Rotocalco n.22 del 31 maggio 2023

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - Ca’ Select, Gruppo Montenegro apre la prima casa dell’aperitivo veneziano; Sps Italia 2023, Siemens accelera trasformazione digitale industria con Xcelerator; Mediterraneo: il futuro è donna; Volvo Trucks Italia, al via prima tappa di Electric Tour 2023; Amazon ed Engie insieme. In Sicilia il più grande parco agricoltaico in Italia ; ‘Produrre di più, consumare meno’: Heineken presenta i risultati della sua strategia di sostenibilità ; Riciclo, Biorepack presenta la relazione di gestione 2022; Asse Meloni-Von der Leyen, l’Europa sostiene l’Italia per l’alluvione 


07:44 Promoting meritocracy is equally essential to guarantee that women can emerge and achieve positions of power based on their competences and skills.
07:54 Only through meritocracy women can fully contribute to the social and economic progress of their countries.
08:00 Some believe in the importance of the Equatorial Union, while others don't believe in it at all, focusing everything on meritocracy and the importance of education.
08:08 A further step towards women's economic independence involves guaranteeing equal employment and entrepreneurship,
08:15 eliminating cultural and structural obstacles that limit their active participation.
08:20 Only when women are economically emancipated can they express their full potential and significantly contribute to the sustainable growth of the Mediterranean countries.
08:33 Volvo Trax Italia has officially launched the Electric Tour 2023, a long journey through the summer,
08:40 divided into 17 stages, at the discovery of the company's diamond, the Volvo FH Electric.
08:47 The group's goal is clear, to completely reduce CO2 emissions by 2050.
08:53 We are currently investing in biofuels, for example HVO, in gas and biogas vehicles, in hydrogen and, of course, in battery electric vehicles, of which we have been pioneers since 2019.
09:10 Strong of our leadership in this segment, we launched the Electric Tour, a journey with a beautiful Volvo FH Electric, our diamond tip, from north to south, which will touch all our dealerships.
09:24 There will be 17 stages where our customers will be able to touch by hand and guide the progress of our technology and our vehicles.
09:34 The tour will end at the end of November, approximately.
09:38 The first stage of the Electric Tour has hosted the Stop Loop Wave, an international campaign launched in 2015,
09:44 with the aim of raising awareness among children around the world on how to act safely in road traffic.
09:50 It is a road safety education program and involves primarily primary schools.
09:59 The program has already been launched in over 30 countries involving hundreds of thousands of children.
10:06 As for Italy, we launched three contests between 2017 and 2019, through which we reached, as a message, about 300,000 children.
10:18 And on the national territory we organized physical events in the presence of those who are involved today, which involved about 7,000 children.
10:27 So it's a program that's giving us great satisfaction.
10:31 We work on the issue of safety, on the culture of safety, because it is one of the values that our brand has,
10:40 together with quality and respect for the environment.
10:44 And also because in our mission, at the group level, it is stated that we want to build the world in which to live.
10:52 We see the world in which to live as a world with zero road accidents involving Volvo vehicles.
11:00 120,000 latest generation photovoltaic panels, which extend over 115 hectares,
11:07 equal to 161 football fields, for a capacity installed of 66 megawatts,
11:12 able to combine the production of renewable energy with the agricultural cultures of the territory.
11:18 These are the characteristics of the new agrivoltaic system,
11:21 realized by ENGIE, a global energy group in collaboration with Amazon, in the fields between Mazara del Vallo and Marsala.
11:29 For us, decarbonizing our activities is one of our strategic pillars.
11:34 We want to reach 2040 with zero net CO2 emissions.
11:39 And so this project helps us to achieve this goal, but also two other goals,
11:44 to contribute to the energy transition of Italy, of the country, and to support the local communities where we operate.
11:51 The structure, the largest in Italy, was born thanks to an investment by ENGIE Italia,
11:56 a global energy group committed to the ecological transition, already present in Sicily, in the sector of renewable energies.
12:03 We have other projects in progress, and therefore we hope to be able to go ahead and replicate this beautiful project.
12:12 80% of the production is provided through partnership agreements with Amazon,
12:17 while the rest flows into the Italian electric grid of Terna, in favor of 20,000 domestic users.
12:24 A contract with Amazon was fundamental, and this implant allowed us to finance the implant.
12:30 This contract will have a long term, several years,
12:36 and will allow us to establish a current partnership between ENGIE and Amazon,
12:42 which will allow Amazon to have stability in the energy price.
