from?
01:10 I live in a small country called the Republic of Moldova.
01:14 I think you haven't heard of it, but all you need to know is that it is located in Europe,
01:19 right next to Wakanda.
01:21 The next question is, what is your favorite animal?
01:25 My favorite animal is none other than the cheetah.
01:28 It might not be the most powerful felid, and it is dominated by lions, hyenas and leopards
01:33 in the African savanna, but I still love the way it looks, its incredible sight and the
01:38 fact that it is the fastest animal on land.
01:41 What's your favorite felid?
01:42 Cheetah.
01:43 What's your favorite big cat?
01:45 Well, cheetahs aren't classified as big cats, so I have to choose from the five members
01:49 of the genus Panthera.
01:51 I think that my favorite cat is the tiger due to its power and the fact that it just
01:56 looks cool.
01:57 What really attracted you to analyze animals?
02:00 When I was a kid, I used to love this book about jungle animals.
02:04 I found out a lot of amazing facts about unique animals and their fantastic abilities.
02:10 That is why I like animals so much and I want to show other people how amazing and cool
02:15 they are making videos about them.
02:18 Why don't you make a video about your entire setup?
02:21 Because I don't need to make an entire video about it.
02:23 I just have a Blue Yeti microphone for recording and a PC for editing.
02:28 As for software, I use Audacity, Levelator, Adobe Photoshop, After Effects and I have recently
02:34 switched from Sony Vegas to Premiere Pro.
02:38 How do you make these videos?
02:40 Well, the process is really simple and can be divided into a few parts.
02:45 Gathering information, writing the script, recording, making the images and illustrations,
02:51 editing the recordings, organizing the videos on a timeline, crying, making the transitions,
02:58 adding music and sound effects, rendering the video and posting the video.
03:02 And so, after working 25 hours, the video is ready and I can be happy and start thinking
03:08 about the next video.
03:10 Fun!
03:11 Do you have any pets?
03:13 Yes, I have two cute turtles named Lizzie and Square Junior.
03:18 My turtles are mostly the reason why I started making videos for YouTube.
03:22 I once made a video about taking care of red ear sliders as a school project and I posted
03:27 it on another channel just to be sure that I wouldn't lose it.
03:32 After a year, I was surprised to see that it had a couple of thousands of views and
03:36 now it has over 150 thousand views.
03:40 And that is why I decided to make a YouTube channel.
03:44 What is your favorite dog species?
03:46 It has to be the African wild dog which I think is much underrated.
03:51 They might not be as large as wolves, but are very good pet hunters, reaching higher
03:55 speeds, have a great endurance and a very powerful bite.
04:00 Canines or felids?
04:01 I still like felids a little bit more because they are mostly larger, stronger and are more
04:06 agile even if most of them don't hunt in groups and can't run for long distances.
04:11 What would your dream animal look like if you could create a species?
04:15 This is interesting.
04:16 I think this animal would look like a medium-sized felid with the agility of a leopard, endurance
04:22 and bite force of an African wild dog, speed of a cheetah, intelligence of an orangutan
04:28 and hearing of a fox.
04:29 Still, I like a lot of existing animals and each one is very good in its own way.
04:35 What is your favorite dinosaur or prehistoric animal?
04:38 My favorite prehistoric animal would still be a dinosaur and it would be the Brachiosaurus.
04:44 It was a giant dinosaur that wouldn't fear even the T-Rex and also had a sexy crest.
04:50 What is your favorite YouTube channel?
04:52 It is a small channel with only 21 million subscribers called Nigahiga.
04:57 It is just funny and I have been watching his videos for quite some time.
05:01 And the last question is, if you were an animal, what would you be?
05:05 I like being a human because our intelligence makes us overpowered.
05:10 But if I had to choose to be another animal, I would like to be a big Ara parrot because
05:15 I would be able to fly and parrots are very funny and intelligent animals.
05:19 This wouldn't be my persona though, because I am not really into that.
05:24 Now let me tell you about the community I have created on Discord.
05:28 I have created this community so that I could chat with my most loyal subscribers and you
05:33 would be able to meet other animal lovers.
05:36 You can chat about different topics like animals, pets, the "I am from animals" YouTube channel
05:41 and the "Animal Battle and this is real" series.
05:44 You can also share memes, news, photos and videos and I will post important announcements
05:49 there.
05:50 So join right now by clicking the link in the description and if you don't have a
05:54 Discord account you can make one very fast.
05:57 I will be happy to talk with the new members of this community.
06:01 So thanks again so much for helping me get to 10.000 subscribers and if for some reason
06:06 you are not subscribed yet, smash that subscribe button because I will not rest until you build
06:11 both PewDiePie and T-Series.
06:13 And never forget to respect animals.