12:45 It is an innovative system because it takes the direct sunlight,
12:50 but also the light that reflects on the ground, to reach the panel and thus transform it into electricity.
12:56 In this agrivoltaic system, in the shade of the panels, various crops are experimented,
13:01 which will be entrusted to the companies of Trapanese.
13:04 We aim to create new skills and new jobs.
13:07 We safeguard the environment, produce renewable energy,
13:13 and protect the economy, investments, but above all the jobs.
13:18 Produce more, consume less.
13:22 This is the commitment of Inec in Italy on sustainability.
13:26 In view of the World Environment Day, the company has presented its Sustainability Report,
13:31 which shows the results achieved and the goals for the future,
13:34 in the respect of the protection of the planet, the reduction of water consumption,
13:38 the creation of a safe, inclusive and flexible work environment,
13:41 and the promotion of moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages.
13:45 I am very proud of our results that we have achieved in this period,
13:49 not only in water, but also in CO2 emissions, but many more things.
13:54 One thing that may not be written in the report, but I am very proud of this,
13:59 is that there is a great passion in our company for brands,
14:04 for our brands, for the category in general,
14:08 but at this moment there is still more energy, I can say,
14:13 on the subject of responsibility and achieving impressive results
14:19 at this moment, from all parts of the company, all the employees.
14:22 By 2030, Inec's breweries in Italy will be carbon neutral
14:27 and by 2040 it will have to be the whole value chain.
14:31 Ambitious are also the goals regarding water consumption.
14:35 The company aims to use 2.9 liters of water for every liter of beer produced by 2030.
14:41 In fact, Inec knows it can aim high, heading towards a greener future,
14:46 because the results achieved so far are definitely encouraging.
14:50 Starting today, starting with CO2 emissions, we have made a count.
14:55 We have seen that from 2010 to today we have reduced CO2 emissions
15:00 by 59% per liter of beer produced.
15:03 Year on year, between 2021 and 2022, we have reduced CO2 emissions by 6%
15:08 compared to an increase in production of almost 1%.
15:13 We are talking about 1,600 tons of CO2, which is practically the CO2
15:18 that a forest as large as the island of Ponza could absorb.
15:21 As far as water is concerned, it is a very precious material for us.
15:25 Only last year we reduced our consumption by 500,000 liters.
15:30 In the last 12 years, we have almost halved our water consumption
15:35 and at the beginning of this year, in the first four months, we have reduced our consumption by 700,000 liters
15:40 compared to an increase in production of 100,000 liters.
15:44 We want to reach the end of the year to reduce in total,
15:47 including these 700,000 hectoliters,
15:52 a reduction of 3.2 million hectoliters.
15:55 Biorepac, the national consortium for organic recycling of bioplastic packaging,
16:02 presented in Milan the results of the annual report on activities of 2022.
16:07 The most striking is the data on the amount of recycled packaging
16:12 in about 155 Italian treatment plants, which has reached a 60.7% rate,
16:19 10 more percentage points than the target set for 2025
16:24 and 5 more points than that of 2030.
16:27 It is an important number that also marks an important growth
16:33 and that we hope to be able to confirm over time.
16:37 Currently, 64% of Italians are loyal to the Biorepac consortium.
16:43 Almost two-thirds of the Italian population,
16:46 and obviously one of the activities that the Biorepac consortium will have to develop over time,
16:52 is to increase the conventions in the national territory,
16:58 especially in those territories where this percentage of convention is not yet satisfactory.
17:06 The next goal of Biorepac is to raise awareness among local authorities
17:11 and above all to help citizens in the correct delivery of bioplastic packaging
17:15 that can be composed together with wet waste.
17:18 To achieve this purpose, the consortium has invested important resources
17:22 in communication campaigns and information and education initiatives.
17:27 For the first time, we have made a report not on the consortium's name,
17:35 but on the fact that there is a different collection of compostable packaging
17:44 together with organic waste.
17:47 For the first time in Italy, but we can say in Europe and in the world,
17:53 a report has been made on a daily life of use and recycling.
18:03 The territories to be focused on in the future are those of Southern Italy,
18:07 where it is necessary to invest more time and resources
18:10 so that citizens can contribute to increase the percentage of recycling.
18:14 The participation of citizens is the key element for the success of the recycling of compostable packaging,
18:22 but for all materials.
18:24 So we have to do our best to reach citizens
18:29 through messages like the spot that is going on the air in these days
18:35 and will continue to go on the air in the coming weeks.
18:39 But we have to work with local authorities,
18:42 with recycling projects that involve the territory,
18:48 so those who at the level of the municipality do the collection and talk to the citizens.
18:56 This will be one of the main activities that we will have to put in place from today and in the coming years.
19:03 Institutions, in the face of disaster and flooding in Emilia-Romagna,
19:09 show that they know how to work together.
19:12 The President of the EU Commission, Ursula von der Leyen,
19:15 Premier Giorgia Meloni and the President of the Region, Stefano Bonaccini,
19:19 have surveyed the areas most affected,
19:22 and have shared an indispensable recognition of the damage
19:26 and the commitment necessary to get out of the emergency and rebuild.
19:31 Meloni has emphasized the importance of the Fond der Leyen visit.
19:36 I want to thank her because with the President von der Leyen
19:40 I was in the first days when this disaster happened, at the G7 in Hiroshima, Japan,
19:46 and from the outset she showed her attention and her solidarity,
19:51 as did the other leaders.
19:53 I also want to thank the many heads of state and government
19:56 who in these days have written offering their solidarity and their availability.
20:02 This solidarity has already been demonstrated by the fact that the European mechanism of civil protection has been activated.
20:11 I want to thank Fabrizio Curcio, the civil protection,
20:15 they have already offered their availability to nine Member States,
20:19 and so there are already very concrete signs of solidarity from the European point of view.
20:25 Clearly the support of the Commission and the support of the Union can be very important in this phase.
20:31 In the next few weeks, once we have been able to make a comprehensive assessment of the damage
20:39 that comes from the flood, we will also make the request for the activation of the Solidarity Fund,
20:46 which, as you know, is a fund designed for disasters and natural disasters,
20:52 unfortunately a fund that Italy has already had to give in to several times.
20:57 But I think it was important that President von der Leyen saw with her own eyes
21:03 the extent of the problem and also the multifaceted problems we have to deal with,
21:12 because we will obviously need an eye on this region,
21:17 also in relation to various programs and other funds, from cohesion funds onwards,
21:24 but I think, for example, of the whole agricultural issue.
21:27 This is a region that is strongly agricultural and obviously there is a need for attention for companies
21:34 that are particularly in trouble today.
21:36 The President of the EU Commission responded by listing all the tools that Brussels will make available to Italy.
21:43 First of all, I would like to thank you for the opportunity you have given me to be here and to have hosted me.
21:50 I must say that flying over the affected areas was very useful for me.
21:54 It is something that breaks my heart, it is really heartbreaking to see these deep scars,
22:00 but above all, the entire territories underground, the floods, the mud, the erosions.
22:08 But I must say, it was very useful for me to realise not only the extent of the devastation,
22:13 but also the many problems that we will have to face.
22:16 I spoke with President Bonaccini, who told me the story of this region.
22:24 It is a very prosperous region from an economic point of view,
22:27 which can have a long history, a wealth retraction,
22:31 and so it is even more painful to see the devastation that has affected this region.
22:36 So basically I am here to send one clear message, that is, "Europa is with you".
22:45 I must say that I was also very impressed by the solidarity that I had the chance to see.
22:52 The civil protection mechanism that has been activated has been mentioned.
22:57 Nine Member States have already made their availability available to offer support.
23:02 Pumps have been made available from Slovenia, Slovakia, and other countries.
23:07 There are more than 100 volunteers from these countries.
23:10 So it is the perfect example of the solidarity of the European Union.
23:15 I was also very impressed to see hundreds of other volunteers,
23:19 the "Angels of the Mud", who are making a contribution.
23:23 So it is the solidarity that really touches.
23:26 I have a lot of confidence that we can work together very well with this gradual approach.
23:34 Obviously now we are making a contribution in an emergency,
23:38 but clearly we have already spoken about the Solidarity Fund,
23:42 having touched with our hands the devastation that has affected this region.
23:47 In particular, as regards the agriculture sector,
23:50 I also mention the Emergency Fund for Agriculture and the Solidarity Fund.
23:55 Obviously, it will be necessary to evaluate the damages.
23:59 Unfortunately, this region has already experienced this,
24:02 being hit by a terrible earthquake 10 or 11 years ago.
24:07 I would also like to mention the Cohesion Funds, especially for preventive purposes.
24:12 In the context of Next Generation EU, 6 billion euros have been allocated
24:17 for the prevention of events such as this, floods, earthquakes,
24:22 for the consolidation of infrastructures.
24:25 So we will adopt a gradual approach and we will work well together.
24:29 Thank you.
24:31 Thank you.
24:34 (Music)
24:38 (Applause)
24:42 (Music)
24:45 (explosion)
